Beispiel #1
def create_checkout():
    global parsedItems
    result = transact({
        'amount': request.form['amount'],
        'payment_method_nonce': request.form['payment_method_nonce'],
        'options': {
            "submit_for_settlement": True
    for pair in parsedItems:
        query = mongo.db.paypay.find_one({"name" : pair[0].strip()})
        qty = query["quantity"]
        if int(qty) < pair[1]:
            return pair[0] + " is out of stock."
    if result.is_success or result.transaction:
        jsonItems = request.form['items']
        parsedItems = json.loads(jsonItems) #[[item1, qty], [item2, qty], [item3, qty]]
        #db operations: decrement stock, add new transaction entry
        for pair in parsedItems:
            query = mongo.db.paypay.find_one({"name" : pair[0].strip()})
            qty = query["quantity"]
            newqty = int(qty) - pair[1]
            newvalues = { "$set": {"quantity" : str(newqty)}}
            mongo.db.paypay.update_one(query, newvalues)
        page = "" + str(
        url = pyqrcode.create(page)
        url.png('tr.png', scale=8)

        return redirect(url_for('show_checkout',
        for x in result.errors.deep_errors: flash('Error: %s: %s' % (x.code, x.message))
        return redirect(url_for('new_checkout'))
Beispiel #2
def create_checkout():
    nonce = request.json.get('payment_method_nonce')
    amount = request.json.get('amount')
    result = transact({
        'amount': amount,
        'payment_method_nonce': nonce,
        'options': {
            "submit_for_settlement": True
    # amount = int(request.form.get('amount'))
    # current_id=
    # current_email = str(

    if result.is_success or result.transaction:
        # print([0])
        transaction = find_transaction(
        transac = {}
        transac['id'] =
        transac['type'] = transaction.type
        transac['amount'] = str(transaction.amount)
        transac['status'] = transaction.status
        result = {}
        if transaction.status in TRANSACTION_SUCCESS_STATUSES:
            result = {
                'Sweet Success!',
                'Your test transaction has been successfully processed. See the Braintree API response and try again.'
            result = {
                'Transaction Failed',
                'Your test transaction has a status of ' + transaction.status +
                '. See the Braintree API response and try again.'

        return jsonify(message=result, transac=transac)

        # for x in result.errors.deep_errors: flash('Error: %s: %s' % (x.code, x.message))
        # errormessage={}
        # errormessage['errormessage'] = result.errors.deep_errors
        return jsonify(error="error")
def create_checkout():
    result = transact({
        'amount': request.form['amount'],
        'payment_method_nonce': request.form['payment_method_nonce'],
        'options': {
            "submit_for_settlement": True

    if result.is_success or result.transaction:
        return redirect(url_for('show_checkout',
        for x in result.errors.deep_errors: flash('Error: %s: %s' % (x.code, x.message))
        return redirect(url_for('new_checkout'))
def create(transaction_request):
    Input: transaction_request-(request.form)

    fast_customer_id = transaction_request.form["customer_id"]

    # open database connection
    with MongoDB() as mongo_client:
        fast_customer_object = mongo_client.customers.find_by_id(fast_customer_id)

    # Use Fast customer id to get customer spending limit
    customer_object = find_customer(fast_customer_object['braintree']['customer_id'])
    customer_spending_limit = fast_customer_object['braintree']["customer_spending_limit"]

    # Check if request amount is within limits
    if float(transaction_request.form['amount']) > float(customer_spending_limit):
        error_dict = {
            "error_message": "Transaction Amount: {} Exceeds Limit: {}".format(transaction_request.form['amount'], customer_spending_limit),
            "error_code": "415"
        # transact uses braintree gateway to process the transaction
        data = transact({
            'amount': transaction_request.form['amount'],
            'payment_method_nonce': transaction_request.form['payment_method_nonce'],
            'options': {
                "submit_for_settlement": True

        if not data.is_success:
            errors_list = [[x.code, x.message] for x in data.errors.deep_errors]
            error_dict = {
                "error_message": errors_list[0][1], 
                "error_code": errors_list[0][0]

            error_dict = {}
            braintree_transaction_id =
            braintree_transaction_amount = float(data.transaction.amount)

            # open database connection
            with MongoDB() as mongo_client: 
                transaction_pair = {
            #Store braintree's customer transaction to mongo
            transaction_object = mongo_client.transactions.insert_one(transaction_pair)

    transaction_response = {
        "fast_transaction_id": None if error_dict else str(transaction_object["_id"]),
        "braintree_transaction_id": {} if error_dict else,
        "error": error_dict,
        "success": bool(not error_dict)

    return transaction_response