Beispiel #1
def simulate_with_heuristic(state, max_states=50_000):
    visited = set()
    moveseq = []
    i = 0
    while True:
        v = len(visited)
        if i >= max_states:
            return EndState(solved=False, visited=v, msg="exceeded max states")
        if state in visited:
            return EndState(solved=False, msg="revisited state", visited=v)
        # Yan et al. Section 4 "Machine Play"
        # 1. identify set of legal moves
        # 2. select and execute a legal move
        actions = yan_et_al_prioritized_actions(state)
        if len(actions) == 0:
            return EndState(solved=False, visited=v, msg="run out of actions")
        action = actions[0]
        state = play_move(state, action)
        # 3. If all cards are on suit stacks, declare victory and terminate.
        if state_is_win(state):
            return EndState(solved=True, moveseq=moveseq, visited=v)
        # 4. If new card configuration repeats a previous one, declare loss and terminate.
        # 5. Repeat procedure.
        i += 1
Beispiel #2
def endgame(fname, k):
    fname: path to a shootme solution fixture
    k: number of moves *remaining* until shootme solution
    :returns: {KlonState}
    state, moveseq = state_with_moveseq(fname)
    while len(moveseq) > k:
        state = play_move(state, moveseq.pop(0))
    return state
Beispiel #3
def yan_et_al_rollout_1(state):
    moves = get_legal_moves(state)
    for move in moves:
        new_state = play_move(state, move)
        result = simulate_with_heuristic(new_state)
        if result.solved:
            return EndState(
                msg="solved in rollout",
                moveseq=(move,) + tuple(result.moveseq),
    # no optimal move: use the strategy as before
    actions = yan_et_al_prioritized_actions(state)
    if len(actions) == 0:
        return None
    return actions[0]
Beispiel #4
 def make_move(state, move):
     new_state = play_move(state, move)
     return KlondikeNode(*new_state, parent=state)
Beispiel #5
def validate_move_seq(state, move_seq):
    state = copy(state)
    for move in move_seq:
        state = play_move(state, move)
    return state_is_win(state)
Beispiel #6
 def play_move(self, move):
     child = play_move(self, move)
     return KlonNode(*child, parent=self, action=move)