Beispiel #1
def __draw_dual_pivot__(G, pos, width, height, pivot, mapping, node_size, pivot_color, pivot_label):
    Given a pivot, annotate it with color and label (handling duplicate if necessary) in dual.
    :param G: Graph.
    :param pos: position in canvas.
    :param pivot: pivot dart.
    :param mapping:
    :param node_size: size of nodes in drawing.
    :param pivot_color: pivot dart color.
    :param pivot_label:
    :return: Nothing.
    # Use different color for pivot dart (Handle boundary duplication if necessary).
    pivot_dups = resolve_boundary_darts(
        mapping[], mapping[]) if pivot != None else []
    pivot_dups = __remove_boundary_to_boundary_darts__(pivot_dups, width, height)
    # Label pivot dart with pivot_label.
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=__pivot_labels__(pivot_dups, pivot_label), label_pos=0.5)
Beispiel #2
def __draw_primal_pivot__(G, pos, pivot, mapping, node_size, pivot_color, pivot_label):
    Given a pivot, annotate it with color and label (handling duplicate if necessary).
    :param G: Graph.
    :param pos: position in canvas.
    :param pivot: pivot dart.
    :param mapping:
    :param node_size: size of nodes in drawing.
    :param pivot_color: pivot dart color.
    :param pivot_label:
    :return: Nothing.
    # Use different color for pivot dart (Handle boundary duplication if necessary).
    pivot_in_dups = resolve_boundary_darts(mapping[], mapping[]) if \
        pivot is not None else []
    # Annotate pivot dart label with "in".
    nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=__pivot_labels__(pivot_in_dups, pivot_label),
Beispiel #3
def draw_dual(grid, blue, red, pred, face_mapping, pivot_in=None, pivot_out=None, file=None):
    Draw dual grid. Note that we replicate boundary faces on visualization.
    :param grid: Grid graph to draw.
    :param blue: Vertices decreasing in distance.
    :param red: Vertices increasing in distance.
    :param pred: Predecessor pointer dictionary for current holy tree.
    :param face_mapping: Mapping of faces to their boundary duplicates. {(i ,j) -> [(i, j), (a, b)], etc}
    :param pivot_in: Pivoting in dart.
    :param pivot_out: Pivoting out dart.
    :param file: File to save the drawing.
    :return: Nothing
    # Construct the width + 1 by height + 1 grid with directed edges.
    (G, pos) = __grid_layout__(grid.width + 1, grid.height + 1)

    blue_vertices, red_vertices = Set(blue), Set(red)
    if (-1,-1) in blue_vertices:
        blue_vertices.remove((-1, -1))
    if (-1,-1) in red_vertices:
        red_vertices.remove((-1, -1))

    core = Set() # keep track of all the edges in the 2-core in the dual.
    # blue: both head and tail are blue
    # red: both head and tail are red
    # green: active darts with blue tail and red head.
    blue_darts, red_darts, green_darts = [], [], []
    for u in grid.vertices:
        for v in u.neighbors:
            # u -> v in the primal Holy Tree, skip.
            if pred[v] == u or pred[u] == v:
            # u -> v is not in original graph (for instance, (-1, -1)), then skip.
            if < (0,0) or < (0,0):
            # u -> v has no dual defined, should not be the case.
            if u.neighbors[v].dual == None:
                print("No dual defined: {}".format(u.neighbors[v]))
            # Get the dual dart.
            dd = u.neighbors[v].dual
            core.add((min(,, max(,
            # If both u, v are blue, then dual dart is blue.
            if in blue_vertices and in blue_vertices:
                blue_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(face_mapping[], face_mapping[])
            # If both u, v are red, then dual dart is blue.
            elif in red_vertices and in red_vertices:
                red_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(face_mapping[], face_mapping[])
            # If both u blue, v is red, then dual dart is green.
            elif in blue_vertices and in red_vertices:
                green_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(face_mapping[], face_mapping[])

    ##############################                  Anchor                                  ###########################
    # Remove all hairs.
    done = False
    while not done:
        total_removed = 0
        for (t1, h1) in core:
            count_t1 = 1
            count_h1 = 1
            for (t2, h2) in core:
                if t1 == t2 and h1 == h2:
                if t1 == t2 or t1 == h2:
                    count_t1 += 1
                if h1 == t2 or h1 == h2:
                    count_h1 += 1
            if count_t1 == 1 or count_h1 == 1:
                core.remove((t1, h1))
                total_removed += 1
        if total_removed == 0:
            done = True

    # count how many time each vertex appear.
    count_vertex = {}
    for (t, h) in core:
        count_vertex[t] = count_vertex[t] + 1 if t in count_vertex else 1
        count_vertex[h] = count_vertex[h] + 1 if h in count_vertex else 1

    # Vertices appearing more than 2 are anchor vertices.
    anchor_vertices = []
    for v in count_vertex:
        if count_vertex[v] > 2:
    anchors_points = []
    for v in anchor_vertices:
        anchors_points += face_mapping[v]
    ##############################                  Anchor                                  ###########################

    # Draw darts with colored labels. Note that boundary to boundary darts are removed to avoid duplicate boundary
    # darts confusion.
    nx.draw_spectral(G, node_size=node_size,
                     edgelist=__remove_boundary_to_boundary_darts__(red_darts, grid.width, grid.height),
                     width=2, edge_color='red', arrows=False)
                     edgelist=__remove_boundary_to_boundary_darts__(blue_darts, grid.width, grid.height)
                     edgelist=__remove_boundary_to_boundary_darts__(green_darts, grid.width, grid.height)

    # Override label vertices with boundary.
    labels = __boundary_labels__(grid, face_mapping, anchors_points)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels=labels, font_size=8)

    __draw_dual_pivot__(G, pos, grid.width, grid.height, pivot_in, face_mapping, node_size, "purple", "i")
    __draw_dual_pivot__(G, pos, grid.width, grid.height, pivot_out, face_mapping, node_size, "black", "o")

Beispiel #4
def draw_primal(grid, sliding_dart, blue, red, pred, vertex_mapping, pivot_in=None, pivot_out=None, file=None):
    Draw primal grid. Note that we replicate boundary vertices on visualization.
    :param grid: Grid graph to draw.
    :param sliding_dart: Current root name -> Next root name.
    :param blue: Vertices decreasing in distance.
    :param red: Vertices increasing in distance.
    :param pred: Predecessor pointer dictionary for current holy tree.
    :param vertex_mapping: Mapping of vertex to its boundary duplicates. {(i ,j) -> [(i, j), (a, b)], etc}
    :param pivot_in: Pivoting in dart.
    :param pivot_out: Pivoting out dart.
    :param file: File to save the drawing.
    :return: Nothing
    node_size = 200
    # Construct the width + 1 by height + 1 grid with directed edges.
    (G, pos) = __grid_layout__(grid.width, grid.height)

    # blue: distance decreasing
    blue_vertices = expand_vertices_list(blue, vertex_mapping)
    # red: distance increasing
    red_vertices = expand_vertices_list(red, vertex_mapping)

    blue_vertices, red_vertices = Set(blue_vertices), Set(red_vertices)
    if (-1,-1) in blue_vertices:
        blue_vertices.remove((-1, -1))
    if (-1,-1) in red_vertices:
        red_vertices.remove((-1, -1))

    # blue: both head and tail are blue
    # red: both head and tail are red
    # green: active darts with blue tail and red head.
    blue_darts, red_darts, green_darts = [], [], []
    for v in pred:
        u = pred[v]
        if u != None and in blue_vertices and in blue_vertices:
            blue_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(vertex_mapping[], vertex_mapping[])
        if u != None and in red_vertices and in red_vertices:
            red_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(vertex_mapping[], vertex_mapping[])

    for u in grid.vertices:
        for v in u.neighbors:
            if >= (0,0) and >= (0,0) and in blue_vertices and in red_vertices:
                green_darts += resolve_boundary_darts(vertex_mapping[], vertex_mapping[])

    # Draw darts with colored labels.

    # Override label vertices with boundary.
    labels = __boundary_labels__(grid, vertex_mapping)
    nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos,labels=labels,font_size=8,arrows=False)

    # Annotate the sliding dart by dashed line when drawing.
                     edgelist=resolve_boundary_darts(vertex_mapping[sliding_dart[0]], vertex_mapping[sliding_dart[1]]),

    __draw_primal_pivot__(G, pos, pivot_in, vertex_mapping, node_size, "black", "i")
    __draw_primal_pivot__(G, pos, pivot_out, vertex_mapping, node_size, "purple", "o")

    # Color vertices with labels.
