Beispiel #1
def test_galsim_range_error():
    """Test basic usage of GalSimRangeError
    value = 2.3
    err = galsim.GalSimRangeError("Test", value, 0, 1)
    print('str = ', str(err))
    print('repr = ', repr(err))
    assert str(err) == "Test Value 2.3 not in range [0, 1]"
    assert err.value == value
    assert err.min == 0
    assert err.max == 1
    assert isinstance(err, galsim.GalSimError)
    assert isinstance(err, ValueError)

    err = galsim.GalSimRangeError("Test", value, 10)
    print('str = ', str(err))
    print('repr = ', repr(err))
    assert str(err) == "Test Value 2.3 not in range [10, None]"
    assert err.value == value
    assert err.min == 10
    assert err.max == None
    assert isinstance(err, galsim.GalSimError)
    assert isinstance(err, ValueError)
Beispiel #2
def _parse_SCAs(SCAs):
    # This is a helper routine to parse the input SCAs (single number or iterable) and put it into a
    # convenient format.  It is used in
    # Check which SCAs are to be done.  Default is all (and they are 1-indexed).
    all_SCAs = np.arange(1, n_sca + 1, 1)
    # Later we will use the list of selected SCAs to decide which ones we're actually going to do
    # the calculations for.  For now, just check for invalid numbers.
    if SCAs is not None:
        # Make sure SCAs is iterable.
        if not hasattr(SCAs, '__iter__'):
            SCAs = [SCAs]
        # Then check for reasonable values.
        if min(SCAs) <= 0 or max(SCAs) > galsim.wfirst.n_sca:
            raise galsim.GalSimRangeError("Invalid SCA.", SCAs, 1, galsim.wfirst.n_sca)
        # Check for uniqueness.  If not unique, make it unique.
        SCAs = list(set(SCAs))
        SCAs = all_SCAs
    return SCAs