def plot_estimates(): X, y = gen_data() y_predictions = y_pred(X) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(y_predictions[0, :, 0], label="estimate") ax.plot(y[0, :, 0], label="ground truth") # ax.plot(X[0,:,0], label='aggregate') ax.legend()
def plot_estimates(): X, y = gen_data() y_predictions = y_pred(X) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(y_predictions[0, :, 0], label='estimate') ax.plot(y[0, :, 0], label='ground truth') # ax.plot(X[0,:,0], label='aggregate') ax.legend()
def run_training(): costs = np.zeros(N_ITERATIONS) for n in range(N_ITERATIONS): X, y = gen_data() # you should use your own training data mask instead of mask_val costs[n] = train(X, y) if not n % 10: cost_val = compute_cost(X_val, y_val) print "Iteration {} validation cost = {}".format(n, cost_val) plt.plot(costs) plt.xlabel("Iteration") plt.ylabel("Cost")
def run_training(): costs = np.zeros(N_ITERATIONS) for n in range(N_ITERATIONS): X, y = gen_data() # you should use your own training data mask instead of mask_val costs[n] = train(X, y) if not n % 10: cost_val = compute_cost(X_val, y_val) print "Iteration {} validation cost = {}".format(n, cost_val) plt.plot(costs) plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.ylabel('Cost')
import theano.tensor as T import lasagne from gen_data_029 import gen_data, N_BATCH, LENGTH theano.config.compute_test_value = "raise" # Number of units in the hidden (recurrent) layer N_HIDDEN = 5 # SGD learning rate LEARNING_RATE = 1e-1 # Number of iterations to train the net N_ITERATIONS = 200 # Generate a "validation" sequence whose cost we will periodically compute X_val, y_val = gen_data() n_features = X_val.shape[-1] n_output = y_val.shape[-1] assert X_val.shape == (N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_features) assert y_val.shape == (N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_output) # Construct LSTM RNN: One LSTM layer and one dense output layer l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_features)) # setup fwd and bck LSTM layer. l_fwd = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(l_in, N_HIDDEN, backwards=False, learn_init=True, peepholes=True) l_bck = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(l_in, N_HIDDEN, backwards=True, learn_init=True, peepholes=True) # concatenate forward and backward LSTM layers
""" tanh output lower learning rate * does just about learn something sensible, but not especially convincing, even after 2000 iterations. """ # Number of units in the hidden (recurrent) layer N_HIDDEN = 5 # SGD learning rate LEARNING_RATE = 1e-2 # Number of iterations to train the net N_ITERATIONS = 2000 # Generate a "validation" sequence whose cost we will periodically compute X_val, y_val = gen_data() n_features = X_val.shape[-1] n_output = y_val.shape[-1] assert X_val.shape == (N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_features) assert y_val.shape == (N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_output) # Construct LSTM RNN: One LSTM layer and one dense output layer l_in = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(N_BATCH, LENGTH, n_features)) # setup fwd and bck LSTM layer. l_fwd = lasagne.layers.LSTMLayer(l_in, N_HIDDEN, backwards=False, learn_init=True, peepholes=True)