Beispiel #1
def get_branch_mask(x_y, mgrid_n_xy):
    """Obtains total coverage mask of single branch"""
    # Obtain mask(s) of the root point(s)
    res_mask = numpy.zeros(mgrid_n_xy.shape[:-1], dtype=bool)
    gdal_utils.write_arr(res_mask, x_y, True)
    mask = gdal_utils.read_arr(res_mask, mgrid_n_xy)
    # The AND-NOT is needed to drop the self-pointing graph-seeds
    mask &= ~res_mask
    while mask.any():
        res_mask |= mask
        mask = gdal_utils.read_arr(mask, mgrid_n_xy)
    return res_mask
Beispiel #2
def process_neighbors(dem_band, dir_arr, x_y):
    """Process the valid and pending neighbor points and return a list to be put to tentative"""
    x_y = x_y[..., numpy.newaxis, :]
    n_xy = neighbor_xy(x_y, VALID_NEIGHBOR_DIRS)
    n_dir = numpy.broadcast_to(VALID_NEIGHBOR_DIRS, n_xy.shape[:-1])
    # Filter out of bounds pixels
    mask = dem_band.in_bounds(n_xy)
    if not mask.all():
        n_xy = n_xy[mask]
        n_dir = n_dir[mask]
    # The lines can only pass-thru inner DEM pixels, the boundary ones do split
    stop_mask = ~mask.all(-1)
    # Filter already processed pixels
    neighs = gdal_utils.read_arr(dir_arr, n_xy)
    mask = neighs == NEIGHBOR_PENDING
    if not mask.any():
        return None
    if not mask.all():
        n_xy = n_xy[mask]
        n_dir = n_dir[mask]
        mask = neighs == NEIGHBOR_BOUNDARY
        if mask.any():
            stop_mask |= mask.any(-1)
    # Process selected pixels
    n_dir = neighbor_flip(n_dir)
    # Put 'stop' markers on the successors of the masked points
    # This is to split lines at the boundary pixels
    if stop_mask.any():
        n_dir[stop_mask] = NEIGHBOR_STOP
    gdal_utils.write_arr(dir_arr, n_xy, n_dir)
    return n_xy
Beispiel #3
def flip_lines(dir_arr, x_y):
    """Flip all 'n_dir'-s along multiple lines"""
    prev_dir = gdal_utils.read_arr(dir_arr, x_y)
    gdal_utils.write_arr(dir_arr, x_y, NEIGHBOR_STOP)
    while True:
        n_xy = neighbor_xy(x_y, prev_dir)
        n_dir = gdal_utils.read_arr(dir_arr, n_xy)
        gdal_utils.write_arr(dir_arr, n_xy, neighbor_flip(prev_dir))

        mask = neighbor_is_invalid(n_dir)
        if mask.any():
            assert ((n_dir[mask] == NEIGHBOR_SEED) |
                    (n_dir[mask] == NEIGHBOR_STOP)).all()
            if mask.all():
                return dir_arr
            mask = ~mask
            n_xy = n_xy[mask]
            n_dir = n_dir[mask]

        x_y = n_xy
        prev_dir = n_dir
Beispiel #4
def main(argv):
    """Main entry"""
    valleys = False
    boundary_val = None
    truncate = True
    src_filename = dst_filename = None
    while argv:
        if argv[0][0] == '-':
            if argv[0] == '-h':
                return print_help()
            if argv[0] == '-valley':
                valleys = True
            elif argv[0] == '-boundary_val':
                argv = argv[1:]
                boundary_val = float(argv[0])
                return print_help('Unsupported option "%s"' % argv[0])
            if src_filename is None:
                src_filename = argv[0]
            elif dst_filename is None:
                dst_filename = argv[0]
                return print_help('Unexpected argument "%s"' % argv[0])

        argv = argv[1:]

    if src_filename is None or dst_filename is None:
        return print_help('Missing file-names')

    # Load DEM
    dem_band = gdal_utils.dem_open(src_filename)
    if dem_band is None:
        return print_help('Unable to open "%s"' % src_filename)

    dst_ds = gdal_utils.vect_create(dst_filename)
    if dst_ds is None:
        return print_help('Unable to create "%s"' % src_filename)


    # Trace ridges/valleys

        start = time.time()

        # Actual trace
        dir_arr = trace_ridges(dem_band, valleys, boundary_val)
        if dir_arr is None:
            print('Error: Failed to trace ridges', file=sys.stderr)
            return 2

        duration = time.time() - start
        print('Traced through %d/%d points, %d sec' %
               dir_arr.size, duration))

        if KEEP_SNAPSHOT:
            keep_arrays(src_filename + '-1-', {
                'dir_arr': dir_arr,
        dir_arr, = restore_arrays(src_filename + '-1-', {
            'dir_arr': None,

    # The coverage-area of each pixels is needed by arrange_lines()
    # The distance object is used to calculate the branch length
    distance = gdal_utils.geod_distance(dem_band) if 0 == DISTANCE_METHOD \
            else gdal_utils.tm_distance(dem_band) if 1 == DISTANCE_METHOD \
            else gdal_utils.draft_distance(dem_band)
    area_arr = calc_pixel_area(distance, dem_band.shape)
    print('Calculated total area %.2f km2, mean %.2f m2' %
          (area_arr.sum() / 1e6, area_arr.mean()))

    # Identify and flip the "trunk" branches
    # All the real-seeds become regular graph-nodes or "leaf" pixel.
    # The former start/leaf pixel of these branches becomes a "seed".

        start = time.time()

        # Arrange branches to select which one to flip (trunks_only)
        branch_lines = arrange_lines(dir_arr, area_arr, True)

        # Actual flip
        if flip_lines(dir_arr, branch_lines['start_xy']) is None:
            print('Error: Failed to flip %d branches' % (branch_lines.size),
            return 2

        duration = time.time() - start
            'Flip & merge total %d trunk-branches, max/min area %.1f/%.3f km2, %d sec'
            % (branch_lines.size, branch_lines['area'].max() / 1e6,
               branch_lines['area'].min() / 1e6, duration))

        if KEEP_SNAPSHOT:
            keep_arrays(src_filename + '-2-', {
                'dir_arr': dir_arr,
                'branch_lines': branch_lines,
        dir_arr, branch_lines = restore_arrays(
            src_filename + '-2-', {
                'dir_arr': None,
                'branch_lines': BRANCH_LINE_DTYPE,

    # Identify all the branches

        start = time.time()

        # Arrange branches
        branch_lines = arrange_lines(dir_arr, area_arr, False)

        # Sort the the generated branches (descending 'area' order)
        argsort = numpy.argsort(branch_lines['area'])
        branch_lines = numpy.take(branch_lines, argsort[::-1])

        # Trim to 5 zoom-levels (1/1024 of max area)
        min_area = area_arr.sum() / (4**5)
            '  Trimming total %d branches to min area of %.3f km2 (currently %.3f km2)'
            % (branch_lines.size, min_area / 1e6,
               branch_lines['area'].min() / 1e6))
        branch_lines = branch_lines[branch_lines['area'] >= min_area]

        duration = time.time() - start
        print('Created total %d branches, max/min area %.1f/%.3f km2, %d sec' %
              (branch_lines.size, branch_lines['area'].max() / 1e6,
               branch_lines['area'].min() / 1e6, duration))

        if KEEP_SNAPSHOT:
            keep_arrays(src_filename + '-3-', {
                'branch_lines': branch_lines,
        dir_arr, = restore_arrays(src_filename + '-2-', {
            'dir_arr': None,
        branch_lines, = restore_arrays(src_filename + '-3-', {
            'branch_lines': BRANCH_LINE_DTYPE,

    if dst_ds:
        start = time.time()
        # Delete existing layers
        if truncate:
            for i in reversed(range(dst_ds.get_layer_count())):
                print('  Deleting layer',
                      gdal_utils.gdal_vect_layer(dst_ds, i).get_name())

        # Create new one
        layer_options = DEF_LAYER_OPTIONS
        bydrv_options = BYDVR_LAYER_OPTIONS.get(dst_ds.get_drv_name())
        if bydrv_options:
            layer_options += bydrv_options
        dst_layer = gdal_utils.gdal_vect_layer.create(
        if dst_layer is None:
            print('Error: Unable to create layer', file=sys.stderr)
            return 1

        # Add fields
        dst_layer.create_field('Name', gdal_utils.OFTString)  # KML <name>
                               gdal_utils.OFTString)  # KML <description>
                                   gdal_utils.OFTString)  # OSM "natural" key

        # Note that mgrid_n_xy is for coverage area assert only
        mgrid_n_xy = neighbor_xy_safe(get_mgrid(dir_arr.shape), dir_arr)
        geometries = 0
        for branch in branch_lines:
            ar = calc_branch_area(branch['x_y'], mgrid_n_xy, area_arr)
            assert int(branch['area']) == int(
            ), 'Accumulated branch coverage area mismatch %.6f / %.6f km2' % (
                branch['area'] / 1e6, ar / 1e6)
            # Advance one step forward to connect to the parent branch
            if not SEPARATED_BRANCHES:
                x_y = branch['x_y']
                branch['x_y'] = neighbor_xy_safe(
                    x_y, gdal_utils.read_arr(dir_arr, x_y))
            # Extract the branch pixel coordinates and calculate length
            x_y = branch['start_xy']
            polyline = [x_y]
            dist = 0.
            while (x_y != branch['x_y']).any():
                # Advance to the next point
                new_xy = neighbor_xy(x_y, gdal_utils.read_arr(dir_arr, x_y))
                dist += distance.get_distance(x_y, new_xy)
                x_y = new_xy

            # Create actual geometry
            geom = dst_layer.create_feature_geometry(gdal_utils.wkbLineString)
                '%dm' % dist if dist < 10000 else '%dkm' % round(dist / 1000))
                'Description', 'length: %.1f km, area: %.1f km2' %
                (dist / 1e3, branch['area'] / 1e6))
            if FEATURE_OSM_NATURAL:
                geom.set_field('natural', FEATURE_OSM_NATURAL(valleys))

            # Reverse the line to match the tracing direction
            for x_y in reversed(polyline):
            geometries += 1

        duration = time.time() - start
        print('Created total %d geometries, %d sec' % (geometries, duration))

    return 0
Beispiel #5
def arrange_lines(dir_arr, area_arr, trunks_only):
    """Arrange lines in branches by using the area of coverage"""
    area_arr = area_arr.copy()
    # Count the number of neighbors pointing to each pixel
    # Only the last branch that reaches a pixel continues forward, others stop there.
    # As the branches are processed starting from the one with less coverage-area, this
    # allows the largest one to reach the graph-seed.
    mgrid_n_xy = neighbor_xy_safe(get_mgrid(dir_arr.shape), dir_arr)
    n_num = numpy.zeros(dir_arr.shape, dtype=int)
        n_xy = mgrid_n_xy[dir_arr == d]
        n = numpy.zeros_like(n_num)
        gdal_utils.write_arr(n, n_xy, 1)
        n_num += n
    del n_xy, n
    # Put -1 at invalid nodes, except the "real" seeds (distinguish from the "leafs")
    valid_mask = ~neighbor_is_invalid(dir_arr)
    n_num[~valid_mask & (n_num == 0)] = -1
    all_leafs = n_num == 0
    print('Detected %d "leaf" and %d "real-seed" pixels' %
           numpy.count_nonzero(~valid_mask & (n_num > 0))))

    # Start at the "leaf" pixels
    pend_lines = numpy.zeros(numpy.count_nonzero(all_leafs),
    pend_lines['start_xy'] = pend_lines['x_y'] = numpy.array(
    pend_lines['area'] = gdal_utils.read_arr(area_arr, pend_lines['x_y'])

    # Process the leaf-branches in parallel
    # The parallel processing must stop at the point before the graph-nodes
    bridge_mask = gdal_utils.read_arr(n_num == 1, mgrid_n_xy)
    bridge_mask &= valid_mask
    all_leafs[...] = False
    pend_mask = numpy.ones(pend_lines.size, dtype=bool)
    x_y = pend_lines['x_y']
    while pend_mask.any():
        gdal_utils.write_arr(all_leafs, x_y, True)
        # Stop in front the graph nodes and at the "seeds"
        mask = gdal_utils.read_arr(bridge_mask, x_y)
        x_y = x_y[mask]
        # Advance the points, which are still at graph-bridges
        x_y = gdal_utils.read_arr(mgrid_n_xy, x_y)
        assert (gdal_utils.read_arr(n_num, x_y) == 1).all()
        gdal_utils.write_arr(n_num, x_y, 0)
        # Keep the intermediate results
        pend_mask[pend_mask] = mask
        pend_lines['x_y'][pend_mask] = x_y
        # Accumulate coverage area
        area = gdal_utils.read_arr(area_arr, x_y)
        pend_lines['area'][pend_mask] += area
    del bridge_mask
    del pend_mask
    assert int(pend_lines['area'].sum()) == int(area_arr[all_leafs].sum(
    )), 'Leaf-branch coverage area mismatch %.6f / %.6f km2' % (
        pend_lines['area'].sum() / 1e6, area_arr[all_leafs].sum() / 1e6)
    # Trim leaf-trunks
    mask = gdal_utils.read_arr(valid_mask, pend_lines['x_y'])
    pend_lines = pend_lines[mask]
        '  Detected %d pixels in "leaf" branches, area %.2f km2, trim %d leaf-trunks'
        % (numpy.count_nonzero(all_leafs), pend_lines['area'].sum() / 1e6,

    # Update the accumulated area, but only at the stop-points (in front the graph-nodes)
    gdal_utils.write_arr(area_arr, pend_lines['x_y'], pend_lines['area'])

    branch_lines = numpy.empty_like(pend_lines, shape=[0])
    trim_cnt = 0
    progress_idx = 0
    while pend_lines.size:
        # Process the branch with minimal coverage-area
        br_idx = pend_lines['area'].argmin()
        branch = pend_lines[br_idx]
        x_y = branch['x_y']
        area = gdal_utils.read_arr(area_arr, x_y)
        assert branch[
            'area'] <= area, 'Branch area decreases at %s: %f -> %f m2' % (
                x_y, branch['area'], area)
        if gdal_utils.read_arr(valid_mask, x_y):
            # Advance to the next point
            x_y = gdal_utils.read_arr(mgrid_n_xy, x_y)
            # Accumulate the coverage-area
            area += gdal_utils.read_arr(area_arr, x_y)
            gdal_utils.write_arr(area_arr, x_y, area)

            # Handle node-bridges counter: only the last branch to proceed further
            n = gdal_utils.read_arr(n_num, x_y)
            assert n > 0
            gdal_utils.write_arr(n_num, x_y, n - 1)
            # Stop at graph-node (non-last branches)
            is_stop = n > 1
            keep_branch = not trunks_only

            # Update the end-point
            if not is_stop:
                branch['x_y'] = x_y
                branch['area'] = area

            # Stop at graph-seed (trunk branch)
            keep_branch = is_stop = True

        if is_stop:
            # Discard the "leaf" branches, with "trunks_only" -- non-trunk branches
            if keep_branch:
                if False == gdal_utils.read_arr(all_leafs, branch['x_y']):
                    branch_lines = numpy.append(branch_lines, branch)
                    trim_cnt += 1
            pend_lines = numpy.delete(pend_lines, br_idx)

        # Progress, each 10000-th step
        if progress_idx % 10000 == 0:
            area = branch_lines['area'].max() if branch_lines.size else 0
            if pend_lines.size:
                area = max(area, pend_lines['area'].max())
                '  Process step %d, max. area %.2f km2, completed %d, pending %d, trimmed leaves %d'
                % (progress_idx, area / 1e6, branch_lines.size,
                   pend_lines.size, trim_cnt))
        progress_idx += 1

    # Confirm everything is processed
    assert (n_num <= 0).all(), 'Unprocessed pixels at %s' % numpy.array(
        numpy.nonzero(n_num > 0)).T
    return branch_lines