def setup(verbose=0): # Generic main setup function vprint("Initializing Setup Procedure...", verbose) status = OK # Call sub setup functions status = general_setup (verbose) generic.status_check ("general_setup", status) status = audio_setup (verbose) generic.status_check ("audio_setup", status) status = video_setup (verbose) generic.status_check ("video_setup", status) vprint ("Initial Setup Complete.", verbose) return status
def set_constant(self, bit_depth): if bit_depth < 8: bit_depth = 8 # it is really stored as a byte in memory anyways, so assume it is 8bits in size. self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH = bit_depth # defines mu law bit depth self.MU_LAW_BIAS = 1 << ( self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 7 ) # smallest bias to ensure a "1" in exponent region (LEFT 8 BITS OF SIGN) self.MU_LAW_MAX_VALUE = ( 1 << (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 1) ) - 1 # 2's compliment ranges from -2^(n-1) to (2^(n-1)-1) n = bitdepth self.MU_LAW_CLIP_LIMIT = ( self.MU_LAW_MAX_VALUE - self.MU_LAW_BIAS ) # Want to remove bias from limit since bias will be added on later # Error Checking output_string = ( "Mu Law Constants Setup\n - bit_depth: %d\n - bias: %d\n - Max_value: %d\n - Clip_limit: %d\n" % (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH, self.MU_LAW_BIAS, self.MU_LAW_MAX_VALUE, self.MU_LAW_CLIP_LIMIT) ) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) return
def encode_value(self, original_value, bit_depth=16, signed=True, reference_value=0): return_value = 0 # Set the parameters of mu_law encoding if it isn't already if not self.MU_LAW_Initialized: self.set_constant(bit_depth) self.MU_LAW_Initialized = True # If the value isn't signed, then convert it to a signed integer if (signed == False) and (original_value > 0): # Convert to signed using reference level # Check reference_value original_value = original_value - reference_value # mu_law Algorithm steps # Good Article on basis of mu_law # 1. Save Sign bit for a number of a certain BIT_DEPTH, default is 16. # Ex. 0010 1110 1001 1011 Sign Bit = 0 # 2. Clip magnitude to maximum positive value subtract bias # Assuming 16 bit #, bias = 128, then clip value to 2^15-128 if greater # 3. Add a bias to ensures a 1 will always appear in the most significant 8 bits left of the sign bit # Ex. 0010 1110 1001 1011 + 1000 0100 = 0010 1111 0001 1111 # 4. Determine Exponent and Mantissa Region # Exp region = 8bits to the right of the sign bit. # Most significant 1 in EXP region = P,next four bits to the right = Mantissa Region. # Ex. 0010 1111 0001 1111 # 00PM MMM1 0001 1111 # 5. Create 8bit encoding. # Sign Bit = most Significant bit # Mantissa Region = least significant 4 bits # Numerical Position of P in 3 bit Binary ecoding = the remaining bits # Ex. 0P000000 --> 6th position --> 110 in binary = PPP # Final 8 bit encoding = SPPP MMMM = 01100111 generic.vprint("Mu_Law Debugging Constants:", verbose) # Stage 1 - Save and remove sign from value sign = original_value & (1 << (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 1)) != 0 return_value = abs(original_value) ^ (1 << (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 1)) # Erases sign bit # Debugging Statements output_string = ( " - Original_Value(INT): %d\n - Originial_Value(Bin): %s\n - Sign(bit at bit_depth specified): %s\n - After_Sign_Stage_Value(Bin): %s" % (original_value, bin(original_value), sign, bin(return_value)) ) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) # Stage 2 - Clip return_value = original_value ^ (1 << (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 1)) if return_value >= self.MU_LAW_CLIP_LIMIT: return_value = self.MU_LAW_CLIP_LIMIT # Debugging Statements output_string = " - Clip Limit: %d\n - After_Clip_Stage_Value: %d" % (self.MU_LAW_CLIP_LIMIT, return_value) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) # Stage 3 - Add Bias return_value = return_value + int(self.MU_LAW_BIAS) # Debugging Statements output_string = ( " - Bias: %d\n - After_Biasing_Stage_Value(INT): %d\n - After_Biasing_Stage_Value (Binary): %s" % (self.MU_LAW_BIAS, return_value, bin(return_value)) ) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) # Stage 4 - Saves EXP region and mantissa region exp_region = (return_value >> (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - 9)) & 0xFF # 1 for sign bit, 8 for exp region p_encoding = self.MU_LAW_P_ENCODING[exp_region - 1] man_region = ( return_value >> (self.MU_LAW_BIT_DEPTH - (13 - p_encoding)) ) & 0x0F # Bit_Depth - sign bit - (relative position of p) - (4 bits for mantissa) = (bit_depth - 1 - (8-p) - 4) = bit depth - (13-p) # Debugging Statements output_string = " - Exp Region: %s\n - Mantissa Region: %s" % (bin(exp_region), bin(man_region)) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) # Stage 5 return_value = (sign << 7) + (p_encoding << 4) + man_region # Debugging Statements output_string = " - Sign: %s\n - P_encoding: %s\n - Mantissa Region: %s\n - Encoded Value: %s\n" % ( bin(sign), bin(p_encoding), bin(man_region), bin(return_value), ) generic.vprint(output_string, verbose) return return_value