def test_tanh_normal_log_prob_of_clipped_action(self):
     """Verify that clipped actions still have a valid log probability."""
     mean = torch.zeros(2)
     std = torch.ones(2)
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     action = torch.Tensor([[1., -1.]])
     log_prob_approx = dist.log_prob(action)
     assert torch.isfinite(log_prob_approx)
     assert log_prob_approx < -20
     del dist
 def test_tanh_normal_rsample(self):
     """Test the bounds of the tanh_normal rsample function."""
     mean = torch.zeros(1)
     std = torch.ones(1)
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     sample = dist.rsample()
     pre_tanh_action, action = dist.rsample_with_pre_tanh_value()
     assert (pre_tanh_action.tanh() == action).all()
     assert -1 <= action <= 1.
     assert -1 <= sample <= 1.
     del dist
 def test_tanh_normal_bounds(self):
     """Test to make sure the tanh_normal dist obeys the bounds (-1,1)."""
     mean = torch.ones(1) * 100
     std = torch.ones(1) * 100
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     assert dist.mean <= 1.
     del dist
     mean = torch.ones(1) * -100
     std = torch.ones(1) * 100
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     assert dist.mean >= -1.
 def test_tanh_normal_log_prob(self):
     """Verify the correctnes of the tanh_normal log likelihood function."""
     mean = torch.zeros(1)
     std = torch.ones(1)
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     pre_tanh_action = torch.Tensor([[2.0960]])
     action = pre_tanh_action.tanh()
     log_prob = dist.log_prob(action, pre_tanh_action)
     log_prob_approx = dist.log_prob(action)
     assert torch.allclose(log_prob, torch.Tensor([-0.2798519]))
     assert torch.allclose(log_prob_approx, torch.Tensor([-0.2798185]))
     del dist
    def test_tanh_normal_expand(self):
        """Test for expand function.

        Checks whether expand returns a distribution that has potentially a
        different batch size from the already existing distribution.

        mean = torch.zeros(1)
        std = torch.ones(1)
        dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
        new_dist = dist.expand((2, ))
        sample = new_dist.sample()
        assert sample.shape == torch.Size((2, 1))
 def test_new_tanh_normal(self):
     """Tests the tanh_normal constructor."""
     mean = torch.ones(1)
     std = torch.ones(1)
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     del dist
 def test_tanh_normal_repr(self):
     """Test that the repr function outputs the class name."""
     mean = torch.zeros(1)
     std = torch.ones(1)
     dist = TanhNormal(mean, std)
     assert repr(dist) == 'TanhNormal'