Beispiel #1
def sarsa(lamb: int, num_episodes: int, Qstar, record=False):
    Q = state_action_map(plus=True)
    N = state_action_map()
    N_s = state_map(plus=True)
    mses = []
    for k in range(num_episodes):
        E = state_action_map()
        s = State(deal=True)
        a = get_e_greedy_action(Q, N_s, s)
        while not s.terminal():
            N_s[s.get_state()] += 1
            N[s.get_state(), a] += 1
            s_dash, r = step(s, a)
            a_dash = get_e_greedy_action(Q, N_s, s_dash)
            delta = r + Q[s_dash.get_state(), a_dash] - Q[s.get_state(), a]
            E[s.get_state(), a] += 1

            for d in DEALER_RANGE:
                for p in PLAYER_RANGE:
                    for action in ACTIONS:
                        Q[(d, p),
                          action] += (1 /
                                      (N[(d, p), action] + 1e-9)) * delta * E[
                                          (d, p), action]
                        E[(d, p), action] *= lamb
            s = s_dash
            a = a_dash
        if record:
            mses.append(calc_mse(Q, Qstar))
    return Q, mses
Beispiel #2
def sample_episode(pi):
    history = []
    s = State(deal=True)

    while not s.terminal():
        a = pi[s.get_state()]
        # rewards do not need to be appended to history as rewards are only *rewarded* when entering the terminal state.
        history.append([s.get_state(), a])
        s, r = step(s, a)

    return history, r
Beispiel #3
def get_e_greedy_action(Q: dict, N: dict, state: State):
    epsilon = 100 / (100 + N[state.get_state()])
    chosen_action = None
    if np.random.uniform() > epsilon:
        max_q = -1e9
        for a in ACTIONS:
            q = Q[state.get_state(), a]
            if q > max_q:
                max_q = q
                chosen_action = a
        chosen_action = random.choice(ACTIONS)
    return chosen_action