Beispiel #1
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    dx, dy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3.0)
    generatedbins = np.linspace(-6, 6, num=num_bins + 1)

    #Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    dxdy = np.clip(
        np.stack((dx, dy), axis=2), -6,
        6)  # cap the values in the range [-6, 6] with np.clip function
    fimg = dxdy.reshape(dxdy.shape[0] * dxdy.shape[1], 2)  # reshape the arrays
    for i in range(dxdy.shape[0] * dxdy.shape[1]):

        dx_bin = np.where(generatedbins <= fimg[i, 0])[0][-1] if fimg[
            0] != 6 else generatedbins.size - 2  # choose bins.size - 2 if current pixel is != 6
        dy_bin = np.where(
            generatedbins <= fimg[i, 1]
        )[0][-1] if fimg[i, 1] != 6 else generatedbins.size - 2
        hists[dx_bin, dy_bin] += 1

    # Normalize the histogram such that its integral (sum) is equal 1
    hists = hists / hists.sum()

    #Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #2
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'
    #Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    [imgDx, imgDy] = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, sigma=3)

    bins = np.linspace(-6, 6, num_bins)

    imgDx = np.clip(imgDx, -6, 6)

    imgDy = np.clip(imgDy, -6, 6)

    imgDx = imgDx.reshape(imgDx.size)
    imgDy = imgDy.reshape(imgDy.size)
    for i in range(min(len(imgDx), len(imgDy))):
        counts = np.zeros(len(img_gray.shape), dtype='int')
        for number, bin_ in enumerate(bins[:-1]):
            if imgDx[i] >= bin_ and imgDx[i] < bins[number + 1]:
                counts[0] = number
            if imgDy[i] >= bin_ and imgDy[i] < bins[number + 1]:
                counts[1] = number

        hists[counts[0], counts[1]] += 1

    hists = np.divide(hists, np.sum(hists))

    #Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)

    return hists
Beispiel #3
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    # compute the first derivatives
    # ...
    [imgDx, imgDy] = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 7)
    # quantize derivatives to "num_bins" number of values
    # ...
    dx_bin_length = (np.max(imgDx) - np.min(imgDx)) / num_bins
    dy_bin_length = (np.max(imgDy) - np.min(imgDy)) / num_bins
    # define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    # ...
    for i in range(img_gray.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img_gray.shape[1]):
            # increment a histogram bin which corresponds to the value of pixel i,j; h(R,G,B)
            # ...
            [dx_bin, dy_bin] = [
                int(imgDx[i][j] / dx_bin_length),
                int(imgDy[i][j] / dy_bin_length)
            hists[dx_bin][dy_bin] += 1

    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    # compute the first derivatives
    sigma = 7.0
    img_dx, img_dy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, sigma)

    # quantize derivatives to "num_bins" number of values
    min_a = -32
    max_a = 32

    t = (max_a - min_a + 1) / num_bins

    # define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    # ...
    for i in range(img_gray.shape[0]):
        for j in range(img_gray.shape[1]):
            x = math.floor((img_dx[i, j] + 32) / t)
            y = math.floor((img_dy[i, j] + 32) / t)
            hists[x, y] += 1

    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    hists = hists / (img_gray.shape[0] * img_gray.shape[1])
    total = hists.sum()
    hists = hists / total

    return hists
Beispiel #5
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    min_interval = -6
    max_interval = 6

    # defining the x and y derivatives of the image and
    # defining the minimum and maximum range of the derivatives
    derivx, derivy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3)
    derivx = np.clip(derivx, min_interval, max_interval)
    derivy = np.clip(derivy, min_interval, max_interval)

    # stacking the derivatives to iterate over them
    stacked = list(zip(derivx.reshape(-1), derivy.reshape(-1)))

    # the bin size is equal to the difference of the extremes
    # divided by the input number of bins
    bin_size = (max_interval - min_interval) / num_bins

    # filling the list's values with the equal-distanced bins
    bins = [min_interval for _ in range(num_bins + 1)]
    previous = min_interval
    for i in range(num_bins):
        bin_ = previous + bin_size
        bins[i + 1] = bin_
        previous = bin_

    # defining a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    # filling the array's values with the frequencies of the
    # pixels in the bins intervals
    for i in range(len(stacked)):

        deriv_xy = [0, 0]
        for k in range(len(bins)):
            if bins[k - 1] <= stacked[i][0] < bins[k]:
                deriv_xy[0] = k - 1
            if bins[k - 1] <= stacked[i][1] < bins[k]:
                deriv_xy[1] = k - 1

        hists[deriv_xy[0], deriv_xy[1]] += 1

    hists = hists / np.sum(hists)
    # return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #6
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'
    lower = -6
    upper = 6
    # We call the gaussderiv function in order to get the partial derivatives for x and y 
    # Cap the range of derivative values is in the range [-6, 6]
    Dx, Dy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3)
    Dx = np.clip(Dx, lower, upper)
    Dy = np.clip(Dy, lower, upper) 
    # We stack them in order to simplify the iteration
    stacked_deriv = list(zip(Dx.reshape(-1), Dy.reshape(-1)))

    bin_size = (upper - lower)/num_bins
    # We fill up the list with bins of equal length
    bins = [lower for x in range(num_bins+1)]
    previous = lower
    for i in range(num_bins):
        bin = previous + bin_size
        bins[i+1] = bin
        previous = bin

    # defining a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))
    # filling the array's values with the frequencies of the 
    # pixels in the bins intervals
    for i in range(len(stacked_deriv)):

        Dxy = [0,0]
        for k in range(len(bins)):
            if bins[k-1] <= stacked_deriv[i][0] < bins[k]:
                Dxy[0] = k-1
            if bins[k-1] <= stacked_deriv[i][1] < bins[k]:
                Dxy[1] = k-1
        hists[Dxy[0],Dxy[1]] += 1
    hists = hists/np.sum(hists)
    # Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #7
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    # compute the first derivatives
    imgderiv = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 7.0)

    # quantize derivatives to "num_bins" number of values
    bin_len = 60.0 / num_bins

    # define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))
    for i in range(imgderiv[0].shape[0]):
        for j in range(imgderiv[0].shape[1]):
            derx = (imgderiv[0][i, j] + 30) // bin_len
            dery = (imgderiv[1][i, j] + 30) // bin_len
            hists[int(derx), int(dery)] += 1
    hists = hists * 1.0 / np.sum(hists)
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    # compute the first derivatives
    imgDx, imgDy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 7)

    # quantize derivatives to "num_bins" number of values
    imgDx = np.around(((imgDx + 30) / 60) * (num_bins - 1)).astype(int)
    imgDy = np.around(((imgDy + 30) / 60) * (num_bins - 1)).astype(int)

    # define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    # execute the loop for each pixel in the image
    for i in range(imgDx.shape[0]):
        for j in range(imgDx.shape[1]):
            hists[imgDx[i, j], imgDy[i, j]] += 1

    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #9
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    [imgDx, imgDy] = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3.0)

    imgDx = np.matrix.flatten(np.clip(imgDx, -6, 6))
    imgDy = np.matrix.flatten(np.clip(imgDy, -6, 6))

    # Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))
    step_unit = 13 / num_bins

    for i in range(len(imgDx)):
        hists[int((imgDx[i] + 6) / step_unit),
              int((imgDy[i] + 6) / step_unit)] += 1

    # Normalize the histogram such that its integral (sum) is equal 1
    hists = hists / np.sum(hists)

    # Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    bin_size = 256/num_bins
    #Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    [imgDx, imgDy] = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3.0)

    imgDx = 12*(imgDx-np.min(imgDx))/(np.max(imgDx)-np.min(imgDx)) - 6
    imgDy = 12*(imgDy-np.min(imgDy))/(np.max(imgDy)-np.min(imgDy)) - 6

    imgDx = imgDx.ravel()
    imgDy = imgDy.ravel()
    for i in range(img_gray.shape[0]*img_gray.shape[1]):
        x = int(np.floor(imgDx[i]/bin_size)) + 1
        y = int(np.floor(imgDy[i]/bin_size)) + 1
        hists[x-1,y-1] = hists[x-1,y-1] + 1

    #Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #11
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    bin_size = 255 / num_bins

    Dx, Dy = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img_gray, 3)

    Dx = np.floor(Dx.flatten() / bin_size).astype(np.int8)
    Dy = np.floor(Dy.flatten() / bin_size).astype(np.int8)

    Dx[Dx > 6] = 6
    Dx[Dx < -6] = -6

    Dy[Dy > 6] = 6
    Dy[Dy < -6] = -6

    #Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    # Loop for each pixel i in the image
    for i in range(img_gray.shape[0] * img_gray.shape[1]):

        # Increment the histogram bin which corresponds to the R,G,B value of the pixel i
        hists[Dx[i], Dy[i]] += 1


    #Normalize the histogram such that its integral (sum) is equal 1
    n_pixels = img_gray.shape[0] * img_gray.shape[1]

    hists = hists / n_pixels

    #Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #12
def dxdy_hist(img_gray, num_bins):
    assert len(img_gray.shape) == 2, 'image dimension mismatch'
    assert img_gray.dtype == 'float', 'incorrect image type'

    sigma = 3.0
    img_dx, img_dy = gm.gaussderiv(img_gray, sigma)

    imgx = np.reshape(img_dx, (len(img_dx[0]) * len(img_dx)))
    imgy = np.reshape(img_dy, (len(img_dy[0]) * len(img_dy)))

    #Define a 2D histogram  with "num_bins^2" number of entries
    hists = np.zeros((num_bins, num_bins))

    bin_array = np.linspace(-255, 255, num_bins)

    for i in range(len(imgx)):
        in_x = imgx[i]
        in_y = imgy[i]

        i_x = 0
        i_y = 0

        for j in range(len(bin_array) - 1):
            if ((in_x >= bin_array[j]) & (in_x < bin_array[j + 1])):
                i_x = np.where(bin_array == bin_array[j])[0][0]
            elif ((in_y >= bin_array[j]) & (in_y < bin_array[j + 1])):
                i_y = np.where(bin_array == bin_array[j])[0][0]

        hists[i_x][i_y] += 1

    #Normalize the histogram such that its integral (sum) is equal 1
    hists /= np.sum(hists)

    #Return the histogram as a 1D vector
    hists = hists.reshape(hists.size)
    return hists
Beispiel #13
plt.imshow(conv2(conv2(img_imp, Dx.T, 'same'), Gx, 'same'), cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(2, 3, 4)
plt.imshow(conv2(conv2(img_imp, Dx, 'same'), Dx.T, 'same'), cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(2, 3, 5)
plt.imshow(conv2(conv2(img_imp, Dx, 'same'), Gx.T, 'same'), cmap='gray')
plt.subplot(2, 3, 6)
plt.imshow(conv2(conv2(img_imp, Gx.T, 'same'), Dx, 'same'), cmap='gray')

## function gaussderiv (Question 1.e)

img_c = np.array(
img = rgb2gray(img_c)
[imgDx, imgDy] = gauss_module.gaussderiv(img, 7.0)

ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
ax3 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
plt.imshow(imgDx, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(imgDy, cmap='gray')
imgmag = np.sqrt(imgDx**2 + imgDy**2)
plt.imshow(imgmag, cmap='gray')