def build_workflow_run_configs(trans, workflow, payload):
    app =
    allow_tool_state_corrections = payload.get('allow_tool_state_corrections', False)
    use_cached_job = payload.get('use_cached_job', False)

    # Sanity checks.
    if len(workflow.steps) == 0:
        raise exceptions.MessageException("Workflow cannot be run because it does not have any steps")
    if workflow.has_cycles:
        raise exceptions.MessageException("Workflow cannot be run because it contains cycles")

    if 'step_parameters' in payload and 'parameters' in payload:
        raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Cannot specify both legacy parameters and step_parameters attributes.")
    if 'inputs' in payload and 'ds_map' in payload:
        raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Cannot specify both legacy ds_map and input attributes.")

    add_to_history = 'no_add_to_history' not in payload
    legacy = payload.get('legacy', False)
    already_normalized = payload.get('parameters_normalized', False)
    raw_parameters = payload.get('parameters', {})

    run_configs = []
    unexpanded_param_map = _normalize_step_parameters(workflow.steps, raw_parameters, legacy=legacy, already_normalized=already_normalized)
    expanded_params, expanded_param_keys = expand_workflow_inputs(unexpanded_param_map)
    for index, param_map in enumerate(expanded_params):
        history = _get_target_history(trans, workflow, payload, expanded_param_keys, index)
        inputs = payload.get('inputs', None)
        inputs_by = payload.get('inputs_by', None)
        # New default is to reference steps by index of workflow step
        # which is intrinsic to the workflow and independent of the state
        # of Galaxy at the time of workflow import.
        default_inputs_by = 'step_index|step_uuid'
        if inputs is None:
            # Default to legacy behavior - read ds_map and reference steps
            # by unencoded step id (a raw database id).
            inputs = payload.get('ds_map', {})
            if legacy:
                default_inputs_by = 'step_id|step_uuid'
            inputs_by = inputs_by or default_inputs_by
            inputs = inputs or {}
        inputs_by = inputs_by or default_inputs_by
        if inputs or not already_normalized:
            normalized_inputs = _normalize_inputs(workflow.steps, inputs, inputs_by)
            # Only allow dumping IDs directly into JSON database instead of properly recording the
            # inputs with referential integrity if parameters are already normalized (coming from tool form).
            normalized_inputs = {}

        steps_by_id = workflow.steps_by_id
        # Set workflow inputs.
        for key, input_dict in normalized_inputs.items():
            step = steps_by_id[key]
            if step.type == 'parameter_input':
            if 'src' not in input_dict:
                raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Not input source type defined for input '%s'." % input_dict)
            if 'id' not in input_dict:
                raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Not input id defined for input '%s'." % input_dict)
            if 'content' in input_dict:
                raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Input cannot specify explicit 'content' attribute %s'." % input_dict)
            input_source = input_dict['src']
            input_id = input_dict['id']
                if input_source == 'ldda':
                    ldda = trans.sa_session.query(app.model.LibraryDatasetDatasetAssociation).get(
                    assert trans.user_is_admin() or, ldda.dataset)
                    content = ldda.to_history_dataset_association(history, add_to_history=add_to_history)
                elif input_source == 'ld':
                    ldda = trans.sa_session.query(app.model.LibraryDataset).get(
                    assert trans.user_is_admin() or, ldda.dataset)
                    content = ldda.to_history_dataset_association(history, add_to_history=add_to_history)
                elif input_source == 'hda':
                    # Get dataset handle, add to dict and history if necessary
                    content = trans.sa_session.query(app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation).get(
                    assert trans.user_is_admin() or, content.dataset)
                elif input_source == 'uuid':
                    dataset = trans.sa_session.query(app.model.Dataset).filter(app.model.Dataset.uuid == input_id).first()
                    if dataset is None:
                        # this will need to be changed later. If federation code is avalible, then a missing UUID
                        # could be found amoung fereration partners
                        raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Input cannot find UUID: %s." % input_id)
                    assert trans.user_is_admin() or, dataset)
                    content = history.add_dataset(dataset)
                elif input_source == 'hdca':
                    content = app.dataset_collections_service.get_dataset_collection_instance(trans, 'history', input_id)
                    raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Unknown workflow input source '%s' specified." % input_source)
                if add_to_history and content.history != history:
                    content = content.copy()
                    if isinstance(content, app.model.HistoryDatasetAssociation):
                input_dict['content'] = content
            except AssertionError:
                raise exceptions.ItemAccessibilityException("Invalid workflow input '%s' specified" % input_id)
        for key in set(normalized_inputs.keys()):
            value = normalized_inputs[key]
            if isinstance(value, dict) and 'content' in value:
                normalized_inputs[key] = value['content']
                normalized_inputs[key] = value
        resource_params = payload.get('resource_params', {})
        if resource_params:
            # quick attempt to validate parameters, just handle select options now since is what
            # is needed for DTD - arbitrary plugins can define arbitrary logic at runtime in the
            # destination function. In the future this should be extended to allow arbitrary
            # pluggable validation.
            resource_mapper_function = get_resource_mapper_function(
            # TODO: Do we need to do anything with the stored_workflow or can this be removed.
            resource_parameters = resource_mapper_function(trans=trans, stored_workflow=None, workflow=workflow)
            for resource_parameter in resource_parameters:
                if resource_parameter.get("type") == "select":
                    name = resource_parameter.get("name")
                    if name in resource_params:
                        value = resource_params[name]
                        valid_option = False
                        # TODO: How should be handle the case where no selection is made by the user
                        # This can happen when there is a select on the page but the user has no options to select
                        # Here I have the validation pass it through. An alternative may be to remove the parameter if
                        # it is None.
                        if value is None:
                            valid_option = True
                            for option_elem in resource_parameter.get('data'):
                                option_value = option_elem.get("value")
                                if value == option_value:
                                    valid_option = True
                        if not valid_option:
                            raise exceptions.RequestParameterInvalidException("Invalid value for parameter '%s' found." % name)

            replacement_dict=payload.get('replacement_params', {}),

    return run_configs
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, app): = app
     self._resource_mapper_function = get_resource_mapper_function(app)
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, app): = app
     self._resource_mapper_function = get_resource_mapper_function(app)