Beispiel #1
# Obtaining a datapoint from a dataset
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# More often than not, our observed data is stored in a file on disk.
# We can read in a dataset and pull datapoints from it.
# For more information about the time domain data set, see :ref:`Time domain dataset`

# The data file name
dataFile = [dataFolder + 'Skytem_High.txt', dataFolder + 'Skytem_Low.txt']
# The EM system file name
systemFile = [dataFolder + 'SkytemHM-SLV.stm', dataFolder + 'SkytemLM-SLV.stm']

# Initialize and read an EM data set
D = TdemData(), systemFile)

# Get a datapoint from the dataset
tdp = D.datapoint(0)

# Using a time domain datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
par = StatArray(np.r_[500.0, 20.0], "Conductivity", "$\frac{S}{m}$")
Beispiel #2
# Obtaining a datapoint from a dataset
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# More often than not, our observed data is stored in a file on disk.
# We can read in a dataset and pull datapoints from it.
# For more information about the time domain data set, see :ref:`Time domain dataset`

# The data file name
dataFile = dataFolder + 'Skytem.csv'
# The EM system file name
systemFile = [dataFolder + 'SkytemHM-SLV.stm', dataFolder + 'SkytemLM-SLV.stm']

# Initialize and read an EM data set
# Prepare the dataset so that we can read a point at a time.
Dataset = TdemData._initialize_sequential_reading(dataFile, systemFile)
# Get a datapoint from the file.
tdp = Dataset._read_record()

# plt.figure()
# tdp.plot()

# Using a time domain datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
par = StatArray(np.r_[500.0, 20.0], "Conductivity", "$\frac{S}{m}$")
mod = Model1D(edges=np.r_[0, 75.0, np.inf], parameters=par)
Beispiel #3
# The data file name
dataFiles = dataFolder + 'Skytem_small.csv'
# dataFiles = dataFolder + 'Skytem.csv'
# The EM system file name
systemFiles = [
    dataFolder + 'SkytemHM-SLV.stm', dataFolder + 'SkytemLM-SLV.stm'

from pathlib import Path
for f in systemFiles[:1]:
    txt = Path(f).read_text()

# Read in the data from file
TD = TdemData.read_csv(dataFiles, systemFiles)

# Plot the locations of the data points
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8, 6))
_ = TD.scatter2D()

# Plot all the data along the specified line
plt.figure(2, figsize=(8, 6))
_ = TD.plotLine(100101.0, log=10)

# Or, plot specific channels in the data
plt.figure(3, figsize=(8, 6))
_ = TD.plot(system=0, channels=[1, 3, 5], log=10)
Beispiel #4
# Send and recieve a single datapoint from the file.
if master:
    fd = FdemData()
    fd._initLineByLineRead(dataPath+"Resolve2.txt", dataPath+"FdemSystem2.stm")

    fdp = fd._readSingleDatapoint()
    for i in range(1, size):
        fdp1 = fd._readSingleDatapoint()
        fdp1.Isend(dest=i, world=world, systems=systems)
    fdp = FdemDataPoint().Irecv(source=0, world=world, systems=systems)

assert np.allclose(,[rank, :], equal_nan=True), Exception("Could not use FdemData.Isend/Irecv, with pre-existing system class. Rank {}".format(rank))   

tdSave = TdemData()[dataPath+"Skytem_High.txt", dataPath+"Skytem_Low.txt"], [dataPath+"SkytemHM-SLV.stm", dataPath+"SkytemLM-SLV.stm"])
### Test Time Domain Data
if master:
    td = tdSave
    td = TdemData()

td1 = td.Bcast(world)

assert np.allclose(,, equal_nan=True), Exception("Could not use TdemData.Bcast. Rank {}".format(rank))

# # Scatterv
starts, chunks = myMPI.loadBalance1D_shrinkingArrays(tdSave.nPoints, size)
i0 = starts[rank]
Beispiel #5
# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, td1._std[:, td1.iActive])
# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, td1._predictedData[:, td1.iActive])
# # Scatterv
# starts, chunks = myMPI.loadBalance_shrinkingArrays(td1.nPoints, size)

# td1 = td.Scatterv(starts, chunks, world)

# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, np.asarray([td1.x, td1.y, td1.z]), "TdemData.Scatterv")
# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, td1._data[:, td1.iActive])
# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, td1._std[:, td1.iActive])
# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, td1._predictedData[:, td1.iActive])

# Point by Point read in and send 
if master:
    td = TdemData()
    td._initLineByLineRead([dataPath+"Skytem_High.txt", dataPath+"Skytem_Low.txt"], [dataPath+"SkytemHM-SLV.stm", dataPath+"SkytemLM-SLV.stm"])

# # Send and recieve a single datapoint from the file.
# if master:
#     for i in range(1, size):
#         tdp = td._readSingleDatapoint()
#         tdp.Isend(dest=i, world=world)
# else:
#     tdp = TdemDataPoint().Irecv(source=0, world=world)

# myMPI.orderedPrint(world, tdp.summary(True), "FdemData.Isend/Irecv")

# Testing pre-read in system classes
sysPath = [dataPath+"SkytemHM-SLV.stm", dataPath+"SkytemLM-SLV.stm"]
systems = []
Beispiel #6
# The following list of parameters can be given either a single value or a list of values
# of length equal to the number of systems in the data. If one value is specified and there
# are multiple systems, that value is used for all of them.
# self.initialRelativeError
# self.minimumRelativeError
# self.maximumRelativeError
# self.initialAdditiveError
# self.minimumAdditiveError
# self.maximumAdditiveError
# self.relativeErrorProposalVariance
# self.additiveErrorProposalVariance

# -------------------------------------------------------
# Define whether this parameter file uses time domain or frequency domain data!
from geobipy import TdemData
data_type = TdemData()
# -------------------------------------------------------

# -------------------------------------------------------
# General file structure information.
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Specify the folder to the data
dataDirectory = "..//Data"

# Data File Name. If there are multiple, encompass them with [ , ]. This is a standard python list of str.
dataFilename = dataDirectory + "//Aeroquest.txt"
# dataFilename = [dataDirectory + "//DataFile1.txt", dataDirectory + "//DataFile2.txt"]

# System File Name. If there are multiple, encompass them with [ , ]. This is a standard python list of str.
systemFilename = dataDirectory + "//Aeroquest.stm"
# systemFilename = [dataDirectory + "//SystemFile1.stm", dataDirectory + "//SystemFile2.stm"]
Beispiel #7
# Obtaining a datapoint from a dataset
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# More often than not, our observed data is stored in a file on disk.
# We can read in a dataset and pull datapoints from it.
# For more information about the time domain data set, see :ref:`Time domain dataset`

# The data file name
dataFile = [dataFolder + 'Skytem_High.txt', dataFolder + 'Skytem_Low.txt']
# The EM system file name
systemFile = [dataFolder + 'SkytemHM-SLV.stm', dataFolder + 'SkytemLM-SLV.stm']

# Initialize and read an EM data set
D = TdemData.read_csv(dataFile, systemFile)

# Get a datapoint from the dataset
tdp = D.datapoint(0)


# Using a time domain datapoint
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

# We can define a 1D layered earth model, and use it to predict some data
par = StatArray(np.r_[500.0, 20.0], "Conductivity", "$\frac{S}{m}$")