Beispiel #1
def test_roll_dice_2():
    x = GameLogic.roll_dice(5)
    j = False
    for i in x:
        if 1 <= i <= 6 and type(i) is int:
            j = True
    expected = True
    actual = j
    assert actual == expected
 def test_gl_roll_dice_pass_2(self):
     """Test if the method returns all values in specified range (1 - 6)
     results = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0}
     for _ in range(10000):
         roll = Counter(GameLogic.roll_dice((6)))
         for pips, times in roll.items():
             results[pips] += times
     for times in results.values():
         assert times > 0
 def test_gl_roll_dice_pass_1(self):
     """Test if the method returns a tuple"""
     assert type(GameLogic.roll_dice(2)) is tuple
 def test_gl_roll_dice_value_error_1(self):
     """Test if the method raises ValueError if the passed in integer is out of range"""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
         assert GameLogic.roll_dice(0)
     assert str(err.value) == "The number of dice must be between 1 and 6"
 def test_gl_roll_dice_type_error(self):
     """Test if the method raises TypeError if not an integer passed in"""
     with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
         assert GameLogic.roll_dice(1.5)
     assert str(err.value) == "The number of dice must be an integer"
def test_2_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(2)
    assert len(values) == 2

    for value in values:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_roll_dice_six():
    dice = 6
    actual = list(GameLogic.roll_dice(dice))
    assert len(actual) == 6
def test_return_six_dice():
    six = GameLogic.roll_dice(6)
    assert type(six) == tuple
    assert len(six) == 6
Beispiel #9
    def player_roll(self):
        print(f"Starting round {self.current_round}")
        print(f"Rolling {self.remaining_dice} dice...")

        if self.dice_values is None:
            dice_values = GameLogic.roll_dice(self.remaining_dice)
            dice_values = self.dice_values
            # print("the dice_values are ", dice_values)    # REMOVE

        points_to_bank = GameLogic.calculate_score(dice_values)

        if points_to_bank == 0:
            print('Zilch!!! Round over')
            print(f'You banked 0 points in round {self.current_round}')

        cheat_check = True

        while cheat_check:
            roll_display = ""
            for x in range(len(dice_values)):
                roll_display += str(dice_values[x]) + ","
            select_dice = input("Enter dice to keep (no spaces), or (q)uit: ")
            print("Nellie's: ", select_dice)  # REMOVE

            if select_dice == 'q':

            # dice_to_shelf = list(select_dice) # ORIG
            # dice_selected = list(select_dice)
            dice_selected = select_dice

            # check to make sure these are all integers -> Only if MVP
            # dice_to_shelf = tuple(map(int, dice_to_shelf))
            dice_selected = tuple(dice_selected)
            # dice_to_shelf = (map(int, dice_to_shelf))

            cheat_check = False
            # cheat_check = Game.validation(dice_values, dice_to_shelf)

        # points_to_bank = GameLogic.calculate_score(dice_to_shelf)
        points_to_bank = GameLogic.calculate_score(dice_selected)


        # self.remaining_dice -= len(dice_to_shelf)
        self.remaining_dice -= len(dice_selected)
            f'You have {self.banker.shelf_points} unbanked points and {self.remaining_dice} dice remaining'
        user_choice = input(
            "(r)oll again, (b)ank your points or (q)uit ").lower()

        if user_choice == 'r':
            # this also handles hot dice according to the flow tests
            if self.remaining_dice == 0:
                self.remaining_dice = 6

        elif user_choice == 'b':
            print('Your Banked Points: ', self.banker.bank_points)

        elif user_choice == 'q':
Beispiel #10
    def roller(num):
        if rolls:
            return rolls.pop(0)

        return GameLogic.roll_dice(num)
def test_6_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(6)
    assert len(values) == 6

    for value in values:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_5_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(5)
    assert len(values) == 5

    for value in values:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_4_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(4)
    assert len(values) == 4

    for value in values:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_3_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(3)
    assert len(values) == 3

    for value in values:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_roll_five():
    roll = GameLogic.roll_dice(5)
    assert len(roll) == 5
    for value in roll:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
 def test_gl_roll_dice_pass_3(self, dice):
     """Test if the method returns tuple of the correct length"""
     assert len(GameLogic.roll_dice(dice)) == dice
def test_all_valid_dice_rolls(num_dice, expected_length):
    roll = GameLogic.roll_dice(num_dice)
    assert len(roll) == expected_length
    for value in roll:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
def test_return_one_thru_six():
    for _ in range(1000):
        actual = GameLogic.roll_dice(1)[0]
        assert 1 <= actual <= 6
def test_roll_six():
    roll = GameLogic.roll_dice(6)
    assert len(roll) == 6
    for value in roll:
        assert 1 <= value <= 6
Beispiel #20
def test_roll_dice_1():
    actual = len(GameLogic.roll_dice(5))
    expected = 5
    assert actual == expected
def test_roll_dice():
    actual = len(GameLogic.roll_dice(6))
    expected = 6
    assert actual == expected
def test_roll_dice_one_len():
    dice = 1
    actual = list(GameLogic.roll_dice(dice))
    assert len(actual) == 1 
def test_1_dice():
    values = GameLogic.roll_dice(1)
    assert len(values) == 1
    value = values[0]
    assert 1 <= value <= 6