Beispiel #1
Datei: Projekt: bsu/GWM
    def __init__(self, cluster, node, *args, **kwargs):
        super(EvacuateForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        node_list = [str(h) for h in cluster.nodes.exclude(\
                                    .values_list('hostname', flat=True)]
        nodes = zip(node_list, node_list)
        nodes.insert(0, self.EMPTY_FIELD)
        self.fields['node'].choices = nodes

        defaults = cluster_default_info(cluster)
        if defaults['iallocator'] != '' :
            self.fields['iallocator'].initial = True
            self.fields['iallocator_hostname'].initial = defaults['iallocator']
Beispiel #2
def cluster_defaults(request):
    Ajax view for retrieving the default cluster options to be set
    on the NewVirtualMachineForm.
    cluster_id = request.GET.get('cluster_id', None)
    cluster = get_object_or_404(Cluster, id__exact=cluster_id)

    user = request.user
    if not (user.is_superuser or user.has_perm('create_vm', cluster) or
            user.has_perm('admin', cluster)):
        return render_403(request, 'You do not have permission to view the default cluster options')

    content = json.dumps(cluster_default_info(cluster))
    return HttpResponse(content, mimetype='application/json')
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, user, cluster=None, initial=None, *args, **kwargs):
        self.user = user
        super(NewVirtualMachineForm, self).__init__(initial, *args, **kwargs)

        if initial:
            if 'cluster' in initial and initial['cluster']:
                    cluster = Cluster.objects.get(pk=initial['cluster'])
                except Cluster.DoesNotExist:
                    # defer to clean function to return errors
        if cluster is not None:
            # set choices based on selected cluster if given
            oslist = cluster_os_list(cluster)
            nodelist = [str(h) for h in cluster.nodes.values_list('hostname', flat=True)]
            nodes = zip(nodelist, nodelist)
            nodes.insert(0, self.empty_field)
            oslist.insert(0, self.empty_field)
            self.fields['pnode'].choices = nodes
            self.fields['snode'].choices = nodes
            self.fields['os'].choices = oslist

            defaults = cluster_default_info(cluster)
            if defaults['iallocator'] != '' :
                self.fields['iallocator'].initial = True
                self.fields['iallocator_hostname'] = forms.CharField( \
                                        initial=defaults['iallocator'], \
                                        required=False, \
                                        widget = forms.HiddenInput())
            self.fields['vcpus'].initial = defaults['vcpus']
            self.fields['memory'].initial = defaults['memory']
            self.fields['disk_type'].initial = defaults['disk_type']
            self.fields['root_path'].initial = defaults['root_path']
            self.fields['kernel_path'].initial = defaults['kernel_path']
            self.fields['serial_console'].initial = defaults['serial_console']
            self.fields['nic_link'].initial = defaults['nic_link']

        # set cluster choices based on the given owner
        if initial and 'owner' in initial and initial['owner']:
                self.owner = ClusterUser.objects.get(pk=initial['owner']).cast()
            except ClusterUser.DoesNotExist:
                self.owner = None
            self.owner = None

        # Set up owner and cluster choices.
        if user.is_superuser:
            # Superusers may do whatever they like.
            self.fields['owner'].queryset = ClusterUser.objects.all()
            self.fields['cluster'].queryset = Cluster.objects.all()
            # Fill out owner choices. Remember, the list of owners is a list
            # of tuple(, label). If you put ids from other
            # Models into this, no magical correction will be applied and you
            # will assign permissions to the wrong owner; see #2007.
            owners = [(u'', u'---------')]
            for group in user.groups.all():
            if user.has_any_perms(Cluster, ['admin','create_vm'], False):
                profile = user.get_profile()
            self.fields['owner'].choices = owners

            # Set cluster choices.  If an owner has been selected then filter
            # by the owner.  Otherwise show everything the user has access to
            # through themselves or any groups they are a member of
            if self.owner:
                q = self.owner.get_objects_any_perms(Cluster, ['admin','create_vm'])
                q = user.get_objects_any_perms(Cluster, ['admin','create_vm'])
            self.fields['cluster'].queryset = q