Beispiel #1
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation
        # Get datapath if not already set
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()
        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)
        # Get filename of master index file
        self._master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()
        self._master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, self._master_indx)
        # Check for presence of master index file
        if not os.path.isfile(self._master_file):
            raise RuntimeError('Master index file "'+self._master_file+
                               '" not found. Use hidden parameter '+
                               '"master_indx" to specifiy a different '+

        #  Write input parameters into logger
        # Return
Beispiel #2
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation

        # Get datapath if not already set
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)

        # Get filename of master index file
        self._master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()
        self._master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, self._master_indx)

        # Check for presence of master index file
        if not os.path.isfile(self._master_file):
            raise RuntimeError('Master index file "' + self._master_file +
                               '" not found. Use hidden parameter ' +
                               '"master_indx" to specifiy a different ' +

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return
Beispiel #3
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation
        # Query datapath. If the parameter is not NONE then use it, otherwise
        # use the datapath from the VHEFITS environment variable
        datapath = self['datapath'].string()
        if gammalib.toupper(datapath) != 'NONE':
            self._datapath = datapath
            self._datapath = os.getenv('VHEFITS', '')

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)

        # Get filename of master index file
        self._master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()
        self._master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, self._master_indx)

        # Check for presence of master index file
        if not os.path.isfile(self._master_file):
            raise RuntimeError('Master index file "' + self._master_file +
                               '" not found. Use hidden parameter ' +
                               '"master_indx" to specifiy a different ' +

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return
Beispiel #4
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation

        # Get Parameters
        self._remote_master = self['remote_master'].filename()
        if not self._remote_master.exists():
            raise RuntimeError('*** ERROR: FITS data not available. No '
                               'master index file found in "' +
                               self._remote_master + '". Make sure remote '
                               'file system is properly mounted.')

        # Get parameters
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()
        self._outpath = gammalib.expand_env(self['outpath'].string())
        self._runlist = self['runlist'].filename()

        # Write input parameters into logger
        if self._logTerse():

        # Return
Beispiel #5
    def get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation.
        # Get datapath if not already set
        if self.datapath == "":
            self.datapath = self["datapath"].string()
        # Expand environment
        self.datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self.datapath)
        # Get filename of master index file
        self.m_master_indx = self["master_indx"].string()
        self.m_master_file = os.path.join(self.datapath, self.m_master_indx)

        # Return
Beispiel #6
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation
        # Get Parameters
        self._remote_master = self['remote_master'].filename()
        if not self._remote_master.exists():
            raise RuntimeError('*** ERROR: FITS data not available. No '
                               'master index file found in "'+
                               self._remote_master+'". Make sure remote '
                               'file system is properly mounted.')
        # Get parameters
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()
        self._outpath  = gammalib.expand_env(self['outpath'].string())
        self._runlist  = self['runlist'].filename()            

        #  Write input parameters into logger
        # Return
Beispiel #7
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation
        # Set data path
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()
        # Query input parameters

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)
        # Read FITS production
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()
        # Read runlist file if list not already filled
        if len(self._runlist) == 0:
            # Get file name
            self._runlistfile = self['infile'].filename()
            # Read runlist from file
            runfile = open(self._runlistfile.url())
            for line in runfile.readlines():
                if len(line) == 0:
                if line[0] == '#':
                if len(line.split()) > 0:
        # Read number of background parameters
        self._bkgpars = self['bkgpars'].integer()

        # Query ahead output parameters
        if self._read_ahead():
        # Master index file name
        self._master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()
        # Read flag for background scaling factor
        self._use_bkg_scale = self['bkg_scale'].boolean()
        # Read hierarchy of file loading
        self._ev_hiera      = self['ev_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._aeff_hiera    = self['aeff_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._psf_hiera     = self['psf_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._bkg_hiera     = self['bkg_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._edisp_hiera   = self['edisp_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._bkg_mod_hiera = self['bkg_mod_hiera'].string().split('|')
        # Read hidden background parameters
        self._bkg_gauss_norm   = self['bkg_gauss_norm'].real()
        self._bkg_gauss_index  = self['bkg_gauss_index'].real()
        self._bkg_gauss_sigma  = self['bkg_gauss_sigma'].real()
        self._bkg_aeff_index   = self['bkg_aeff_index'].real()
        self._bkg_aeff_norm    = self['bkg_aeff_norm'].real()
        self._bkg_range_factor = self['bkg_range_factor'].real()
        # Open master index file and look for prodname 
        master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, self._master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            raise RuntimeError('FITS data store not available. No master index file found. Make sure the file is copied from the server and your datapath is set correctly.')

        # Open and load JSON file
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data      = json.loads(json_data)    
        if not 'datasets' in data:
            raise RuntimeError('Key "datasets" not available in master index file.')

        # Get configurations
        configs = data['datasets']

        # Initialise HDUs
        self._hdu_index = self._obs_index = ''

        # Get HDUs
        for config in configs:
            # Check if prodname is present
            if self._prodname == config['name']:
                self._hdu_index = str(os.path.join(self._datapath,
                self._obs_index = str(os.path.join(self._datapath,
                # Leave loop if index file names were found

        # Check index files
        if self._hdu_index == '' or self._obs_index == '':
            raise RuntimeError('*** ERROR: FITS data store "'+self._prodname+'" not available. Run csiactdata to get a list of available storage names')
        # Check HDU names
        filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._hdu_index+'[HDU_INDEX]')
        if not filename.is_fits():
            raise RuntimeError('*** ERROR: HDU index file "'+self._hdu_index+'[HDU_INDEX]" for FITS data store "'+self._prodname+'" not available. Check your master index file or run csiactdata to get a list of available storage names.')

        # Check for existence of 'BKG_SCALE' in the observation index file if required
        if self._use_bkg_scale:
            # Create filename
            filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._obs_index+'[OBS_INDEX]')
            # Check if it is a FITS file
            if filename.is_fits():
                # Open FITS file
                fits = gammalib.GFits(self._obs_index)
                # Check if column "BKG_SCALE" is found and signal its possible usage
                if not fits['OBS_INDEX'].contains('BKG_SCALE'):
                    self._use_bkg_scale = False
                # Close FITS file
                # Signal that there is no background scale
                self._use_bkg_scale = False
        # Create base data directory from hdu index file location
        self._subdir  = os.path.dirname(self._hdu_index)  
        self._debug   = False # Debugging in client tools

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return
Beispiel #8
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation.
        # Get parameters
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)

        # Get production name
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()

        # Master index file name
        master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()

        # Initialise flag if spatial selection is required
        self._select_radec = True

        # Initialise invalid radius
        self._radius = 0.0

        # Check for validity of spatial parameters
        if (self['ra'].is_valid() and self['dec'].is_valid()
                and self['rad'].is_valid()):

            # Read spatial parameters
            self._ra = self['ra'].real()
            self._dec = self['dec'].real()
            self._radius = self['rad'].real()

        # ... otherwise signal that there are no spatial parameters for
        # selection
            self._select_radec = False

        # Check Radius for validity
        if self._radius <= 0.0:
            self._select_radec = False

        # Query other parameters

        # Read ahead output parameters
        if self._read_ahead():

        # Set filename of JSON master file and raise an exception if the file
        # does not exist
        master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            msg = ('FITS data store not available. No master index file found '
                   'at "%s". Make sure the file is copied from the server and '
                   'your datapath is set correctly.' % master_file)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Open and load JSON master file. If the "dataset" key is not available
        # then raise an exception
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data = json.loads(json_data)
        if not 'datasets' in data:
            msg = ('Key "datasets" not available in master index file.')
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Get configurations from JSON master file
        configs = data['datasets']

        # Initialise obs index file
        self._obs_index = ''

        # Get name of observation index file
        for config in configs:
            if self._prodname == config['name']:
                self._obs_index = str(
                    os.path.join(self._datapath, config['obsindx']))

        # If the observation index file name is empty then raise an exception
        if self._obs_index == '':
            msg = ('FITS data store "%s" not available. Run csiactdata to get '
                   'a list of available storage names.' % self._prodname)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # If the observation index file is not a FITS file then raise an
        # exception
        filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._obs_index + '[OBS_INDEX]')
        if not filename.is_fits():
            msg = (
                'Observation index file "%s[OBS_INDEX]" for FITS data store '
                '"%s" not available. Check your master index file or run '
                'csiactdata to get a list of available storage names.' %
                (self._obs_index, self._prodname))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return
Beispiel #9
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation
        # Set data path
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()

        # Query input parameters

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)

        # Read FITS production
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()

        # Read runlist file if list not already filled
        if len(self._runlist) == 0:

            # Get file name
            self._runlistfile = self['infile'].filename()

            # Read runlist from file
            runfile = open(self._runlistfile.url())
            for line in runfile.readlines():
                if len(line) == 0:
                if line[0] == '#':
                if len(line.split()) > 0:

        # Read number of background parameters
        self._bkgpars = self['bkgpars'].integer()

        # Query ahead output parameters
        if self._read_ahead():

        # Master index file name
        self._master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()

        # Read flag for background scaling factor
        self._use_bkg_scale = self['bkg_scale'].boolean()

        # Read hierarchy of file loading
        self._ev_hiera = self['ev_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._aeff_hiera = self['aeff_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._psf_hiera = self['psf_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._bkg_hiera = self['bkg_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._edisp_hiera = self['edisp_hiera'].string().split('|')
        self._bkg_mod_hiera = self['bkg_mod_hiera'].string().split('|')

        # Read hidden background parameters
        self._bkg_gauss_norm = self['bkg_gauss_norm'].real()
        self._bkg_gauss_index = self['bkg_gauss_index'].real()
        self._bkg_gauss_sigma = self['bkg_gauss_sigma'].real()
        self._bkg_aeff_index = self['bkg_aeff_index'].real()
        self._bkg_aeff_norm = self['bkg_aeff_norm'].real()
        self._bkg_range_factor = self['bkg_range_factor'].real()

        # Open master index file and look for prodname
        master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, self._master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'FITS data store not available. No master index file found. Make sure the file is copied from the server and your datapath is set correctly.'

        # Open and load JSON file
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data = json.loads(json_data)
        if not 'datasets' in data:
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Key "datasets" not available in master index file.')

        # Get configurations
        configs = data['datasets']

        # Initialise HDUs
        self._hdu_index = self._obs_index = ''

        # Get HDUs
        for config in configs:

            # Check if prodname is present
            if self._prodname == config['name']:
                self._hdu_index = str(
                    os.path.join(self._datapath, config['hduindx']))
                self._obs_index = str(
                    os.path.join(self._datapath, config['obsindx']))

                # Leave loop if index file names were found

        # Check index files
        if self._hdu_index == '' or self._obs_index == '':
            raise RuntimeError(
                '*** ERROR: FITS data store "' + self._prodname +
                '" not available. Run csiactdata to get a list of available storage names'

        # Check HDU names
        filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._hdu_index + '[HDU_INDEX]')
        if not filename.is_fits():
            raise RuntimeError(
                '*** ERROR: HDU index file "' + self._hdu_index +
                '[HDU_INDEX]" for FITS data store "' + self._prodname +
                '" not available. Check your master index file or run csiactdata to get a list of available storage names.'

        # Check for existence of 'BKG_SCALE' in the observation index file if required
        if self._use_bkg_scale:

            # Create filename
            filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._obs_index + '[OBS_INDEX]')

            # Check if it is a FITS file
            if filename.is_fits():

                # Open FITS file
                fits = gammalib.GFits(self._obs_index)

                # Check if column "BKG_SCALE" is found and signal its possible usage
                if not fits['OBS_INDEX'].contains('BKG_SCALE'):
                    self._use_bkg_scale = False

                # Close FITS file

                # Signal that there is no background scale
                self._use_bkg_scale = False

        # Create base data directory from hdu index file location
        self._subdir = os.path.dirname(self._hdu_index)
        self._debug = False  # Debugging in client tools

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return
Beispiel #10
    def get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation.
        if self.datapath == "":
            self.datapath = self["datapath"].string()
        # Expand environment
        self.datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self.datapath)
        # Read user parameters  
        self.m_prodname    = self["prodname"].string()
        self.m_runlistfile = gammalib.expand_env(self["runlistfile"].filename())
        self.m_bkgpars     = self["bkgpars"].integer()
        # Output model file
        self.outmodel = self["outmodel"].filename()
        # Observation outfile
        self.outobs = self["outobs"].filename()
        # Master index file name
        self.m_master_indx = self["master_indx"].string()
        # Read hierarchy of file loading
        self.m_ev_hiera      = self["ev_hiera"].string().split("|")
        self.m_aeff_hiera    = self["aeff_hiera"].string().split("|")
        self.m_psf_hiera     = self["psf_hiera"].string().split("|")
        self.m_bkg_hiera     = self["bkg_hiera"].string().split("|")  
        self.m_edisp_hiera   = self["edisp_hiera"].string().split("|") 
        self.m_bkg_mod_hiera = self["bkg_mod_hiera"].string().split("|")
        # Read hidden background parameters
        self.m_bkg_gauss_norm   = self["bkg_gauss_norm"].real()
        self.m_bkg_gauss_index  = self["bkg_gauss_index"].real()
        self.m_bkg_gauss_sigma  = self["bkg_gauss_sigma"].real()
        self.m_bkg_aeff_index   = self["bkg_aeff_index"].real()
        self.m_bkg_aeff_norm    = self["bkg_aeff_norm"].real()
        self.m_bkg_range_factor = self["bkg_range_factor"].real()
        # Open master index file and look for prodname 
        master_file = os.path.join(self.datapath, self.m_master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            raise RuntimeError("FITS data store not available. No master index file found. Make sure the file is copied from the server and your datapath is set correctly.")

        # Open and load JSON file
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data      = json.loads(json_data)    
        if not "datasets" in data:
            raise RuntimeError("Key \"datasets\" not available in master index file.")

        # Get configurations
        configs = data["datasets"]

        # Initialise HDUs
        self.m_hdu_index = self.m_obs_index = ""

        # Get HDUs
        for config in configs:
            if self.m_prodname == config["name"]:
                self.m_hdu_index = str(os.path.join(self.datapath, config["hduindx"]))
                self.m_obs_index = str(os.path.join(self.datapath, config["obsindx"]))

        # Check HDUs
        if self.m_hdu_index == "" or self.m_obs_index == "":
            raise RuntimeError("FITS data store \""+self.m_prodname+"\" not available. Run csdsinfo to get a list of available storage names")
        if not gammalib.is_fits(self.m_hdu_index+"[HDU_INDEX]"):
            raise RuntimeError("HDU index file \""+self.m_hdu_index+"[HDU_INDEX]\" for FITS data store \""+self.m_prodname+"\" not available. Check your master index file or run csdsinfo to get a list of available storage names.")

        # Load index
        if gammalib.is_fits(self.m_obs_index+"[OBS_INDEX]"):
            fits = gammalib.GFits(self.m_obs_index)
            self.has_bkg_scale = fits["OBS_INDEX"].contains("BKG_SCALE")
            self.has_bkg_scale = False
        # Create base data directory from hdu index file location
        self.subdir    = os.path.dirname(self.m_hdu_index)  
        self.m_log     = False # Logging in client tools
        self.m_debug   = False # Debugging in client tools
        self.m_clobber = self["clobber"].boolean()

        # Return
Beispiel #11
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation.
        # Get parameters
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()

        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)

        # Get production name
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()

        # Master index file name
        master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()

        # Intiialise flag if spatial selection is required
        self._select_radec = True

        # Initialise invalid radius
        self._radius = 0.0

        # Check for vailidity of spatial parameters
        if (self['ra'].is_valid() and self['dec'].is_valid()
                and self['rad'].is_valid()):

            # Read spatial parameters
            self._ra = self['ra'].real()
            self._dec = self['dec'].real()
            self._radius = self['rad'].real()

            self._select_radec = False

        # Check Radius for validity
        if self._radius <= 0.0:
            self._select_radec = False

        # Query other parameters

        # Read ahead output parameters
        if self._read_ahead():

        # Open master index file and look for prodname
        master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            raise RuntimeError('FITS data store not available. ' +
                               'No master index file found at "' +
                               master_file + '". Make sure the file ' +
                               'is copied from the server and your ' +
                               'datapath is set correctly.')

        # Open and load JSON file
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data = json.loads(json_data)
        if not 'datasets' in data:
            raise RuntimeError('Key "datasets" not available in ' +
                               'master index file.')

        # Get configurations
        configs = data['datasets']

        # Initialise obs index file
        self._obs_index = ''

        # Get HDUs
        for config in configs:
            if self._prodname == config['name']:
                self._obs_index = str(
                    os.path.join(self._datapath, config['obsindx']))

        # Check HDUs
        if self._obs_index == '':
            raise RuntimeError('FITS data store "' + self._prodname +
                               '" not available. Run csiactdata to get ' +
                               'a list of available storage names')
        filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._obs_index + '[OBS_INDEX]')
        if not filename.is_fits():
            raise RuntimeError('Observation index file "' + self._obs_index +
                               '[OBS_INDEX]" for FITS data store "' +
                               self._prodname +
                               '" not available. Check your master index ' +
                               'file or run csiactdata to get a list of ' +
                               'available storage names.')

        # Write input parameters into logger
        if self._logTerse():

        # Return
Beispiel #12
    def _get_parameters(self):
        Get parameters from parfile and setup the observation.
        # Get parameters
        if self._datapath == '':
            self._datapath = self['datapath'].string()
        # Expand environment
        self._datapath = gammalib.expand_env(self._datapath)
        # Get production name
        self._prodname = self['prodname'].string()
        # Master index file name
        master_indx = self['master_indx'].string()
        # Initialise flag if spatial selection is required
        self._select_radec = True
        # Initialise invalid radius
        self._radius = 0.0
        # Check for validity of spatial parameters
        if (self['ra'].is_valid() and
            self['dec'].is_valid() and 
            # Read spatial parameters
            self._ra     = self['ra'].real()
            self._dec    = self['dec'].real()
            self._radius = self['rad'].real()

        # ... otherwise signal that there are no spatial parameters for
        # selection
            self._select_radec = False
        # Check Radius for validity
        if self._radius <= 0.0:
            self._select_radec = False
        # Query other parameters

        # Read ahead output parameters
        if self._read_ahead():
        # Set filename of JSON master file and raise an exception if the file
        # does not exist
        master_file = os.path.join(self._datapath, master_indx)
        if not os.path.isfile(master_file):
            msg = ('FITS data store not available. No master index file found '
                   'at "%s". Make sure the file is copied from the server and '
                   'your datapath is set correctly.' % master_file)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Open and load JSON master file. If the "dataset" key is not available
        # then raise an exception
        json_data = open(master_file).read()
        data      = json.loads(json_data)
        if not 'datasets' in data:
            msg = ('Key "datasets" not available in master index file.')
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # Get configurations from JSON master file
        configs = data['datasets']

        # Initialise obs index file
        self._obs_index = ''

        # Get name of observation index file
        for config in configs:
            if self._prodname == config['name']:
                self._obs_index = str(os.path.join(self._datapath,

        # If the observation index file name is empty then raise an exception
        if self._obs_index == '':
            msg = ('FITS data store "%s" not available. Run csiactdata to get '
                   'a list of available storage names.' % self._prodname)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # If the observation index file is not a FITS file then raise an
        # exception
        filename = gammalib.GFilename(self._obs_index+'[OBS_INDEX]')
        if not filename.is_fits():
            msg = ('Observation index file "%s[OBS_INDEX]" for FITS data store '
                   '"%s" not available. Check your master index file or run '
                   'csiactdata to get a list of available storage names.' %
                   (self._obs_index, self._prodname))
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        #  Write input parameters into logger

        # Return