:scale: 50% ''') print(""" These tables contain the same information. The diagram and tables were autogenerated, using GCC %s""" % gcc.get_gcc_version().basever) print for rootname, reflabel, ps in zip( ('The lowering passes', 'The "small IPA" passes', 'The "regular IPA" passes', 'Passes generating Link-Time Optimization data', 'The "all other passes" catch-all'), ('all_lowering_passes', 'all_small_ipa_passes', 'all_regular_ipa_passes', 'all_lto_gen_passes', 'all_passes'), gcc.Pass.get_roots()): print('.. _%s:' % reflabel) print print(rootname) print('-' * len(rootname)) print t = Table([ 'Pass Name', 'Required properties', 'Provided properties', 'Destroyed properties' ], sepchar='=') foo(t, ps, 0) s = six.StringIO() t.write(s) for line in s.getvalue().splitlines(): print(' ' + line.rstrip()) print('\n')
''') print(""" These tables contain the same information. The diagram and tables were autogenerated, using GCC %s""" % gcc.get_gcc_version().basever) print for rootname, reflabel, ps in zip(('The lowering passes', 'The "small IPA" passes', 'The "regular IPA" passes', 'Passes generating Link-Time Optimization data', 'The "all other passes" catch-all'), ('all_lowering_passes', 'all_small_ipa_passes', 'all_regular_ipa_passes', 'all_lto_gen_passes', 'all_passes'), gcc.Pass.get_roots()): print('.. _%s:' % reflabel) print print(rootname) print('-' * len(rootname)) print t = Table(['Pass Name', 'Required properties', 'Provided properties', 'Destroyed properties'], sepchar='=') foo(t, ps, 0) s = six.StringIO() t.write(s) for line in s.getvalue().splitlines(): print(' ' + line.rstrip()) print('\n')
# (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import gcc from gccutils import Table t = Table(['Class', 'get_symbol()'], sepchar='=') for name in sorted(dir(gcc)): obj = getattr(gcc, name) if hasattr(obj, 'get_symbol'): try: sym = obj.get_symbol() except TypeError: continue if sym != '<<< ??? >>>': t.add_row((':py:class:`gcc.%s`' % name, '`%s`' % sym.strip())) from six import StringIO s = StringIO() t.write(s)