def getHtml(ts, request): lat = "40.74" lon = "-74" position = geo.get_pos(request.remote_addr) # lat = position[0] # lon = position[1] rad = "25" lim = "2" markers = [] img = "" nums = [] lata = [] long = [] ret = [img,nums,lat,lon] for tag in ts: tag = tag.replace(" ","%20") url = ""+lat+"&lon="+lon+"&radius="+rad+"&limit="+lim+"&tags="+tag+"&client_id="+settings.HYPE_CLIENT_ID+"&client_secret="+settings.HYPE_CLIENT_SECRET data = urlfetch.fetch(url, validate_certificate=False) if data.status_code == 200: places = json.loads(data.content) for place in places: if place["locations"][0]["lat"] and place["locations"][0]["lon"] : lata.append(place["locations"][0]["lat"]) long.append(place["locations"][0]["lon"]) nums.append(place["phone_number"]) latLon = place["locations"][0]["lat"] + "," + place["locations"][0]["lon"] markers.append(latLon) string = "%7C".join(markers) # ret[0] = '<img src="'+lat+','+lon+'&zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:H%7C'+ string+'" />' ret[0] = string ret[1] = nums ret[2] = lata ret[3] = long return ret
def main(): lat = 40.74 lon = -74.0 rad = 300 ret = [lat, lon] position = geo.get_pos(request.remote_addr) # lat = position[0] # lon = position[1] urlfetch.fetch('') # ret = "The map below shows places that Dealocos thinks your going to like :) <BR/>" # ret = ret + "Below the map is a list of deals in your area that Dealocos thinks your going to like<BR/>" tags = [] ts = hunch.get_tags() for tagLS in ts: for tag in tagLS: tags.append(tag) hypRet = hyper.getHtml(tags, request) yipRet = yipit_attempt.request_deals(lat, lon, rad, tags) # ret = ret + hypRet[0] +"<BR/>" # ret = ret + str(yipit_attempt.request_deals(lat, lon , rad , tags))+"<BR/>" markers = [] # for hypNum in hypRet[1]: # for yipNum in yipRet[0]: # if hypNum == yipNum[1]: # latLon = hypNum[2] + "," + hypNum[3] # markers.append(latLon) string = "%7C".join(yipRet) ret.append(hypRet[0]) # ret.append(string) ret.append(hypRet[0]) # ret = ret + '<img src="'+str(lat)+','+str(lon)+'&zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:H%7C'+ string+'" /><BR/>' return render_template('index.html', ret=ret)
def getHtml(ts, request): lat = "40.74" lon = "-74" position = geo.get_pos(request.remote_addr) # lat = position[0] # lon = position[1] rad = "25" lim = "2" markers = [] img = "" nums = [] lata = [] long = [] ret = [img, nums, lat, lon] for tag in ts: tag = tag.replace(" ", "%20") url = "" + lat + "&lon=" + lon + "&radius=" + rad + "&limit=" + lim + "&tags=" + tag + "&client_id=" + settings.HYPE_CLIENT_ID + "&client_secret=" + settings.HYPE_CLIENT_SECRET data = urlfetch.fetch(url, validate_certificate=False) if data.status_code == 200: places = json.loads(data.content) for place in places: if place["locations"][0]["lat"] and place["locations"][0][ "lon"]: lata.append(place["locations"][0]["lat"]) long.append(place["locations"][0]["lon"]) nums.append(place["phone_number"]) latLon = place["locations"][0]["lat"] + "," + place[ "locations"][0]["lon"] markers.append(latLon) string = "%7C".join(markers) # ret[0] = '<img src="'+lat+','+lon+'&zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:H%7C'+ string+'" />' ret[0] = string ret[1] = nums ret[2] = lata ret[3] = long return ret
def main(): lat = 40.74 lon = -74.0 rad = 300 ret = [lat, lon] position = geo.get_pos(request.remote_addr) # lat = position[0] # lon = position[1] urlfetch.fetch("") # ret = "The map below shows places that Dealocos thinks your going to like :) <BR/>" # ret = ret + "Below the map is a list of deals in your area that Dealocos thinks your going to like<BR/>" tags = [] ts = hunch.get_tags() for tagLS in ts: for tag in tagLS: tags.append(tag) hypRet = hyper.getHtml(tags, request) yipRet = yipit_attempt.request_deals(lat, lon, rad, tags) # ret = ret + hypRet[0] +"<BR/>" # ret = ret + str(yipit_attempt.request_deals(lat, lon , rad , tags))+"<BR/>" markers = [] # for hypNum in hypRet[1]: # for yipNum in yipRet[0]: # if hypNum == yipNum[1]: # latLon = hypNum[2] + "," + hypNum[3] # markers.append(latLon) string = "%7C".join(yipRet) ret.append(hypRet[0]) # ret.append(string) ret.append(hypRet[0]) # ret = ret + '<img src="'+str(lat)+','+str(lon)+'&zoom=12&size=400x400&sensor=false&markers=color:blue%7Clabel:H%7C'+ string+'" /><BR/>' return render_template("index.html", ret=ret)
def test(): data = geo.get_pos(request.remote_addr) return str(data)