Beispiel #1
class GameInterface:
    # Takes boardDim, a Point representing the board dimensions (8x8 board is represented by Point(8,8))
    def __init__(self, boardDim):
        self.gameOffset = Point()
        self.boardOffset = Point()
        self.gemImgs = {}
        self.gameState = GameState(boardDim)
        self.submitImg =
        self.replayImg =
    # Sets the location of the top left of the board - all other points are represented relative to the gameOffset
    def calibrate(self):
        calibrationImg =
        bmp = bitmap.capture_screen()
        (x, y) = bmp.find_bitmap(calibrationImg)
        self.gameOffset = Point(x, y) + GAME_OFFSET
        self.boardOffset = self.gameOffset + BOARD_OFFSET
    # Reads the board from the screen and returns a GameState
    def readGame(self):
        bmp = bitmap.capture_screen()
        submitPt = bmp.find_bitmap(self.submitImg)
        replayPt = bmp.find_bitmap(self.replayImg)
        if submitPt != None or replayPt != None:
            if submitPt != None:
                print 'submit found!'
                mouse.move(submitPt[0], submitPt[1])
            return self.gameState
        for y in range(self.gameState.boardDim.y):
            for x in range(self.gameState.boardDim.x):
                gem = self.getGem(bmp, Point(x, y))
                self.gameState.board.board[y][x] = gem
        return self.gameState
    # Returns a Gem given a screenshot and board coordinates
    def getGem(self, bmp, point):
        absPt = self.boardToAbsPt(point)
        halfSize = 5
        total = 0
        totalColor = RGB()
        for x in range(absPt.x - halfSize, absPt.x + halfSize):
            for y in range(absPt.y - halfSize, absPt.y + halfSize):
                hexColor = bmp.get_color(x, y)
                r, g, b = color.hex_to_rgb(hexColor)
                rgb = RGB(r, g, b)
                totalColor += rgb
                total += 1
        avgRGB = totalColor / total
        gemColor = self.RGBToGem(avgRGB)
        return Gem(gemColor, 'status', point)

    # Finds the gem color closest to the given RGB value
    def RGBToGem(self, RGB):
        minDistance = None;
        color = 'none'
        for key, value in COLOR_CONSTANTS.items():
            if RGB.distSquared(value) < minDistance or minDistance == None:
                color = key
                minDistance = RGB.distSquared(value)
        return color

    # Click and drag the mouse to make a move - takes a Move object
    # Attempts to place the cursor back where it found it
    def makeMove(self, move):
        firstPt, secondPt = move.pointTuple()
        absFirst = self.boardToAbsPt(firstPt)
        absSecond = self.boardToAbsPt(secondPt)
        lastX, lastY = mouse.get_pos()
        mouse.move(absFirst.x, absFirst.y)
        mouse.move(absSecond.x, absSecond.y)
        mouse.move(lastX, lastY)
    # Move mouse off the board
    def moveOffBoard(self):
        mouse.move(self.gameOffset.x - 10, self.gameOffset.y - 10)
    # Returns True if the mouse is in the exit box (10x10 pix block at the top left of the game)
    def isMouseAtExit(self):
        (x, y) = mouse.get_pos()
        #return x > self.gameOffset.x and x < self.gameOffset.x + GAME_SIZE.x and y > self.gameOffset.y and y < self.gameOffset.y + GAME_SIZE.y
        return x > self.gameOffset.x and x < self.gameOffset.x + 10 and y > self.gameOffset.y and y < self.gameOffset.y + 10

    # Converts board coordinates to absolute screen coordinates (the center of the tile)
    def boardToAbsPt(self, boardPt):
        absX = self.boardOffset.x + boardPt.x * PIECE_OFFSET.x + PIECE_OFFSET.x / 2
        absY = self.boardOffset.y + boardPt.y * PIECE_OFFSET.y + PIECE_OFFSET.y / 2
        return Point(absX, absY)
    def replayGame(self):
        print 'replay!!!'
        replayPt = None
        while replayPt == None:
            bmp = bitmap.capture_screen()
            replayPt = bmp.find_bitmap(self.replayImg)
        mouse.move(replayPt[0], replayPt[1])
        mouse.move(self.gameOffset.x + GAME_SIZE.x / 2, self.gameOffset.y + GAME_SIZE.y / 2)
        mouse.move(self.gameOffset.x + 100, self.gameOffset.y + 100)