def run_tests(random_seed, outfile, config=None, gsparams=None, wmult=None, logger=None, fail_value=-666.): """Run a full set of tests, writing pickled tuple output to outfile. """ import sys import cPickle import numpy as np import galsim import galaxy_sample # Load up the comparison_utilities module from the parent directory sys.path.append('..') import comparison_utilities if config is None: use_config = False if gsparams is None: import warnings warnings.warn("No gsparams provided to run_tests?") if wmult is None: raise ValueError("wmult must be set if config=None.") else: use_config = True if gsparams is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "gsparams is provided as a kwarg but the config['image']['gsparams'] will take " + "precedence.") if wmult is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "wmult is provided as a kwarg but the config['image']['wmult'] will take " + "precedence.") # Get galaxy sample n_cosmos, hlr_cosmos, gabs_cosmos = galaxy_sample.get() # Only take the first NOBS objects n_cosmos = n_cosmos[0:NOBS] hlr_cosmos = hlr_cosmos[0:NOBS] gabs_cosmos = gabs_cosmos[0:NOBS] ntest = len(SERSIC_N_TEST) # Setup a UniformDeviate ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(random_seed) # Open the output file and write a header: fout = open(outfile, 'wb') fout.write( '# g1obs_draw g2obs_draw sigma_draw delta_g1obs delta_g2obs delta_sigma ' + 'err_g1obs err_g2obs err_sigma\n') # Start looping through the sample objects and collect the results for i, hlr, gabs in zip(range(NOBS), hlr_cosmos, gabs_cosmos): print "Testing galaxy #"+str(i+1)+"/"+str(NOBS)+\ " with (hlr, |g|) = "+str(hlr)+", "+str(gabs) random_theta = 2. * np.pi * ud() g1 = gabs * np.cos(2. * random_theta) g2 = gabs * np.sin(2. * random_theta) for j, sersic_n in zip(range(ntest), SERSIC_N_TEST): print "Exploring Sersic n = " + str(sersic_n) if use_config: # Increment the random seed so that each test gets a unique one config['image'][ 'random_seed'] = random_seed + i * NOBS * ntest + j * ntest + 1 config['gal'] = { "type": "Sersic", "n": sersic_n, "half_light_radius": hlr, "ellip": { "type": "G1G2", "g1": g1, "g2": g2 } } config['psf'] = { "type": "Airy", "lam_over_diam": PSF_LAM_OVER_DIAM } try: results = comparison_utilities.compare_dft_vs_photon_config( config, abs_tol_ellip=TOL_ELLIP, abs_tol_size=TOL_SIZE, logger=logger) test_ran = True except RuntimeError as err: test_ran = False pass # Uncomment lines below to ouput a check image #import copy #checkimage = galsim.config.BuildImage(copy.deepcopy(config))[0] #im = first element #checkimage.write('junk_'+str(i + 1)+'_'+str(j + 1)+'.fits') else: test_gsparams = galsim.GSParams(maximum_fft_size=MAX_FFT_SIZE) galaxy = galsim.Sersic(sersic_n, half_light_radius=hlr, gsparams=test_gsparams) galaxy.applyShear(g1=g1, g2=g2) psf = galsim.Airy(lam_over_diam=PSF_LAM_OVER_DIAM, gsparams=test_gsparams) try: results = comparison_utilities.compare_dft_vs_photon_object( galaxy, psf_object=psf, rng=ud, pixel_scale=PIXEL_SCALE, size=IMAGE_SIZE, abs_tol_ellip=TOL_ELLIP, abs_tol_size=TOL_SIZE, n_photons_per_trial=NPHOTONS, wmult=wmult) test_ran = True except RuntimeError, err: test_ran = False pass if not test_ran: import warnings warnings.warn('RuntimeError encountered for galaxy ' + str(i + 1) + '/' + str(NOBS) + ' with ' + 'Sersic n = ' + str(sersic_n) + ': ' + str(err)) fout.write('%e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n' % (fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value)) fout.flush() else: fout.write('%e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n' % (results.g1obs_draw, results.g2obs_draw, results.sigma_draw, results.delta_g1obs, results.delta_g2obs, results.delta_sigma, results.err_g1obs, results.err_g2obs, results.err_sigma, sersic_n, hlr, g1, g2)) fout.flush()
def run_tests(use_interpolants, nitems=test_interpolants.default_nitems): """Run the tests for the specified interpolants.""" import sys # Import the Sersic galaxy sample module try: import galaxy_sample except ImportError: import sys sys.path.append('../external/test_sersic_highn') import galaxy_sample # Get the COSMOS galaxy sample parameters ns_cosmos, hlrs_cosmos, gobss_cosmos = galaxy_sample.get() # Only use the first nitems galaxies in these lists, starting at test_interpolants.first_index istart = test_interpolants.default_first_index iend = istart + nitems ns_cosmos = ns_cosmos[istart: iend] hlrs_cosmos = hlrs_cosmos[istart: iend] gobss_cosmos = gobss_cosmos[istart: iend] # Draw a whole load of images of Sersic profiles at random orientations using these params sersic_images = draw_sersic_images( ns_cosmos, hlrs_cosmos, gobss_cosmos, random_seed=test_interpolants.rseed, nmin=0.3, nmax=4.2, image_size=SERSIC_IMAGE_SIZE, pixel_scale=test_interpolants.pixel_scale) # Calculate the reference results for g1obs, g2obs and sigma for these reference images g1_list = [] g2_list = [] sigma_list = [] print "Calculating reference g1, g2 & sigma for "+str(len(sersic_images))+" Sersic images" for sersic_image in sersic_images: shape = test_interpolants.CatchAdaptiveMomErrors(sersic_image) if isinstance(shape, float): g1_list.append(-10) g2_list.append(-10) sigma_list.append(-10) elif isinstance(shape, galsim.hsm.ShapeData): g1_list.append(shape.observed_shape.g1) g2_list.append(shape.observed_shape.g2) sigma_list.append(shape.moments_sigma) else: raise TypeError("Unexpected output from test_interpolants.CatchAdaptiveMomErrors().") g1_list = np.asarray(g1_list) g2_list = np.asarray(g2_list) sigma_list = np.asarray(sigma_list) # Then start the interpolant tests... # Define a dict storing PSFs to iterate over along with the appropriate test pixel scale and # filename psf_dict = { "delta" : ( galsim.Gaussian(1.e-8), test_interpolants.pixel_scale, DELTA_FILENAME), "original" : ( None, test_interpolants.pixel_scale, ORIGINAL_FILENAME), } print'' # Then we start the grand loop producing output in a similar fashion to for image_type in ("delta", "original"): # Get the correct PSF and test image pixel scale psf = psf_dict[image_type][0] dx_test = psf_dict[image_type][1] outfile = open(psf_dict[image_type][2], 'wb') print "Writing test results to "+str(outfile) for padding in test_interpolants.padding_list: print "Using padding = "+str(padding) for interpolant in use_interpolants: print "Using interpolant: "+str(interpolant) print 'Running Angle tests' for angle in test_interpolants.angle_list: # Possible rotation angles sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=angle*galsim.degrees, shift=None, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=angle*galsim.degrees, shift=None, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print 'Running Shear/Magnification tests' for (g1, g2, mag) in test_interpolants.shear_and_magnification_list: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=(g1, g2), magnification=mag, angle=None, shift=None, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=(g1, g2), magnification=mag, angle=None, shift=None, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print 'Running Shift tests' for shift in test_interpolants.shift_list: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=None, shift=shift, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=None, shift=shift, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results( outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print '' print "Finished tests for image_type: "+str(image_type) print "" outfile.close()
def run_tests(random_seed, outfile, config=None, gsparams=None, wmult=None, logger=None, fail_value=-666.): """Run a full set of tests, writing pickled tuple output to outfile. """ import cPickle import numpy as np import galsim import galaxy_sample if config is None: use_config = False if gsparams is None: import warnings warnings.warn("No gsparams provided to run_tests?") if wmult is None: raise ValueError("wmult must be set if config=None.") else: use_config = True if gsparams is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "gsparams is provided as a kwarg but the config['image']['gsparams'] will take "+ "precedence.") if wmult is not None: import warnings warnings.warn( "wmult is provided as a kwarg but the config['image']['wmult'] will take "+ "precedence.") # Get galaxy sample n_cosmos, hlr_cosmos, gabs_cosmos = galaxy_sample.get() # Only take the first NOBS objects n_cosmos = n_cosmos[0: NOBS] hlr_cosmos = hlr_cosmos[0: NOBS] gabs_cosmos = gabs_cosmos[0: NOBS] # Setup a UniformDeviate ud = galsim.UniformDeviate(random_seed) # Open the output file and write a header: fout = open(outfile, 'wb') fout.write( '# g1obs_draw g2obs_draw sigma_draw delta_g1obs delta_g2obs delta_sigma '+ 'err_g1obs err_g2obs err_sigma\n') # Start looping through the sample objects and collect the results for i, hlr, gabs in zip(range(NOBS), hlr_cosmos, gabs_cosmos): print "Testing galaxy #"+str(i+1)+"/"+str(NOBS)+\ " with (hlr, |g|) = "+str(hlr)+", "+str(gabs) random_theta = 2. * np.pi * ud() g1 = gabs * np.cos(2. * random_theta) g2 = gabs * np.sin(2. * random_theta) if use_config: # Increment the random seed so that each test gets a unique one config['image']['random_seed'] = random_seed + i * NOBS + 1 config['gal'] = { "type" : "Gaussian" , "half_light_radius" : hlr , "ellip" : { "type" : "G1G2" , "g1" : g1 , "g2" : g2 } } config['psf'] = {"type" : "Airy" , "lam_over_diam" : PSF_LAM_OVER_DIAM } try: results = galsim.utilities.compare_dft_vs_photon_config( config, abs_tol_ellip=TOL_ELLIP, abs_tol_size=TOL_SIZE, logger=logger) test_ran = True except RuntimeError as err: test_ran = False pass # Uncomment lines below to ouput a check image #import copy #checkimage = galsim.config.BuildImage(copy.deepcopy(config))[0] #im = first element #checkimage.write('junk_'+str(i + 1)+'_'+str(j + 1)+'.fits') else: test_gsparams = galsim.GSParams(maximum_fft_size=MAX_FFT_SIZE) galaxy = galsim.Gaussian(half_light_radius=hlr, gsparams=test_gsparams) galaxy.applyShear(g1=g1, g2=g2) psf = galsim.Airy(lam_over_diam=PSF_LAM_OVER_DIAM, gsparams=test_gsparams) try: results = galsim.utilities.compare_dft_vs_photon_object( galaxy, psf_object=psf, rng=ud, pixel_scale=PIXEL_SCALE, size=IMAGE_SIZE, abs_tol_ellip=TOL_ELLIP, abs_tol_size=TOL_SIZE, n_photons_per_trial=NPHOTONS, wmult=wmult) test_ran = True except RuntimeError, err: test_ran = False pass if not test_ran: import warnings warnings.warn( 'RuntimeError encountered for galaxy '+str(i + 1)+'/'+str(NOBS)+': '+str(err)) fout.write( '%e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n' % ( fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, fail_value, ) ) fout.flush() else: fout.write( '%e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n' % ( results.g1obs_draw, results.g2obs_draw, results.sigma_draw, results.delta_g1obs, results.delta_g2obs, results.delta_sigma, results.err_g1obs, results.err_g2obs, results.err_sigma, hlr, g1, g2 ) ) fout.flush()
def run_tests(use_interpolants, nitems=test_interpolants.default_nitems): """Run the tests for the specified interpolants.""" import sys # Import the Sersic galaxy sample module try: import galaxy_sample except ImportError: import sys sys.path.append('../external/test_sersic_highn') import galaxy_sample # Get the COSMOS galaxy sample parameters ns_cosmos, hlrs_cosmos, gobss_cosmos = galaxy_sample.get() # Only use the first nitems galaxies in these lists, starting at test_interpolants.first_index istart = test_interpolants.default_first_index iend = istart + nitems ns_cosmos = ns_cosmos[istart:iend] hlrs_cosmos = hlrs_cosmos[istart:iend] gobss_cosmos = gobss_cosmos[istart:iend] # Draw a whole load of images of Sersic profiles at random orientations using these params sersic_images = draw_sersic_images( ns_cosmos, hlrs_cosmos, gobss_cosmos, random_seed=test_interpolants.rseed, nmin=0.3, nmax=4.2, image_size=SERSIC_IMAGE_SIZE, pixel_scale=test_interpolants.pixel_scale) # Calculate the reference results for g1obs, g2obs and sigma for these reference images g1_list = [] g2_list = [] sigma_list = [] print "Calculating reference g1, g2 & sigma for " + str( len(sersic_images)) + " Sersic images" for sersic_image in sersic_images: shape = test_interpolants.CatchAdaptiveMomErrors(sersic_image) if isinstance(shape, float): g1_list.append(-10) g2_list.append(-10) sigma_list.append(-10) elif isinstance(shape, galsim.hsm.ShapeData): g1_list.append(shape.observed_shape.g1) g2_list.append(shape.observed_shape.g2) sigma_list.append(shape.moments_sigma) else: raise TypeError( "Unexpected output from test_interpolants.CatchAdaptiveMomErrors()." ) g1_list = np.asarray(g1_list) g2_list = np.asarray(g2_list) sigma_list = np.asarray(sigma_list) # Then start the interpolant tests... # Define a dict storing PSFs to iterate over along with the appropriate test pixel scale and # filename psf_dict = { "delta": (galsim.Gaussian(1.e-8), test_interpolants.pixel_scale, DELTA_FILENAME), "original": (None, test_interpolants.pixel_scale, ORIGINAL_FILENAME), } print '' # Then we start the grand loop producing output in a similar fashion to for image_type in ("delta", "original"): # Get the correct PSF and test image pixel scale psf = psf_dict[image_type][0] dx_test = psf_dict[image_type][1] outfile = open(psf_dict[image_type][2], 'wb') print "Writing test results to " + str(outfile) for padding in test_interpolants.padding_list: print "Using padding = " + str(padding) for interpolant in use_interpolants: print "Using interpolant: " + str(interpolant) print 'Running Angle tests' for angle in test_interpolants.angle_list: # Possible rotation angles sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=angle * galsim.degrees, shift=None, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=angle * galsim.degrees, shift=None, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print 'Running Shear/Magnification tests' for (g1, g2, mag) in test_interpolants.shear_and_magnification_list: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=(g1, g2), magnification=mag, angle=None, shift=None, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=(g1, g2), magnification=mag, angle=None, shift=None, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print 'Running Shift tests' for shift in test_interpolants.shift_list: sys.stdout.write('.') sys.stdout.flush() dataXint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=None, shift=shift, x_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataXint) dataKint = calculate_interpolated_image_g1g2sigma( sersic_images, psf=psf, dx_input=test_interpolants.pixel_scale, dx_test=dx_test, shear=None, magnification=None, angle=None, shift=shift, k_interpolant=interpolant, padding=padding, image_type=image_type) test_interpolants.print_results(outfile, g1_list, g2_list, sigma_list, dataKint) sys.stdout.write('\n') print '' print "Finished tests for image_type: " + str(image_type) print "" outfile.close()