def getAllPossibleMovesAtPosition(board, x, y):
	# Returns a tuple 
	# 1) list of all possible moves of the piece board[x][y]
	# 2) True/False, whether the moves are capture moves or not
	moves = []
	isCapture = False
	# Look for jumps
	l = getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(board, x, y)
	for m in l:
	if len(moves) == 0: # No jump moves available
		# Look for plain moves
		serial = gridToSerial(x,y)
		if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-1, y-1):
		if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-1, y+1):
		if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+1, y-1):
		if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+1, y+1):
		isCapture = True
	return moves, isCapture
Beispiel #2
def getAllPossibleMovesAtPosition(board, x, y):
    # Returns a tuple
    # 1) list of all possible moves of the piece board[x][y]
    # 2) True/False, whether the moves are capture moves or not

    moves = []
    isCapture = False

    # Look for jumps
    l = getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(board, x, y)
    for m in l:

    if len(moves) == 0:  # No jump moves available

        # Look for plain moves
        serial = gridToSerial(x, y)

        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x - 1, y - 1):
            moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x - 1, y - 1)])
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x - 1, y + 1):
            moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x - 1, y + 1)])
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x + 1, y - 1):
            moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x + 1, y - 1)])
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x + 1, y + 1):
            moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x + 1, y + 1)])
        isCapture = True

    return moves, isCapture
Beispiel #3
def evaluation3(board, color):
    opColor = gamePlay.getOpponentColor(color)
    value = 0
    # Loop through all board positions
    for piece in range(1, 33):
        # Check if I can capture two
        # Check whether a jump possible to all four directions
        xy = gamePlay.serialToGrid(piece)
        x = xy[0]
        y = xy[1]
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y-2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x-2, y-2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x-2, y+2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x-2, y+2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y-2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x+2, y-2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1
        if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+2, y+2) == True:
            if gamePlay.isCapturePossibleFromPosition(board, x+2, y+2):
                if board[x][y].upper() == color.upper():
                    value = value + 1
                elif board[x][y].upper() == opColor.upper():
                    value = value - 1

    # Lets give weightage 10
    # Let us give extra weightage 10 
    return value 
def getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(board, x, y):
	# Get all jump moves of position board(x,y)
	moves = []
	serial = gridToSerial(x, y)
	for i in [-2,2]:
		for j in [-2,2]:
			# Check all four directions
			if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x+i, y+j):
				tempBoard = deepcopy(board)	
				gamePlay.doMovePosition(tempBoard, x, y, x+i, y+j)
				childJumpMoves = getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(tempBoard, x+i, y+j)				
				if len(childJumpMoves) == 0:					
					moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x+i, y+j)])
					for m in childJumpMoves:
						l = [serial]
	return moves
Beispiel #5
def getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(board, x, y):
    # Get all jump moves of position board(x,y)

    moves = []
    serial = gridToSerial(x, y)

    for i in [-2, 2]:
        for j in [-2, 2]:
            # Check all four directions
            if gamePlay.canMoveToPosition(board, x, y, x + i, y + j):
                tempBoard = deepcopy(board)
                gamePlay.doMovePosition(tempBoard, x, y, x + i, y + j)
                childJumpMoves = getAllJumpMovesAtPosition(
                    tempBoard, x + i, y + j)
                if len(childJumpMoves) == 0:
                    moves.append([serial, gridToSerial(x + i, y + j)])
                    for m in childJumpMoves:
                        l = [serial]

    return moves