Beispiel #1
    def __mul__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, galsim.GSObject):
            return galsim.Chromatic(other, self)

        # SEDs can be multiplied by scalars or functions (callables)
        wave_factor = 1.0 + self.redshift
        wave_type = 'nm'
        flux_type = 'fphotons'
        if hasattr(other, '__call__'):
            spec = lambda w: self._rest_photons(w) * other(w * wave_factor)
        elif isinstance(self._spec, galsim.LookupTable):
            # If other is not a function, then there is no loss of accuracy by applying the 
            # factor directly to the LookupTable, if that's what we are using.
            # Make sure to keep the same properties about the table, flux_type, wave_type.
            if self.wave_factor == 10.0:
                wave_type = 'Angstroms'
            flux_type = self.flux_type
            x = self._spec.getArgs()
            f = [ val * other for val in self._spec.getVals() ]
            spec = galsim.LookupTable(x, f, x_log=self._spec.x_log, f_log=self._spec.f_log,
            spec = lambda w: self._rest_photons(w) * other

        return SED(spec, flux_type=flux_type, wave_type=wave_type, redshift=self.redshift,
                   _blue_limit=self.blue_limit, _red_limit=self.red_limit)
Beispiel #2
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, galsim.GSObject):
         return galsim.Chromatic(other, self)
     # SEDs can be multiplied by scalars or functions (callables)
     ret = self.copy()
     if hasattr(other, '__call__'):
         wave_factor = 1.0 + self.redshift
         ret._rest_photons = lambda w: self._rest_photons(w) * other(w * wave_factor)
         ret._rest_photons = lambda w: self._rest_photons(w) * other
     return ret
def compare_image_integrators():
    import galsim.integ
    import time

    pixel_scale = 0.2
    stamp_size = 128

    gal = galsim.Chromatic(galsim.Gaussian(half_light_radius=0.5), disk_SED)
    PSF_500 = galsim.Gaussian(half_light_radius=PSF_hlr)
    PSF = galsim.ChromaticAtmosphere(PSF_500, 500.0, zenith_angle)

    final = galsim.Convolve([gal, PSF])
    image = galsim.ImageD(stamp_size, stamp_size, scale=pixel_scale)

    # truth flux
    x = np.union1d(disk_SED.wave_list, bandpass.wave_list)
    x = x[(x <= bandpass.red_limit) & (x >= bandpass.blue_limit)]
    target = np.trapz(disk_SED(x) * bandpass(x), x)
    print('        {:14.11f}'.format(target))

    t1 = time.time()
    for N in [10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000]:
        image = final.drawImage(bandpass,
                                    rule=galsim.integ.midpt, N=N))
        mom = silentgetmoments(image)
        outstring = '   {:4d} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f}'
            outstring.format(N, image.array.sum(),
                             image.array.sum() - target, *mom))
    t2 = time.time()
    print('time for midpoint = %.2f' % (t2 - t1))

    for N in [10, 30, 100, 300, 1000, 3000]:
        image = final.drawImage(bandpass,
                                    rule=np.trapz, N=N))
        mom = silentgetmoments(image)
        outstring = '   {:4d} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f} {:14.11f}'
            outstring.format(N, image.array.sum(),
                             image.array.sum() - target, *mom))
    t3 = time.time()
    print('time for trapezoidal = %.2f' % (t3 - t2))
Beispiel #4
def main(argv):
    # Where to find and output data
    path, filename = os.path.split(__file__)
    datapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "data/"))
    outpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "output/"))

    # In non-script code, use getLogger(__name__) at module scope instead.
    logger = logging.getLogger("demo12")

    # initialize (pseudo-)random number generator
    random_seed = 1234567
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed)

    # read in SEDs
    SED_names = ['CWW_E_ext', 'CWW_Sbc_ext', 'CWW_Scd_ext', 'CWW_Im_ext']
    SEDs = {}
    for SED_name in SED_names:
        SED_filename = os.path.join(galsim.meta_data.share_dir,
        # Here we create some galsim.SED objects to hold star or galaxy spectra.  The most
        # convenient way to create realistic spectra is to read them in from a two-column ASCII
        # file, where the first column is wavelength and the second column is flux. Wavelengths in
        # the example SED files are in Angstroms, flux in flambda.  We use a set of files that are
        # distributed with GalSim in the share/ directory.
        SED = galsim.SED(SED_filename, wave_type='Ang', flux_type='flambda')
        # The normalization of SEDs affects how many photons are eventually drawn into an image.
        # One way to control this normalization is to specify the flux density in photons per nm
        # at a particular wavelength.  For example, here we normalize such that the photon density
        # is 1 photon per nm at 500 nm.
        SEDs[SED_name] = SED.withFluxDensity(target_flux_density=1.0,
    logger.debug('Successfully read in SEDs')

    # read in the LSST filters
    filter_names = 'ugrizy'
    filters = {}
    for filter_name in filter_names:
        filter_filename = os.path.join(datapath,
        # Here we create some galsim.Bandpass objects to represent the filters we're observing
        # through.  These include the entire imaging system throughput including the atmosphere,
        # reflective and refractive optics, filters, and the CCD quantum efficiency.  These are
        # also conveniently read in from two-column ASCII files where the first column is
        # wavelength and the second column is dimensionless throughput. The example filter files
        # units of nanometers for the wavelength type, so we specify that using the required
        # `wave_type` argument.
        filters[filter_name] = galsim.Bandpass(filter_filename, wave_type='nm')
        # For speed, we can thin out the wavelength sampling of the filter a bit.
        # In the following line, `rel_err` specifies the relative error when integrating over just
        # the filter (however, this is not necessarily the relative error when integrating over the
        # filter times an SED).
        filters[filter_name] = filters[filter_name].thin(rel_err=1e-4)
    logger.debug('Read in filters')

    pixel_scale = 0.2  # arcseconds

    # Part A: chromatic de Vaucouleurs galaxy

    # Here we create a chromatic version of a de Vaucouleurs profile using the Chromatic class.
    # This class lets one create chromatic versions of any galsim GSObject class.  The first
    # argument is the GSObject instance to be chromaticized, and the second argument is the
    # profile's SED.'')'Starting part A: chromatic De Vaucouleurs galaxy')
    redshift = 0.8
    mono_gal = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=0.5)
    SED = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    gal = galsim.Chromatic(mono_gal, SED)

    # You can still shear, shift, and dilate the resulting chromatic object.
    gal = gal.shear(g1=0.5, g2=0.3).dilate(1.05).shift((0.0, 0.1))
    logger.debug('Created Chromatic')

    # convolve with PSF to make final profile
    PSF = galsim.Moffat(fwhm=0.6, beta=2.5)
    final = galsim.Convolve([gal, PSF])
    logger.debug('Created final profile')

    # draw profile through LSST filters
    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=0.1)
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.iteritems():
        img = galsim.ImageF(64, 64, scale=pixel_scale)
        final.drawImage(filter_, image=img)
        logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,
        galsim.fits.write(img, out_filename)
        logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image: {1}'.format(
            filter_name, img.added_flux))
        'You can display the output in ds9 with a command line that looks something like:'
        'ds9 output/demo12a_*.fits -match scale -zoom 2 -match frame image &')

    # Part B: chromatic bulge+disk galaxy'')'Starting part B: chromatic bulge+disk galaxy')
    redshift = 0.8
    # make a bulge ...
    mono_bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=0.5)
    bulge_SED = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    # The `*` operator can be used as a shortcut for creating a chromatic version of a GSObject:
    bulge = mono_bulge * bulge_SED
    bulge = bulge.shear(g1=0.12, g2=0.07)
    logger.debug('Created bulge component')
    # ... and a disk ...
    mono_disk = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=2.0)
    disk_SED = SEDs['CWW_Im_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    disk = mono_disk * disk_SED
    disk = disk.shear(g1=0.4, g2=0.2)
    logger.debug('Created disk component')
    # ... and then combine them.
    bdgal = 1.1 * (
        0.8 * bulge + 4 * disk
    )  # you can add and multiply ChromaticObjects just like GSObjects
    bdfinal = galsim.Convolve([bdgal, PSF])
    # Note that at this stage, our galaxy is chromatic but our PSF is still achromatic.  Part C)
    # below will dive into chromatic PSFs.
    logger.debug('Created bulge+disk galaxy final profile')

    # draw profile through LSST filters
    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=0.02)
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.iteritems():
        img = galsim.ImageF(64, 64, scale=pixel_scale)
        bdfinal.drawImage(filter_, image=img)
        logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,
        galsim.fits.write(img, out_filename)
        logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image: {1}'.format(
            filter_name, img.added_flux))
        'You can display the output in ds9 with a command line that looks something like:'
        'ds9 -rgb -blue -scale limits -0.2 0.8 output/demo12b_r.fits -green -scale limits'
        ' -0.25 1.0 output/demo12b_i.fits -red -scale limits -0.25 1.0 output/demo12b_z.fits'
        + ' -zoom 2 &')

    # Part C: chromatic PSF'')'Starting part C: chromatic PSF')
    redshift = 0.0
    mono_gal = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=0.5)
    SED = SEDs['CWW_Im_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    # Here's another way to set the normalization of the SED.  If we want 50 counts to be drawn
    # when observing an object with this SED through the LSST g-band filter, for instance, then we
    # can do:
    SED = SED.withFlux(50.0, filters['g'])
    # The flux drawn through other bands, which sample different parts of the SED and have different
    # throughputs, will, of course, be different.
    gal = mono_gal * SED
    gal = gal.shear(g1=0.5, g2=0.3)
    logger.debug('Created `Chromatic` galaxy')

    # For a ground-based PSF, two chromatic effects are introduced by the atmosphere:
    # (i) differential chromatic refraction (DCR), and (ii) wavelength-dependent seeing.
    # DCR shifts the position of the PSF as a function of wavelength.  Blue light is shifted
    # toward the zenith slightly more than red light.
    # Kolmogorov turbulence in the atmosphere leads to a seeing size (e.g., FWHM) that scales with
    # wavelength to the (-0.2) power.
    # The ChromaticAtmosphere function will attach both of these effects to a fiducial PSF at
    # some fiducial wavelength.

    # First we define a monochromatic PSF to be the fiducial PSF.
    PSF_500 = galsim.Moffat(beta=2.5, fwhm=0.5)
    # Then we use ChromaticAtmosphere to manipulate this fiducial PSF as a function of wavelength.
    # ChromaticAtmosphere also needs to know the wavelength of the fiducial PSF, and the location
    # and orientation of the object with respect to the zenith.  This final piece of information
    # can be specified in several ways (see the ChromaticAtmosphere docstring for all of them).
    # Here are a couple ways: let's pretend our object is located near M101 on the sky, we observe
    # it 1 hour before it transits and we're observing from Mauna Kea.
    ra = galsim.HMS_Angle("14:03:13")  # hours : minutes : seconds
    dec = galsim.DMS_Angle("54:20:57")  # degrees : minutes : seconds
    m101 = galsim.CelestialCoord(ra, dec)
    latitude = 19.8207 * galsim.degrees  # latitude of Mauna Kea
    HA = -1.0 * galsim.hours  # Hour angle = one hour before transit

    # Then we can compute the zenith angle and parallactic angle (which is is the position angle
    # of the zenith measured from North through East) of this object:
    za, pa = galsim.dcr.zenith_parallactic_angles(m101,
    # And then finally, create the chromatic PSF
    PSF = galsim.ChromaticAtmosphere(PSF_500,
    # We could have also just passed `m101`, `latitude` and `HA` to ChromaticAtmosphere directly:
    PSF = galsim.ChromaticAtmosphere(PSF_500,
    # and proceed like normal.

    # convolve with galaxy to create final profile
    final = galsim.Convolve([gal, PSF])
    logger.debug('Created chromatic PSF finale profile')

    # Draw profile through LSST filters
    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng, sigma=0.03)
    for filter_name, filter_ in filters.iteritems():
        img = galsim.ImageF(64, 64, scale=pixel_scale)
        final.drawImage(filter_, image=img)
        logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
        out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,
        galsim.fits.write(img, out_filename)
        logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image: {1}'.format(
            filter_name, img.added_flux))
        'You can display the output in ds9 with a command line that looks something like:'
        'ds9 output/demo12c_*.fits -match scale -zoom 2 -match frame image -blink &'
Beispiel #5
def main(argv):

    cat_file_name = 'real_galaxy_catalog_example.fits'
    dir = 'data'
    # Make output directory if not already present.
    if not os.path.isdir('output'):
    cube_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'cube_real.fits')
    psf_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'psf_real.fits')

    random_seed = 1512413
    sky_level = 1.e6  # ADU / arcsec^2
    pixel_scale = 0.16  # arcsec
    gal_flux = 1.e5  # arbitrary choice, makes nice (not too) noisy images
    psf_inner_fwhm = 0.1  # arcsec
    psf_outer_fwhm = 0.6  # arcsec
    psf_inner_fraction = 0.8  # fraction of total PSF flux in the inner Gaussian
    psf_outer_fraction = 0.2  # fraction of total PSF flux in the inner Gaussian
    redshift = 0.05
    ngal = 30

    # SED -----------------------------------------------------
    path, filename = os.path.split(__file__)
    datapath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "data/"))
    outpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "output/"))
    random_seed = 1234567
    rng = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed)

    # read in SEDs
    SED_names = ['CWW_E_ext', 'CWW_Sbc_ext', 'CWW_Scd_ext', 'CWW_Im_ext']
    SEDs = {}
    for SED_name in SED_names:
        SED_filename = os.path.join(datapath, '{0}.sed'.format(SED_name))
        SED = galsim.SED(SED_filename, wave_type='Ang')
        SEDs[SED_name] = SED.withFluxDensity(target_flux_density=1.0,

    filter_names = 'gri'
    filters = {}

    for filter_name in filter_names:
        filter_filename = os.path.join(datapath,
        filters[filter_name] = galsim.Bandpass(filter_filename)
        filters[filter_name] = filters[filter_name].thin(rel_err=1e-4)

    real_galaxy_catalog = galsim.RealGalaxyCatalog(cat_file_name, dir=dir)

    psf = galsim.Gaussian(fwhm=psf_inner_fwhm, flux=psf_inner_fraction)
    # Draw the PSF with no noise.
    psf_image = psf.drawImage(scale=pixel_scale)
    # write to file
    # Build the images
    for k in range(ngal):

        # Initialize the random number generator we will be using.
        rng = galsim.UniformDeviate(random_seed + k)

        gal = galsim.RealGalaxy(real_galaxy_catalog, index=k)

        # Set the flux
        #gal = gal.withFlux(gal_flux)
        SED = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
        #SED       = SEDs['CWW_Sbc_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
        galcol = galsim.Chromatic(gal, SED)
        final = galsim.Convolve([galcol, psf])

        dx = rng() - 0.5
        dy = rng() - 0.5

        # Draw the profile
        galcol = galsim.Chromatic(final, SED)
        for filter_name, filter_ in filters.iteritems():
            img = galsim.ImageF(78, 78, scale=pixel_scale)
            final.drawImage(filter_, image=img)
            out_filename = os.path.join(
                outpath, 'realcolor_{0}_{1}.fits'.format(filter_name, str(k)))
            galsim.fits.write(img, out_filename)
            frac = np.random.rand()

            bulge_frac = frac
            bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=dev_radius * scale)
            bulge = bulge.shear(e1=dev_e2, e2=dev_e2)

            flux = flux_pl.sample()
            gal = frac * bulge + (1 - frac) * disk

            redshift = np.random.rand() * max_redshift
            sed = np.random.choice(template_seds, 1)[0].atRedshift(redshift)

            #normalize flux according to specified filter
            sed = sed.withFlux(flux, filters[args.filter_norm])
            mgal = galsim.Chromatic(gal, sed)

            cgal = galsim.Convolve([mgal, psf])

            gtrue.rad = frac * dev_radius + (1 - frac) * exp_radius
            gtrue.sed = sed
            gtrue.redshift = redshift


            for filter_name, filter_ in filters.items():
                tmp = cgal.drawImage(filter_,
                                     offset=(offsetx, offsety))
Beispiel #7
def chromatic_galaxy(theta):
  gal_type,half_radius,pixel_scale,skyvar,redshift,e1,e2,indx =theta 
  # where to find and output data
  path,filename = os.path.split(__file__)
  datapath      = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,"data/"))
  outpath       = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path,"output/"))
  # In non-script code, use getLogger(__name__) at module scope instead
  logger        = logging.getLogger("colored_images")

  # Initialize (pseudo-) random number generator
  random_seed   = 1234567
  rng           = galsim.BaseDeviate(random_seed) 
  # read in SEDs
  SED_names     = ['CWW_E_ext','CWW_Sbc_ext','CWW_Scd_ext','CWW_Im_ext']
  SEDs          = {}
  for SED_name in SED_names:
      SED_filename   = os.path.join(datapath,'{1}.sed'.format(SED_name)) 
      SED            = galsim.SED(SED_filename,wave_type='Ang')
      SEDs[SED_name] = SED.withFluxDensity(target_flux_density=1.0,wavelength=500)
  logger.debug('Successfully read in SEDs') 

  filter_names = 'ugrizy'
  filters      = {}

  for filter_name in filter_names:
     filter_filename      = os.path.join(datapath,'LSST_{0}.dat'.format(filter_name))
     filters[filter_name] = galsim.Bandpass(filter_filename)
     filters[filter_name] = filters[filter_name].thin(rel_err=1e-4)

  logger.debug('Read in filters')
  PSF       = galsim.Moffat(fwhm=0.6,beta=2.5)

  # Part A: Chromatic de Vaucouleurs galaxy
  if gal_type == 'deVoucauleurs':'')'Starting part A: chromatic de Vaucouleurs galaxy')
    mono_gal  = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=half_radius)
    SED       = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    gal       = galsim.Chromatic(mono_gal,SED)
    gal       = gal.shear(g1=0.5,g2=0.3).dilate(1.05).shift((1.0,2.1))
    logger.debug('Created Chromatic')

    final     = galsim.Convolve([gal,PSF])
    logger.debug('Created final profile')

    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng,sigma=skyvar)
    for filter_name,filter_ in filters.iteritems():
      img          = galsim.ImageF(64,64,scale=pixel_scale)
      logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
      out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo12a_{0}_{1}.fits'.format(filter_name,str(indx)))
      logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image:{1}'.format(filter_name,img.added_flux))
  # PART B: chromatic bulge_disk galaxy
  if gal_type == 'diskbulge':'')'Starting part B: chromatic bulge_disk galaxy')

    mono_bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=0.05)
    bulge_SED  = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    bulge      = mono_bulge * bulge_SED
    bulge      = bulge.shear(g1=0.05,g2=0.07)
    logger.debug('Created bulge component')
    mono_disk  = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=1.0)
    disk_SED   = SEDs['CWW_Im_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    disk       = mono_disk*disk_SED
    disk       = disk.shear(g1=e1,g2=e2)
    logger.debug('Created disk component')

    bdgal      = 1.1*(0.8*bulge+4.0*disk)
    bdfinal    = galsim.Convolve([bdgal,PSF])
    logger.debug('Created bulge+disk galaxy final profile')
    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng,sigma=skyvar)
    for filter_name,filter_ in filters.iteritems():
      img          = galsim.ImageF(64,64,scale=pixel_scale)
      logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
      out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo12b_{0}_{1}.fits'.format(filter_name,str(indx)))
      logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image:{1}'.format(filter_name,img.added_flux))
  # PART C: chromatic real galaxy
  if gal_type == 'real':'')'Starting part B: chromatic bulge_disk galaxy')
    cubeimg    = pf.getdata('cube_real.fits')
    idx        = np.random.randint(low=0,high=99)
    imarr      = cubeimg[idx,:,:]
    nx1,nx2    = np.shape(imarr) 
    img        = galsim.ImageF(nx1,nx2,scale=pixel_scale)
    bulge_SED  = SEDs['CWW_E_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    bulge      = mono_bulge * bulge_SED
    bulge      = bulge.shear(g1=0.05,g2=0.07)
    logger.debug('Created bulge component')
    mono_disk  = galsim.Exponential(half_light_radius=1.0)
    disk_SED   = SEDs['CWW_Im_ext'].atRedshift(redshift)
    disk       = mono_disk*disk_SED
    disk       = disk.shear(g1=e1,g2=e2)
    logger.debug('Created disk component')

    bdgal      = 1.1*(0.8*bulge+4.0*disk)
    bdfinal    = galsim.Convolve([bdgal,PSF])
    logger.debug('Created bulge+disk galaxy final profile')
    gaussian_noise = galsim.GaussianNoise(rng,sigma=skyvar)
    for filter_name,filter_ in filters.iteritems():
      img          = galsim.ImageF(64,64,scale=pixel_scale)
      logger.debug('Created {0}-band image'.format(filter_name))
      out_filename = os.path.join(outpath,'demo12b_{0}_{1}.fits'.format(filter_name,str(indx)))
      logger.debug('Wrote {0}-band image to disk'.format(filter_name))'Added flux for {0}-band image:{1}'.format(filter_name,img.added_flux))
Beispiel #8
                frac = np.random.rand()

                bulge_frac = frac
                bulge = galsim.DeVaucouleurs(half_light_radius=dev_radius*scale)
                bulge = bulge.shear(e1=dev_e2, e2=dev_e2)

                flux = flux_pl.sample()
                gal = frac*bulge + (1-frac)*disk

                redshift = np.random.rand()*max_redshift
                sed = np.random.choice(templates_galaxy,1)[0].atRedshift(redshift)

                #normalize flux according to specified filter
                sed = sed.withFlux(flux, filters[args.filter_norm])
                mgal = galsim.Chromatic(gal, sed)

                cgal = galsim.Convolve([mgal, psf])

                gtrue.rad = frac*dev_radius+(1-frac)*exp_radius

                gtrue.sed = sed
                gtrue.redshift = redshift
                gtrue.is_star = False
                delta = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=1e-9)
                gtrue.rad = 0
                sed = np.random.choice(templates_star,1)[0]
                gtrue.sed = sed
                gtrue.redshift = 0
                gtrue.is_star = True