Beispiel #1
def test_wstat_errors(n_on, n_off, alpha, result):
    stat = WStatCountsStatistic(n_on, n_off, alpha)
    errn = stat.compute_errn()
    errp = stat.compute_errp()

    assert_allclose(errn, result[0], atol=1e-5)
    assert_allclose(errp, result[1], atol=1e-5)
Beispiel #2
def make_theta_squared_table(observations,
    """Make theta squared distribution in the same FoV for a list of `Observation`

    The ON theta2 profile is computed from a given distribution, on_position.
    By default, the OFF theta2 profile is extracted from a mirror position
    radially symmetric in the FOV to pos_on.

    The ON and OFF regions are assumed to be of the same size, so the normalisation
    factor between both region alpha = 1.

    observations: ``
        List of observations
    theta_squared_axis : `~gammapy.maps.geom.MapAxis`
        Axis of edges of the theta2 bin used to compute the distribution
    position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Position from which the on theta^2 distribution is computed
    position_off : `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
        Position from which the OFF theta^2 distribution is computed.
        Default: reflected position w.r.t. to the pointing position

    table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        Table containing the on counts, the off counts, acceptance, off acceptance and alpha
        for each theta squared bin.
    if not theta_squared_axis.edges.unit.is_equivalent("deg2"):
        raise ValueError("The theta2 axis should be equivalent to deg2")

    table = Table()

    table["theta2_min"] = theta_squared_axis.edges[:-1]
    table["theta2_max"] = theta_squared_axis.edges[1:]
    table["counts"] = 0
    table["counts_off"] = 0
    table["acceptance"] = 0.0
    table["acceptance_off"] = 0.0

    alpha_tot = np.zeros(len(table))
    livetime_tot = 0

    for observation in observations:
        separation = position.separation(
        counts, _ = np.histogram(separation**2, theta_squared_axis.edges)
        table["counts"] += counts

        if not position_off:
            # Estimate the position of the mirror position
            pos_angle = observation.pointing_radec.position_angle(position)
            sep_angle = observation.pointing_radec.separation(position)
            position_off = observation.pointing_radec.directional_offset_by(
                pos_angle + Angle(np.pi, "rad"), sep_angle)

        # Angular distance of the events from the mirror position
        separation_off = position_off.separation(

        # Extract the ON and OFF theta2 distribution from the two positions.
        counts_off, _ = np.histogram(separation_off**2,
        table["counts_off"] += counts_off

        # Normalisation between ON and OFF is one
        acceptance = np.ones(theta_squared_axis.nbin)
        acceptance_off = np.ones(theta_squared_axis.nbin)

        table["acceptance"] += acceptance
        table["acceptance_off"] += acceptance_off
        alpha = acceptance / acceptance_off
        alpha_tot += alpha * observation.observation_live_time_duration.to_value(
        livetime_tot += observation.observation_live_time_duration.to_value(

    alpha_tot /= livetime_tot
    table["alpha"] = alpha_tot

    stat = WStatCountsStatistic(table["counts"], table["counts_off"],
    table["excess"] = stat.n_sig
    table["sqrt_ts"] = stat.sqrt_ts
    table["excess_errn"] = stat.compute_errn()
    table["excess_errp"] = stat.compute_errp()

    table.meta["ON_RA"] = position.icrs.ra
    table.meta["ON_DEC"] = position.icrs.dec
    return table
Beispiel #3
    def make_prof(self, sp_datasets):
        """ Utility to make the profile in each region

        sp_datasets : `~gammapy.datasets.MapDatasets` of `~gammapy.datasets.SpectrumDataset` or \
            the dataset to use for profile extraction

        results : list of dictionary
            the list of results (list of keys: x_min, x_ref, x_max, alpha, counts, background, excess, ts, sqrt_ts, \
            err, errn, errp, ul, exposure, solid_angle)
        results = []

        distance = self._get_projected_distance()

        for index, spds in enumerate(sp_datasets):
            old_model = None
            if spds.models is not None:
                old_model = spds.models
            spds.models = SkyModel(spectral_model=self.spectrum)
            e_reco = spds.counts.geom.axes["energy"].edges

            # ToDo: When the function to_spectrum_dataset will manage the masks, use the following line
            # mask = spds.mask if spds.mask is not None else slice(None)
            mask = slice(None)
            if isinstance(spds, SpectrumDatasetOnOff):
                stats = WStatCountsStatistic(
          [mask][:, 0, 0],
          [mask][:, 0, 0],
          [mask][:, 0, 0],

                stats = CashCountsStatistic(
          [mask][:, 0, 0],
                    spds.npred_background().data[mask][:, 0, 0],

            result = {
                "x_min": distance.edges[index],
                "x_max": distance.edges[index + 1],
                "energy_edge": e_reco,
            if isinstance(spds, SpectrumDatasetOnOff):
                result["alpha"] = stats.alpha
                    "counts": stats.n_on,
                    "background": stats.mu_bkg,
                    "excess": stats.n_sig,

            result["ts"] = stats.ts
            result["sqrt_ts"] = stats.sqrt_ts

            result["err"] = stats.error * self.n_sigma

            if "errn-errp" in self.selection_optional:
                result["errn"] = stats.compute_errn(self.n_sigma)
                result["errp"] = stats.compute_errp(self.n_sigma)

            if "ul" in self.selection_optional:
                result["ul"] = stats.compute_upper_limit(self.n_sigma_ul)

            npred = spds.npred().data[mask][:, 0, 0]
            e_reco_lo = e_reco[:-1]
            e_reco_hi = e_reco[1:]
            flux = (
                / npred
                * spds.models[0].spectral_model.integral(e_reco_lo, e_reco_hi).value
            result["flux"] = flux

            result["flux_err"] = stats.error / stats.n_sig * flux

            if "errn-errp" in self.selection_optional:
                result["flux_errn"] = np.abs(result["errn"]) / stats.n_sig * flux
                result["flux_errp"] = result["errp"] / stats.n_sig * flux

            if "ul" in self.selection_optional:
                result["flux_ul"] = result["ul"] / stats.n_sig * flux

            solid_angle = spds.counts.geom.solid_angle()
            result["solid_angle"] = (
                np.full(result["counts"].shape, solid_angle.to_value("sr")) *

            if old_model is not None:
                spds.models = old_model

        return results
Beispiel #4
"""Example plot showing the profile of the WStat statistic and its connection to excess errors."""
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from gammapy.stats import WStatCountsStatistic

count_statistic = WStatCountsStatistic(n_on=13, n_off=11, alpha=0.5)
excess = count_statistic.excess

errn = count_statistic.compute_errn(1.0)
errp = count_statistic.compute_errp(1.0)

errn_2sigma = count_statistic.compute_errn(2.0)
errp_2sigma = count_statistic.compute_errp(2.0)

# We compute the WStat statistic profile
mu_signal = np.linspace(-2.5, 26, 100)
stat_values = count_statistic._stat_fcn(mu_signal)

xmin, xmax = -2.5, 26
ymin, ymax = 0, 15
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
plt.plot(mu_signal, stat_values, color="k")
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)

plt.xlabel(r"Number of expected signal event, $\mu_{sig}$")
plt.ylabel(r"WStat value, TS ")

    count_statistic.stat_max + 1,
    xmin=excess + errn,