Beispiel #1
class PageRevisionsController(BaseAPIController, SharableItemSecurityMixin,
                              UsesAnnotations, SharableMixin):
    def __init__(self, app):
        super(PageRevisionsController, self).__init__(app)
        self.manager = PageManager(app)

    def index(self, trans, page_id, **kwd):
        index( self, trans, page_id, **kwd )
        * GET /api/pages/{page_id}/revisions
            return a list of Page revisions

        :param page_id: Display the revisions of Page with ID=page_id

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   dictionaries containing different revisions of the page
        page = get_object(trans,
        r = trans.sa_session.query(
        out = []
        for page in r:
            as_dict = self.encode_all_ids(trans, page.to_dict(), True)
            self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, as_dict)
        return out

    def create(self, trans, page_id, payload, **kwd):
        create( self, trans, page_id, payload **kwd )
        * POST /api/pages/{page_id}/revisions
            Create a new revision for a page

        :param page_id: Add revision to Page with ID=page_id
        :param payload: A dictionary containing::
            'title'     = New title of the page
            'content'   = New content of the page

        :rtype:     dictionary
        :returns:   Dictionary with 'success' or 'error' element to indicate the result of the request
        page = get_object(trans, page_id, 'Page', check_ownership=True)
        page_revision = self.manager.save_new_revision(trans, page, payload)
        rval = self.encode_all_ids(trans,
                                   page_revision.to_dict(view="element"), True)
        self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, rval)
        return rval
Beispiel #2
class PagesController(BaseAPIController, SharableItemSecurityMixin,
                      UsesAnnotations, SharableMixin):
    RESTful controller for interactions with pages.
    def __init__(self, app):
        super(PagesController, self).__init__(app)
        self.manager = PageManager(app)
        self.serializer = PageSerializer(app)

    def index(self, trans, deleted=False, **kwd):
        index( self, trans, deleted=False, **kwd )
        * GET /api/pages
            return a list of Pages viewable by the user

        :param deleted: Display deleted pages

        :rtype:     list
        :returns:   dictionaries containing summary or detailed Page information
        out = []

        if trans.user_is_admin:
            r = trans.sa_session.query(
            if not deleted:
                r = r.filter_by(deleted=False)
            for row in r:
                out.append(self.encode_all_ids(trans, row.to_dict(), True))
            # Transaction user's pages (if any)
            user = trans.get_user()
            r = trans.sa_session.query(
            if not deleted:
                r = r.filter_by(deleted=False)
            for row in r:
                out.append(self.encode_all_ids(trans, row.to_dict(), True))
            # Published pages from other users
            r = trans.sa_session.query(
       != user).filter_by(published=True)
            if not deleted:
                r = r.filter_by(deleted=False)
            for row in r:
                out.append(self.encode_all_ids(trans, row.to_dict(), True))

        return out

    def create(self, trans, payload, **kwd):
        create( self, trans, payload, **kwd )
        * POST /api/pages
            Create a page and return dictionary containing Page summary

        :param  payload:    dictionary structure containing::
            'slug'           = The title slug for the page URL, must be unique
            'title'          = Title of the page
            'content'        = contents of the first page revision (type dependent on content_format)
            'content_format' = 'html' or 'markdown'
            'annotation'     = Annotation that will be attached to the page

        :rtype:     dict
        :returns:   Dictionary return of the Page.to_dict call
        page = self.manager.create(trans, payload)
        rval = self.encode_all_ids(trans, page.to_dict(), True)
        rval['content'] = page.latest_revision.content
        self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, rval)
        return rval

    def delete(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        delete( self, trans, id, **kwd )
        * DELETE /api/pages/{id}
            Create a page and return dictionary containing Page summary

        :param  id:    ID of page to be deleted

        :rtype:     dict
        :returns:   Dictionary with 'success' or 'error' element to indicate the result of the request
        page = get_object(trans, id, 'Page', check_ownership=True)

        # Mark a page as deleted
        page.deleted = True
        return ''  # TODO: Figure out what to return on DELETE, document in guidelines!

    def show(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( self, trans, id, **kwd )
        * GET /api/pages/{id}
            View a page summary and the content of the latest revision

        :param  id:    ID of page to be displayed

        :rtype:     dict
        :returns:   Dictionary return of the Page.to_dict call with the 'content' field populated by the most recent revision
        page = get_object(trans,
        rval = self.encode_all_ids(trans, page.to_dict(), True)
        rval['content'] = page.latest_revision.content
        rval['content_format'] = page.latest_revision.content_format
        self.manager.rewrite_content_for_export(trans, rval)
        return rval

    def show_pdf(self, trans, id, **kwd):
        show( self, trans, id, **kwd )
        * GET /api/pages/{id}.pdf
            View a page summary and the content of the latest revision as PDF.

        :param  id:    ID of page to be displayed

        :rtype:     dict
        :returns:   Dictionary return of the Page.to_dict call with the 'content' field populated by the most recent revision
        page = get_object(trans,
        if page.latest_revision.content_format != "markdown":
            raise RequestParameterInvalidException(
                "PDF export only allowed for Markdown based pages")
        internal_galaxy_markdown = page.latest_revision.content
        return internal_galaxy_markdown_to_pdf(trans, internal_galaxy_markdown,