Beispiel #1
sparse_ratios = [5, 50]  #inclusive_range(5, 50, 5)
dense_ratios = [150, 1500]  #inclusive_range(150, 1500, 150)
ratios = sparse_ratios + dense_ratios

# compute the cross-product of |E| and the ratios
num_vars = len(edges) * len(ratios)
print 'considering %u |E| values and %u ratios for a total of %u variations:' % (
    len(edges), len(ratios), num_vars)
print '   edges:  ' + str(edges)
print '   ratios: ' + str(ratios)
variations = []
for e in edges:
    for r in ratios:
        v = (1.0 / r) * e
        v = int(v)
        max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(v)
        if e < max_edges:
            variations.append((e, v))
fmt = 'got %u variations, now adding %u complete graphs for a total of %u variations'
print fmt % (len(variations), len(edges), len(variations) + len(edges))

# add the complete graphs
for e in edges:
    v = ceil(vertices_in_complete_undirected_graph(e))
    e = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(v)
    variations.append((e, v))

# compute expected size
tot_sz = 0
max_sz = 0
for (e, v) in variations:
def get_edges_from_density(num_verts, density):
    min_edges = num_verts - 1
    max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(num_verts)
    return int((1.0-density)*min_edges + density*max_edges)
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    usage = """usage: %prog [options] NUM_VERTICES
Generates input for evaluating performance at different edge densities for a given |V|."""
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-a", "--additive-step-type",
                      action="store_true", default=False,
                      help="use additive stepping between numbers of vertices [default: multiplicative]")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--min",
                      type="float", default=4.0,
                      help="minimum edge:vertex ratio to generate a graph for [default: %default]")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--num-per-step",
                      type="int", default=1, metavar="n",
                      help="number of inputs to generate for each step [default: %default]")
    parser.add_option("-s", "--step",
                      type="float", default=2.0,
                      help="step amount between edge:vertex ratios (see -a) [default: %default]")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--max",
                      type="float", default=1500.0,
                      help="maximum edge:vertex ratio to generate a graph for [default: %default]")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if len(args) < 1:
        parser.error("missing NUM_VERTICES")
    elif len(args) > 1:
        parser.error("too many arguments")

        num_verts = int(args[0])
        inputs_list_file = get_path_to_project_root() + 'input/density-%u.inputs' % num_verts
    except ValueError:
        parser.error('NUM_NUM_VERTSERTICES must be a positive integer')
    if num_verts < 1:
        parser.error('NUM_VERTICES must be at least 1')

    if options.min < 1 or options.min > options.max:
        parser.error('-l must be in the range [1, max]')

    max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(num_verts)
    max_ratio = max_edges / num_verts
    if options.max < 1:
        parser.error('-u must be at least 1')
    elif options.max > max_ratio:
        fmt = 'max edge:vertex ratio for %u vertices is %.1f, but -u specified a ratio of %u'
        parser.error(fmt % (num_verts, max_ratio, options.max))

    if options.additive_step_type:
        if options.step < 1.0:
            parser.error('-s must be greater than or equal to 1 when -a is used')
    elif options.step <= 1.0:
        parser.error('-s must be greater than 1 when -a is not used')

    d = options.min
    while True:
        for _ in range(options.num_per_step):
            num_edges = int(d * num_verts)
            # stay within a complete graph, but round up to one if we get very close
            if num_edges > max_edges or (num_edges/float(max_edges)) > 0.995:
                num_edges = max_edges
                d = options.max + 1 # stop after this iteration

            args = '-p1 -l %s -n %u %u' % (inputs_list_file, num_edges, num_verts)
                print 'generating new input: ' + args
                ret = generate_input(args.split())
            except Exception, errstr:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'generate_density_inputs failed for: ' + args + ': ' + str(errstr)
                return -1
            if ret != 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'generate_density_inputs failed for: ' + args
                return -1

        if d >= options.max:
        if options.additive_step_type:
            d += options.step
            d *= options.step
        if d > options.max:
            d = options.max
Beispiel #4
def main(argv=sys.argv[1:]):
    usage = """usage: %prog [options] NUM_VERTICES
Generates input for evaluating performance at different edge densities for a given |V|."""
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
        "use additive stepping between numbers of vertices [default: multiplicative]"
        "minimum edge:vertex ratio to generate a graph for [default: %default]"
        help="number of inputs to generate for each step [default: %default]")
        "step amount between edge:vertex ratios (see -a) [default: %default]")
        "maximum edge:vertex ratio to generate a graph for [default: %default]"
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if len(args) < 1:
        parser.error("missing NUM_VERTICES")
    elif len(args) > 1:
        parser.error("too many arguments")

        num_verts = int(args[0])
        inputs_list_file = get_path_to_project_root(
        ) + 'input/density-%u.inputs' % num_verts
    except ValueError:
        parser.error('NUM_NUM_VERTSERTICES must be a positive integer')
    if num_verts < 1:
        parser.error('NUM_VERTICES must be at least 1')

    if options.min < 1 or options.min > options.max:
        parser.error('-l must be in the range [1, max]')

    max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(num_verts)
    max_ratio = max_edges / num_verts
    if options.max < 1:
        parser.error('-u must be at least 1')
    elif options.max > max_ratio:
        fmt = 'max edge:vertex ratio for %u vertices is %.1f, but -u specified a ratio of %u'
        parser.error(fmt % (num_verts, max_ratio, options.max))

    if options.additive_step_type:
        if options.step < 1.0:
                '-s must be greater than or equal to 1 when -a is used')
    elif options.step <= 1.0:
        parser.error('-s must be greater than 1 when -a is not used')

    d = options.min
    while True:
        for _ in range(options.num_per_step):
            num_edges = int(d * num_verts)
            # stay within a complete graph, but round up to one if we get very close
            if num_edges > max_edges or (num_edges / float(max_edges)) > 0.995:
                num_edges = max_edges
                d = options.max + 1  # stop after this iteration

            args = '-p1 -l %s -n %u %u' % (inputs_list_file, num_edges,
                print 'generating new input: ' + args
                ret = generate_input(args.split())
            except Exception, errstr:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'generate_density_inputs failed for: ' + args + ': ' + str(
                return -1
            if ret != 0:
                print >> sys.stderr, 'generate_density_inputs failed for: ' + args
                return -1

        if d >= options.max:
        if options.additive_step_type:
            d += options.step
            d *= options.step
        if d > options.max:
            d = options.max
# compute which |E|/|V| ratios we want to use
sparse_ratios = [5, 50] #inclusive_range(5, 50, 5)
dense_ratios = [150, 1500] #inclusive_range(150, 1500, 150)
ratios = sparse_ratios + dense_ratios

# compute the cross-product of |E| and the ratios
num_vars = len(edges)*len(ratios)
print 'considering %u |E| values and %u ratios for a total of %u variations:' % (len(edges), len(ratios), num_vars)
print '   edges:  ' + str(edges)
print '   ratios: ' + str(ratios)
variations = []
for e in edges:
    for r in ratios:
        v = (1.0 / r) * e
        v = int(v)
        max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(v)
        if e < max_edges:
            variations.append( (e, v) )
fmt = 'got %u variations, now adding %u complete graphs for a total of %u variations'
print fmt % (len(variations), len(edges), len(variations) + len(edges))

# add the complete graphs
for e in edges:
    v = ceil(vertices_in_complete_undirected_graph(e))
    e = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(v)
    variations.append( (e, v) )

# compute expected size
tot_sz = 0
max_sz = 0
for (e, v) in variations:
Beispiel #6
def get_edges_from_density(num_verts, density):
    min_edges = num_verts - 1
    max_edges = edges_in_complete_undirected_graph(num_verts)
    return int((1.0 - density) * min_edges + density * max_edges)