def printBoard(a: gameLogic.gameState, count: int):
    Prints the current board with the row and column numbers. It uses unicode to
    print black dots for black and white one for white and '-' for blank spaces.
    Then it prints the score and whose turn it is.
    blackCount, whiteCount, rowNum, colNum = 0, 0, 1, 1
    B = u" \u25CF "  # Black dot
    W = u" \u25CB "  # White dot
    print("=================================================")  # Division between each board print
    print("\t   Current Board:")
    print("=================================================")  # Division between each board print
    topRow = ""
    print(" ", end=" ")
    for col in range(0, a.getCol()):  # Prints the column numbers at the top of the board
        if col < 9:  # To format spaces properly add 0 before all single digits.
            print("0{}".format(colNum), end=" ")
            colNum += 1
            print("{} ".format(colNum), end="")  # Prints two-digit column numbers.
            colNum += 1

    for row in range(0, a.getRows()):  # Runs through rows
        currentRow = ""
        for col in range(0, a.getCol()):  # Runs through columns
            if a.getBoard()[col][row] == gameLogic.NONE:  # Checks if space is empty and places '-' in it if true
                currentRow += " - "
            elif a.getBoard()[col][row] == gameLogic.BLACK:  # Places black dot if piece is black
                currentRow += B
                blackCount += 1
            elif a.getBoard()[col][row] == gameLogic.WHITE:  # Places white dot if piece is white
                currentRow += W
                whiteCount += 1
        if rowNum < 10:  # Formats column numbers if less than 10
            print("0{}".format(rowNum), end="")
            rowNum += 1
        else:  # Formats colum numbers with two digits.
            print("{}".format(rowNum), end="")
            rowNum += 1
    print("BLACK: {}\tWHITE: {}".format(blackCount, whiteCount))  # Prints current score of black and white
    gameLogic.checkWin(a, a.getTurn(), count)  # Checks if game has ended
    printTurn(a)  # Prints whose turn it is.
Beispiel #2
    def _redraw_board(self) -> None:
        Redraws the board. It deletes everything previously on the window and then adds
        player 1, player 2 player turn and winner labels onto the grid. Then it redraws the board
        with the correct grid size and the new pieces.
        state = self._state#game state
        self._canvas.delete(tkinter.ALL)#deletes everything on the board
        canvas_width = self._canvas.winfo_width()#Canvas width
        canvas_height = self._canvas.winfo_height()#canvas height

        self._player2 = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = 'BLACK: \n'+state.getBlackCount())#Label for black player and score
        self._player2.grid(row = 0, column = 2, padx = 20, pady = 10,#Puts it on grid
                sticky = tkinter.W)

        self._player1 = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = 'WHITE: \n'+state.getWhiteCount())#Label for white player and score
        self._player1.grid(row = 0, column = 1, padx = 20, pady = 10,#Puts it on the grid
                sticky = tkinter.W)

        if gameLogic.checkWin(state,state.getTurn(),1)=='':#If no winner
            self._playerTurn = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = 'It is '+state.getGuiTurn()+"'s turn.")#Label for player turn
            self._playerTurn.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=10,pady=10,#Puts it on the grid
                    sticky = tkinter.N)
            self._winner = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = gameLogic.checkWin(state,state.getTurn(),1))#Label for winner
            self._winner.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=10,pady=10,#Puts it on the grid
                    sticky = tkinter.S)
            self._playerTurn = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = '                                    ')#Label for player turn
            self._playerTurn.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=10,pady=10,#Puts label on the grid
                    sticky = tkinter.N)
            self._winner = tkinter.Label(self._root_window, text = gameLogic.checkWin(state,state.getTurn(),1))#Label for winner
            self._winner.grid(row=0,column=1,padx=10,pady=10,#Puts it on the grid
                    sticky = tkinter.S)

        for i in range(0,self._state._rows):#Prints the board
            for x in range(0,self._state._col):
        for spot in self._spaces:#Prints the pieces on the board
            self._canvas.create_oval(spot[0]*(canvas_width),spot[1]*canvas_height,spot[2]*(canvas_width),spot[3]*canvas_height,outline = spot[4],fill = spot[5])