Beispiel #1
    def dump_data(self):
        if not self.public_url:
        stats = yield find_stats({'user': self.user}, filter=sortasc('timestamp'), timeout=120)
        dates = [s['timestamp'] for s in stats]
        tweets = [s['tweets'] for s in stats]
        tweets_diff = [a - b for a, b in zip(tweets[1:],tweets[:-1])]
        followers = [s['followers'] for s in stats]
        followers_diff = [a - b for a, b in zip(followers[1:], followers[:-1])]
        rts_diff = [s['rts_last_hour'] for s in stats]
        rts = []
        n = 0
        for a in rts_diff:
            n += a

        jsondata = {}
        imax = len(dates) - 1
        for i, date in enumerate(dates):
            ts = int(time.mktime(date.timetuple()))
            jsondata[ts] = { 'tweets': tweets[i], 'followers': followers[i], 'rts': rts[i] }
            if i < imax:
                jsondata[ts].update({ 'tweets_diff': tweets_diff[i], 'followers_diff': followers_diff[i], 'rts_diff': rts_diff[i+1] })

            jsondir = os.path.join('web', 'data')
            if not os.path.exists(jsondir):
                os.chmod(jsondir, 0o755)
            with open(os.path.join(jsondir, 'stats_%s.json' % self.user), 'w') as outfile:
                write_json(jsondata, outfile)
        except IOError as e:
            loggerr("Could not write web/data/stats_%s.json : %s" % (self.user, e), action="stats")

            from plots import CumulativeCurve, DailyHistogram, WeekPunchCard
            imgdir = os.path.join('web', 'img')
            if not os.path.exists(imgdir):
                os.chmod(imgdir, 0o755)
            CumulativeCurve(dates, tweets, 'Total tweets', imgdir, 'tweets_%s' % self.user)
            CumulativeCurve(dates, followers, 'Total followers', imgdir, 'followers_%s' % self.user)
            CumulativeCurve(dates, rts, 'Total RTs since %s' % dates[0], imgdir, 'rts_%s' % self.user)
            DailyHistogram(dates[:-1], tweets_diff, 'New tweets', imgdir, 'new_tweets_%s' % self.user)
            DailyHistogram(dates[:-1], followers_diff, 'New followers', imgdir, 'new_followers_%s' % self.user)
            DailyHistogram(dates[:-1], rts_diff[1:], 'New RTs', imgdir, 'new_rts_%s' % self.user)
            WeekPunchCard(dates[:-1], tweets_diff, 'Tweets punchcard', imgdir, 'tweets_card_%s' % self.user)
            WeekPunchCard(dates[:-1], followers_diff, 'Followers punchcard', imgdir, 'followers_card_%s' % self.user)
            WeekPunchCard(dates[:-1], rts_diff[1:], 'RTs punchcard', imgdir, 'rts_card_%s' % self.user)
        except Exception as e:
            loggerr("Could not write images in web/img for %s : %s" % (self.user, e), action="stats")

        data = {'user': self.user, 'url': self.public_url}
        self.render_template("static_stats.html", self.user, data)
Beispiel #2
 def print_last(self):
     now = timestamp_hour(
     since = now - timedelta(days=30)
     stats = yield find_stats({'user': self.user, 'timestamp': {'$gte': since}}, filter=sortdesc('timestamp'))
     if not len(stats):
     stat = stats[0]
     stat["followers"] = yield count_followers(self.user)
     rts = 0
     fols = 0
     twts = 0
     delays = {1: 'hour', 6: '6 hours', 24: 'day', 7*24: 'week', 30*24: 'month'}
     order = delays.keys()
     olds = {'tweets': {}, 'followers': {}, 'rts': {}}
     for s in stats:
         d = now - s['timestamp']
         delay = d.seconds / 3600 + d.days * 24
         fols = stat['followers'] - s['followers']
         twts = stat['tweets'] - s['tweets']
         for i in order:
             if delay == i:
                 if 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['tweets']:
                     olds['tweets']['stats%sH' % i] = twts if twts not in olds['tweets'].values() else 0
                 if 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['followers']:
                     olds['followers']['stats%sH' % i] = fols if fols not in olds['followers'].values() else 0
                 if 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['rts']:
                     olds['rts']['stats%sH' % i] = rts if rts not in olds['rts'].values() else 0
         rts += s['rts_last_hour']
     olds['rts']['stats1H'] = stat['rts_last_hour']
     for i in order:
         if rts and 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['rts'] and rts not in olds['rts'].values():
             olds['rts']['stats%sH' % i] = rts
             rts = 0
         if fols and 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['followers']  and fols not in olds['followers'].values():
             olds['followers']['stats%sH' % i] = fols
             fols = 0
         if twts and 'stats%sH' % i not in olds['tweets'] and twts not in olds['tweets'].values():
             olds['tweets']['stats%sH' % i] = twts
             twts = 0
     res = []
     if stat['tweets']:
         res.append("Tweets: %d total" % stat['tweets'] + " ; ".join([""]+["%d last %s" %  (olds['tweets']['stats%sH' % i], delays[i]) for i in order if 'stats%sH' % i in olds['tweets'] and olds['tweets']['stats%sH' % i]]))
     textrts = ["%d last %s" % (olds['rts']['stats%sH' % i], delays[i]) for i in order if 'stats%sH' % i in olds['rts'] and olds['rts']['stats%sH' % i]]
     if textrts:
         res.append("RTs: " + " ; ".join(textrts))
     if stat['followers']:
         res.append("Followers: %d total" % stat['followers'] + " ; ".join([""]+["%+d last %s" % (olds['followers']['stats%sH' % i], delays[i]) for i in order if 'stats%sH' % i in olds['followers'] and olds['followers']['stats%sH' % i]]))
         recent = yield find_last_followers(self.user)
         if recent:
             res.append("Recent follower%s: %s" % ("s include" if len(recent) > 1 else "", format_4_followers(recent)))
     if self.public_url and res:
         res.append("More details: %sstatic_stats_%s.html" % (self.public_url, self.user))
     returnValue([(True, "[Stats] %s" % m) for m in res])
Beispiel #3
 def get_stats(self, **kwargs):
     timestamp = timestamp_hour(
         last = yield find_stats({'user': self.user.lower()}, limit=1, filter=sortdesc('timestamp'))
         last = last[0]
         last = {}
     if last and last['timestamp'] == timestamp:
         res = None
         res = self._send_query(, {'screen_name': self.user}, return_result=True)
     returnValue((res, last, timestamp))
Beispiel #4
 def get_stats(self, **kwargs):
     timestamp = timestamp_hour(
         last = yield find_stats({'user': self.user.lower()},
         last = last[0]
         last = {}
     if last and last['timestamp'] == timestamp:
         res = None
         res = self._send_query(,
                                {'screen_name': self.user},
     returnValue((res, last, timestamp))