Beispiel #1
def init_solver_machine_scaling(v, machine_task_list, task_machine_dict, O_value=5):

    :param v: number of tasks dependent on each task
    :param machine_task_list: order
    :param task_machine_dict: task machine mapping
    :param O_value: optimal objective value
    m = GEKKO()

    # Use IPOPT solver (default)
    m.options.SOLVER = 3

    # Change to parallel linear solver
    m.solver_options = ['linear_solver ma97']

    # variable array dimension
    n = len(machine_task_list)  # rows

    # create array
    s = m.Array(m.Var, n)
    for i in range(n):
        s[i].value = 2.0
        s[i].lower = 0

    # Optimal value for ibjective
    O = m.Var(value=O_value, lb=0)

    # The objective basically
    m.Equation(sum([int(v[i]) / s[task_machine_dict[i]] + s[task_machine_dict[i]] for i in range(len(v))]) == O)
    return m, s, O
Beispiel #2
def initGekko(alpha, beta, paddle, last_move):
    m = GEKKO()
    m.WEB = 0
    m.options.SOLVER = 1  # APOPT is an MINLP solver

    # optional solver settings with APOPT
    m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                        # minlp iterations with integer solution

                        'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 10', \
                        # treat minlp as nlp

                        'minlp_as_nlp 0', \
                        # nlp sub-problem max iterations

                        'nlp_maximum_iterations 50', \
                        # 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

                        'minlp_branch_method 1', \
                        # maximum deviation from whole number

                        'minlp_integer_tol 0.1', \
                       # covergence tolerance

                        'minlp_gap_tol 0.01']
    m.time = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    # control variable
    u = m.MV(lb=-1, ub=1, integer=True)
    u.DCOST = 0.1
    # parameters
    alpha = m.Param(value=alpha)
    beta = m.Param(value=beta)
    # need need the last control vector
    ulast = m.Var()
    m.delay(u, ulast, 1)

    y = m.CV(paddle)

    m.Equation(y.dt() == (alpha * u) + (beta * ulast))

    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.NODES = 2
    m.options.CV_TYPE = 1

    y.STATUS = 1
    y.FSTATUS = 1

    # to do get this from input
    y.SPHI = 25
    y.SPLO = 25
    y.TAU = 0
    y.TR_INIT = 2

    u.STATUS = 1
    u.FSTATUS = 0

    return m, y, u
Beispiel #3
    def param_from_mom(mom):
        if len(mom) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Moment dimension should be 3")
        mu, var, gamma = mom

        m = GEKKO()
        delta = m.Var(value=1.06)

            gamma == 0.5 * (4 - PI) * ((delta * np.sqrt(2 / PI))**3) /
            ((1 - 2 * delta * delta / PI)**1.5)

        # print("result of delta: {}".format(delta.value))
        if len(delta) > 1:
            print("ERROR in delta")
        delta = delta.value[0]
        if np.abs(delta) > 1:
                "Warning: SkewNormal delta {:.5f} out of range!".format(delta))
            delta = delta / (np.abs(delta) + 0.001)
            print("Changed delta to {:.5f}".format(delta))
        # print("num delta: {:.3f}".format(delta))

        alpha = delta / np.sqrt(1 - delta**2)
        omega = np.sqrt(var / (1 - (2 * delta * delta / PI)))
        zeta = mu - omega * delta * np.sqrt(2 / PI)

        return (zeta, omega, alpha)
def solve08():
    # Nonlinear Regression
    # measurements
    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 2.0])

    # GEKKO model
    m = GEKKO()

    # parameters
    x = m.Param(value=xm)
    a = m.FV()
    a.STATUS = 1

    # variables
    y = m.CV(value=ym)
    y.FSTATUS = 1

    # regression equation
    m.Equation(y == 0.1 * m.exp(a * x))

    # regression mode
    m.options.IMODE = 2

    # optimize

    # print parameters
    print('Optimized, a = ' + str(a.value[0]))

    plt.plot(xm, ym, 'bo')
    plt.plot(xm, y.value, 'r-')
Beispiel #5
def init_solver(v, O_value=5):
    m = GEKKO()

    # Use IPOPT solver (default)
    m.options.SOLVER = 3

    # Change to parallel linear solver
    m.solver_options = ['linear_solver ma97']

    # variable array dimension
    n = len(v)  # rows

    # create array
    s = m.Array(m.Var, n)
    for i in range(n):
        s[i].value = 2.0
        s[i].lower = 0

    # Optimal value for ibjective
    O = m.Var(value=O_value, lb=0)

    # The objective basically
    m.Equation(sum([int(v[i]) / s[i] + s[i] for i in range(len(v))]) == O)

    return m, s, O
def solve13():
    # Optimization of Multiple Linked Phases
    # Initialize gekko model
    m = GEKKO()
    # Number of collocation nodes
    nodes = 3

    # Number of phases
    n = 5

    # Time horizon (for all phases)
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)

    # Input (constant in IMODE 4)
    u = [m.Var(1, lb=-2, ub=2, fixed_initial=False) for i in range(n)]

    # Example of same parameter for each phase
    tau = 5

    # Example of different parameters for each phase
    K = [2, 3, 5, 1, 4]

    # Scale time of each phase
    tf = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]

    # Variables (one version of x for each phase)
    x = [m.Var(0) for i in range(5)]

    # Equations (different for each phase)
    for i in range(n):
        m.Equation(tau * x[i].dt() / tf[i] == -x[i] + K[i] * u[i])

    # Connect phases together at endpoints
    for i in range(n - 1):
        m.Connection(x[i + 1], x[i], 1, len(m.time) - 1, 1, nodes)
        m.Connection(x[i + 1], 'CALCULATED', pos1=1, node1=1)

    # Objective
    # Maximize final x while keeping third phase = -1
    m.Obj(-x[n - 1] + (x[2] + 1)**2 * 100)

    # Solver options
    m.options.IMODE = 6
    m.options.NODES = nodes

    # Solve

    # Calculate the start time of each phase
    ts = [0]
    for i in range(n - 1):
        ts.append(ts[i] + tf[i])

    # Plot
    tm = np.empty(len(m.time))
    for i in range(n):
        tm = m.time * tf[i] + ts[i]
        plt.plot(tm, x[i])
def solve05():
    # Solver Selection
    m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
    y = m.Var(value=2)  # define new variable, initial value=2
    m.Equation(y**2 == 1)  # define new equation
    m.options.SOLVER = 1  # change solver (1=APOPT,3=IPOPT)
    m.solve(disp=False)  # solve locally (remote=False)
    print('y: ' + str(y.value))  # print variable value
def solve10():
    # Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
    m = GEKKO()  # Initialize gekko
    m.options.SOLVER = 1  # APOPT is an MINLP solver

    # optional solver settings with APOPT
    m.solver_options = ['minlp_maximum_iterations 500', \
                    # minlp iterations with integer solution

                    'minlp_max_iter_with_int_sol 10', \
                    # treat minlp as nlp

                    'minlp_as_nlp 0', \
                    # nlp sub-problem max iterations

                    'nlp_maximum_iterations 50', \
                    # 1 = depth first, 2 = breadth first

                    'minlp_branch_method 1', \
                    # maximum deviation from whole number

                    'minlp_integer_tol 0.05', \
                    # covergence tolerance

                    'minlp_gap_tol 0.01']

    # Initialize variables
    x1 = m.Var(value=1, lb=1, ub=5)
    x2 = m.Var(value=5, lb=1, ub=5)
    # Integer constraints for x3 and x4
    x3 = m.Var(value=5, lb=1, ub=5, integer=True)
    x4 = m.Var(value=1, lb=1, ub=5, integer=True)
    # Equations
    m.Equation(x1 * x2 * x3 * x4 >= 25)
    m.Equation(x1**2 + x2**2 + x3**2 + x4**2 == 40)
    m.Obj(x1 * x4 * (x1 + x2 + x3) + x3)  # Objective
    m.solve(disp=False)  # Solve
    print('x1: ' + str(x1.value))
    print('x2: ' + str(x2.value))
    print('x3: ' + str(x3.value))
    print('x4: ' + str(x4.value))
    print('Objective: ' + str(m.options.objfcnval))
Beispiel #9
def SS(A, B, C, D=None):
    Build a GEKKO from SS representation. 
    Give A,B,C and D, returns:
    m (GEKKO model)
    x (states)
    y (outputs)
    u (inputs)

    #set all matricies to numpy
    A = np.array(A)
    B = np.array(B)
    C = np.array(C)
    if D != None:  #D is supplied
        D = np.array(D)

    #count number of states, inputs and outputs
    nx = A.shape[0]
    ny = C.shape[0]
    nu = B.shape[1]

    #initialize GEKKO Model
    m = GEKKO()

    #define arrays of states, outputs and inputs
    x = [m.SV() for i in np.arange(nx)]
    y = [m.CV() for i in np.arange(ny)]
    u = [m.MV() for i in np.arange(nu)]

    #build equations for states
    state_eqs =, x) +, u)
    [m.Equation(state_eqs[i] == x[i].dt()) for i in range(nx)]

    #build equations for outputs
    if D != None:
        output_eqs =, x) +, u)
        output_eqs =, x)
    [m.Equation(output_eqs[i] == y[i].dt()) for i in range(ny)]

    return m, x, y, u
def solve03():
    # Variable and Equation Arrays
    m = GEKKO()
    p = m.Param(1.2)
    x = m.Array(m.Var, 3)
    eq0 = x[1] == x[0] + p
    eq1 = x[2] - 1 == x[1] + x[0]
    m.Equation(x[2] == x[1]**2)
    m.Equations([eq0, eq1])
    for i in range(3):
        print('x[' + str(i) + ']=' + str(x[i].value))
def maximum_bipartite_matching_optimization(G):
    Performs LP optimization solving the maximum bipartite matching problem
    :param G: Bipartite Networkx graph G, need to specify which set each nodes by additional option
            EG: G = nx.Graph()
                # People
                G.add_nodes_from(['p' + str(i) for i in range(4)], bipartite=0) # Specifying that nodes in set 0
                # Organs
                G.add_nodes_from(['o' + str(i) for i in range(4)], bipartite=1) # Specifying that nodes in set 1
                # Edges
                G.add_edges_from([('p0', 'o0'), ('p1', 'o1'), ('p2', 'o1'), ('p2', 'o2')])

    :return: dictionary of matching where key is node, value is node in other set, it contains (a,b) and (b,a)
    # remove nodes with no edges as it messes up bipartite splitter
    left_set = [n for n in G.nodes if G.nodes[n]['bipartite'] == 0]
    model = GEKKO()
    variable_dict = {}
    for node in left_set:
        neighbors = list(G.neighbors(node))
        # print("Node is ", node)
        # print("Neighbors are ", neighbors)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            # make variables
            # lower bound 0 upper bound 1
            variable_dict[(node, neighbor)] = model.Var(lb=0,

        tuples = [(node, i) for i in neighbors]
        # print(tuples)
        # Constraint that no node can be in matching twice
        if len(tuples) > 0:
            model.Equation(sum([variable_dict[tup] for tup in tuples]) <= 1.0)

    # Objective
    model.Obj(-1 * sum([variable_dict[variable]
                        for variable in variable_dict]))

    # Integer Solver
    model.options.SOLVER = 1

    # Solve

    matching = {}
    # Add variables to matching
    for variable in variable_dict.items():
        if int(variable[1][0]) == 1:
            matching[variable[0][0]] = variable[0][1]
            matching[variable[0][1]] = variable[0][0]
    return matching
def jennings():
    m = GEKKO()

    nt = 501
    m.time = np.linspace(0,1,nt)

    x1 = m.Var(value=3.1415/2)
    x2 = m.Var(value=4)
    x3 = m.Var(value=0)

    u = m.MV(lb=-2,ub=2)
    u.STATUS = 1

    scale = m.FV(value=1,lb=0.1,ub=100)
    scale.status = 1

    m.Equation(x1.dt()/scale == u)
    m.Equation(x2.dt()/scale == m.cos(x1))
    m.Equation(x3.dt()/scale == m.sin(x1))

    #z = m.FV(value=0)
    #z.STATUS = 0


    m.options.ICD_CALC = 1
    m.options.IMODE = 6


    assert, [1.57075, 1.584488, 1.597806, 1.611169, 1.624564, 1.63798, 1.651413, 1.664859, 1.678313, 1.69177, 1.705228, 1.718683, 1.732134, 1.74558, 1.759019, 1.77245, 1.785874, 1.799288, 1.812693, 1.826088, 1.839472, 1.852847, 1.866211, 1.879564, 1.892906, 1.906237, 1.919557, 1.932866, 1.946163, 1.959449,1.972723, 1.985986, 1.999236, 2.012475, 2.025701, 2.038915, 2.052117, 2.065306, 2.078482, 2.091646, 2.104796, 2.117933, 2.131056, 2.144166, 2.157263, 2.170345, 2.183413, 2.196467, 2.209506, 2.222531, 2.235541,2.248536, 2.261516, 2.274481, 2.287431, 2.300365, 2.313284, 2.326187, 2.339074, 2.351945, 2.3648, 2.377639, 2.390461, 2.403268, 2.416057, 2.428831, 2.441588, 2.454328, 2.467051, 2.479758, 2.492448, 2.505121, 2.517777, 2.530416, 2.543038, 2.555644, 2.568232, 2.580803, 2.593358, 2.605895, 2.618415, 2.630919, 2.643405, 2.655875, 2.668327, 2.680763, 2.693182, 2.705585, 2.71797, 2.73034, 2.742692, 2.755028, 2.767348, 2.779651, 2.791939, 2.80421, 2.816465, 2.828704, 2.840928, 2.853136, 2.865328, 2.877505, 2.889667, 2.901814,2.913946, 2.926063, 2.938165, 2.950253, 2.962327, 2.974387, 2.986432, 2.998464, 3.010482, 3.022487, 3.034478, 3.046457, 3.058422, 3.070375, 3.082316, 3.094244, 3.10616, 3.118064, 3.129956, 3.141837, 3.153707, 3.165566, 3.177413, 3.18925, 3.201077, 3.212893, 3.2247, 3.236496, 3.248283, 3.26006, 3.271829, 3.283588,3.295338, 3.30708, 3.318814, 3.330539, 3.342256, 3.353966, 3.365668, 3.377363, 3.38905, 3.40073, 3.412404, 3.424071, 3.435732, 3.447386, 3.459034, 3.470677, 3.482313, 3.493944, 3.50557, 3.51719, 3.528805, 3.540416, 3.552021, 3.563622, 3.575219, 3.586811, 3.598399, 3.609982, 3.621562, 3.633138, 3.64471, 3.656278, 3.667842, 3.679404, 3.690961, 3.702516, 3.714067, 3.725614, 3.737159, 3.7487, 3.760239, 3.771774, 3.783306, 3.794835, 3.806361, 3.817884, 3.829404, 3.840921, 3.852434, 3.863944, 3.875451, 3.886955, 3.898455, 3.909952, 3.921445, 3.932934, 3.944419, 3.9559, 3.967377, 3.97885, 3.990318, 4.00178, 4.013238, 4.024691, 4.036137, 4.047578, 4.059013, 4.070441, 4.081862, 4.093275, 4.104681, 4.116078, 4.127467, 4.138846, 4.150215, 4.161573, 4.172921, 4.184256, 4.195578, 4.206887, 4.218181, 4.229459, 4.24072, 4.251962, 4.263186, 4.274389, 4.28557, 4.296727, 4.30786, 4.318965, 4.330041, 4.341085, 4.352094, 4.363065, 4.373994, 4.384877,4.395709, 4.406487, 4.417206, 4.427862, 4.438456, 4.448986, 4.459455, 4.469864, 4.480206, 4.490454, 4.500528, 4.510246, 4.519226, 4.526707, 4.531218, 4.529966, 4.518415, 4.494345, 4.47313, 4.484098, 4.508164, 4.521127, 4.522516, 4.517303, 4.508851, 4.49891, 4.488353, 4.477589, 4.466791, 4.456028, 4.445307, 4.434603, 4.423888, 4.413144, 4.40236, 4.39153, 4.380652, 4.369725, 4.358754, 4.347739, 4.336685, 4.325595, 4.314471, 4.303316, 4.292133, 4.280923, 4.269689, 4.258433, 4.247155, 4.235857, 4.22454, 4.213206, 4.201856,4.190491, 4.179112, 4.167719, 4.156314, 4.144898, 4.133471, 4.122034, 4.110588, 4.099132, 4.087668, 4.076196, 4.064716, 4.05323, 4.041736, 4.030236, 4.01873, 4.007219, 3.995702, 3.984179, 3.972652, 3.96112, 3.949583, 3.938042, 3.926497, 3.914947, 3.903394, 3.891837, 3.880277, 3.868713, 3.857146, 3.845575, 3.834001, 3.822424, 3.810844, 3.79926, 3.787674, 3.776085, 3.764493, 3.752897, 3.741299, 3.729698, 3.718093, 3.706486, 3.694876, 3.683262, 3.671645, 3.660026, 3.648402, 3.636776, 3.625146, 3.613512, 3.601875, 3.590235, 3.57859, 3.566942, 3.555289, 3.543633, 3.531972, 3.520307, 3.508637, 3.496963, 3.485284, 3.473601, 3.461912, 3.450218, 3.438519, 3.426814, 3.415104, 3.403388, 3.391666, 3.379938, 3.368204, 3.356463, 3.344716,3.332962, 3.321201, 3.309433, 3.297658, 3.285875, 3.274085, 3.262286, 3.25048, 3.238666, 3.226843, 3.215012, 3.203172, 3.191323, 3.179465, 3.167597, 3.155721, 3.143835, 3.131938, 3.120032, 3.108116, 3.09619, 3.084253, 3.072305, 3.060347, 3.048378, 3.036398, 3.024406, 3.012403, 3.000388, 2.988362, 2.976324, 2.964274, 2.952211, 2.940137, 2.92805, 2.915951, 2.903839, 2.891714, 2.879576, 2.867426, 2.855262, 2.843086, 2.830896, 2.818692, 2.806476, 2.794246, 2.782002, 2.769745, 2.757474, 2.745189, 2.732891, 2.720579, 2.708253, 2.695913, 2.68356, 2.671192, 2.658811, 2.646416, 2.634007, 2.621585, 2.609148, 2.596698, 2.584234, 2.571757, 2.559266, 2.546761, 2.534243, 2.521711, 2.509166, 2.496608, 2.484036, 2.471452, 2.458854, 2.446244, 2.433621, 2.420985, 2.408337, 2.395676, 2.383004, 2.370319, 2.357622, 2.344913, 2.332193, 2.319461, 2.306718, 2.293964, 2.2812, 2.268424, 2.255638, 2.242842, 2.230035, 2.217219, 2.204393, 2.191558, 2.178714, 2.165861, 2.152999, 2.140129, 2.12725, 2.114364, 2.101471, 2.08857, 2.075662, 2.062747, 2.049826, 2.036899, 2.023966, 2.011028, 1.998085, 1.985137, 1.972185, 1.959228, 1.946268, 1.933305, 1.920338, 1.907369, 1.894398, 1.881425, 1.868451, 1.855476, 1.8425, 1.829524, 1.816549, 1.803574, 1.7906, 1.777628, 1.764659, 1.751692, 1.738728, 1.725768, 1.712812, 1.699862, 1.686917, 1.673978, 1.661046, 1.648122, 1.635207, 1.622301, 1.609406, 1.596522, 1.583652, 1.570796])
    assert, [4.0, 3.999835, 3.99951, 3.999024, 3.998377, 3.997569, 3.9966, 3.995469, 3.994178, 3.992725, 3.991112, 3.989338, 3.987405, 3.985311, 3.983059, 3.980648, 3.978079, 3.975353, 3.972469, 3.96943, 3.966234, 3.962884, 3.95938, 3.955722, 3.951911, 3.947949, 3.943835, 3.939572, 3.935159, 3.930598, 3.925889, 3.921033, 3.916033, 3.910887, 3.905599, 3.900167, 3.894595, 3.888882, 3.88303, 3.87704, 3.870914, 3.864652, 3.858255, 3.851725, 3.845064, 3.838272, 3.83135, 3.824301, 3.817125, 3.809824, 3.802398, 3.794851, 3.787182, 3.779394, 3.771487, 3.763464, 3.755325, 3.747073, 3.738709, 3.730233, 3.721649, 3.712957, 3.704159, 3.695256, 3.686251, 3.677144, 3.667938, 3.658633, 3.649233, 3.639737, 3.630148, 3.620468, 3.610698, 3.60084, 3.590896, 3.580867, 3.570755, 3.560561, 3.550288, 3.539938, 3.529511, 3.519009, 3.508435, 3.497791, 3.487077, 3.476295, 3.465448, 3.454537, 3.443564, 3.432531, 3.421439, 3.41029, 3.399086, 3.387829, 3.37652, 3.365162,3.353756, 3.342303, 3.330806, 3.319266, 3.307686, 3.296066, 3.284409, 3.272716, 3.26099, 3.249231, 3.237442, 3.225625, 3.213781, 3.201912, 3.190019, 3.178105, 3.166172, 3.15422, 3.142252, 3.130269, 3.118274, 3.106267, 3.094251, 3.082228, 3.070198, 3.058165, 3.046128, 3.034091, 3.022055, 3.010022, 2.997992, 2.985969, 2.973953, 2.961947, 2.949951, 2.937968, 2.926, 2.914047, 2.902112, 2.890196, 2.878301, 2.866429, 2.85458, 2.842757, 2.830962, 2.819195, 2.807459, 2.795755, 2.784085, 2.77245, 2.760851, 2.749291, 2.737771, 2.726293, 2.714857, 2.703466, 2.692121, 2.680823, 2.669575, 2.658377, 2.647231, 2.636139, 2.625101, 2.61412, 2.603197, 2.592334, 2.581531, 2.57079, 2.560113, 2.549502, 2.538956, 2.528479, 2.51807, 2.507732, 2.497467, 2.487274, 2.477156, 2.467114, 2.45715, 2.447264, 2.437457, 2.427732, 2.41809, 2.408531, 2.399057, 2.38967, 2.380369, 2.371158, 2.362036, 2.353005, 2.344066, 2.335221, 2.32647, 2.317815, 2.309256, 2.300796, 2.292434, 2.284172, 2.276011, 2.267952, 2.259997, 2.252145, 2.244398, 2.236758, 2.229224, 2.221798, 2.214481, 2.207274, 2.200177, 2.193192, 2.186319, 2.179559, 2.172913, 2.166382, 2.159966, 2.153666, 2.147482, 2.141417, 2.135469, 2.12964, 2.123931, 2.118341, 2.112872, 2.107523, 2.102296, 2.097191, 2.092208, 2.087347, 2.08261, 2.077995, 2.073504, 2.069137, 2.064893, 2.060773, 2.056777, 2.052905, 2.049157, 2.045532, 2.04203, 2.038651, 2.035395, 2.032261, 2.029249, 2.026358, 2.023588, 2.020939, 2.018407, 2.015991, 2.01368, 2.011458, 2.009289, 2.007105, 2.004785, 2.002181, 1.999329, 1.996604, 1.994163, 1.991875, 1.989603, 1.98727, 1.984837, 1.982287, 1.979612, 1.976812, 1.973885, 1.970833, 1.967656, 1.964356, 1.960931, 1.957382, 1.95371, 1.949914, 1.945993, 1.941949, 1.93778, 1.933488, 1.929071, 1.92453, 1.919866, 1.915078, 1.910167, 1.905133, 1.899977, 1.894698, 1.889298, 1.883777, 1.878135, 1.872372, 1.866491, 1.86049, 1.854371, 1.848134, 1.84178, 1.83531, 1.828724, 1.822024, 1.815209, 1.808282, 1.801242, 1.79409, 1.786828, 1.779455, 1.771974, 1.764386, 1.75669, 1.748888, 1.740981, 1.73297, 1.724855, 1.716639, 1.708322, 1.699906, 1.69139, 1.682776, 1.674067, 1.665261, 1.656362, 1.647369, 1.638284, 1.629109, 1.619844, 1.61049, 1.60105, 1.591523, 1.581912, 1.572218, 1.562442, 1.552585, 1.542648, 1.532633, 1.522542, 1.512375, 1.502134, 1.49182, 1.481434, 1.470979, 1.460455, 1.449864, 1.439207, 1.428486, 1.417701, 1.406856, 1.39595, 1.384985, 1.373964, 1.362886, 1.351755, 1.340571, 1.329336, 1.318051, 1.306718, 1.295338, 1.283913, 1.272445, 1.260935, 1.249384, 1.237794, 1.226167, 1.214505, 1.202808, 1.191079, 1.179318, 1.167529, 1.155712, 1.143868, 1.132, 1.12011, 1.108198, 1.096266, 1.084317, 1.072351, 1.060371, 1.048377, 1.036373, 1.024358, 1.012336, 1.000308, 0.9882749, 0.9762391, 0.9642021, 0.9521656, 0.9401314, 0.9281011, 0.9160765, 0.9040592, 0.8920511, 0.8800538, 0.868069, 0.8560985, 0.844144, 0.8322073, 0.8202901, 0.8083941, 0.7965211, 0.7846728, 0.772851, 0.7610574, 0.7492938, 0.7375619, 0.7258634, 0.7142003, 0.7025741, 0.6909866, 0.6794396, 0.6679349, 0.6564742, 0.6450593, 0.6336918, 0.6223737, 0.6111065, 0.5998921, 0.5887323, 0.5776286, 0.566583, 0.5555971, 0.5446727, 0.5338115, 0.5230152, 0.5122855, 0.5016242, 0.491033, 0.4805136, 0.4700677, 0.459697, 0.4494031,0.4391878, 0.4290528, 0.4189996, 0.40903, 0.3991457, 0.3893482, 0.3796392, 0.3700203, 0.3604931, 0.3510593, 0.3417204, 0.332478, 0.3233336, 0.314289, 0.3053455, 0.2965047, 0.2877681, 0.2791373, 0.2706137, 0.2621988, 0.253894, 0.2457009, 0.2376208, 0.2296551, 0.2218053, 0.2140727, 0.2064586, 0.1989645, 0.1915917, 0.1843413, 0.1772149, 0.1702135, 0.1633384, 0.1565909, 0.1499722, 0.1434834, 0.1371257, 0.1309002, 0.1248081, 0.1188504, 0.1130282, 0.1073426, 0.1017945, 0.09638493, 0.0911149, 0.08598533, 0.08099713, 0.07615118, 0.07144836, 0.06688948, 0.06247536, 0.05820678, 0.05408449, 0.05010921, 0.04628163, 0.04260242, 0.03907221, 0.03569162, 0.0324612, 0.02938152, 0.02645307, 0.02367636, 0.02105183, 0.0185799, 0.01626096, 0.01409538, 0.01208347, 0.01022553, 0.008521817, 0.006972563, 0.005577959, 0.004338162, 0.003253297, 0.002323452, 0.001548677, 0.000928989, 0.0004643624, 0.0001547344, 3.075445e-17, 0.0])
    assert, [0.0, 0.0120359, 0.02406854, 0.03609576, 0.04811539, 0.06012527, 0.0721232, 0.08410702, 0.09607454, 0.1080236, 0.119952, 0.1318577, 0.1437384, 0.155592, 0.1674164, 0.1792096, 0.1909693, 0.2026934, 0.21438, 0.2260269, 0.2376321, 0.2491935, 0.2607091, 0.2721769, 0.2835949, 0.294961, 0.3062734, 0.31753, 0.3287289, 0.3398682, 0.350946, 0.3619604, 0.3729094, 0.3837913, 0.3946042, 0.4053463, 0.4160157, 0.4266107, 0.4371296, 0.4475704, 0.4579317, 0.4682115, 0.4784083, 0.4885203, 0.498546, 0.5084836, 0.5183317, 0.5280885, 0.5377527, 0.5473225, 0.5567965, 0.5661733, 0.5754513, 0.5846291, 0.5937052, 0.6026784, 0.6115471, 0.6203101,0.6289661, 0.6375136, 0.6459515, 0.6542785, 0.6624934, 0.6705949, 0.6785819, 0.6864532, 0.6942078, 0.7018444, 0.7093619, 0.7167595, 0.7240359, 0.7311903, 0.7382216, 0.7451288, 0.751911, 0.7585674, 0.765097, 0.7714989, 0.7777724, 0.7839166, 0.7899307, 0.795814, 0.8015657, 0.8071851, 0.8126715, 0.8180243, 0.8232428, 0.8283263, 0.8332743, 0.8380862, 0.8427614, 0.8472995, 0.8516999, 0.8559621, 0.8600856, 0.8640701, 0.8679151, 0.8716202, 0.875185, 0.8786092, 0.8818925, 0.8850345, 0.888035, 0.8908936, 0.8936102, 0.8961845, 0.8986163, 0.9009054, 0.9030517, 0.905055, 0.9069152, 0.9086321, 0.9102058, 0.9116361, 0.912923, 0.9140664, 0.9150664, 0.9159229, 0.916636, 0.9172057, 0.9176321, 0.9179153, 0.9180554, 0.9180524, 0.9179066, 0.9176181, 0.917187, 0.9166136, 0.915898, 0.9150404, 0.9140412, 0.9129006, 0.9116188, 0.9101961, 0.9086329, 0.9069294, 0.9050861, 0.9031032, 0.9009811, 0.8987203, 0.896321, 0.8937839, 0.8911092, 0.8882974, 0.8853491, 0.8822646, 0.8790446, 0.8756894, 0.8721997, 0.8685759, 0.8648187, 0.8609286, 0.8569063, 0.8527522, 0.8484671, 0.8440516, 0.8395063, 0.8348319, 0.8300291, 0.8250986, 0.8200411, 0.8148573, 0.8095479, 0.8041138,0.7985557, 0.7928743, 0.7870706, 0.7811452, 0.7750991, 0.7689331, 0.7626479, 0.7562446, 0.749724, 0.743087, 0.7363345, 0.7294674, 0.7224868, 0.7153934, 0.7081884, 0.7008728, 0.6934474, 0.6859134, 0.6782717, 0.6705234, 0.6626696, 0.6547113, 0.6466496, 0.6384856, 0.6302205, 0.6218553, 0.6133912, 0.6048293, 0.5961707, 0.5874168, 0.5785686, 0.5696274, 0.5605944, 0.5514707, 0.5422577, 0.5329566, 0.5235686, 0.5140951, 0.5045372, 0.4948964, 0.4851739, 0.475371, 0.4654891, 0.4555295, 0.4454936, 0.4353827, 0.4251982, 0.4149415,0.4046139, 0.3942169, 0.3837519, 0.3732204, 0.3626236, 0.3519632, 0.3412405, 0.3304569, 0.3196141, 0.3087133, 0.2977562, 0.2867441, 0.2756786, 0.2645612, 0.2533933, 0.2421766, 0.2309124, 0.2196023, 0.2082479, 0.1968507, 0.1854123, 0.173934, 0.1624176, 0.1508646, 0.1392763, 0.1276545, 0.1160004, 0.1043157, 0.09260163, 0.08085983, 0.06909194, 0.0573, 0.04548684, 0.03365672, 0.02181669, 0.009979397, -0.001831889, -0.01358391, -0.02527805, -0.03700278, -0.04878966, -0.06060719, -0.07242789, -0.08423659, -0.09602515, -0.1077889, -0.1195251, -0.1312319, -0.1429077, -0.1545514, -0.1661616, -0.1777372, -0.1892768, -0.2007789, -0.212242, -0.2236647, -0.2350455, -0.2463827, 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Beispiel #13
def solve_elecar(inputs, t_interval=10):
    m = GEKKO()


    v = m.Param(value=inputs['v'])  # input voltage to the motor (volts)
    rm = m.Param(value=inputs['rm'])  # motor resistance (ohm)
    lm = m.Param(value=inputs['lm'])  # motor inductance (henrys)
    kb = m.Param(value=6.5e-4)  # back emf constant (volt-sec/rad)
    kt = m.Param(value=0.1)  # torque constant (N-m/a)
    jm = m.Param(value=inputs['jm'])  # rotor inertia (kg m^2)
    bm = m.Param(value=inputs['bm']
                 )  # mechanical damping (linear model of friction: bm * dth)

    # automobile parameters
    jl = m.Param(value=inputs['jl'])  # vehicle inertia (1000 times the rotor)
    bl = m.Param(value=inputs['bl'])  # vehicle damping (friction)
    k = m.Param(
        value=inputs['k'])  # spring constant for connection rotor/drive shaft
    b = m.Param(
        value=inputs['b'])  # spring damping for connection rotor/drive shaft
    rl = m.Param(
    )  # gearing ratio between motor and tire (meters travelled per radian of motor rotation)
    tau = m.Param(
    )  # time constant of a lag between motor torque and car velocity. this lag is a simplified model of the power train. (sec)

    i = m.Var(value=0)  # motor electrical current (amps)
    dth_m = m.Var(
        value=0)  # rotor angular velocity sometimes called omega (radians/sec)
    th_m = m.Var(value=0)  # rotor angle, theta (radians)
    dth_l = m.Var(value=0)  # wheel angular velocity (rad/sec)
    th_l = m.Var(value=0)  # wheel angle (radians)
    dth_v = m.Var(value=0)  # vehicle velocity (m/sec)
    th_v = m.Var(value=0)  # distance travelled (m)

    m.time = np.linspace(0, t_interval, 100)

    m.Equation(lm * i.dt() - v == -rm * i - kb * th_m.dt())
    m.Equation(jm * dth_m.dt() == kt * i - (bm + b) * th_m.dt() - k * th_m +
               b * th_l.dt() + k * th_l)
    m.Equation(jl * dth_l.dt() == b * th_m.dt() + k * th_m -
               (b + bl) * th_l.dt() - k * th_l)
    m.Equation(tau * dth_v.dt() == rl * dth_l - dth_v)
    m.Equation(dth_m == th_m.dt())
    m.Equation(dth_l == th_l.dt())
    m.Equation(dth_v == th_v.dt())

    m.options.IMODE = 4

    res_dict = {}
    for var in valid_vars:
        res_dict[var] = eval(var).value[-1]
        res_dict["t"] = m.time

    return res_dict
def solve09():
    # Solve Differential Equation(s)
    # measurements
    m = GEKKO()
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 20, 100)
    k = 10
    y = m.Var(value=5.0)
    t = m.Param(value=m.time)
    m.Equation(k * y.dt() == -t * y)
    m.options.IMODE = 4

    plt.plot(m.time, y.value)
def init_solver(G, w, num_tasks, task_prev, task_ordering):
    m = GEKKO()

    # Use IPOPT solver (default)
    m.options.SOLVER = 3

    # Change to parallel linear solver
    m.solver_options = ['linear_solver ma97']

    # variable array dimension

    # create array
    s = m.Array(m.Var, num_tasks)
    for i in range(num_tasks):
        s[i].value = 2.0
        s[i].lower = 0

    M = m.Var(value=5, lb=0)
    P = m.Var(value=5, lb=0)

    # define completion time of each task
    c = m.Array(m.Var, num_tasks)
    for i in range(num_tasks):
        c[i].value = 0
        c[i].lower = 0

    # task's completion time must be later than the time to run task itself
    for i in range(num_tasks):
        m.Equation(w[i] / s[i] <= c[i])

    # task must start later than all ancestors
    for i in range(num_tasks):
        for j in nx.algorithms.ancestors(G, i):
            m.Equation(c[j] + (w[i] / s[i]) <= c[i])

    # task must start later than previous task on machine
    for task, prev in task_prev.items():
        if prev != None:
            m.Equation(c[prev] + (w[task] / s[task]) <= c[task])

    # Total load assigned to each machine should not be greater than the makespan
    for lst in task_ordering:
        m.Equation(sum([w[i] / s[i] for i in lst]) <= M)

    #1e (define M in objective function)
    for i in range(num_tasks):
        m.Equation(c[i] <= M)

    # define P in objective function
    m.Equation(sum([s[i] for i in range(num_tasks)]) == P)

    return m, s, c, P, M
def solve12():
    # Model Predictive Control
    m = GEKKO()
    m.time = np.linspace(0, 20, 41)

    # Parameters
    mass = 500
    b = m.Param(value=50)
    K = m.Param(value=0.8)

    # Manipulated variable
    p = m.MV(value=0, lb=0, ub=100)
    p.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change
    p.DCOST = 0.1  # smooth out gas pedal movement
    p.DMAX = 20  # slow down change of gas pedal

    # Controlled Variable
    v = m.CV(value=0)
    v.STATUS = 1  # add the SP to the objective
    m.options.CV_TYPE = 2  # squared error
    v.SP = 40  # set point
    v.TR_INIT = 1  # set point trajectory
    v.TAU = 5  # time constant of trajectory

    # Process model
    m.Equation(mass * v.dt() == -v * b + K * b * p)

    m.options.IMODE = 6  # control

    # get additional solution information
    import json
    with open(m.path + '//results.json') as f:
        results = json.load(f)

    plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
    plt.plot(m.time, p.value, 'b-', label='MV Optimized')
    plt.subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(m.time, results[''], 'k-', label='Reference Trajectory')
    plt.plot(m.time, v.value, 'r--', label='CV Response')
def solve07():
    # Linear and Polynomial Regression
    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 0.9])

    xm = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    ym = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8, 2.0])

    #### Solution
    m = GEKKO()
    m.options.IMODE = 2
    # coefficients
    c = [m.FV(value=0) for i in range(4)]
    x = m.Param(value=xm)
    y = m.CV(value=ym)
    y.FSTATUS = 1
    # polynomial model
    m.Equation(y == c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * x**2 + c[3] * x**3)

    # linear regression
    c[0].STATUS = 1
    c[1].STATUS = 1
    p1 = [c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # quadratic
    c[2].STATUS = 1
    p2 = [c[2].value[0], c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # cubic
    c[3].STATUS = 1
    p3 = [c[3].value[0], c[2].value[0], c[1].value[0], c[0].value[0]]

    # plot fit
    plt.plot(xm, ym, 'ko', markersize=10)
    xp = np.linspace(0, 5, 100)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p1, xp), 'b--', linewidth=2)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p2, xp), 'r--', linewidth=3)
    plt.plot(xp, np.polyval(p3, xp), 'g:', linewidth=2)
    plt.legend(['Data', 'Linear', 'Quadratic', 'Cubic'], loc='best')
Beispiel #18
def get_optimized_loan_attributes(loanAmount0, loanPeriod0, predictedGood0, par, cutOff):
    n = GEKKO() #internet connection is needed for the GEKKO library to work!
    #'a' - value between '0' and '1'. 
    #Closer to '1' means loan amount will not change much. 
    #Closer to '0' - loan period will not change much
    a = 0.9

    x1 = n.Var(loanAmount0, 200.0, 160000.0) #starting value, lower boundary, upper boundary
    x2 = n.Var(loanPeriod0, 2.0, 60.0)

    n.Equation(predictedGood0 - par[0] * loanAmount0 - par[1] * loanPeriod0 + par[0] * x1 + par[1] * x2 > cutOff)

    n.Obj(a*(((x1 - loanAmount0)/loanAmount0)**2) + (1 - a)*(((x2 - loanPeriod0)/loanPeriod0)**2))
        return [x1.value[0], x2.value[0]]
        return [0, 0]
def optimum_solution():
    m = GEKKO()
    m.options.SOLVER = 1
    lane_1 = m.Var(integer=True, lb=0, ub=individual_lane_capacity)
    lane_2 = m.Var(integer=True, lb=0, ub=individual_lane_capacity)
    lane_3 = m.Var(integer=True, lb=0, ub=individual_lane_capacity)
    m.Minimize(lane_1 * ((distance / speed_slow_lane) *
                         (1 + alpha *
                          ((lane_1 / individual_lane_capacity)**beta))) +
               lane_2 * ((distance / speed_medium_lane) *
                         (1 + alpha *
                          ((lane_2 / individual_lane_capacity)**beta))) +
               lane_3 * ((distance / speed_fast_lane) *
                         (1 + alpha *
                          ((lane_3 / individual_lane_capacity)**beta))))
    m.Equation(lane_1 + lane_2 + lane_3 == total_num_drivers)
    print('Following are results for OPTIMUM traffic placement: ')
    print('lane one traffic: ' + str(lane_1.value[0]))
    print('lane two traffic: ' + str(lane_2.value[0]))
    print('lane three traffic: ' + str(lane_3.value[0]))
    opt_traffic = [lane_1.value[0], lane_2.value[0], lane_3.value[0]]
    print(f1(opt_traffic[0]), f2(opt_traffic[1]), f3(opt_traffic[2]))
    return (opt_traffic)
Beispiel #20
        def threePlayersEUtility():
            eq = GEKKO(remote=False)
            p, q, r = eq.Var(), eq.Var(), eq.Var()
            ## U1(A) == U1(B)
            eq.Equation(q * p * Fraction(self.utility_tableau[0][0][0][0]) +
                        p * (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[0][1][0][0] +
                        (1 - p) * q * self.utility_tableau[0][0][1][0] +
                        (1 - p) *
                        (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[0][1][1][0] == q * p *
                        self.utility_tableau[1][0][0][0] + p *
                        (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[1][1][0][0] +
                        (1 - p) * q * self.utility_tableau[1][0][1][0] +
                        (1 - p) * (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[1][1][1][0])
            ## U2(A) == U2(B)
            eq.Equation(r * p * self.utility_tableau[0][0][0][1] +
                        (1 - r) * p * self.utility_tableau[1][0][0][1] + r *
                        (1 - p) * self.utility_tableau[0][0][1][1] + (1 - r) *
                        (1 - p) * self.utility_tableau[1][0][1][1] == r * p *
                        self.utility_tableau[0][1][0][1] +
                        (1 - r) * p * self.utility_tableau[1][1][0][1] + r *
                        (1 - p) * self.utility_tableau[0][1][1][1] + (1 - r) *
                        (1 - p) * self.utility_tableau[1][1][1][1])

            ## U3(A) == U3(B)
            eq.Equation(r * q * self.utility_tableau[0][0][0][2] +
                        (1 - q) * r * self.utility_tableau[0][1][0][2] +
                        (1 - r) * q * self.utility_tableau[1][0][0][2] +
                        (1 - r) *
                        (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[1][1][0][2] == r * q *
                        self.utility_tableau[0][0][1][2] +
                        (1 - q) * r * self.utility_tableau[0][1][1][2] +
                        (1 - r) * q * self.utility_tableau[1][0][1][2] +
                        (1 - r) * (1 - q) * self.utility_tableau[1][1][1][2])
            eq.Equation(0 <= r)
            eq.Equation(r <= 1)
            eq.Equation(0 <= q)
            eq.Equation(q <= 1)
            eq.Equation(0 <= p)
            eq.Equation(p <= 1)
            return q.value[0], r.value[0], p.value[0]
Beispiel #21
mass = m.Var(value=m0)#, lb=m0-mp0, ub=m0)

tave = mp0 * Isp * g / tsp
step = [0 if z > tsp else tave for z in t_array * tf.value]
ft = m.Param(value=step)

rho = m.Intermediate( 1.22 * m.exp(-0.000091 * y + -1.88e-9 * y**2 ))
q = m.Intermediate(0.5 * rho * v ** 2.)

cd0 = m.Var(value=0.02)
cdf = m.Var(value=0.5)
cna = m.Var(value=0.2)

cs = m.Intermediate(-0.00117 * y + 340.288)
mn = m.Var(value=0.0)
m.Equation(mn == v / cs)

t_mn = [0.3, 0.5, 0.9, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]
t_cd0 = [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
t_cdf = [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.65, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.25, 0.2]
t_cna = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2]

m.cspline(mn, cd0, t_mn, t_cd0, True)
m.cspline(mn, cdf, t_mn, t_cdf, True)
m.cspline(mn, cna, t_mn, t_cdf, True)

ca = m.Intermediate(cd0 + cdf * 0.68)
cn = m.Intermediate(cna * 8.1 * alpha)
fa = m.Intermediate(q * ca * S)
fn = m.Intermediate(q * cn * S)
VAR_R1 = 0.01
VAR_R2 = 0.04**2/12

# risk in 10^12 change for different values 

# V = 0.1 # for V = 1*10^11
# V = 0.2 # for V = 2*10^11
 V = 0.4 # for V = 4*10^11

# Defining decesion variable

A = m.Var(value = 2*L/3,lb=0,ub=L)

# Adding constrains to model

m.Equation(A*A*VAR_R1 + (L-A)*(L-A)*VAR_R2 <= V)
m.Equation((L-A) <= 1) # additional constrain

# Adding Objective function to model

# Solving model
m.solve(disp = False)

################################################### for printing results ###################################################################################

actual_A = A.value[0]

AC = actual_A
actual_VAR = AC*AC*VAR_R1 + (L-AC)*(L-AC)*VAR_R2
Beispiel #23
TH1 = m.SV()
TH2 = m.SV()
TC1 = m.CV()
TC2 = m.CV()

# Heater Temperatures in Kelvin
T1 = m.Intermediate(TH1 + 273.15)
T2 = m.Intermediate(TH2 + 273.15)

# Heat transfer between two heaters
Q_C12 = m.Intermediate(Us * As * (T2 - T1))  # Convective
Q_R12 = m.Intermediate(eps * sigma * As * (T2**4 - T1**4))  # Radiative

# Energy balances
m.Equation(TH1.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T1) \
                + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T1**4) \
                + Q_C12 + Q_R12 \
                + alpha1*Q1))

m.Equation(TH2.dt() == (1.0/(mass*Cp))*(U*A*(Ta-T2) \
                + eps * sigma * A * (Ta**4 - T2**4) \
                - Q_C12 - Q_R12 \
                + alpha2*Q2))

# Conduction to temperature sensors
m.Equation(tau * TC1.dt() == TH1 - TC1)
m.Equation(tau * TC2.dt() == TH2 - TC2)

# Options
# STATUS=1 allows solver to adjust parameter
import numpy as np
from gekko import GEKKO
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

m = GEKKO()  # create GEKKO model
k = m.Param()  # constant
y = m.Var(5.0)  # create GEKKO variable
m.Equation(y.dt() == -k * y)  # create GEKKO equation
m.time = np.linspace(0, 20)  # time points

# solve ODEs and plot
m.options.IMODE = 4
m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 0

k.value = 0.1
plt.plot(m.time, y, 'r-', linewidth=2, label='k=0.1')

k.value = 0.2
plt.plot(m.time, y, 'b--', linewidth=2, label='k=0.2')

k.value = 0.5
plt.plot(m.time, y, 'g:', linewidth=2, label='k=0.3')

Beispiel #25
resolution = 10
m = GEKKO()
m.time = np.linspace(0, years, years * resolution + 1)

H = m.Var(1e6)
I = m.Var(0)
V = m.Var(100)

kr1 = m.Param(1e5)  # new healthy cells per year
kr2 = m.Param(0.1)  # death rate of healthy cells
kr3 = m.Param(2e-7)  # healthy cells converting to infected cells
kr4 = m.Param(0.5)  # death rate of infected cells
kr5 = m.Param(5)  # death rate of virus
kr6 = m.Param(100)  # production of virus by infected cells

m.Equation(H.dt() == kr1 - kr2 * H - kr3 * H * V)
m.Equation(I.dt() == kr3 * H * V - kr4 * I)
m.Equation(V.dt() == -kr3 * H * V - kr5 * V + kr6 * I)

m.options.IMODE = 4
m.options.NODES = 3

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 5))

ax.semilogy(m.time, H, 'b-', label=r'H')
ax.semilogy(m.time, I, 'g:', label=r'I')
ax.semilogy(m.time, V, 'r-', linewidth=2, label=r'V')
plt.xlabel('Time (years)')
plt.ylabel('States (log scale)')
Beispiel #26
from gekko import GEKKO
m = GEKKO(remote=False)
x, y = m.Array(m.Var, 2)
m.Equation(y == m.sigmoid(x))
m.Minimize((y - 0.2)**2)
print(x.value[0], y.value[0])
Beispiel #27
m.time = np.linspace(0, tf, 2 * tf + 1)
step = np.zeros(2 * tf + 1)
step[3:40] = 2.0
step[40:] = 5.0

# Controller model
Kc = 15.0  # controller gain
tauI = 2.0  # controller reset time
tauD = 1.0  # derivative constant
OP_0 = m.Const(value=0.0)  # OP bias
OP = m.Var(value=0.0)  # controller output
PV = m.Var(value=0.0)  # process variable
SP = m.Param(value=step)  # set point
Intgl = m.Var(value=0.0)  # integral of the error
err = m.Intermediate(SP - PV)  # set point error
m.Equation(Intgl.dt() == err)  # integral of the error
m.Equation(OP == OP_0 + Kc * err + (Kc / tauI) * Intgl - PV.dt())

# Process model
Kp = 0.5  # process gain
tauP = 10.0  # process time constant
m.Equation(tauP * PV.dt() + PV == Kp * OP)

m.options.IMODE = 4

plt.subplot(2, 1, 1)
plt.plot(m.time, OP.value, 'b:', label='OP')
class MPCnode(Node):
    def __init__(self, id, x, y, nrj, ctrlHrz, ctrlRes):
        super().__init__(id, x, y, nrj)

        self.verbose = False
        self.errorFlag = False
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        # time points
        self.ctrlHrz = ctrlHrz  # Control Horizon
        self.ctrlRes = ctrlRes  # Control Resolution. Number of control steps within the control horizon
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)
        # constants
        self.Egen = 1 * 10**-5

        #Counter for plots
        self.nrplots = 1
        self.pltColors = ['r-', 'k-', 'b-', 'g-', 'y-', 'c-', 'm-']
        self.labels = [
            "Distance", "Velocity", "Energy Consumption", "Data Remaining",
            "Transmission Rate", "Battery"
        colorNr = rand.randrange(0, len(self.pltColors), 1)
        self.lineColor = self.pltColors[colorNr]

        #Threshold for when objective is seen as 0
        self.limit = np.float64(1e-10)


    def resetGEKKO(self):
        self.errorFlag = False
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.m.time = np.linspace(0, self.ctrlHrz, self.ctrlRes)

        self.vp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.v = self.m.Param(value=self.vp)

        # define distance

        self.dist = self.m.Var()

        self.dtr = self.m.MV(value=0, integer=True, lb=0, ub=20)
        self.dtr.STATUS = 1

        # define energy level
        self.nrj_stored = self.m.Var(, lb=0) = self.m.Var() = self.m.CV() = 1
        #self.m.options.CV_TYPE = 2
        # energy to transmit
        self.e = self.m.Intermediate((
            (Eelec + EDA) * self.conChildren + self.dtr * self.pSize *
            (Eelec + Eamp * self.dist**2)) - self.Egen)
        #self.e = self.m.Var()
        #self.m.Equation(self.e == ((Eelec+EDA)*self.conChildren + self.dtr*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dist**2)) - self.Egen)
        # equations
        # track the position
        self.m.Equation(self.dist.dt() == self.v)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored.dt() == -self.e)
        self.m.Equation(self.nrj_stored >= self.e)
        # as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases
        self.m.Equation( == -self.dtr * self.pSize)

        self.deadline = self.m.Var(value=self.ctrlHrz)
        self.dlCost = self.m.Var()
        self.m.Equation(self.deadline.dt() == -1)
        # self.m.Equation( >= self.e)

        # objective = 0

        # soft (objective constraint)
        self.recedingDeadline = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.recedingDeadline[-1] = 100 = self.m.Param(value=np.zeros(self.ctrlRes))[self.ctrlRes//2:-1] = 0.001[-1] = 1

        #self.m.Obj(self.e) # minimize energy
        #self.m.Obj(* = self.m.Intermediate(( * (0 -**2))
        self.m.Obj(  # transmit data by the end

        # hard constraint
        # this form may cause infeasibility if it can't achieve
        # data=0 at the end
        # options
        # Solutions forced to terminate early by the MAX_TIME
        # constraint do not satisfy the Karush Kuhn Tucker conditions for optimality.
        self.m.options.MAX_TIME = 10
        self.m.options.IMODE = 6  # optimal control
        self.m.options.NODES = 3  # collocation nodes
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 1  # solver (IPOPT), 1 is for when integers is used as MV
        self.m.options.TIME_SHIFT = 1  # Setting for saving values from last solve()

    def produce_vVector(self, xVec, yVec):
        vVec = np.zeros(len(xVec))
        for i in range(len(xVec) - 1):
            dist_Before = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i] - self.xPos)**2 + (yVec[i] - self.yPos)**2))
            dist_After = np.float64(
                np.sqrt((xVec[i + 1] - self.xPos)**2 +
                        (yVec[i + 1] - self.yPos)**2))
            vVec[i] = np.float64((dist_After - dist_Before) /
                                 (self.ctrlHrz / (self.ctrlRes - 1)))
        return vVec

    def setDesData(self, dat):
        if (type( is list):
  [0] = dat * self.pSize
   = dat * self.pSize

    def controlPR(self, velocity):
        tempVel = np.float64(velocity)
        tempNrj = np.float64(
        tempDist = np.float64(self.getDistance(self.CHparent))

        self.vp[0:] = self.v.value[1]
        if (tempVel == self.vp[0]):
            if self.verbose:
                print('Velocity: {0} was equal to vVal0: {1}'.format(
                    tempVel, self.vp[0]))
                print('Therefore, velocity was set as vp[1:]')
            if self.verbose:
                print('Velocity: {0} was not equal to vVal0: {1}'.format(
                    tempVel, self.v.value[0]))
                print('Therefore, vp[1:] was set as tempVel = {0}'.format(
            self.vp[1:] = tempVel
        self.v.value = self.vp

        if (type( is list):
            if ([0] <= self.limit):
                self.datap = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
      [0] = 0

        if (type(self.nrj_stored.value.value) is list):
            self.nrj_stored.value[0] = tempNrj
            self.nrj_stored.value = tempNrj

        # define distance
        if (type(self.dist.value.value) is list):
            self.dist.value[0] = tempDist
            self.dist.value = tempDist

        if (type(self.dtr.value.value) is list):
            self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
            self.dtrp[0] = np.float64(self.PA)
            self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
            #self.dtr.value.value[0] = np.float64(self.PA)

            #self.nrj_stored.value[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
  [0] =[1]

            #if (self.recedingDeadline[0] == 0):
            #    self.recedingDeadline = np.roll(self.recedingDeadline,-1)
   = self.recedingDeadline
            print('EXCEPTION CAUGHT FOR NODE: {0}'.format(self.ID))
            self.errorFlag = True

    def controlPR1(self, sink):
        self.v.value = self.produce_vVector(sink.xP.value, sink.yP.value)

        tempNrj = np.float64(
        tempDist = np.float64(np.abs(self.getDistance(self.CHparent)))

        #if(type( is list):
        #    if([0] <= self.limit):
        #[0] = 0

        if (type(self.nrj_stored.value.value) is list):
            #print('NRJ STORED WAS NOT FLOAT. IT WAS: {0}'.format(type(self.nrj_stored.value.value)))
            self.nrj_stored.value[0] = tempNrj
            self.nrj_stored.value = tempNrj

        # define distance
        if (type(self.dist.value.value) is list):
            #print('DIST WAS NOT INT, IT WAS: {0}'.format(type(self.dist.value.value)))
            self.dist.value[0] = tempDist
            self.dist.value = tempDist

        #if([0] <= limit):
        #[0] = 0
        if (type(self.dtr.value.value) is list):
            #self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
            #self.dtrp[0] = np.float64(self.PA)
            #self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
            self.dtr.value = self.dtr.NXTVAL

            #self.nrj_stored.value[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
  [0] =[1]
        self.dtrp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.dtrp[0] = self.dtr.value[1]
        self.dtr.value = self.dtrp
        self.nrj_storedp = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.nrj_storedp[0] = self.nrj_stored.value[1]
        self.nrj_stored.value = self.nrj_storedp
        self.datap = np.zeros(self.ctrlRes)
        self.datap[0] =[1] = self.datap
        self.m.TIME_SHIFT = 1
        """[0] =[1]

            print('EXCEPTION CAUGHT')
            self.errorFlag = True

    def plot(self):
        #plt.cla()   # Clear axis
        #plt.clf()   # Clear figure
        #plt.close() # Close a figure window

        #by_label = OrderedDict(zip(labels, handles))
        #plt.legend(by_label.values(), by_label.keys())

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 1)
        dist_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
        distance_legend = plt.legend(handles=dist_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 2)
        vel_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        vel_legend = plt.legend(handles=vel_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 3)
        energyCons_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        nrjcons_legend = plt.legend(handles=energyCons_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 4)
        dataRem_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
                                label=self.labels[3]),, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        dataRem_legend = plt.legend(handles=dataRem_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 5)
        #plt.plot(self.m.time, self.dtr.value,'r-',label='Transmission Rate')
        transmRate_line = plt.step(self.m.time,
        tr_legend = plt.legend(handles=transmRate_line)

        plt.subplot(6, 1, 6)
        battery_line = plt.plot(self.m.time,
        battery_legend = plt.legend(handles=battery_line)


        self.nrplots += 1

    def getDeltaDist(self, sinkX, sinkY, sdeltaX, sdeltaY, deltaDist):
        distBefore = np.sqrt((sinkX**2) + (sinkY**2))
        distAfter = np.sqrt(((sinkX + sdeltaX)**2) + ((sinkY + sdeltaY)**2))
        self.deltaDist = distAfter - distBefore
        return self.deltaDist
Beispiel #29
class solveMPC:
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.theta_goal = 70
        self.thetadot_goal = 0
        self.x_goal = env.X / 2
        self.y_goal = env.Y
        self.last_u = 0  #Keep track of last input control

    def action(self, state, plot=False, integer_control=False):
        #Return a discrete action 0-21 based on the dynamic optimization solution.
        State Variables:
            These are the variables included in the dynamics
        Manipulated Variables:
            These are the control inputs

        #       Initialize the GEKKO solver and set options:
        # The remote argument allows for the solver to be run on Brigham Young Universitie's public server
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=True)
        init_state = state

        self.m.options.IMODE = 6  # control
        if integer_control:
            self.m.options.SOLVER = 1  #Use APOPT Solver (only solver able to handle mixed integer)
            self.m.options.SOLVER = 3  #Use IPOPT Solver

        #Setup the solvers discretization array:
        #   disc_length is the total number of discretization steps for the solver to discretize the problem
        disc_len = 501
        self.disc_array = np.linspace(
            0, 1, disc_len
        )  #Solver time steps (For variable final time, this will be scaled)
        self.m.time = self.disc_array

        #Fixed Varaibles: These are fixed over the horizon but able to change for each iteration
        #tf_scale is the final time variable. This is a trick to get the solver to solve a free final time problem
        self.tf_scale = self.m.FV(value=150, lb=1, ub=2000)
        self.tf_scale.STATUS = 1

        # Parameters of environment (state space model)
        tau = self.m.Param(value=90)
        ku = self.m.Param(value=18)
        dist = self.m.Param(value=0)

        # Manipulated variables (Control Input)
        u = self.m.MV(value=self.last_u,
        u_step_len = 30  #feet; the length overwhich control must stay constant
        u.MV_STEP_HOR = self.get_control_step(u_step_len, ku.value, state[2],
                                              self.theta_goal, disc_len)
        u.STATUS = 1  # allow optimizer to change u

        #Handle Units
        #States have the following units below: x:feet y:feet theta:deg thetadot:deg/ft
        #Convert units of states (1,1, deg->rad *Acutally ode is in deg, deg/100ft -> deg/ft)
        #State Input: x y thetao thetadoto
        convert_units = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1 / 100])
        init_state = init_state * convert_units
        d2r = np.pi / 180

        # State Variables
        x = self.m.SV(value=init_state[0], lb=-10000, ub=10000)
        y = self.m.SV(value=init_state[1], lb=-10000, ub=10000)
        theta = self.m.SV(value=init_state[2], lb=-20, ub=100)
        thetadot = self.m.SV(value=init_state[3], lb=-.3, ub=.3)
        thetadotmax = self.m.SV(value=ku.value, lb=-.3, ub=.3)

        # Initialize binary vector used to retreive the final state ( vector of all zeros except last element = 1 )
        final = self.m.Param(np.zeros(self.m.time.shape[0]))
        final.value[-1] = 1

        # Dynamics
        self.m.Equation(theta.dt() == thetadot * self.tf_scale)
            thetadot.dt() == -(1 / tau) * thetadot * self.tf_scale +
            (.01 * ku / tau) * u / 10 * self.tf_scale +
            .01 * dist / tau * self.tf_scale)
        self.m.Equation(x.dt() == self.m.cos(theta * d2r) * self.tf_scale)
        self.m.Equation(y.dt() == self.m.sin(theta * d2r) * self.tf_scale)
            thetadotmax >= thetadot)  #This variable acts as max(thetadot)

        # Objective Functions
        self.m.Obj(10 * (x * final - self.x_goal)**2)
        self.m.Obj(10 * (y * final - self.y_goal)**2)
        self.m.Obj((theta * final - self.theta_goal)**2)
        self.m.Obj(.1 * (thetadot * final - self.thetadot_goal)**2)

            print('Enter Debug Mode')

        if plot:
            self.plot(u, x, y, theta, thetadot)
        self.last_u = u.value[1]
        action = int(round(u.value[1] / 10, 1) * 10 + 10)
        return action

    def get_control_step(self, desired_u_step, ku, thetao, theta_goal,
        This function estimates the number of solver discretization steps that the
        control input should stay constant. We have to estimate what this value should
        be since the final time is free and the solver doesn't allow us to vary the
        control step size with each solver iteration.
        First guess the length of the optimal trajectory, then convert this from
        feet to discretization steps"""
        delta_theta = np.abs(thetao - theta_goal)
        curvature_max = ku
        #Calculate the average arc length if we were to drill with full curvature
        #and half curvature capabilities
        avg_arc_length = 3 / 2 * delta_theta / curvature_max * 100
        u_solver_step = int(desired_u_step * disc_len / avg_arc_length)
        u_solver_step = max(u_solver_step, 1)
        return u_solver_step

    def plot(self, u, x, y, theta, thetadot):
        theta = np.array(theta.value)
        thetadot = np.array(thetadot.value)
        x = np.array(x.value)
        y = np.array(y.value)
        sim_t = self.disc_array * self.tf_scale.value[0]
        plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
        plt.plot(sim_t, u.value, 'b-', label='Control Optimized')
        plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(sim_t, theta, 'r--', label='Theta Response')
        plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
        plt.plot(sim_t, thetadot, 'r--', label='Theta_dot Response')
        plt.xlabel('Measured Depth (ft)')
        plt.plot(y, -x, 'r--', label='Trajectory')
        plt.xlabel('Cross Section')
class MPC2ndLayer():
    def __init__(self):
        self.verbose = False
        self.nrplots = 0

        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)

        # constants
        self.Egen = 1 * 10**-5
        self.pSize = ps

        self.PERC = 0.4
        self.nds = 50  # ALL NODES
        self.CHs = int(self.nds * self.PERC)  # CLUSTER HEADS
        self.nonCHs = int(self.nds - self.CHs)  # NON-CHs
        self.CHLst = []  # List of CH positions Param()
        self.CHdistLst = []  # List of CHs distances Var()

        self.nonCHLst = []  # List of non-CH positions Param()
        self.nonCHdistLst = []  # List of non-CHs distances Var()

        self.intermeds = [
        ]  # List of intermediate equations for energy consumption of nodes

        #Counter for plots
        self.nrplots = 1
        This part is in case the LEACH protocol is to be used in the model.
        self.dm1 = np.sum(self.CHdistLst)/len(self.CHdistLst)            # Mean distance of CH to sink
        self.dm2 = np.sum(self.nonCHdistLst)/len(self.nonCHdistLst)      # Mean distance of nonCH to sink
        self.e1 = self.m.Intermediate(((Eelec+EDA)*self.packet + self.packs*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dm1**2))*len(self.CHdistLst)) # Mean energy consumption per round for CHs
        self.e2 = self.m.Intermediate((self.packs*self.pSize*(Eelec + Eamp * self.dm2**2))*len(self.nonCHdistLst)) # Mean energy consumption per round for CHs
        self.rnd = self.m.Intermediate(self.E_tot/(self.PERC*self.E_tot*self.e1+(1-self.PERC)*self.e2))

        # options
        self.m.options.IMODE = 3  # optimize a solid state

    def controlEnv(self):


        self.sinkPos = self.m.Var(
            lb=0, ub=100
        )  # Upper bound should be something like sqrt(100**2 + 100**2)

        #self.sinkV = self.m.MV(lb=-3,ub=3)
        #self.sinkV.STATUS = 1

        # as data is transmitted, remaining data stored decreases

        for i in range(self.CHs):
            self.CHLst.append(self.m.Param(value=4 * i))
                self.m.Var(value=self.sinkPos.value - self.CHLst[i].value))
            self.m.Equation(self.CHdistLst[i] == self.sinkPos - self.CHLst[i])

        for i in range(self.nonCHs):
            self.nonCHLst.append(self.m.Param(value=2 * i))
                self.m.Var(value=self.sinkPos.value - self.nonCHLst[i].value))

            self.m.Equation(self.nonCHdistLst[i] == self.sinkPos -

        self.packs = 1
        self.dtrLst = []
        self.rnds = self.m.Var(integer=True, lb=1)
        self.E_tot = self.m.Param(value=0.010)
        self.e1Sum = []
        self.e1Vars = []
        self.e2Sum = []
        self.e2Vars = []

        for i in range(self.CHs):
            self.dtrLst.append(self.m.Var(lb=1, ub=20))
                self.m.Intermediate((Eelec + EDA) * self.packs +
                                    self.dtrLst[-1] * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.CHdistLst[i]**2)))
            self.m.Equation(self.e1Vars[-1] == (Eelec + EDA) * self.packs +
                            self.dtrLst[-1] * self.pSize *
                            (Eelec + Eamp * self.CHdistLst[i]**2))

        for i in range(self.nonCHs):
                self.m.Intermediate(self.packs * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.nonCHdistLst[i]**2)))
                self.e2Vars[-1] == (self.packs * self.pSize *
                                    (Eelec + Eamp * self.nonCHdistLst[i]**2)))

        #self.m.Equation(self.E_tot >= (self.m.sum(self.e1Sum)+ self.m.sum(self.e2Sum))*self.rnds)
            self.E_tot >= (self.m.sum(self.e1Vars) + self.m.sum(self.e2Vars)) *
            self.rnds) = self.m.Intermediate(self.m.sum(self.dtrLst))
        self.m.Obj( * self.rnds)

        print('Sink\'s optimal Position: {0}'.format(self.sinkPos.value))
        print('Number of rounds for optimal amount of data transmitted: {0}'.

    def plot(self):
        objects = np.linspace(1, len(self.CHLst), len(self.CHLst))
        #for i in range(self.CHLst):
        #    objects.append(self.CHdistLst[i].)

        y_pos = np.arange(len(objects))
        ydtr = np.linspace(0, 20, 11)

        ydist = np.linspace(-50, 50, 11)

        CHDL = []
        for i in range(len(self.CHdistLst)):

        DTRL = []
        for i in range(len(self.dtrLst)):

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 1), CHDL, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        plt.yticks(ydist, ydist)

        plt.subplot(2, 1, 2), DTRL, align='center', alpha=0.5)
        plt.yticks(ydtr, ydtr)
        plt.ylabel('Packets Desired')

    def clearGEKKO(self):