def setUp(self): self.ctx = mocks.FakeContext() self.cfg = self.ctx.GetConfig("ec_id") self.rpc = CreateRpcRunnerMock() self.proc = mcpu.Processor(self.ctx, "ec_id", enable_locks=False) self.op = self.OpTest() self.calc_timeout = lambda: 42
def _Query(self, op): """Runs the specified opcode and returns the result. """ # Queries don't have a job id proc = mcpu.Processor(self.server.context, None, enable_locks=False) # TODO: Executing an opcode using locks will acquire them in blocking mode. # Consider using a timeout for retries. return proc.ExecOpCode(op, None)
def main(): debug = int(os.environ["GNT_DEBUG"]) logname = pathutils.GetLogFilename("jobs") utils.SetupLogging(logname, "job-startup", debug=debug) (job_id, llock, secret_params_serialized) = _SetupJob() secret_params = "" if secret_params_serialized: secret_params_json = serializer.LoadJson(secret_params_serialized) secret_params = RestorePrivateValueWrapping(secret_params_json) utils.SetupLogging(logname, "job-%s" % (job_id,), debug=debug) try: logging.debug("Preparing the context and the configuration") context = masterd.GanetiContext(llock) logging.debug("Registering signal handlers") cancel = [False] prio_change = [False] def _TermHandler(signum, _frame):"Killed by signal %d", signum) cancel[0] = True signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _TermHandler) def _HupHandler(signum, _frame): logging.debug("Received signal %d, old flag was %s, will set to True", signum, mcpu.sighupReceived) mcpu.sighupReceived[0] = True signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, _HupHandler) def _User1Handler(signum, _frame):"Received signal %d, indicating priority change", signum) prio_change[0] = True signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, _User1Handler) job = context.jobqueue.SafeLoadJobFromDisk(job_id, False) job.SetPid(os.getpid()) if secret_params: for i in range(0, len(secret_params)): if hasattr(job.ops[i].input, "osparams_secret"): job.ops[i].input.osparams_secret = secret_params[i] execfun = mcpu.Processor(context, job_id, job_id).ExecOpCode proc = _JobProcessor(context.jobqueue, execfun, job) result = _JobProcessor.DEFER while result != _JobProcessor.FINISHED: result = proc() if result == _JobProcessor.WAITDEP and not cancel[0]: # Normally, the scheduler should avoid starting a job where the # dependencies are not yet finalised. So warn, but wait an continue. logging.warning("Got started despite a dependency not yet finished") time.sleep(5) if cancel[0]: logging.debug("Got cancel request, cancelling job %d", job_id) r = context.jobqueue.CancelJob(job_id) job = context.jobqueue.SafeLoadJobFromDisk(job_id, False) proc = _JobProcessor(context.jobqueue, execfun, job) logging.debug("CancelJob result for job %d: %s", job_id, r) cancel[0] = False if prio_change[0]: logging.debug("Received priority-change request") try: fname = os.path.join(pathutils.LUXID_MESSAGE_DIR, "%d.prio" % job_id) new_prio = int(utils.ReadFile(fname)) utils.RemoveFile(fname) logging.debug("Changing priority of job %d to %d", job_id, new_prio) r = context.jobqueue.ChangeJobPriority(job_id, new_prio) job = context.jobqueue.SafeLoadJobFromDisk(job_id, False) proc = _JobProcessor(context.jobqueue, execfun, job) logging.debug("Result of changing priority of %d to %d: %s", job_id, new_prio, r) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 logging.warning("Informed of priority change, but could not" " read new priority") prio_change[0] = False except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 logging.exception("Exception when trying to run job %d", job_id) finally: logging.debug("Job %d finalized", job_id) logging.debug("Removing livelock file %s", llock.GetPath()) os.remove(llock.GetPath()) sys.exit(0)