def sprint_auto_vars(headers=0):
    This keyword will string print all of the Automatic Variables described in
    the Robot User's Guide using rprint_vars.

    NOTE: Not all automatic variables are guaranteed to exist.

    Description of arguments:
    headers                         This indicates that a header and footer
                                    should be printed.

    buffer = ""
    if int(headers) == 1:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes()
        buffer += "Automatic Variables:"

    buffer += \

    if int(headers) == 1:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes()

    return buffer
def sprint_plug_vars(headers=1, **kwargs):
    Sprint the plug-in environment variables (i.e. those that begin with the global PLUG_VAR_PREFIX value or
    those that begin with <plug-in package_name>_ in upper case letters.).

    Example excerpt of output:

    Description of argument(s):
    headers                         Print a header and a footer.
    kwargs                          These are passed directly to return_plug_vars.  See return_plug_vars doc
                                    string for details.
    plug_var_dict = return_plug_vars(**kwargs)
    buffer = ""
    if headers:
        buffer += "\n" + gp.sprint_dashes()
    for key, value in plug_var_dict.items():
        buffer += gp.sprint_varx(key, value)
    if headers:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes() + "\n"

    return buffer
Beispiel #3
def sprint_plug_vars(headers=1):
    Sprint the plug-in environment variables (i.e. those that begin with the
    global PLUG_VAR_PREFIX value or those that begin with <plug-in
    package_name>_ in upper case letters.).

    Example excerpt of output:

    Description of argument(s):
    headers                         Print a header and a footer.

    plug_var_dict = return_plug_vars()
    buffer = ""
    if headers:
        buffer += "\n" + gp.sprint_dashes()
    for key, value in plug_var_dict.items():
        buffer += key + "=" + value + "\n"
    if headers:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes() + "\n"

    return buffer
def rprint_auto_vars(headers=0):
    This keyword will print all of the Automatic Variables described in the
    Robot User's Guide using rpvars.

    NOTE: Not all automatic variables are guaranteed to exist.

    Description of arguments:
    headers                         This indicates that a header and footer
                                    will be printed.

    if int(headers) == 1:
        BuiltIn().log_to_console(gp.sprint_dashes(), no_newline=True)
        BuiltIn().log_to_console("Automatic Variables:", no_newline=False)


    if int(headers) == 1:
        BuiltIn().log_to_console(gp.sprint_dashes(), no_newline=True)
def sprint_auto_vars(headers=0):
    This keyword will string print all of the Automatic Variables described in
    the Robot User's Guide using rprint_vars.

    NOTE: Not all automatic variables are guaranteed to exist.

    Description of arguments:
    headers                         This indicates that a header and footer
                                    should be printed.

    buffer = ""
    if int(headers) == 1:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes()
        buffer += "Automatic Variables:"

    buffer += \

    if int(headers) == 1:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes()

    return buffer
def sprint_plug_vars(headers=1):
    Sprint the plug-in environment variables (i.e. those that begin with the
    global PLUG_VAR_PREFIX value or those that begin with <plug-in
    package_name>_ in upper case letters.).

    Example excerpt of output:

    Description of argument(s):
    headers                         Print a header and a footer.

    plug_var_dict = return_plug_vars()
    buffer = ""
    if headers:
        buffer += "\n" + gp.sprint_dashes()
    for key, value in plug_var_dict.items():
        buffer += key + "=" + value + "\n"
    if headers:
        buffer += gp.sprint_dashes() + "\n"

    return buffer
    def terminate_descendants():
        Terminate descendants of the current process according to the requirements layed out in global
        term_options variable.

        Note: If term_options is not null, gen_exit_function() will automatically call this function.

        When this function gets called, descendant processes may be running and may be printing to the same
        stdout stream being used by this process.  If this function writes directly to stdout, its output can
        be interspersed with any output generated by descendant processes.  This makes it very difficult to
        interpret the output.  In order solve this problem, the activity of this process will be logged to a
        temporary file.  After descendant processes have been terminated successfully, the temporary file
        will be printed to stdout and then deleted.  However, if this function should fail to complete (i.e.
        get hung waiting for descendants to terminate gracefully), the temporary file will not be deleted and
        can be used by the developer for debugging.  If no descendant processes are found, this function will
        return before creating the temporary file.

        Note that a general principal being observed here is that each process is responsible for the
        children it produces.

        message = "\n" + gp.sprint_dashes(width=120) \
            + gp.sprint_executing() + "\n"

        current_process = psutil.Process()

        descendants, descendant_pids, process_report = get_descendant_info(
        if not descendants:
            # If there are no descendants, then we have nothing to do.

        terminate_descendants_temp_file_path = gm.create_temp_file_path()

        message += gp.sprint_varx("pgm_name", gp.pgm_name) \
            + gp.sprint_vars(term_options) \
            + process_report

        # Process the termination requests:
        if term_options['term_requests'] == 'children':
            term_processes = current_process.children(recursive=False)
            term_pids = [str( for process in term_processes]
        elif term_options['term_requests'] == 'descendants':
            term_processes = descendants
            term_pids = descendant_pids
            # Process term requests by pgm_names.
            term_processes = []
            for pgm_name in term_options['term_requests']['pgm_names']:
                    select_processes_by_pgm_name(descendants, pgm_name))
            term_pids = [str( for process in term_processes]

        message += gp.sprint_timen("Processes to be terminated:") \
            + gp.sprint_var(term_pids)
        for process in term_processes:
        message += gp.sprint_timen("Waiting on the following pids: " +
                                   ' '.join(descendant_pids))
        gm.append_file(terminate_descendants_temp_file_path, message)

        # Checking after the fact to see whether any descendant processes are still alive.  If so, a process
        # report showing this will be included in the output.
        descendants, descendant_pids, process_report = get_descendant_info(
        if descendants:
            message = "\n" + gp.sprint_timen("Not all of the processes terminated:") \
                + process_report
            gm.append_file(terminate_descendants_temp_file_path, message)

        message = gp.sprint_dashes(width=120)
        gm.append_file(terminate_descendants_temp_file_path, message)