Beispiel #1
def SearchTraitView(request):
	When a trait and a cutoff value are given on the website, these values
	are retrieved from the database and fed to this view. 
	They are subsequently manipulated by other functions
	The output is sent to a nother template galled genelist.html
	The tic-toc was added to ascertain how long a search takes
	tic_t = time.clock() # starting point of total process
	#The template will show a checkbox, default will be unchecked
	#unchecked means 'gxe' is not in request.GET and thus we will go for
	#normale gene expression
	#checked means 'gxe' is in request.GET and thus we will go for 
	#environmental permutation
	if 'gxe' in request.GET:
		gxe_boolean = True
	if 'gxe' not in request.GET:
		gxe_boolean = False
	#The values 'trait_name' and 'cutoff_name' are given in the template
	if request.GET.get('trait_name') and request.GET.get('cutoff_name') and request.GET.get('experiment_name'):
		#Next check if there are any values given for the fisher test and
		#post processing procedures
		#If yes then use those values
		#If not then set them to the default values

			fisher_alpha_name_u = request.GET.get("fisher_alpha_name").strip()
			fisher_alpha_name = float(fisher_alpha_name_u)
			#default value:
			fisher_alpha_name = 0.05

			mult_alpha_name_u = request.GET.get("mult_alpha_name").strip()
			mult_alpha_name = float(mult_alpha_name_u)
			#default value:
			mult_alpha_name = 0.05
			postA_name_u = request.GET.get("postA_name").strip()
			postA_name = float(postA_name_u)/100
			#default value:
			postA_name = 0.5
			postB_name_u = request.GET.get("postB_name").strip()
			postB_name = float(postB_name_u)/100
			#default value:
			postB_name = 0.01			

		#tic = time.clock() # starting point of genelist retrieval
		trait_name_u = request.GET.get('trait_name').strip()
		trait_name = trait_name_u.encode("utf-8")
		cutoff_name_D = request.GET.get('cutoff_name').strip()
		cutoff_name = float(cutoff_name_D)
		experiment_name = request.GET.get('experiment_name').strip()
		#experiment_name = trait_name_u.encode("utf-8")

		######################Store these variables for display########################
		display_variables = [fisher_alpha_name, mult_alpha_name, postA_name*100, postB_name*100]

		#Create url for GraphView
		#The variables for matplotlib will be supplied via the url
		Graph_url_base = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('display_graph'))
		if gxe_boolean:
			Graph_url_data = "?trait_name=%s&cutoff_name=%f&experiment_name=%s&gxe=on" %(trait_name, cutoff_name, experiment_name)
			Graph_url_data = "?trait_name=%s&cutoff_name=%f&experiment_name=%s" %(trait_name, cutoff_name, experiment_name)
		Graph_url = Graph_url_base + Graph_url_data

		l1 = marker_logp_list(trait_name, gxe_boolean, experiment_name)
		l2 = add_chromosome_and_position(l1)
		l3 = retrieve_logp_above_cutoff(l2, cutoff_name)

		#If no markers are found above the chosen cutoff, than display this message
		if len(l3) == 0:
			message = "There are no markers with a LOD score higher than %f for trait %s" % (cutoff_name, trait_name)
			bottle = {
					"message" : message,
					"Graph_url" : Graph_url,
			return render_to_response("wouter/display_individual_trait.html", bottle)
			l4 = check_region(l3)
			#this function uses the function 
			l5 = iterate_marker_tuple(l4)
			#this function uses the functions 
			#get_chromosome_max and check_regions_on_chromosome
			l6 = set_region_from_adjacent_markers(l5, l2)
			l7 = combine_marker_region_data(trait_name, l6)
			#this function uses the function 
			gene_dict = find_genes_in_regions(l7)
			gene_list = read_distinct_genes(gene_dict)

			#Place the output into a dictionary
			#Give each key the same name as the variable for convenience
			#The dictionary will be passed to the template
			#Inside the template the key's are used to display the
			#corresponding values
			#toc = time.clock()
			#print "Time to retrieve a gene list is %f seconds" % (toc-tic)
			#####################annotate genes###########################
			#get the location of the GO annotation file
			filename_annotate = 'At_geneGOlists.csv'
			module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # get current directory
			file_path_annotate = os.path.join(module_dir, 'documents', filename_annotate)
			#read the rows from the csv file mentioned above in filename
			data_dict = read_once_csv(file_path_annotate)
			absent_genes, present_genes = segregate_gene_list(data_dict, gene_list)

			#print "number of genes in gene_list = %d" %len(gene_list)
			#print "number of genes in data_dict = %d" %(len(data_dict) - len(gene_list))	
			gene_inside_qtl_dict, gene_outside_qtl_dict, tot_in_qtl, tot_out_qtl = annotate_from_csv(data_dict, present_genes)
			#print "missings = %d" % len(absent_genes)
			#print "number of genes in qtl = %d and %d" %(len(gene_inside_qtl_dict), len(present_genes))
			#print "number of genes out qtl = %d" %len(gene_outside_qtl_dict)
			golist_unique = unique_GO_list(gene_inside_qtl_dict)
			#get the location of the GO annotation file
			filename_bio = 'go_bio_process.csv'
			file_path_bio = os.path.join(module_dir, 'documents', filename_bio)
			#This reads all Biological Process GO terms with descriptions	
			go_info_dict = read_go_info_once_csv(file_path_bio)


			#Count all genes with and without GO annotations
			#Count all genes inside and outside the QTLs
			#Prepare for counted genes inside qtl:
			golist_in_flat = flatten_array(gene_inside_qtl_dict)
			c_go_in_qtl_dict = count_all_goterms(golist_in_flat)
			#Prepare for counted genes outside qtl:
			golist_out_flat = flatten_array(gene_outside_qtl_dict)
			c_go_out_qtl_dict = count_all_goterms(golist_out_flat)
			#Create contingency tables for the Fishers exact test						
			#tic = time.clock()
			c_array, total_genes = populate_contingency_table(c_go_in_qtl_dict, c_go_out_qtl_dict, golist_unique, tot_in_qtl, tot_out_qtl)
			#toc = time.clock()
			#print "Time to make contingency table is %f seconds" % (toc-tic)			
			####################Fishing with SciPy########################
			#perform the fisher exact test on all created contingency
			fisher_python = fish_for_python(c_array)
			#only allow the results with p values below fisher_alpha to pass
			#fisher_alpha default is 0.05 unless another value is given
			#front end
			significant_info_fish = extract_significant_result_fish(fisher_python, fisher_alpha_name)
			#perform a multiple test
			enriched_golist_mult = correct_pvalues_for_multiple_testing(significant_info_fish)
			significant_info_mult = extract_significant_result_mult(enriched_golist_mult, mult_alpha_name)
			#Post processing
			qtl_go_dict = make_qtl_go_dict(gene_inside_qtl_dict, gene_dict)

			#tic = time.clock()
			approved_golistA = post_process_A(significant_info_mult, qtl_go_dict, postA_name)
			#toc = time.clock()
			#print "Time to approve enrichment A is %f seconds" % (toc-tic)
			#gene_list_for_specific_go = get_gene_with_go_from_qtl(approved_golistA, gene_inside_qtl_dict, gene_outside_qtl_dict)
			#tic = time.clock()
			godict_full = post_process_B(approved_golistA, gene_inside_qtl_dict, gene_outside_qtl_dict, postB_name)
			#toc = time.clock()
			#print "Time to approve enrichment B is %f seconds" % (toc-tic)
			#print "length of godict = %d" %len(godict_full)
			#implement function that compares go terms and arranges according to parent child
			#relationships if possible
			#go_term = "GO:0061024"
			#Create url for DAGView
			#The variables for graphviz will be supplied via the url
			#DAG_url_base = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('display_godag'))
			#DAG_url_data = "?goterm_name=%s" %(go_term)
			#DAG_url = DAG_url_base + DAG_url_data
			#GO links:
			link_for_trait = gene_link_creator(trait_name)
			#go_gene_link_dict = link_the_linked_links2(godict_reduced)
			qtl_gogenes_dict = get_genes_with_go_from_qtl(gene_dict, godict_full)
			go_genes_qtl_dict = link_the_linked_links(gene_dict, godict_full, go_info_dict)
			#c_array_display = lets_see_tables(c_array)

			stats_dict = {
						"link_for_trait" : link_for_trait,
						"Graph_url" : Graph_url,
						#"DAG_url" : DAG_url, 
						"cutoff_name" : cutoff_name,
						"experiment_name" : experiment_name,
						"qtl_gogenes_dict" : qtl_gogenes_dict,
						"go_genes_qtl_dict" : go_genes_qtl_dict,
						"display_variables" : display_variables,
			toc_t = time.clock()
			print "Time to perform entire process is %f seconds" % (toc_t-tic_t)

			#return display_meta(request)
			return render_to_response("wouter/display_individual_trait.html", stats_dict)

		exps = Experiment.objects.all().values_list('experiment_name',flat=True)
		return render_to_response('wouter/search_individual_trait.html',{'exps':exps})
Beispiel #2
def MultipleTraitView(request):
	This view will display the amount of found qtl and GO enrichments
	for each trait for a given cutoff value
	First: check number of qlt, should be bigger than 1
	Second: check number of found GO enrichments
	#return display_meta(request)
	if 'gxe' in request.GET:
		gxe_boolean = True
	if 'gxe' not in request.GET:
		gxe_boolean = False
	if request.GET.get('trait_name') and request.GET.get('cutoff_name'):
		tic = time.clock()
		trait_query = request.GET.get('trait_name')
		trait_list1 = trait_query.split()
		trait_list2 = []
		for trait in trait_list1:
		combined_stats = []
		#translate cuttoff
		cutoff_name_D = request.GET.get('cutoff_name')
		cutoff_name = float(cutoff_name_D)
		experiment_name = request.GET.get('experiment_name').strip()
		#get list of all traits
		#traits = Gene.objects.values_list('locus_identifier', flat=True).order_by('locus_identifier')

		#find number of qtl for trait
		for trait in trait_list2:
			trait_name = trait.encode("utf-8")
			#First search for the amount of QTL's
			l1 = marker_logp_list(trait_name, gxe_boolean, experiment_name)
			l2 = add_chromosome_and_position(l1)
			l3 = retrieve_logp_above_cutoff(l2, cutoff_name)
			l4 = check_region(l3)
			l5 = iterate_marker_tuple(l4)
			l6 = set_region_from_adjacent_markers(l5, l2)
			l7 = combine_marker_region_data(trait_name, l6)
			#Howmany qtl for this trait?....
			number_of_qtl = len(l7)
			#Second search for the amount of GO enrichments
			gene_dict = find_genes_in_regions(l7)
			gene_list = read_distinct_genes(gene_dict)
			number_of_genes = len(gene_list)
			combined_stats.append([trait_name, number_of_qtl, number_of_genes])
			#print "trait %s has %d qtls with %d genes" % (trait_name, number_of_qtl, number_of_genes)

		toc = time.clock()
		print "Time to perform trait check is %f seconds" % (toc-tic)
		stats_dict = {
					"cutoff_name" : cutoff_name,
					"experiment_name" : experiment_name,
					"combined_stats" : combined_stats
		return render_to_response("wouter/display_multiple_traits.html", stats_dict)
		exps = Experiment.objects.all().values_list('experiment_name',flat=True)
		return render_to_response('wouter/search_multiple_trait.html',{'exps':exps})