Beispiel #1
def unroll_indexsum(expressions, max_extent):
    """Unrolls IndexSums below a specified extent.

    :arg expressions: list of expression DAGs
    :arg max_extent: maximum extent for which IndexSums are unrolled
    :returns: list of expression DAGs with some unrolled IndexSums
    mapper = Memoizer(_unroll_indexsum)
    mapper.max_extent = max_extent
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #2
def ffc_rounding(expression, epsilon):
    """Perform FFC rounding of FIAT tabulation matrices on the literals of
    a GEM expression.

    :arg expression: GEM expression
    :arg epsilon: tolerance limit for rounding
    mapper = Memoizer(literal_rounding)
    mapper.epsilon = epsilon
    return mapper(expression)
Beispiel #3
def unroll_indexsum(expressions, predicate):
    """Unrolls IndexSums below a specified extent.

    :arg expressions: list of expression DAGs
    :arg predicate: a predicate function on :py:class:`Index` objects
                    that tells whether to unroll a particular index
    :returns: list of expression DAGs with some unrolled IndexSums
    mapper = Memoizer(_unroll_indexsum)
    mapper.predicate = predicate
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #4
def replace_node(expression, mapping, cut=None):
    """Replace subexpressions using a given mapping.

    :param expression: a GEM expression
    :param mapping: a :py:class:`dict` containing the substitutions
    :param cut: cutting predicate; if returns true, it is assumed that
                no replacements would take place in the subexpression.
    mapper = Memoizer(_replace_node)
    mapper.mapping = mapping
    mapper.cut = cut or (lambda node: False)
    return mapper(expression)
Beispiel #5
def replace_node(expression, mapping, cut=None):
    """Replace subexpressions using a given mapping.

    :param expression: a GEM expression
    :param mapping: a :py:class:`dict` containing the substitutions
    :param cut: cutting predicate; if returns true, it is assumed that
                no replacements would take place in the subexpression.
    mapper = Memoizer(_replace_node)
    mapper.mapping = mapping
    mapper.cut = cut or (lambda node: False)
    return mapper(expression)
Beispiel #6
def expand_conditional(expressions, predicate):
    """Applies the following substitution rule on selected :py:class:`Conditional`s:

        Conditional(a, b, c) => Conditional(a, 1, 0)*b + Conditional(a, 0, 1)*c

    :arg expressions: expression DAG roots
    :arg predicate: a predicate function on :py:class:`Conditional`s to determine
                    whether to apply the substitution rule or not

    :returns: expression DAG roots with some :py:class:`Conditional` nodes expanded
    mapper = Memoizer(_expand_conditional)
    mapper.predicate = predicate
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #7
def remove_if(expr: Expr, predicate: Callable[[Expr], bool]) -> Expr:
    """Remove terms from an expression that match a predicate.

    This is done by replacing matching terms by an
    appropriately-shaped :class:`~.Zero`, so only works to remove
    terms that are linear in the expression.

    :arg expr: the expression to remove terms from.
    :arg predicate: a function that indicates if an expression should
        be kept or not.
    :returns: A potentially new expression with terms matching the
        predicate removed."""
    mapper = Memoizer(_filter)
    mapper.predicate = predicate
    return mapper(expr)
Beispiel #8
def assign_dtypes(expressions, scalar_type):
    """Assign numpy data types to expressions.

    Used for declaring temporaries when converting from Impero to lower level code.

    :arg expressions: List of GEM expressions.
    :arg scalar_type: Default scalar type.

    :returns: list of tuples (expression, dtype)."""
    mapper = Memoizer(_assign_dtype)
    mapper.scalar_type = scalar_type
    if scalar_type.kind == "c":
        mapper.real_type = numpy.finfo(scalar_type).dtype
        mapper.real_type = scalar_type
    return [(e, mapper(e)) for e in expressions]
Beispiel #9
def flatten(expressions):
    """Flatten Concatenate nodes, and destroy the structure they express.

    :arg expressions: a multi-root expression DAG
    mapper = Memoizer(_flatten)
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #10
def collect_monomials(expressions, classifier):
    """Refactorises expressions into a sum-of-products form, using
    distributivity rules (i.e. a*(b + c) -> a*b + a*c).  Expansion
    proceeds until all "compound" expressions are broken up.

    :arg expressions: GEM expressions to refactorise
    :arg classifier: a function that can classify any GEM expression
                     as ``ATOMIC``, ``COMPOUND``, or ``OTHER``.  This
                     classification drives the factorisation.

    :returns: list of :py:class:`MonomialSum`s

    :raises FactorisationError: Failed to break up some "compound"
                                expressions with expansion.
    # Get ComponentTensors out of the way
    expressions = remove_componenttensors(expressions)

    # Get ListTensors out of the way
    must_unroll = []  # indices to unroll
    for node in traversal(expressions):
        if isinstance(node, Indexed):
            child, = node.children
            if isinstance(child, ListTensor) and classifier(node) == COMPOUND:
    if must_unroll:
        must_unroll = set(must_unroll)
        expressions = unroll_indexsum(expressions,
                                      predicate=lambda i: i in must_unroll)
        expressions = remove_componenttensors(expressions)

    # Expand Conditional nodes which are COMPOUND
    conditional_predicate = lambda node: classifier(node) == COMPOUND
    expressions = expand_conditional(expressions, conditional_predicate)

    # Finally, refactorise expressions
    mapper = Memoizer(_collect_monomials)
    mapper.classifier = classifier
    mapper.rename_map = make_rename_map()
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #11
def collect_monomials(expressions, classifier):
    """Refactorises expressions into a sum-of-products form, using
    distributivity rules (i.e. a*(b + c) -> a*b + a*c).  Expansion
    proceeds until all "compound" expressions are broken up.

    :arg expressions: GEM expressions to refactorise
    :arg classifier: a function that can classify any GEM expression
                     as ``ATOMIC``, ``COMPOUND``, or ``OTHER``.  This
                     classification drives the factorisation.

    :returns: list of :py:class:`MonomialSum`s

    :raises FactorisationError: Failed to break up some "compound"
                                expressions with expansion.
    # Get ComponentTensors out of the way
    expressions = remove_componenttensors(expressions)

    # Get ListTensors out of the way
    must_unroll = []  # indices to unroll
    for node in traversal(expressions):
        if isinstance(node, Indexed):
            child, = node.children
            if isinstance(child, ListTensor) and classifier(node) == COMPOUND:
    if must_unroll:
        must_unroll = set(must_unroll)
        expressions = unroll_indexsum(expressions,
                                      predicate=lambda i: i in must_unroll)
        expressions = remove_componenttensors(expressions)

    # Expand Conditional nodes which are COMPOUND
    conditional_predicate = lambda node: classifier(node) == COMPOUND
    expressions = expand_conditional(expressions, conditional_predicate)

    # Finally, refactorise expressions
    mapper = Memoizer(_collect_monomials)
    mapper.classifier = classifier
    mapper.rename_map = make_rename_map()
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self, lvalue, rvalue):
     :arg lvalue: The coefficient to assign into.
     :arg rvalue: The pointwise expression.
     if not isinstance(lvalue, ufl.Coefficient):
         raise ValueError("lvalue for pointwise assignment must be a coefficient")
     self.lvalue = lvalue
     self.rvalue = ufl.as_ufl(rvalue)
     n = len(self.lvalue.function_space())
     if n > 1:
         self.splitter = Memoizer(_split)
         self.splitter.n = n
Beispiel #13
def strip_dt_form(F):
    if isinstance(F, Zero):
        # Avoid applying the time derivative stripper to zero forms
        return F

    stripper = Memoizer(strip_dt)

    # Strip dt from all the integrals in the form
    Fnew = Form([
        for i in F.integrals()

    # Return the form stripped of its time derivatives
    return Fnew
Beispiel #14
def check_integrals(integrals: List[Integral],
                    expect_time_derivative: bool = True) -> List[Integral]:
    """Check a list of integrals for linearity in the time derivative.

    :arg integrals: list of integrals.
    :arg expect_time_derivative: Are we expecting to see a time
    :raises ValueError: if we are expecting a time derivative and
        don't see one, or time derivatives are applied nonlinearly, to
        more than one coefficient, or more than first order."""
    mapper = Memoizer(_check_time_terms)
    time_derivatives = set()
    for integral in integrals:
    howmany = int(expect_time_derivative)
    if len(time_derivatives - {()}) != howmany:
        raise ValueError(f"Expecting time derivative applied to {howmany}"
                         f"coefficients, not {len(time_derivatives - {()})}")
    return integrals
Beispiel #15
def optimise_expressions(expressions, argument_indices):
    """Perform loop optimisations on GEM DAGs

    :arg expressions: list of GEM DAGs
    :arg argument_indices: tuple of argument indices

    :returns: list of optimised GEM DAGs
    # Skip optimisation for if Failure node is present
    for n in traversal(expressions):
        if isinstance(n, Failure):
            return expressions

    # Apply argument factorisation unconditionally
    classifier = partial(spectral.classify,
    monomial_sums = collect_monomials(expressions, classifier)
    return [
        optimise_monomial_sum(ms, argument_indices) for ms in monomial_sums
Beispiel #16
def replace_delta(expressions):
    """Lowers all Deltas in a multi-root expression DAG."""
    mapper = Memoizer(_replace_delta)
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #17
def slate2gem(expression, options):
    mapper = Memoizer(_slate2gem)
    mapper.var2terminal = OrderedDict()
    mapper.matfree = options["replace_mul"]
    return mapper(expression), mapper.var2terminal
Beispiel #18
def drop_double_transpose(expr):
    """Remove double transposes from optimised Slate expression."""
    from gem.node import Memoizer
    mapper = Memoizer(_drop_double_transpose)
    a = mapper(expr)
    return a
Beispiel #19
def flatten(var_reps, index_cache):
    quadrature_indices = OrderedDict()

    pairs = []  # assignment pairs
    for variable, reps in var_reps:
        # Extract argument indices
        argument_indices, = set(r.argument_indices for r in reps)
        assert set(variable.free_indices) == set(argument_indices)

        # Extract and verify expressions
        expressions = [r.expression for r in reps]
        assert all(
            set(e.free_indices) <= set(argument_indices) for e in expressions)

        # Save assignment pair
        pairs.append((variable, reduce(Sum, expressions)))

        # Collect quadrature_indices
        for r in reps:
            quadrature_indices.update(zip_longest(r.quadrature_multiindex, ()))

    # Split Concatenate nodes
    pairs = unconcatenate(pairs, cache=index_cache)

    def group_key(pair):
        variable, expression = pair
        return frozenset(variable.free_indices)

    delta_inside = Memoizer(_delta_inside)
    # Variable ordering after delta cancellation
    narrow_variables = OrderedDict()
    # Assignments are variable -> MonomialSum map
    delta_simplified = defaultdict(MonomialSum)
    # Group assignment pairs by argument indices
    for free_indices, pair_group in groupby(pairs, group_key):
        variables, expressions = zip(*pair_group)
        # Argument factorise expressions
        classifier = partial(classify,
        monomial_sums = collect_monomials(expressions, classifier)
        # For each monomial, apply delta cancellation and insert
        # result into delta_simplified.
        for variable, monomial_sum in zip(variables, monomial_sums):
            for monomial in monomial_sum:
                var, s, a, r = delta_elimination(variable, *monomial)
                delta_simplified[var].add(s, a, r)

    # Final factorisation
    for variable in narrow_variables:
        monomial_sum = delta_simplified[variable]
        # Collect sum indices applicable to the current MonomialSum
        sum_indices = set().union(*[m.sum_indices for m in monomial_sum])
        # Put them in a deterministic order
        sum_indices = [i for i in quadrature_indices if i in sum_indices]
        # Sort for increasing index extent, this obtains the good
        # factorisation for triangle x interval cells.  Python sort is
        # stable, so in the common case when index extents are equal,
        # the previous deterministic ordering applies which is good
        # for getting smaller temporaries.
        sum_indices = sorted(sum_indices, key=lambda index: index.extent)
        # Apply sum factorisation combined with COFFEE technology
        expression = sum_factorise(variable, sum_indices, monomial_sum)
        yield (variable, expression)
Beispiel #20
def replace_division(expressions):
    """Replace divisions with multiplications in expressions"""
    mapper = Memoizer(_replace_division)
    return list(map(mapper, expressions))
Beispiel #21
def slate2gem(expression):
    mapper = Memoizer(_slate2gem)
    mapper.var2terminal = OrderedDict()
    return mapper(expression), mapper.var2terminal