Beispiel #1
def generate_games(num):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches
    """Produce num random games per type"""
    with open(path.join(_DIR, 'example_games', 'hard_nash.json')) as fil:
        yield 'hard', gamereader.load(fil).normalize()
    with open(path.join(_DIR, 'example_games', '2x2x2.nfg')) as fil:
        yield 'gambit', gamereader.load(fil).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'random',*random_small()).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        strats = np.random.randint(2, 5, np.random.randint(2, 4))
        yield 'covariant', gamegen.covariant_game(strats).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        strats = np.random.randint(2, 5, 2)
        yield 'zero sum', gamegen.two_player_zero_sum_game(strats).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'prisoners', gamegen.prisoners_dilemma().normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'chicken', gamegen.sym_2p2s_game(0, 3, 1, 2).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        prob = np.random.random()
        yield 'mix', gamegen.sym_2p2s_known_eq(prob).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        strats = np.random.randint(2, 4)
        plays = np.random.randint(2, 4)
        yield 'polymatrix', gamegen.polymatrix_game(plays, strats).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        wins = np.random.random(3) + .5
        loss = -np.random.random(3) - .5
        yield 'roshambo', gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(wins, loss).normalize()
    yield 'shapley easy', gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=2).normalize()
    yield 'shapley normal', gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=1).normalize()
    yield 'shapley hard', gamegen.rock_paper_scissors(win=0.5).normalize()
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'normagg small', gamegen.normal_aggfn(*random_agg_small())
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'polyagg small', gamegen.poly_aggfn(*random_agg_small())
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'sineagg small', gamegen.sine_aggfn(*random_agg_small())
    for _ in range(num):
        facs = np.random.randint(2, 6)
        req = np.random.randint(1, facs)
        players = np.random.randint(2, 11)
        yield 'congestion', gamegen.congestion(players, facs, req)
    for _ in range(num):
        strats = np.random.randint(2, 6)
        players = np.random.randint(2, 11)
        yield 'local effect', gamegen.local_effect(players, strats)
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'normagg large', gamegen.normal_aggfn(*random_agg_large())
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'polyagg large', gamegen.poly_aggfn(*random_agg_large())
    for _ in range(num):
        yield 'sineagg large', gamegen.sine_aggfn(*random_agg_large())
    for _ in range(num):
        agg = gamegen.sine_aggfn(*random_agg_small())
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', UserWarning)
            yield 'rbf', learning.rbfgame_train(agg)
Beispiel #2
async def test_innerloop_failures(players, strats, count, when):
    """Test that inner loop handles exceptions during scheduling"""
    game =, strats)
    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    esched = tu.ExceptionScheduler(sched, count, when)
    sgame = schedgame.schedgame(esched)
    with pytest.raises(tu.SchedulerException):
        await innerloop.inner_loop(sgame, restricted_game_size=5)
Beispiel #3
def test_nan_deviations(players, strategies):
    """Test nan deviations"""
    game =, strategies)
    for mix in game.random_mixtures(20, alpha=0.05):
        mix = game.trim_mixture_support(mix)
        gains = regret.mixture_deviation_gains(game, mix)
        assert not np.isnan(gains).any(), \
            'deviation gains in complete game were nan'
def test_game(players, strategies, _):
    """Test game"""
    game =, strategies)
    assert game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert np.all(players == game.num_role_players), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(strategies == game.num_role_strats), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
Beispiel #5
async def test_random_mean_reg(players, strats):
    """Test that no bootstraps works"""
    game =, strats)
    mix = game.random_mixture()
    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    mean, boot = await bootstrap.deviation_payoffs(sched, mix, 20)
    assert mean.shape == (game.num_strats, )
    assert boot.shape == (0, game.num_strats)
Beispiel #6
def test_game(players, strategies, _):
    """Test game"""
    game =, strategies)
    assert game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert np.all(players == game.num_role_players), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(strategies == game.num_role_strats), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
def test_empty_add_noise():
    """Test adding noise to an empty game"""
    base_game = rsgame.empty([3, 3], [4, 4])
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game)
    assert game.is_empty()

    base_game =[3] * 3, 4)
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game, 0, 0)
    assert game.is_empty()
Beispiel #8
async def test_basic_profile(players, strats):
    """Test that basic profile sampling works"""
    game =, strats)
    basesched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    sched =
    assert np.all(sched.num_role_strats > 1)
    pay = await sched.sample_payoffs(sched.random_profile())
    assert pay.size == sched.num_strats
    assert str(sched) == str(basesched)
Beispiel #9
def test_empty_add_noise():
    """Test adding noise to an empty game"""
    base_game = rsgame.empty([3, 3], [4, 4])
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game)
    assert game.is_empty()

    base_game =[3] * 3, 4)
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game, 0, 0)
    assert game.is_empty()
Beispiel #10
async def test_boot_symmetric(tmpdir):
    """Test bootstrapping a symmetric game"""
    game =, 3)
    mix_file = str(tmpdir.join("mix.json"))
    with open(mix_file, "w") as fil:
        json.dump(game.mixture_to_json(game.random_mixture()), fil)
    with stdin(json.dumps(game.to_json())), stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
        assert await run("boot", "game:game:-", mix_file, "10"), err.getvalue()
        results = json.loads(out.getvalue())
    assert {"surplus", "regret", "response"} == results.keys()
Beispiel #11
async def test_basic_profile():
    """Test basic profile"""
    game =[4, 3], [3, 4])
    profs = game.random_profiles(20)

    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    assert rsgame.empty_copy(sched) == rsgame.empty_copy(game)
    paylist = await asyncio.gather(*[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
    pays = np.stack(paylist)
    assert np.allclose(pays[profs == 0], 0)
    assert str(sched) == repr(game)
Beispiel #12
async def test_boot_symmetric(tmpdir):
    """Test bootstrapping a symmetric game"""
    game =, 3)
    mix_file = str(tmpdir.join('mix.json'))
    with open(mix_file, 'w') as fil:
        json.dump(game.mixture_to_json(game.random_mixture()), fil)
    with stdin(json.dumps(game.to_json())), stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
        assert await run(
            'boot', 'game:game:-', mix_file, '10'), err.getvalue()
        results = json.loads(out.getvalue())
    assert {'surplus', 'regret', 'response'} == results.keys()
Beispiel #13
async def test_mix_asyncgame():
    """Test that that mixture async games work"""
    game0 =[4, 3], [3, 4])
    game1 =[4, 3], [3, 4])
    agame = asyncgame.mix(asyncgame.wrap(game0), asyncgame.wrap(game1), 0.4)
    assert agame.get_game() == rsgame.mix(game0, game1, 0.4)
    assert str(agame) == "{} - 0.4 - {}".format(repr(game0), repr(game1))

    rest = agame.random_restriction()
    rgame = await agame.get_restricted_game(rest)
    assert rgame.is_complete()
    assert rsgame.empty_copy(rgame) == rsgame.empty_copy(game0.restrict(rest))

    dgame = await agame.get_deviation_game(rest)
    mix = restrict.translate(rgame.random_mixture(), rest)
    assert not np.isnan(dgame.deviation_payoffs(mix)).any()

    dup = asyncgame.mix(asyncgame.wrap(game0), asyncgame.wrap(game1), 0.4)
    assert hash(dup) == hash(agame)
    assert dup == agame
Beispiel #14
def test_gen_noise(players, strategies, lower, prob, _):
    """Test generate noise"""
    roles = max(np.array(players).size, np.array(strategies).size)
    base_game =, strategies)
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game, prob, lower)
    assert lower == 0 or game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert game.num_roles == roles, \
        "didn't generate correct number of players"
    assert np.all(strategies == game.num_role_strats), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(game.num_samples >= min(lower, 1)), \
        "didn't generate appropriate number of samples"
Beispiel #15
def test_keep_profiles(players, strategies, _):
    """Test keep profiles"""
    game =, strategies)
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, 4)
    assert test.num_profiles == 4

    test = gamegen.keep_profiles(game, 0.0)
    assert test.is_empty(), "didn't generate a full game"
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, 0)
    assert test.is_empty(), "didn't generate a full game"

    gamegen.keep_profiles(game, 0.5)
Beispiel #16
def test_gen_noise(players, strategies, lower, prob, _):
    """Test generate noise"""
    roles = max(np.array(players).size, np.array(strategies).size)
    base_game =, strategies)
    game = gamegen.gen_noise(base_game, prob, lower)
    assert lower == 0 or game.is_complete(), "didn't generate a full game"
    assert game.num_roles == roles, \
        "didn't generate correct number of players"
    assert np.all(strategies == game.num_role_strats), \
        "didn't generate correct number of strategies"
    assert np.all(game.num_samples >= min(lower, 1)), \
        "didn't generate appropriate number of samples"
Beispiel #17
def test_random_approximate_dpr(players, strategies, _):
    """Test approximate dpr preserves completeness on random games"""
    game =, strategies)
    red_counts = 2 + (rand.random(game.num_roles) *
                      (game.num_role_players - 1)).astype(int)
    red_counts[game.num_role_players == 1] = 1

    # Try to reduce game
    red_game = dpr.reduce_game(game, red_counts)

    # Assert that reducing all profiles covers reduced game
    assert red_game.is_complete(), 'DPR did not preserve completeness'
Beispiel #18
def test_keep_profiles(players, strategies, _):
    """Test keep profiles"""
    game =, strategies)
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, 4)
    assert test.num_profiles == 4

    test = gamegen.keep_profiles(game, 0.0)
    assert test.is_empty(), "didn't generate a full game"
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, 0)
    assert test.is_empty(), "didn't generate a full game"

    gamegen.keep_profiles(game, 0.5)
Beispiel #19
async def test_duplicate_prof():
    """Test that duplicate profiles can be scheduled"""
    game =[4, 3], [3, 4])
    profs = game.random_profiles(20)

    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    paylist1 = await asyncio.gather(*[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
    pays1 = np.stack(paylist1)
    paylist2 = await asyncio.gather(*[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
    pays2 = np.stack(paylist2)
    assert np.allclose(pays1[profs == 0], 0)
    assert np.allclose(pays2[profs == 0], 0)
    assert np.allclose(pays1, pays2)
Beispiel #20
async def test_random_pure_boot_reg(players, strats):
    """Test that bootstrap works for pure mixtures"""
    game =, strats)
    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    for mix in game.pure_mixtures():
        devs = game.deviation_payoffs(mix)
        mean, boot = await bootstrap.deviation_payoffs(sched,
        assert np.allclose(devs, mean)
        assert np.allclose(devs, boot)
        assert mean.shape == (game.num_strats, )
        assert boot.shape == (101, game.num_strats)
Beispiel #21
async def test_basic_asyncgame():
    """Test that wrapped async games work"""
    game =[4, 3], [3, 4])
    agame = asyncgame.wrap(game)
    rest = agame.random_restriction()
    rgame = await agame.get_restricted_game(rest)
    assert rgame.is_complete()
    assert rsgame.empty_copy(rgame) == rsgame.empty_copy(game.restrict(rest))

    dgame = await agame.get_deviation_game(rest)
    mix = restrict.translate(rgame.random_mixture(), rest)
    assert not np.isnan(dgame.deviation_payoffs(mix)).any()

    dup = asyncgame.wrap(game)
    assert hash(dup) == hash(agame)
    assert dup == agame
Beispiel #22
async def test_random_boot_reg(players, strats):
    """Test that bootstrap works for random mixtures"""
    game =, strats)
    mix = game.random_mixture()
    devs = game.deviation_payoffs(mix)
    sched = gamesched.gamesched(game)
    mean, boot = await bootstrap.deviation_payoffs(sched,
    assert mean.shape == (game.num_strats, )
    assert boot.shape == (101, game.num_strats)
    # These aren't guaranteed to be false, but it's incredibly unlikely
    assert not np.allclose(devs, mean)
    assert not np.allclose(devs, boot)
Beispiel #23
def test_approximate_dpr_reduce_game():
    """Test approximate dpr game reduction"""
    game =[3, 4], 2)
    redgame = dpr.reduce_game(game, 2)
    # Pure strategies are reduced properly
    assert (redgame.get_payoffs([2, 0, 0, 2])[0]
            == game.get_payoffs([3, 0, 0, 4])[0])
    # Mixed strategies are reduced properly
    assert (redgame.get_payoffs([1, 1, 1, 1])[0]
            == game.get_payoffs([1, 2, 2, 2])[0])
    assert (redgame.get_payoffs([1, 1, 1, 1])[1]
            == game.get_payoffs([2, 1, 2, 2])[1])
    assert (redgame.get_payoffs([1, 1, 1, 1])[2]
            == game.get_payoffs([2, 1, 1, 3])[2])
    assert (redgame.get_payoffs([1, 1, 1, 1])[3]
            == game.get_payoffs([2, 1, 3, 1])[3])
Beispiel #24
def test_random_matgame_copy(players, strats):
    """Test copy"""
    game =, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    inds = np.cumsum(game.num_role_players[:-1] * game.num_role_strats[:-1])

    mprofs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    mpays = matg.get_payoffs(mprofs)
    mpays = np.concatenate(
        [m.reshape(20, p, -1).mean(1).filled(0) for m, p
         in zip(np.split(, mprofs == 0), inds, 1),
                game.num_role_players)], 1)

    profs = np.concatenate(
        [m.reshape(20, p, -1).sum(1) for m, p
         in zip(np.split(mprofs, inds, 1), game.num_role_players)], 1)
    pays = game.get_payoffs(profs)

    assert np.allclose(mpays, pays)
Beispiel #25
def test_random_matgame_copy(players, strats):
    """Test copy"""
    game =, strats)
    matg = matgame.matgame_copy(game)
    inds = np.cumsum(game.num_role_players[:-1] * game.num_role_strats[:-1])

    mprofs = matg.random_profiles(20)
    mpays = matg.get_payoffs(mprofs)
    mpays = np.concatenate([
        m.reshape(20, p, -1).mean(1).filled(0) for m, p in zip(
            np.split(, mprofs == 0), inds, 1),
    ], 1)

    profs = np.concatenate([
        m.reshape(20, p, -1).sum(1)
        for m, p in zip(np.split(mprofs, inds, 1), game.num_role_players)
    ], 1)
    pays = game.get_payoffs(profs)

    assert np.allclose(mpays, pays)
Beispiel #26
def test_random_dpr(keep_prob, game_desc, _):
    """Simple test that dpr functions are consistent"""
    players, strategies, red_players = game_desc
    # Create game
    game =, strategies, keep_prob)

    # Try to reduce game
    red_game = dpr.reduce_game(game, red_players)
    assert (rsgame.empty(red_players, strategies) ==
            dpr.reduce_game(rsgame.empty(players, strategies),

    # Assert that reducing all profiles covers reduced game
    reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(red_game.profiles())
    reduced_full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        dpr.reduce_profiles(red_game, game.profiles()))
    assert np.setdiff1d(reduced_profiles, reduced_full_profiles).size == 0, \
        "reduced game contained profiles it shouldn't have"

    # Assert that all contributing profiles are in the expansion of the reduced
    # game, we need to first filter for complete profiles
    full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(game.profiles())
    complete_profs = ~np.isnan(red_game.payoffs()).any(1)
    full_reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        dpr.expand_profiles(game, red_game.profiles()[complete_profs]))
    assert np.setdiff1d(full_reduced_profiles, full_profiles).size == 0, \
        'full game did not have data for all profiles required of reduced'

    # Assert that dpr counts are accurate
    num_dpr_profiles = dpr.expand_profiles(
        game, red_game.all_profiles()).shape[0]
    assert num_dpr_profiles == red_game.num_all_dpr_profiles

    # Test the dpr deviation profile counts are accurate
    rest = red_game.random_restriction()
    dpr_devs = dpr.expand_profiles(
        game, restrict.deviation_profiles(red_game, rest)).shape[0]
    num = restrict.num_dpr_deviation_profiles(red_game, rest)
    assert dpr_devs == num, \
        "num_dpr_deviation_profiles didn't return correct number"
Beispiel #27
def test_random_twins(players, strategies, keep_prob, _):
    """Test random twins reduction"""
    # Create game and reduction
    game =, strategies, keep_prob)

    # Try to reduce game
    red_game = tr.reduce_game(game)

    # Assert that reducing all profiles covers reduced game
    reduced_full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        tr.reduce_profiles(red_game, game.profiles()))
    reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(red_game.profiles())
    assert np.setdiff1d(reduced_profiles, reduced_full_profiles).size == 0, \
        "reduced game contained profiles it shouldn't have"

    # Assert that all contributing profiles are in the expansion of the reduced
    # game. We need to remove partial profiles first
    full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(game.profiles())
    complete_profs = ~np.isnan(red_game.payoffs()).any(1)
    full_reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        tr.expand_profiles(game, red_game.profiles()[complete_profs]))
    assert np.setdiff1d(full_reduced_profiles, full_profiles).size == 0, \
        'full game did not have data for all profiles required of reduced'
Beispiel #28
def test_random_identity(keep_prob, game_desc, _):
    """Test random identity"""
    players, strategies = game_desc
    # Create game and reduction
    game =, strategies, keep_prob)
    assert (paygame.game_copy(rsgame.empty(players, strategies)) ==
            ir.reduce_game(rsgame.empty(players, strategies)))

    # Try to reduce game
    red_game = ir.reduce_game(game)

    # Assert that reducing all profiles covers reduced game
    reduced_full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        ir.reduce_profiles(red_game, game.profiles()))
    reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(red_game.profiles())
    assert np.setxor1d(reduced_full_profiles, reduced_profiles).size == 0, \
        "reduced game didn't match full game"

    full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(game.profiles())
    full_reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        ir.expand_profiles(game, red_game.profiles()))
    assert np.setxor1d(full_profiles, full_reduced_profiles).size == 0, \
        'full game did not match reduced game'
Beispiel #29
def test_random_hierarchical(keep_prob, players, strategies, red_players, _):
    """Test random hierarchical"""
    # Create game and reduction
    game =, strategies, keep_prob)
    assert (rsgame.empty(red_players, strategies) ==
            hr.reduce_game(rsgame.empty(players, strategies), red_players))

    # Try to reduce game
    red_game = hr.reduce_game(game, red_players)

    # Assert that reducing all profiles covers reduced game
    reduced_full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        hr.reduce_profiles(red_game, game.profiles()))
    reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(red_game.profiles())
    assert np.setxor1d(reduced_profiles, reduced_full_profiles).size == 0, \
        "reduced game contained profiles it shouldn't have"

    # Assert that all contributing profiles are in the expansion of the reduced
    # game. Since hr doesn't add any incomplete profiles, it can't produce any
    full_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(game.profiles())
    full_reduced_profiles = utils.axis_to_elem(
        hr.expand_profiles(game, red_game.profiles()))
    assert np.setdiff1d(full_reduced_profiles, full_profiles).size == 0, \
        'full game did not have data for all profiles required of reduced'
Beispiel #30
def test_keep_num_profiles(players, strategies, _):
    """Test keep a number of profiles"""
    game =, strategies, 0.5)
    num = game.num_profiles // 2
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, num)
    assert test.num_profiles == num
Beispiel #31
def test_multi_role(func):
    """Test that at least one iteration works on a multi role game"""
    game =[2, 3], [3, 2])
    mix = game.random_mixture()
    eqm = func(game, mix)
    assert game.is_mixture(eqm)
Beispiel #32
def test_random_identity_test(players, strats, _):
    """Test that dumping and loading is identity"""
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(, strats))
    string = gambit.dumps(game)
    copy = gambit.loads(string)
    assert game == copy
Beispiel #33
def test_sample_profiles(players, strats, _):
    """Test sample profiles"""
    game =, strats)
    profiles = gamegen.sample_profiles(game, 5)
    uprofs = utils.axis_from_elem(np.unique(utils.axis_to_elem(profiles)))
    assert uprofs.shape == (5, game.num_strats)
Beispiel #34
def test_sample_profiles(players, strats, _):
    """Test sample profiles"""
    game =, strats)
    profiles = gamegen.sample_profiles(game, 5)
    uprofs = utils.axis_from_elem(np.unique(utils.axis_to_elem(profiles)))
    assert uprofs.shape == (5, game.num_strats)
Beispiel #35
def test_keep_num_profiles(players, strategies, _):
    """Test keep a number of profiles"""
    game =, strategies, 0.5)
    num = game.num_profiles // 2
    test = gamegen.keep_num_profiles(game, num)
    assert test.num_profiles == num
Beispiel #36
 def create(args):
     """Create role symmetric game"""
     players, strats = zip(*(map(int, ps.split(':'))
                             for ps in args.pands.split(',')))
     return, strats)
Beispiel #37
def test_random_identity_test(players, strats, _):
    """Test that dumping and loading is identity"""
    game = matgame.matgame_copy(, strats))
    string = gambit.dumps(game)
    copy = gambit.loads(string)
    assert game == copy
Beispiel #38
def test_multi_role(func):
    """Test that at least one iteration works on a multi role game"""
    game =[2, 3], [3, 2])
    mix = game.random_mixture()
    eqm = func(game, mix)
    assert game.is_mixture(eqm)
Beispiel #39
def fix_game():
    """Get a standard game"""
    return[3, 2], [2, 3])
Beispiel #40
 def create(args):
     """Create role symmetric game"""
     players, strats = zip(*(map(int, ps.split(':')) for ps
                             in args.pands.split(',')))
     return, strats)