def add(self, in_values):
		if len(in_values) != 7: return
		# Strip white spaces.		
		vl = []
		for v in in_values:
			if type(v) is str: v = v.strip()
		# Add the record.
		vl[1] = str2datetime(vl[1])
		vl[2] = str2datetime(vl[2])
		super(AirodumpStation, self).add(vl)
	def add(self, in_values):
		# Strip white spaces.		
		vl = []
		for v in in_values:
			if type(v) is str: v = v.strip()
		regexp = re.compile('^\s*<[^>]+>\s*$')
		if regexp.match(in_values[14]): return

		# Add the record.
		vl[1]  = str2datetime(vl[1])
		vl[2]  = str2datetime(vl[2])
		vl[10] = int(vl[10])  # iv
		vl[9]  = int(vl[9])   # beacon
		super(AirodumpAp, self).add(vl)