Beispiel #1
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        if filename == 'ticket.html':
            #            print "_____________ am in TextAreaDescription"
            fields = data['fields']
            if self.description_descr:
                #                print "having description_descr: %s" % self.description_descr
                #                print "having description_template: %s" % self.descr_template
                html_d = self.descr_template % ('ticket-rndescr',
                stream |= Transformer(

            for f in fields:
                if f['skip'] or not f[
                        'type'] == 'textarea':  # or not f.has_key('descr'):

                descr = self.config.get('ticket-custom',
                                        '%s.descr' % f['name'])
                if descr:
                    #                    print "processing field %s" % f
                    css_class = self.config.get('ticket-custom',
                                                '%s.css_class' % f['name'])
                    #                    print css_class
                    field_name = 'field-%s' % f['name']
                    tr_str = './/label[@for="%s"]' % field_name
                    html = self.descr_template % (css_class, descr)
                    stream |= Transformer(tr_str).after(HTML(html))
        return stream
def _transform(html, transformer, with_attrs=False):
    """Apply transformation returning simplified marked stream."""
    if isinstance(html, str) and not isinstance(html, str):
        html = HTML(html, encoding='utf-8')
    elif isinstance(html, str):
        html = HTML(html, encoding='utf-8')
    stream = transformer(html, keep_marks=True)
    return _simplify(stream, with_attrs)
Beispiel #3
    def __getAnchors(self, stream):
        # =======================================================================
        # this code fragment is evil, since it raises an error on
        # imported umlauts:
        # newStream = HTML(stream)
        # *** tried also this, but didn't work:
        # newStream ='//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()')
        # *** tried also:
        # stream_str = '%s' % stream
        # stream_str = stream_str.encode('utf-8')
        #"stream: ")
        # newStream = HTML(stream_str)
        # *** tried also:
        # test = Path('//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()').test()
        # namespaces, variables = {}, {}
        # head = ''
        # for event in stream:
        #    if test(event, namespaces, variables):
        #'%s: %s' % (event[0], event[1]))
        #        print('%s %r' % (event[0], event[1]))
        #        if event[0] == 'TEXT':
        #            if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
        #                head += event[1].striptags()
        #            else:
        #                head += event[1]
        #        #START (QName('child'), Attrs([(QName('id'), u'2')]))
        # print "namespaces, variables; head: %s, %s; %s" % \
        #     (namespaces, variables, head)
        # ======================================================================
        newStream = HTML(stream)
        self.anchors = {}
        self.keylist = []
        # headline
        headline ='//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()')
        if headline:
            for item in headline:
                self.anchors[item[1]] = ""

        # further entities
        list ='//h2 [@class="foldable"]/text()')
        if list:
            for index, item in enumerate(list):
                self.anchors[item[1]] = "no%s" % str(index + 1)
        list ='//form [@id="propertyform"]//fieldset/@id')

        # comment
        comment ='//h2 [@id="trac-add-comment"]//a/text()')
        for com in comment:
            self.anchors[com[1]] = "comment"

        return newStream
Beispiel #4
 def filter_navitems(self, elements, req, data):
     data['prevnext'] = []
     prevnext = False
     for elem in elements:
         html = HTML(elem)
         spclasn = str('@class'))
         clasn = str('a/@class'))
         if clasn == 'prev' or clasn == 'next' or spclasn == 'missing':
             prevnext = True
   'ctxtnav', []).append(elem)
     if prevnext:
         self.prevnext_nav(req, 'Previous', 'Next')
Beispiel #5
 def filter_navitems(self, elements, req, data):
     data['prevnext'] = []
     prevnext = False
     for elem in elements:
         html = HTML(elem)
         spclasn = str('@class'))
         clasn = str('a/@class'))
         if clasn == 'prev' or clasn == 'next' or spclasn == 'missing':
             prevnext = True
   'ctxtnav', []).append(elem)
     if prevnext:
         self.prevnext_nav(req, 'Previous', 'Next')
Beispiel #6
 def filter_navitems(self, elements, req, data):
     data["prevnext"] = []
     prevnext = False
     for elem in elements:
         html = HTML(elem)
         spclasn = str("@class"))
         clasn = str("a/@class"))
         if clasn == "prev" or clasn == "next" or spclasn == "missing":
             prevnext = True
   "ctxtnav", []).append(elem)
     if prevnext:
         self.prevnext_nav(req, "Previous", "Next")
Beispiel #7
def make_recommendation_box(self, username, basepath):
    html = ""

    contact = get_suggested_contact(self, username)

    if username == "anonymous":
        html += "<h2>Please log in to view suggested contacts</h2>"

    elif contact is None:
        html += "<h2>You have no suggested contacts.</h2><br />Try committing changes to the repository to see suggestions."
        # Right now this is a pile of absurdity. We really need to find out if
        # trac and vc logins are typically linked to email addresses so we can identify people
        contactlink = '<a href="' + basepath + \
                      '/sn_linkto?linkto=' + + \
                      '">' + + "</a>"
        html += '''<h2>Have you spoken to...</h2>
            <div style="padding:10px">
                <p><a href="mailto:[email protected]"></a></p>
                <p>%s is an expert on these files you've been working on:</p>
            ''' % (contactlink,,,
        for file in contact.get_top_common_files(4):
            html += '<li><a href="' + basepath + '/browser/' + file + '">' + \
                    file + '</a></li>'
        html += '''

    html = HTML(html)
    return html
Beispiel #8
def get_css(self, req):
    css = HTML("""
    <style type="text/css">
    h2 {
        background: #aaaaaa;
        color: #ffffff;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #888888;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 5px;
        margin: 5px;
        width: 400px;
        float: left;
        background: #dddddd;
        border: 1px solid #888888;
        padding: 0;
        margin: 5px;
        width: 400px;
        float: left;
        background: #dddddd;
        border: 1px solid #888888;
        padding: 0;

    return css
Beispiel #9
    def _format_html(self, event):
        ticket =
        short_changes = {}
        long_changes = {}
        chrome = Chrome(self.env)
        for field, old_value in event.changes.items():
            new_value = ticket[field]
            if (new_value and '\n' in new_value) or \
                    (old_value and '\n' in old_value):
                long_changes[field.capitalize()] = HTML(
                    "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % ('\n'.join(
                                wrap(old_value, cols=60).split('\n'),
                                wrap(new_value, cols=60).split('\n'),

                short_changes[field.capitalize()] = (old_value, new_value)

            req = Mock(href=Href(self.env.abs_href()),
                       chrome=dict(warnings=[], notices=[]),
            context = Context.from_request(req, event.realm,
            formatter = HtmlFormatter(self.env, context, event.comment)
            temp = formatter.generate(True)
        except Exception, e:
            self.log.error(exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
            temp = 'Comment in plain text: %s' % event.comment
Beispiel #10
    def _apply(self, select, content=None, html=FOOBAR):
        class Injector(object):
            count = 0

            def __iter__(self):
                self.count += 1
                return iter(HTML('CONTENT %i' % self.count))

        if isinstance(html, basestring):
            html = HTML(html)
        if content is None:
            content = Injector()
        elif isinstance(content, basestring):
            content = HTML(content)
        return _transform(html, getattr(Transformer(select), self.operation)
Beispiel #11
def get_directory_list(self, repo):
    Returns the HTML for a form to select directories, and pass them as
    query args to sn_overall_files page.  repo is the svn repository.

    # Get the directory dictionary
    dd = determine_directory_structure(self, repo)

    # Construct the HTML
    html = '\
    <form method="GET" action="sn_overall_files"> \
      <table> \
        <tr> \
          <td width=200> \
            Select directories you wish to examine \
            (hold ctrl to select more than one). \
          </td> \
          <td> \
            <select name="subdirs" multiple size=6>'                                                     + \
           process_structure(self, "", dd, "") + \
           '</select> \
         </td> \
         <td width=100> \
           &nbsp&nbsp<input type="submit" value="Submit" /> \
         </td> \
       </tr> \
     </table> \
   </center> \

    return HTML(html)
Beispiel #12
 def process_request(self, req):
     # Allow all POST requests (with a valid __FORM_TOKEN, ensuring that
     # the client has at least some permission). Additionally, allow GET
     # requests from TRAC_ADMIN for testing purposes.
     if req.method != 'POST':
     # @todo: Embed "tips" within the rendered output for the editor
     # (recognize TracLinks, table-stuff, macros, processors)
     # @todo: Save the content in server-side user-specific field for recovery
     realm = req.args.get('realm', 'wiki')
     id = req.args.get('id')
     version = req.args.get('version')
     if version is not None:
             version = int(version)
         except ValueError:
             version = None
     text = req.args.get('text', '')
     flavor = req.args.get('flavor')
     options = {}
     if 'escape_newlines' in req.args:
         options['escape_newlines'] = bool(int(req.args['escape_newlines']
                                               or 0))
     if 'shorten' in req.args:
         options['shorten'] = bool(int(req.args['shorten'] or 0))
     resource = Resource(realm, id=id, version=version)
     context = Context.from_request(req, resource)
     rendered = format_to_cke_html(self.env, context, text, self.code_styles, **options)
     # since Trac renders underlined text as `<span class="underlined">text</span>
     # instead of u-tag, we need to adjust it for compatibility's sake
     # see also discussion at Google Groups:
     html = HTML(rendered)
     html |= Transformer('//span[@class="underline"]').rename('u').attr('class', None)
     # CKEditor renders indentation by using p style="margin-left: 40px" 
     # instead of blockquote-tag
     html |= Transformer('//blockquote/p').attr('style', 'margin-left: 40px')
     html |= Transformer('//blockquote').unwrap()
     buffer = StringIO()
     html.render(out=buffer, encoding='utf-8')
     req.send( buffer.getvalue() )
Beispiel #13
 def _select(self, select):
     html = HTML(FOOBAR)
     if isinstance(select, basestring):
         select = [select]
     transformer = Transformer(select[0])
     for sel in select[1:]:
         transformer =
     return _transform(html, transformer)
Beispiel #14
def linebreaks(value):
    """Converts newlines in strings into <p> and <br />s."""
    if not value:
        return ''
    value = re.sub(r'\r\n|\r|\n', '\n', value)  # normalize newlines
    paras = re.split('\n{2,}', value)
    paras = ['<p>%s</p>' % p.strip().replace('\n', '<br />') for p in paras]
    return HTML(''.join(paras))
 def _select(self, select):
     html = HTML(FOOBAR, encoding='utf-8')
     if isinstance(select, str):
         select = [select]
     transformer = Transformer(select[0])
     for sel in select[1:]:
         transformer =
     return _transform(html, transformer)
Beispiel #16
 def modify_browser(self, req, data):
     ctxtnavitems ='ctxtnav', [])
     add_ctxtnav(req, _('All sources'))
     prev = False
     for elem in ctxtnavitems:
         html = HTML(elem)
         clasn = str('a/@class'))
         if clasn == 'prev':
             prev = True
         elif clasn == 'next':
             self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, 'Prev', 'Next', 'Latest Rev')
         elif str('@class')) == 'missing':
             if prev:
                 self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, 'Prev', 'Next')
             if str('text()')).lower() != 'latest revision':
       'ctxtnav', []).append(elem)
     add_ctxtnav(req, _("Diff changesets"), _("javascript: applydiff()"))
Beispiel #17
 def modify_browser(self, req, data):
     ctxtnavitems ='ctxtnav', [])
     add_ctxtnav(req, _('All sources'))
     prev = False
     for elem in ctxtnavitems:
         html = HTML(elem)
         clasn = str('a/@class'))
         if clasn == 'prev':
             prev = True
         elif clasn == 'next':
             self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, 'Prev', 'Next', 'Latest Rev')
         elif str('@class')) == 'missing':
             if prev:
                 self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, 'Prev', 'Next')
             if str('text()')).lower() != 'latest revision':
       'ctxtnav', []).append(elem)
     add_ctxtnav(req, _("Diff changesets"), _("javascript: applydiff()"))
Beispiel #18
 def modify_browser(self, req, data):
     ctxtnavitems ="ctxtnav", [])
     add_ctxtnav(req, _("All sources"))
     prev = False
     for elem in ctxtnavitems:
         html = HTML(elem)
         clasn = str("a/@class"))
         if clasn == "prev":
             prev = True
         elif clasn == "next":
             self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, "Prev", "Next", "Latest Rev")
         elif str("@class")) == "missing":
             if prev:
                 self.prevnext_ctxnav(req, "Prev", "Next")
             if str("text()")).lower() != "latest revision":
       "ctxtnav", []).append(elem)
     add_ctxtnav(req, _("Diff changesets"), _("javascript: applydiff()"))
Beispiel #19
    def process_request(self, req):
        # Allow all POST requests (with a valid __FORM_TOKEN, ensuring that
        # the client has at least some permission). Additionally, allow GET
        # requests from TRAC_ADMIN for testing purposes.
        if req.method != "POST":

        # @todo: Embed "tips" within the rendered output for the editor
        # (recognize TracLinks, table-stuff, macros, processors)
        # @todo: Save the content in server-side user-specific field for recovery

        realm = req.args.get("realm", "wiki")
        id = req.args.get("id")
        version = req.args.get("version")
        if version is not None:
                version = int(version)
            except ValueError:
                version = None
        text = req.args.get("text", "")
        flavor = req.args.get("flavor")
        options = {}
        if "escape_newlines" in req.args:
            options["escape_newlines"] = bool(int(req.args["escape_newlines"] or 0))
        if "shorten" in req.args:
            options["shorten"] = bool(int(req.args["shorten"] or 0))

        resource = Resource(realm, id=id, version=version)
        context = Context.from_request(req, resource)
        rendered = format_to_cke_html(self.env, context, text, self.code_styles, **options)

        # since Trac renders underlined text as `<span class="underlined">text</span>
        # instead of u-tag, we need to adjust it for compatibility's sake
        # see also discussion at Google Groups:
        html = HTML(rendered)
        html |= Transformer('//span[@class="underline"]').rename("u").attr("class", None)
        # CKEditor renders indentation by using p style="margin-left: 40px"
        # instead of blockquote-tag
        html |= Transformer("//blockquote/p").attr("style", "margin-left: 40px")
        html |= Transformer("//blockquote").unwrap()
        buffer = StringIO()
        html.render(out=buffer, encoding="utf-8")
Beispiel #20
    def _format_html(self, event):
        ticket =
        short_changes = {}
        long_changes = {}
        chrome = Chrome(self.env)        
        for field, old_value in event.changes.items():
            new_value = ticket[field]
            if (new_value and '\n' in new_value) or \
                    (old_value and '\n' in old_value):
                long_changes[field.capitalize()] = HTML(
                    "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (
                                    wrap(old_value, cols=60).split('\n'), 
                                    wrap(new_value, cols=60).split('\n'),
                                    lineterm='', n=3

                short_changes[field.capitalize()] = (old_value, new_value)
        data = dict(
            ticket = ticket,
            author =,
            header = self._header_fields(ticket),
            comment = event.comment,
            category = event.category,
            ticket_link = self.env.abs_href('ticket',,
            project_name = self.env.project_name,
            project_desc = self.env.project_description,
            project_link = self.env.project_url or self.env.abs_href(),
            has_changes = short_changes or long_changes,
            long_changes = long_changes,
            short_changes = short_changes,
            attachment= event.attachment
        chrome = Chrome(self.env)
        dirs = []
        for provider in chrome.template_providers:
            dirs += provider.get_templates_dirs()
        templates = TemplateLoader(dirs, variable_lookup='lenient')
        template = templates.load('ticket_email_mimic.html', 
        if template:
            stream = template.generate(**data)
            output = stream.render()
        return output
Beispiel #21
    def __getAnchors(self, stream):
        # this code fragment is evil, since it raises an error on
        # imported umlauts:
        # newStream = HTML(stream)
        # *** tried also this, but didn't work:
        #newStream ='//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()')
        # *** tried also:
        #stream_str = '%s' % stream
        #stream_str = stream_str.encode('utf-8')"stream: ")
        #newStream = HTML(stream_str)
        # *** tried also:
        #test = Path('//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()').test()
        #namespaces, variables = {}, {}
        #head = ''
        #for event in stream:
        #    if test(event, namespaces, variables):
        #'%s: %s' % (event[0], event[1]))
        #        print('%s %r' % (event[0], event[1]))
        #        if event[0] == 'TEXT':
        #            if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
        #                head += event[1].striptags()
        #            else:
        #                head += event[1]
        #        #START (QName('child'), Attrs([(QName('id'), u'2')]))
        #print "namespaces, variables; head: %s, %s; %s" % \
        #     (namespaces, variables, head)
        newStream = HTML(stream)
        self.anchors = {}
        self.keylist = []
        headline ='//h1 [@id="trac-ticket-title"]//a/text()')
        if headline:
            for item in headline:
                self.anchors[item[1]] = ''

        #further entities
        list ='//h2 [@class="foldable"]/text()')
        if list:
            for index, item in enumerate(list):
                self.anchors[item[1]] = "no%s" % str(index + 1)
        list ='//form [@id="propertyform"]//fieldset/@id')

        comment ='//h2 [@id="trac-add-comment"]//a/text()')
        for com in comment:
            self.anchors[com[1]] = "comment"

        return newStream
    def _format_html(self, event):
        ticket =
        attachment = event.attachment
        short_changes = {}
        long_changes = {}
        for field, old_value in event.changes.items():
            new_value = ticket[field]
            if (new_value and '\n' in new_value) or \
                    (old_value and '\n' in old_value):
                long_changes[field.capitalize()] = HTML(
                    "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>" % (
                                    wrap(old_value, cols=60).split('\n'),
                                    wrap(new_value, cols=60).split('\n'),
                                    lineterm='', n=3

                short_changes[field.capitalize()] = (old_value, new_value)

        def wiki_to_html(event, wikitext):
            if wikitext is None:
                return ""
                req = Mock(
                resource = Resource(event.realm,
                context = web_context(req, resource)
                formatter = HtmlFormatter(self.env, context, wikitext)
                return formatter.generate(True)
            except Exception, e:
                self.log.error("Failed to render %s", repr(wikitext))
                self.log.error(exception_to_unicode(e, traceback=True))
Beispiel #23
def expand_markup(stream, ctxt=None):
    """A Genshi stream filter for expanding `genshi.Markup` events.

    Note: Expansion may not be possible if the fragment is badly
    formed, or partial.
    for event in stream:
        if isinstance(event[1], Markup):
                for subevent in HTML(event[1]):
                    yield subevent
            except ParseError:
                yield event
            yield event
Beispiel #24
 def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
     self.log.debug("ckintegration: template %s" % (filename))
     # Act only when enabled, and editor_source defined, and current template has wiki-textareas
     if self.editor_source and self._check_editor_type(filename):
         # Some javascript global variable to add to the response to assist to tracwiki plugin
         add_script_data(req, {
                         'ck_editor_type': self.editor_type,
                         'ck_code_styles': self.get_styles_list(),
                         'trac_base_url':  req.href.base,
                         'ck_resource_realm': 'wiki',
                         'ck_resource_id': '',
                         'form_token': req.form_token,
         # Load the needed scripts (CKEditor itself, and the tracwiki plugin
         add_script(req, self.editor_source)
         add_script(req, 'ckintegration/tracwiki.js')
         add_script(req, 'ckintegration/pastecode.js')
         # Inject a script that adds the tracwiki plugin as an external plugin to CKEditor
         # @todo: Perform init with a dedicated loader script
         # @todo: Use the init to modify the CKEditor toolbar
         ck_plugin_init = '<script type="text/javascript">CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal("tracwiki", ck_tracwiki_path, "tracwiki.js");\n'
         ck_plugin_init += 'CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal("pastecode", ck_tracwiki_path, "pastecode.js");</script>'
         stream |= Transformer('.//body').prepend(HTML(ck_plugin_init))
         #add_script(req, 'ckintegration/ckloader.js')
         # Replace all relevant textarea fields in the template with CKEditor instances
         for field_name in self.template_fields[lower(filename)]:
             self.log.debug('Replacing textarea "%s" with CKEditor instance' % (field_name))
             add_editor = '''<script type="text/javascript">
                 CKEDITOR.replace("%s", { extraPlugins : "tracwiki,pastecode" });
             </script>''' % (field_name)
             #self.log.debug ("add_editor is %s" % add_editor)
             stream |= Transformer('.//textarea[@name="%s"]' % (field_name)).after(HTML(add_editor))
         # Also replace custom textarea fields in the ticket template that have wiki format 
         if 'ticket.html' == lower(filename) and 'fields' in data:
             for f in data['fields']:
                 if f['skip'] or not lower(f['type']) == 'textarea' or   \
                         not f.has_key('format') or not 'wiki' == lower(f['format']):
                 field_name = 'field_%s' % f['name']
                 self.log.debug('Replacing textarea "%s" with CKEditor instance' % (field_name))
                 add_editor = '''<script type="text/javascript">
                     CKEDITOR.replace("%s", { extraPlugins : "tracwiki,pastecode" });
                 </script>''' % (field_name)
                 stream |= Transformer('.//textarea[@name="%s"]' % (field_name)).after(HTML(add_editor))
     return stream
Beispiel #25
def get_correction_dropdown(self, person):
    Return the HTML for the options of a dropdown list of people
    that person does not talk to.

    db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    all_people, spoken_to = [], [person]

    # Get all the people
    cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT author FROM revision \
                    UNION \
                    SELECT DISTINCT reporter FROM ticket \
                    UNION \
                    SELECT DISTINCT author FROM ticket_change")
    for row in cursor:

    # Get the people that person talks to
        'SELECT DISTINCT person1 \
                    FROM social_relations \
                    WHERE person2 = %s', (person, ))
    for row in cursor:

        'SELECT DISTINCT person2 \
                    FROM social_relations \
                    WHERE person1 = %s', (person, ))
    for row in cursor:

    # Subtract to get the people that person doesn't talk to
    all_people = set(all_people)
    spoken_to = set(spoken_to)
    not_spoken_to = all_people.difference(spoken_to)

    # Format as HTML dropdown list options
    drop_down = ""
    for p in not_spoken_to:
        drop_down += '<option value="' + p + '">' + p + '</option>'

    return HTML(drop_down)
Beispiel #26
    def _add_buttom_ctx_menu(self, req, stream):
            ctxtnav =['ctxtnav']
            ctx_str = ""
            for i, entry in enumerate(ctxtnav):
                if i == 0:
                    ctx_str += "<li class='first'>"
                elif i == len(ctxtnav) -1:
                    ctx_str += "<li class='last'>"
                    ctx_str += "<li>"
                ctx_str = "%s%s</li>" % (ctx_str, entry)
#  "ctx_str %s" % ctx_str)
            html = HTML( "<div id='ctxtnavbottom' class='nav'><ul>%s"
                         "</ul></div>" % ctx_str )
            stream |= Transformer('.//div[@id="help"]').before( html )
            return stream
        return stream
Beispiel #27
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        if filename == 'roadmap.html':
            sortcrit = self._get_settings(req, 'sortcrit', self.criterias[0])
            sortdirect = self._get_settings(req, 'sortdirect',

            sel = ' selected = "selected"'
            html_str = '<div>' + _('Sort by: ')
            html_str += '<select name="sortcrit">'
            for crit in self.criterias:
                html_str += '<option value ="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (
                    crit, sel if sortcrit == crit else '', _(crit))
            html_str += '</select>'
            html_str += '<select name="sortdirect">'
            for dir in self.directions:
                html_str += '<option value ="%s" %s>%s</option>' % (
                    dir, sel if sortdirect == dir else '', _(dir))
            html_str += '</select></div>'
            html = HTML(html_str)
            filter = Transformer('//form[@id="prefs"]/div[@class="buttons"]')
            return stream | filter.before(html)
        return stream
Beispiel #28
def experts_html(self, req):
    Inserts a box into code browsing pages that lists expert colleagues of
    the file you are currently browsing.

    db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Get the path of the current file
    this_file = (req.path_info)[9:]

    # Get the experts
    cursor.execute('SELECT author, strength \
                    FROM expertise \
                    WHERE path = %s \
                    AND author != %s \
                    ORDER BY strength DESC',
                   (this_file, req.authname,))

    # The HTML to be insterted into the code browsing page
    html = '<div id="experts"><h2>Experts (tracSNAP)</h2><ul>'

    # Create the HTML list of experts
    for author, strength in cursor:
        html += '<li><a href="' + req.base_path + \
                '/sn_linkto?linkto=' + author + \
                '">' + author + "</a>, \
                (expert score = " + str(strength) + ")</li>"

    # Make sure experts actually exist
    if not html.endswith("</li>"):
        return ""

    html += "</ul></div>"
    html = HTML(html)

    return html
Beispiel #29
def get_recent_files(self, author, base_path):
    Get the HTML for a list of author's most recent files.
    base_path should be the link to the trac environment, so that
    the list can include links to the files.

    db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Get author's recent files
        'SELECT nc.path, r.time \
                    FROM node_change nc, revision r\
                    WHERE \
                    AND nc.rev = r.rev \
                    AND nc.node_type="F" \
                    ORDER BY r.time DESC', (author, ))

    html = '<ul>'  # HTML for the list
    num_recent = 0  # Number of files in the list

    # Construct the list
    for path, time in cursor:

        # Maximum of 10 files in the list
        num_recent += 1
        if num_recent > 10:

        # Link to the file
        html += '<li><a href="' + base_path + '/browser/' + path + '">' + \
                path + '</a></li>'

    html += '</ul>'

    return HTML(html)
Beispiel #30
def related_files_html(self, req):
    Inserts a box into code browsing pages that lists other files that are
    related to the file you are browsing

    db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
    cursor = db.cursor()

    # Get the path of the current file
    this_file = (req.path_info)[9:]

    # Get related modules
    cursor.execute('SELECT file1, file2, strength \
                    FROM code_relations \
                    WHERE file1 = %s OR file2 = %s \
                    ORDER BY strength DESC',
                   (this_file, this_file,))

    # The HTML to be inserted into the code browsing page
    html = '<div id="relatedModules"><h2>Related Modules (tracSNAP)</h2><ul>'

    # Create the links to the related files
    for file1, file2, strength in cursor:
        if file2 == this_file:
            file1, file2 = file2, file1
        html += '<li><a href="' + req.base_path + \
                "/browser/" + file2 + '">' + file2 + "</a></li>"

    # Check to make sure there were actually some related files
    if not html.endswith("</li>"):
        return ""

    html += "</ul></div>"
    html = HTML(html)

    return html
Beispiel #31
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        if filename == 'wiki_edit.html' and 'section' in req.args and 'merge' not in req.args:
            if 'section_text' in req.args:
                section_pre, section_text, section_post = req.args.get(
                    'section_pre'), req.args.get('section_text'), req.args.get(
                section_pre, section_text, section_post = self._split_page_text(
                    data['page'].text, req.args['section'])
                section_text = ''.join(section_text)

            section_element = html.input(type='hidden',
            pre_element = html.input(type='hidden',
            post_element = html.input(type='hidden',

            section_html = html(section_element, pre_element, post_element)
            stream = stream | Transformer('//textarea[@name="text"]').empty(
            stream = stream | Transformer('//div[@id="content"]//h1').append(
                "/%s (section %s)" %
                (section_text[:section_text.find('\n')].strip(" = \r\n"),
            if not self.preview_whole_page:
                stream = stream | Transformer(
                        HTML(wiki_to_html(section_text, self.env, req)))
        return stream
Beispiel #32
def format_relations_for_flare(self, r_dict):
    Takes a dictionary of relations and returns the HTML for the
    data in json format (for Flare to visualize)

    #TODO:  Strength is always set to 1 at the moment, since I haven't
    #		figured out how to show edge weights yet in Flare.

    html = '['
    for file1 in r_dict:
        if r_dict[file1] == []:
            html += '{"name":"sn/' + file1 + '","strength":1,"links":[]},'
        html += '{"name":"sn/' + file1 + '","strength":1,"links":['
        for link in r_dict[file1]:
            html += '"sn/' + link + '",'
        html = html[0:len(html) - 1] + ']},'
    html = html[0:len(html) - 1] + ']'
    if html == ']':
        html = '[]'

    data = HTML(html)
    return data
Beispiel #33
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):

        if req.path_info == '/socialnetwork':
            # ############################################################### #
            # ------------------- TracSNAP home page --------------------------
            # ############################################################### #

            # Get the repository
            repo = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)

            # Clear the tables of data we've analyzed (should be commented out)
            #     clear_tables(self)

            # Analyze the repository!
            determine_relations(self, repo)

            # Make a social recommendation
            rec = make_recommendation_box(self, req.authname, req.base_path)

            # Get the files recently edited by this user
            recent = get_recent_files(self, req.authname, req.base_path)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="suggested_contact"]').prepend(rec) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="recent_files"]').append(recent)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_my_files':
            # ############################################################### #
            # ----------------------- My Files ------------------------------ #
            # ############################################################### #

            # Check if depth was specified
            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            # HTML to be inserted into the template
            title = HTML('<h2>My Files</h2>')

            swf = HTML('<object width="600" height="500">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/MyFilesGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/MyFilesGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '" \
                        width="600" height="500"></embed> \

            fs_link = HTML('<a href="sn_fs_my_files?depth=' + str(depth) +
                           '">View Full Screen</a>')

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph_title"]').prepend(title) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="fs_link"]').prepend(fs_link)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_overall_files':
            # ############################################################### #
            # --------------------- Overall Files --------------------------- #
            # ############################################################### #

            # Check if subdirectories were specified
            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            subdirs = query_args.getlist("subdirs")
            subdir_vars = '&subdirs='
            if subdirs != []:  # Show specified sub-directories
                for d in subdirs:
                    subdir_vars += d + ","
                subdir_vars = subdir_vars[0:len(subdir_vars) - 1]

            # HTML to be inserted into the template
            title = HTML('<h2>Overall Code Relations Graph</h2>')

            swf = HTML('\
                <object width="600" height="500">\
                <param name="movie" \
                    value="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallFilesGraph.swf"> \
                <param name=FlashVars \
                    value="address=' + req.base_path + subdir_vars + '"> \
                <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallFilesGraph.swf" \
                    FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + subdir_vars + '" \
                    width="600" height="500"></embed> \

            # Get list of directories to choose from
            repo = self.env.get_repository(req.authname)
            dir_list = get_directory_list(self, repo)

            # Set up query string for fullscreen version
            subdir_vars = ""
            if subdirs != []:
                for d in subdirs:
                    subdir_vars += "&subdirs=" + d
                subdir_vars = "?" + subdir_vars[1:len(subdir_vars)]

            fs_link = HTML('<a href="sn_fs_overall_files' + subdir_vars +
                           '">View Full Screen</a>')

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph_title"]').prepend(title) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="dir_list"]').prepend(dir_list) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="fs_link"]').prepend(fs_link)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_my_social':
            # ############################################################### #
            # --------------------- My Social Network ----------------------- #
            # ############################################################### #

            # Check query args to see if there is a graph correction to be made
            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            new_person = query_args.getfirst("person", None)
            if new_person != None:
                strength = query_args.getfirst("strength", 1)
                self.new_social_connection(req.authname, new_person, strength)

            # Check query args for depth
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            # HTML to be inserted into the template
            title = HTML('<h2>My Social Network Graph</h2>')
            drop_down = get_correction_dropdown(self, req.authname)
            swf = HTML('<object width="600" height="500">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/MySocialGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/MySocialGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '" \
                        width="600" height="500"></embed> \

            fs_link = HTML('<a href="sn_fs_my_social?depth=' + str(depth) +
                           '">View Full Screen</a>')

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph_title"]').prepend(title) \
                   | Transformer('//select[@name="person"]').prepend(drop_down) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="fs_link"]').prepend(fs_link)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_overall_social':
            # ############################################################### #
            # -------------------- Overall Social Network ------------------- #
            # ############################################################### #

            # HTML to be inserted into the template
            title = HTML('<h2>Overall Social Network Graph</h2>')

            swf = HTML('<object width="600" height="500">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallSocialGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallSocialGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '" \
                        width="600" height="500"> \
                    </embed> \

            fs_link = HTML('<a href="sn_fs_overall_social">' +
                           'View Full Screen</a>')

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph_title"]').prepend(title) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="fs_link"]').prepend(fs_link)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_linkto':
            # ############################################################### #
            # ---------------------------- Linkto --------------------------- #
            # ############################################################### #

            # Get the person who we are finding the connection to
            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            them = query_args.getfirst("linkto", "")

            # HTML to be inserted into the template
            title = HTML('<h2>Your Social Link To ' + them + '</h2>')

            swf = HTML('<object width="600" height="500">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/Linkto.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                                &linkto=' + them + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/Linkto.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                                    &linkto=' + them + '" \
                        width="600" height="500"> \
                    </embed> \

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph_title"]').prepend(title) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_my_files_data':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ---------------------- Data: My Files ---------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            data = get_my_files_data(self, req.authname, depth)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="data"]').prepend(data)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_overall_files_data':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ------------------- Data: Overall Files -------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            subdirs = query_args.getlist("subdirs")

            if subdirs[0] == "":
                # Show overall files
                data = get_overall_files_data(self)
                # Show specified directories
                data = get_subdirs_files_data(self, subdirs)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="data"]').prepend(data)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_my_social_data':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ---------------------- Data: My Social --------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            data = get_my_social_data(self, req.authname, depth)
            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="data"]').prepend(data)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_overall_social_data':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # --------------------- Data: Overall Social ----------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            data = get_overall_social_data(self)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="data"]').prepend(data)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_linkto_data':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ---------------------- Data: Linkto -----------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            them = query_args.getfirst("linkto", "")

            data = get_my_linkto(self, req.authname, them)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="data"]').prepend(data)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_fs_my_files':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ----------------------- FS My Files -----------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            swf = HTML('<object width="800" height="800">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/MyFilesGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/MyFilesGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '" \
                        width="800" height="800"></embed> \

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_fs_overall_files':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ------------------- FS Overall Files ----------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            subdirs = query_args.getlist("subdirs")
            subdir_vars = '&subdirs='

            if subdirs != []:  # Show specified sub-directories
                for d in subdirs:
                    subdir_vars += d + ","
                subdir_vars = subdir_vars[0:len(subdir_vars) - 1]

            swf = HTML('\
                <object width="800" height="800">\
                <param name="movie" \
                    value="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallFilesGraph.swf"> \
                <param name=FlashVars \
                    value="address=' + req.base_path + subdir_vars + '"> \
                <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallFilesGraph.swf" \
                    FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + subdir_vars + '" \
                    width="800" height="800"></embed> \

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_fs_my_social':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ----------------------- FS My Social ----------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            query_args = Query.from_string(self.env, req.query_string)
            depth = int(query_args.getfirst("depth", 1))

            swf = HTML('<object width="800" height="800">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/MySocialGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/MySocialGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '\
                        &depth=' + str(depth) + '" \
                        width="800" height="800"></embed> \

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf)

        elif req.path_info == '/sn_fs_overall_social':
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ------------------- FS Overall Social ---------------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            swf = HTML('<object width="800" height="800">\
                    <param name="movie" \
                        value="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallSocialGraph.swf"> \
                    <param name=FlashVars \
                        value="address=' + req.base_path + '"> \
                    <embed src="chrome/socialnetwork/OverallSocialGraph.swf" \
                        FlashVars="address=' + req.base_path + '" \
                        width=800 height=800> \
                    </embed> \

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="graph"]').prepend(swf)

        elif req.path_info.find("/browser/") != -1:
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------
            # ------------------- Related Files and Experts -------------------
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------

            css = codebrowser.get_css(self, req)
            rhtml = codebrowser.related_files_html(self, req)
            ehtml = codebrowser.experts_html(self, req)

            return stream \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="footer"]').before(rhtml) \
                   | Transformer('//div[@id="footer"]').before(ehtml) \
                   | Transformer('//head').append(css)

            return stream
Beispiel #34
    def process_request(self, req):
        panels, providers = self._get_panels(req)
        if not panels:
            raise HTTPNotFound(_('No administration panels available'))

        def _panel_order(p1, p2):
            if p1[::2] == ('general', 'basics'):
                return -1
            elif p2[::2] == ('general', 'basics'):
                return 1
            elif p1[0] == 'general':
                if p2[0] == 'general':
                    return cmp(p1[1:], p2[1:])
                return -1
            elif p2[0] == 'general':
                if p1[0] == 'general':
                    return cmp(p1[1:], p2[1:])
                return 1
            return cmp(p1, p2)


        cat_id = req.args.get('cat_id') or panels[0][0]
        panel_id = req.args.get('panel_id')
        path_info = req.args.get('path_info')
        if not panel_id:
                panel_id = filter(lambda panel: panel[0] == cat_id,
            except IndexError:
                raise HTTPNotFound(_('Unknown administration panel'))

        provider = providers.get((cat_id, panel_id), None)
        if not provider:
            raise HTTPNotFound(_('Unknown administration panel'))

        if hasattr(provider, 'render_admin_panel'):
            template, data = provider.render_admin_panel(
                req, cat_id, panel_id, path_info)

        else:  # support for legacy WebAdmin panels
            data = {}
            cstmpl, ct = provider.process_admin_request(
                req, cat_id, panel_id, path_info)
            output = cstmpl.render()

            title = _("Untitled")
            for panel in panels:
                if (panel[0], panel[2]) == (cat_id, panel_id):
                    title = panel[3]

            data.update({'page_title': title, 'page_body': HTML(output)})
            template = 'admin_legacy.html'

            partial(req.href, 'admin', cat_id, panel_id),
            'panels': [{
                'category': {
                    'id': panel[0],
                    'label': panel[1]
                'panel': {
                    'id': panel[2],
                    'label': panel[3]
            } for panel in panels]

        add_stylesheet(req, 'common/css/admin.css')
        return template, data, None
Beispiel #35
    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
        if filename == 'ticket.html' and self.editor_source and self.editor_replace:
                "further processing: template %s, editor-source %s, editor-replace %s"
                % (filename, self.editor_source, self.editor_replace))

            # check if description should be in HTML
            if self.description_format == "html":
                add_editor = self.editor_replace.replace(
                    "@FIELD_NAME@", "field_description")
                html = HTML(add_editor)
                self.log.debug("add_editor is %s" % add_editor)
                stream |= Transformer(
            fields = data['fields']
            for f in fields:
                if f['skip'] or not f['type'] == 'textarea' or not f.has_key(
                        'format') or not f['format'] == 'html':
                # only textarea-fields with format HTML should be processed at this point
                field_name = 'field_%s' % f['name']
                add_editor = self.editor_replace.replace(
                    "@FIELD_NAME@", field_name)
                html = HTML(add_editor)
                tr_str = './/textarea[@name="%s"]' % field_name
                self.log.debug("add_editor for field %s is %s; tr_str is %s" %
                               (field_name, add_editor, tr_str))
                stream |= Transformer(tr_str).after(html)

        return stream

# These components are not used yet, because they are not working and
# are only made because in a research manner.

# class DisplayDate(Component):
# '''Deprecated - use trac itself with revision 10629 or later! '''
# (see Trac-Ticket [ #9777])
# Displays date next to summary as absolute date instead of timedelta.
# Timedelta will be displayed only as title.
# '''Attention''': This works partly fine in German and English. Other languages / locales haven't been tested.
# It doesn't set the language correct in changes (like comments / attachments).
# You also have to edit your `template.htm` and place it under your project folder.
# Sample change:
# {{{
#  <div class="date">
#    <py:choose>
#        <py:when test="date_format == 'absolute'">
#            <p i18n:msg="created" py:if="ticket.exists">Creation date: ${dateinfo_abs(ticket.time)}</p>
#            <p i18n:msg="modified" py:if="ticket.changetime != ticket.time">Modify date: ${dateinfo_abs(ticket.changetime)}</p>
#        </py:when>
#        <py:otherwise>
#            <p i18n:msg="created" py:if="ticket.exists">Opened ${dateinfo(ticket.time)} ago</p>
#            <p i18n:msg="modified" py:if="ticket.changetime != ticket.time">Last modified ${dateinfo(ticket.changetime)} ago</p>
#        </py:otherwise>
#    </py:choose>
#    <p py:if="not ticket.exists"><i>(ticket not yet created)</i></p>
#  </div>
# }}}
# Options:
# || '''option name''' || '''values''' || '''description''' ||
# || date_format || `relative` | `absolute` || format of date in ticket view (default: '''relative''') ||
# Sample configuration:
# {{{
# [ticket]
# date_format = absolute
# }}}
# You might restart your webserver after installing this plugin, since it doesn't display the date correctly.
# """
#    implements (IRequestFilter, ITemplateStreamFilter)
#    date_format = Option('ticket', 'date_format', 'relative',
#        """Format of date in ticket view.
#        Empty or relative is Trac Standard; absolute formats date as date/time.""")
#    def __init__(self):
#        locale_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, 'locale')
#        add_domain(self.env.path, locale_dir)
#    def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
#        return handler
#    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
#        if data and template == 'ticket.html':
#  "[post_process_request] called this method with data with template: %s" % template)
#            def dateinfo_abs(date):
#      "[post_process_request] called method 'dateinfo'")
#                return tag.span(format_datetime(date),
#                                title=pretty_timedelta(date))
#            data['date_format'] = self.date_format
#            if self.date_format == "absolute":
#                data['dateinfo_abs'] = dateinfo_abs
#            self.log.debug("data %r" % data)
#        return template, data, content_type
#    def filter_stream(self, req, method, filename, stream, data):
# #        if not self.date_format == "absolute":
# #            return stream
# #
# #        if filename == 'ticket.html':
# #            self.log.debug( "replacing relative datetime to absolute datetime" )
# #            # just a hack (works at least well in German and English)
# #            def replace_descr(stream):
# #                for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
# #                    if mark and kind is TEXT:
# #                        test = data.upper()
# #                        if re.match(r'[0-9]{2}', test):
# #                            yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #                        else:
# #                            yield mark, (kind, '', pos)
# #                    else:
# #                        yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #
# #            stream =  stream | Transformer('.//div[@id="ticket"]/div[@class="date"]/p[1]') \
# #                            .apply( replace_descr ).prepend( _('Creation date') + ': ' )
# #            stream =  stream | Transformer('.//div[@id="ticket"]/div[@class="date"]/p[2]') \
# #                            .apply( replace_descr ).prepend( _('Modify date') + ': ' )
# #
#            # just a hack, which works in German, but not in English!
# #            def replace_comment_descr(stream):
# #                do_replace_text = 0
# #                for mark, (kind, data, pos) in stream:
# #                    if mark and kind is END:
# #                        try:
# #                            if data.localname == "h3":
# #                                do_replace_text = 0
# #                            elif data.localname == "span":
# #                                do_replace_text += 1
# #                        except Exception, e:
# #                            print "*** EXEPTION *** %s" % e
# #                        yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #                    elif mark and kind is TEXT:
# #                        test = data.upper()
# #                        if re.match(r'[0-9]{2}', test):
# #                            yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #                        elif do_replace_text == 2:
# #                            yield mark, (kind, '', pos)
# #                        else:
# #                            yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #                    else:
# #                        yield mark, (kind, data, pos)
# #
# #            stream =  stream | Transformer('.//h3 [@class="change"]') \
# #                            .apply( replace_comment_descr ).prepend( _('Modify date') + ': ' )
#        return stream

#class FileUploader(Component):
#    """Test for uploading images by CKEditor"""
#    implements (IAttachmentChangeListener, IAttachmentManipulator, IRequestHandler)
#    def match_request(self, req):
#        """Return whether the handler wants to process the given request."""
#        return re.match(r'/image_upload', req.path_info)
#    def process_request(self, req):
#        """Process the request.
#        For ClearSilver, return a `(template_name, content_type)` tuple,
#        where `template` is the ClearSilver template to use (either a
#        `neo_cs.CS` object, or the file name of the template), and
#        `content_type` is the MIME type of the content.
#        For Genshi, return a `(template_name, data, content_type)` tuple,
#        where `data` is a dictionary of substitutions for the template.
#        For either templating systems, "text/html" is assumed if `content_type`
#        is `None`.
#        Note that if template processing should not occur, this method can
#        simply send the response itself and not return anything.
#        """
#        print "========= ____  [process_request]"
#        if ( req.path_info == "/image_upload" ):
#            add_stylesheet(req, 'hw/css/style.css')
#            print "========= ____  [process_request] correct path ... doing more"
#            data = {}
#            return 'ticketnav/image-uploader.html', data, None
#    def prepare_attachment(self, req, attachment, fields):
#        """Not currently called, but should be provided for future
#        compatibility."""
#        print "--------------.... [prepare_attachment] try to add attachment"
#    def validate_attachment(self, req, attachment):
#        """Validate an attachment after upload but before being stored in Trac
#        environment.
#        Must return a list of `(field, message)` tuples, one for each problem
#        detected. `field` can be any of `description`, `username`, `filename`,
#        `content`, or `None` to indicate an overall problem with the
#        attachment. Therefore, a return value of `[]` means everything is
#        OK."""
#        print "_______________.... [validate_attachment] try to add attachment"
#        return []
#    def attachment_added(self, attachment):
#        """Called when an attachment is added."""
#        print "_______________ [attachment_added] try to add attachment"
#        print "_______________ [attachment_added] add attachment: %s" % attachment
##        return attachment
#    def attachment_deleted(self, attachment):
#        """Called when an attachment is deleted."""
#        print "_______________ [attachment_deleted] try to delete attachment"
##        return attachment
#    def attachment_reparented(self, attachment, old_parent_realm, old_parent_id):
#        """Called when an attachment is reparented."""
#        print "_______________ [attachment_reparented] add attachment: %s" % attachment
#        return attachment, old_parent_realm, old_parent_id

# Tested if copying ticket-box.html is working, but it is not!
#class HtmlContent(Component):
#    implements (IRequestFilter)
#    """Allow description and other textarea-fields having HTML-content"""
#    # IRequestHandler methods
##    def match_request(self, req):
##        print "===== HtmlContent, path_info: %s" % req.path_info
##        return re.match(r'/(ticket|newticket)(?:_trac)?(?:/.*)?$', req.path_info)
#    def pre_process_request(self, req, handler):
#        return handler
#    # IRequestHandler methods
#    def post_process_request(self, req, template, data, content_type):
#        print "template: %s" % template
#        self._check_init()
##        data = {}
##        return handler
##        return 'ticket.html', data, None
#        return template, data, content_type
#    def _check_init(self):
#        """First check if Plugin has already been initialized.
#        """
#        print "====== _check_init"
#        template_path = self.env.path
#        if template_path and template_path.endswith('/'):
#            template_path += 'templates'
#        else:
#            template_path += '/templates'
#        if os.access(template_path, os.W_OK):
#            print "can write to path %s" % template_path
#            from pkg_resources import resource_filename
##            src_name = resource_filename(__name__, 'templates/ticket-box.html')
#            src_name = resource_filename(__name__, 'templates')
#            print "src_name: %s" % src_name
#            shutil.copy(src_name + '/ticket-box.html', template_path + '/ticket-box.html')
#        elif os.access(template_path, os.R_OK):
#            print "can read to path %s" % template_path
#        print "template_path: %s" % template_path
Beispiel #36
 def postprocess(self, html):
     stream = HTML(html)
     stream |= lambda s: wrapper(, s) # rewrite_canonical_urls(, s)
     return stream.render('html')
Beispiel #37
 def _create_genshi_fragment(self, html_fragment):
     return tag(HTML(html_fragment))