def _generate_samples_and_manifest(
        api_schema: api.API,
        sample_template: jinja2.Template,
    ) -> Dict[str, CodeGeneratorResponse.File]:
        """Generate samples and samplegen manifest for the API.

            api_schema (api.API): The schema for the API to which the samples belong.

            Dict[str, CodeGeneratorResponse.File]: A dict mapping filepath to rendered file.
        # The two-layer data structure lets us do two things:
        # * detect duplicate samples, which is an error
        # * detect distinct samples with the same ID, which are disambiguated
        id_to_hash_to_spec: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str,
                                                  Any]] = defaultdict(dict)

        STANDALONE_TYPE = "standalone"
        for config_fpath in self._sample_configs:
            with open(config_fpath) as f:
                configs = yaml.safe_load_all(

            spec_generator = (
                spec for cfg in configs if is_valid_sample_cfg(cfg)
                for spec in cfg.get("samples", [])
                # If unspecified, assume a sample config describes a standalone.
                # If sample_types are specified, standalone samples must be
                # explicitly enabled.
                if STANDALONE_TYPE in spec.get("sample_type",

            for spec in spec_generator:
                # Every sample requires an ID, preferably provided by the
                # samplegen config author.
                # If no ID is provided, fall back to the region tag.
                # If there's no region tag, generate a unique ID.
                # Ideally the sample author should pick a descriptive, unique ID,
                # but this may be impractical and can be error-prone.
                spec_hash = sha256(str(spec).encode("utf8")).hexdigest()[:8]
                sample_id = spec.get("id") or spec.get(
                    "region_tag") or spec_hash
                spec["id"] = sample_id

                hash_to_spec = id_to_hash_to_spec[sample_id]
                if spec_hash in hash_to_spec:
                    raise DuplicateSample(
                        f"Duplicate samplegen spec found: {spec}")

                hash_to_spec[spec_hash] = spec

        out_dir = "samples"
        fpath_to_spec_and_rendered = {}
        for hash_to_spec in id_to_hash_to_spec.values():
            for spec_hash, spec in hash_to_spec.items():
                id_is_unique = len(hash_to_spec) == 1
                # The ID is used to generate the file name and by sample tester
                # to link filenames to invoked samples. It must be globally unique.
                if not id_is_unique:
                    spec["id"] += f"_{spec_hash}"

                sample = samplegen.generate_sample(

                fpath = spec["id"] + ".py"
                fpath_to_spec_and_rendered[os.path.join(out_dir, fpath)] = (

        output_files = {
            fname: CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
                content=formatter.fix_whitespace(sample), name=fname)
            for fname, (_, sample) in fpath_to_spec_and_rendered.items()

        # Only generate a manifest if we generated samples.
        if output_files:
            manifest_fname, manifest_doc = manifest.generate(
                ((fname, spec)
                 for fname, (spec, _) in fpath_to_spec_and_rendered.items()),

            manifest_fname = os.path.join(out_dir, manifest_fname)
            output_files[manifest_fname] = CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
                content=manifest_doc.render(), name=manifest_fname)

        return output_files
Beispiel #2
    def _generate_samples_and_manifest(
            self, api_schema: api.API, index: snippet_index.SnippetIndex, sample_template: jinja2.Template, *, opts: Options) -> Tuple[Dict, snippet_index.SnippetIndex]:
        """Generate samples and samplegen manifest for the API.

            api_schema (api.API): The schema for the API to which the samples belong.
            sample_template (jinja2.Template): The template to use to generate samples.
            opts (Options): Additional generator options.

            Tuple[Dict[str, CodeGeneratorResponse.File], snippet_index.SnippetIndex] : A dict mapping filepath to rendered file.
        # The two-layer data structure lets us do two things:
        # * detect duplicate samples, which is an error
        # * detect distinct samples with the same ID, which are disambiguated
        id_to_hash_to_spec: DefaultDict[str,
                                        Dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)

        # Autogenerated sample specs
        autogen_specs: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, Any]] = []
        if opts.autogen_snippets:
            autogen_specs = list(
                samplegen.generate_sample_specs(api_schema, opts=opts))

        # Also process any handwritten sample specs
        handwritten_specs = samplegen.parse_handwritten_specs(

        sample_specs = autogen_specs + list(handwritten_specs)

        for spec in sample_specs:
            # Every sample requires an ID. This may be provided
            # by a samplegen config author.
            # If no ID is provided, fall back to the region tag.
            # Ideally the sample author should pick a descriptive, unique ID,
            # but this may be impractical and can be error-prone.
            spec_hash = sha256(str(spec).encode("utf8")).hexdigest()[:8]
            sample_id = spec.get("id") or spec.get("region_tag") or spec_hash
            spec["id"] = sample_id

            hash_to_spec = id_to_hash_to_spec[sample_id]

            if spec_hash in hash_to_spec:
                raise DuplicateSample(
                    f"Duplicate samplegen spec found: {spec}")

            hash_to_spec[spec_hash] = spec

        out_dir = "samples/generated_samples"
        fpath_to_spec_and_rendered = {}
        for hash_to_spec in id_to_hash_to_spec.values():
            for spec_hash, spec in hash_to_spec.items():
                id_is_unique = len(hash_to_spec) == 1
                # The ID is used to generate the file name. It must be globally unique.
                if not id_is_unique:
                    spec["id"] += f"_{spec_hash}"

                sample, snippet_metadata = samplegen.generate_sample(
                    spec, api_schema, sample_template,)

                fpath = utils.to_snake_case(spec["id"]) + ".py"
                fpath_to_spec_and_rendered[os.path.join(out_dir, fpath)] = (

                snippet_metadata.file = fpath
                snippet_metadata.title = fpath

                    snippet_index.Snippet(sample, snippet_metadata))

        output_files = {
            fname: CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
                content=formatter.fix_whitespace(sample), name=fname
            for fname, (_, sample) in fpath_to_spec_and_rendered.items()

        if index.metadata_index.snippets:
            # NOTE(busunkim): Not all fields are yet populated in the snippet metadata.
            # Expected filename: snippet_metadata_{apishortname}_{apiversion}.json
            snippet_metadata_path = str(pathlib.Path(
                out_dir) / f"snippet_metadata_{}_{api_schema.naming.version}.json").lower()
            output_files[snippet_metadata_path] = CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
                content=formatter.fix_whitespace(index.get_metadata_json()), name=snippet_metadata_path)

        return output_files, index
Beispiel #3
    def _generate_samples_and_manifest(self, api_schema: api.API,
                                       sample_template: jinja2.Template, *,
                                       opts: Options) -> Dict:
        """Generate samples and samplegen manifest for the API.

            api_schema (api.API): The schema for the API to which the samples belong.
            sample_template (jinja2.Template): The template to use to generate samples.
            opts (Options): Additional generator options.

            Dict[str, CodeGeneratorResponse.File]: A dict mapping filepath to rendered file.
        # The two-layer data structure lets us do two things:
        # * detect duplicate samples, which is an error
        # * detect distinct samples with the same ID, which are disambiguated
        id_to_hash_to_spec: DefaultDict[str, Dict[str,
                                                  Any]] = defaultdict(dict)

        # Autogenerated sample specs
        autogen_specs: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, Any]] = []
        if opts.autogen_snippets:
            autogen_specs = list(
                samplegen.generate_sample_specs(api_schema, opts=opts))

        # Also process any handwritten sample specs
        handwritten_specs = samplegen.parse_handwritten_specs(

        sample_specs = autogen_specs + list(handwritten_specs)

        for spec in sample_specs:
            # Every sample requires an ID. This may be provided
            # by a samplegen config author.
            # If no ID is provided, fall back to the region tag.
            # Ideally the sample author should pick a descriptive, unique ID,
            # but this may be impractical and can be error-prone.
            spec_hash = sha256(str(spec).encode("utf8")).hexdigest()[:8]
            sample_id = spec.get("id") or spec.get("region_tag") or spec_hash
            spec["id"] = sample_id

            hash_to_spec = id_to_hash_to_spec[sample_id]

            if spec_hash in hash_to_spec:
                raise DuplicateSample(
                    f"Duplicate samplegen spec found: {spec}")

            hash_to_spec[spec_hash] = spec

        out_dir = "samples/generated_samples"
        fpath_to_spec_and_rendered = {}
        for hash_to_spec in id_to_hash_to_spec.values():
            for spec_hash, spec in hash_to_spec.items():
                id_is_unique = len(hash_to_spec) == 1
                # The ID is used to generate the file name. It must be globally unique.
                if not id_is_unique:
                    spec["id"] += f"_{spec_hash}"

                sample = samplegen.generate_sample(

                fpath = utils.to_snake_case(spec["id"]) + ".py"
                fpath_to_spec_and_rendered[os.path.join(out_dir, fpath)] = (

        output_files = {
            fname: CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
                content=formatter.fix_whitespace(sample), name=fname)
            for fname, (_, sample) in fpath_to_spec_and_rendered.items()

        # TODO(busunkim): Re-enable manifest generation once metadata
        # format has been formalized.
        # if output_files:

        # manifest_fname, manifest_doc = manifest.generate(
        #     (
        #         (fname, spec)
        #         for fname, (spec, _) in fpath_to_spec_and_rendered.items()
        #     ),
        #     api_schema,
        # )

        # manifest_fname = os.path.join(out_dir, manifest_fname)
        # output_files[manifest_fname] = CodeGeneratorResponse.File(
        #     content=manifest_doc.render(), name=manifest_fname
        # )

        return output_files