def create_mgrid(pu, du, dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)''' ts = time.time() sss = [] # mesh generieren #+# #alles 0,0 bis 2000, 2000 # u direction curves for iu in range(sb, dv - nb): pps = [] for iv in range(wb, du - eb): pps.append(pu[iu * du + iv]) ss = Part.makePolygon(pps) sss.append(ss) # v direction curves for iv in range(wb, du - eb): pps = [] for iu in range(sb, dv - nb): pps.append(pu[iu * du + iv]) ss = Part.makePolygon(pps) sss.append(ss) comp = Part.Compound(sss) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.LineColor = color App.ActiveDocument.grids.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) te = time.time() say(["create grid time ", round(te - ts, 5)]) return App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
def run(self): '''load the file and create a nurbs surface''' try: filename=self.root.ids['bl'].text() if filename.startswith('UserAppData'): filename=filename.replace('UserAppData',FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData")) ts=time.time() bs=import_image( filename, int(self.root.ids['border'].text()), int(self.root.ids['color'].text()), self.root.ids['inverse'].isChecked(), int(self.root.ids['kx'].text()), int(self.root.ids['ky'].text()), int(self.root.ids['kz'].text()), self.root.ids['gengrid'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genblock'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genpoles'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['pointsonly'].isChecked(), ) te=time.time() say("load image time " + str(round(te-ts,2))) except: sayexc()
def muv(app,u=3,v=5,d=10,la=100,lb=100): '''generate a quadratic mesh on startposition u,v wit size d)''' st=time.time() tt=Part.BSplineSurface() wb, eb, sb, nb = 0, 0, 0, 0 if u>=2: wb=2 if u<la-2-d: eb=2 if v>=2: sb=2 if v<la-2-d: nb=2 uu=[] du=d+wb+eb dv=d+nb+sb u=u-wb v=v-sb pu=[] say([ "(wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)", (wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)]) for k in range(dv): pu += app.pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k] uu.append(app.pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k]) color=(1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random()) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() #create bspline grid create_mgrid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color) Gui.updateGui()
def create_mgrid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)): '''create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)''' ts=time.time() sss=[] # mesh generieren #+# #alles 0,0 bis 2000, 2000 # u direction curves for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps=[] for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) ss=Part.makePolygon(pps) sss.append(ss) # v direction curves for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps=[] for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) ss=Part.makePolygon(pps) sss.append(ss) comp=Part.Compound(sss) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.LineColor=color App.ActiveDocument.grids.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) te=time.time() say(["create grid time ",round(te-ts,5) ]) return App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
def muv(app, u=3, v=5, d=10, la=100, lb=100): '''generate a quadratic mesh on startposition u,v wit size d)''' st = time.time() tt = Part.BSplineSurface() wb, eb, sb, nb = 0, 0, 0, 0 if u >= 2: wb = 2 if u < la - 2 - d: eb = 2 if v >= 2: sb = 2 if v < la - 2 - d: nb = 2 uu = [] du = d + wb + eb dv = d + nb + sb u = u - wb v = v - sb pu = [] say(["(wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)", (wb, eb, sb, nb, du, dv)]) for k in range(dv): pu += app.pts[u + v * la + la * k:u + v * la + du + la * k] uu.append(app.pts[u + v * la + la * k:u + v * la + du + la * k]) color = (1 - 0.5 * random.random(), 1 - 0.5 * random.random(), 1 - 0.5 * random.random()) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() #create bspline grid create_mgrid(pu, du, dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color) Gui.updateGui()
def create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)): '''create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)''' ts=time.time() sss=[] # u direction curves for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps=[] for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) tt=Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss=tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) # v direction curves for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps=[] for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) tt=Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss=tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) comp=Part.Compound(sss) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.LineColor=color App.ActiveDocument.grids.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) te=time.time() say(["create grid time ",round(te-ts,5) ]) return App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
def run(mx, my, dx, dy): ys = my - dy yn = my + dy xw = mx - dx xe = mx + dx dats = [] say(xw, ys, xe, yn) for ix in range(int(math.floor(xw)), int(math.floor(xe)) + 1): for iy in range(int(math.floor(ys)), int(math.floor(yn)) + 1): dat = "Lat" + str(iy) + "Lon" + str(ix) + "Lat" + str( iy + 1) + "Lon" + str(ix + 1) say(dat) dats.append(dat) directory = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData") + "/geodat_SRTM/" if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) for dat in dats: getdata(directory, dat) fn = directory + "/" + dat + ".osm" pts = runfile(fn, xw, xe, ys, yn, mx, my) p = Points.Points(pts) Gui.updateGui() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") return pts
def showFrame(pts,u=0,v=0,d=10,lu=None,lv=None): '''showFrame(pts,u=0,v=0,d=10,lu=None,lv=None) creates a rectangle frame of size u * v on a rectangle grid point cloud with shape lu * lv if lu or lv is not set, the shape of the point clloud is calculated ''' say(("showframe u v to u+d v+d in lu,lv",u,v,d,lu,lv)) if lu == None or lv == None: lu,lv=getShape(pts) say((lu,lv,u,v,d)) assert(u+d<lu) assert(v+d<lv) try: ff=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.frame except: ff=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","frame") ViewProvider(ff.ViewObject) iix=[u+v*lu,u+v*lu+d,u+v*lu +d*lu +d,u+v*lu +d*lu] a,b,c,d = pts[iix[0]], pts[iix[1]], pts[iix[2]], pts[iix[3]], sha=Part.makePolygon([a,b,c,d,a]) ff.Shape=sha
def run(self): '''load the file and create a nurbs surface''' try: filename=self.root.ids['bl'].text() ts=time.time() bs=import_image( filename, int(self.root.ids['border'].text()), int(self.root.ids['color'].text()), self.root.ids['inverse'].isChecked(), int(self.root.ids['kx'].text()), int(self.root.ids['ky'].text()), int(self.root.ids['kz'].text()), self.root.ids['gengrid'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genblock'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genpoles'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['pointsonly'].isChecked(), ) te=time.time() say("load image time " + str(round(te-ts,2))) except: sayexc()
def run(self): '''load the data''' filename = self.root.ids['bl'].text() #filename='/home/microelly2/FCB/b202_gmx_tracks/dgm1/' try: ts = time.time() #\cond self.pts = import_xyz( self.root.ids['pclMode'].isChecked(), filename, self.root.ids['pclLabel'].text(), int(self.root.ids['ku'].text()), int(self.root.ids['kv'].text()), int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()), int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()), ) #\endcond te = time.time() say("load points time " + str(round(te - ts, 2))) say(("points", len(self.pts))) lu, lv = getShape(self.pts) self.root.ids['lu'].setText(str(lu)) self.root.ids['lv'].setText(str(lv)) self.update() self.root.ids['post'].show() self.root.ids['run'].hide() self.root.ids['main'].hide() self.root.ids['img1'].hide() self.root.ids['img2'].hide() except: sayexc()
def showFrame(pts, u=0, v=0, d=10, lu=None, lv=None): '''showFrame(pts,u=0,v=0,d=10,lu=None,lv=None) creates a rectangle frame of size u * v on a rectangle grid point cloud with shape lu * lv if lu or lv is not set, the shape of the point clloud is calculated ''' say(("showframe u v to u+d v+d in lu,lv", u, v, d, lu, lv)) if lu == None or lv == None: lu, lv = getShape(pts) say((lu, lv, u, v, d)) assert (u + d < lu) assert (v + d < lv) try: ff = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.frame except: ff = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", "frame") ViewProvider(ff.ViewObject) iix = [ u + v * lu, u + v * lu + d, u + v * lu + d * lu + d, u + v * lu + d * lu ] a, b, c, d = pts[iix[0]], pts[iix[1]], pts[iix[2]], pts[iix[3]], sha = Part.makePolygon([a, b, c, d, a]) ff.Shape = sha
def getheight(b, l): #source=""+str(b)+','+str(l) source = "" + str( b) + ',' + str(l) say(source) try: import urllib2 response = urllib2.urlopen(source) except: import urllib response = urllib.request.urlopen(source) ans = # say(ans) s = json.loads(ans) # say(s) if s['status'] == 'REQUEST_DENIED': say(s['error_message']) return 100. res = s['results'] for r in res: return round(r['elevation'] * 1000, 2)
def create_grid(pu, du, dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)''' ts = time.time() sss = [] # u direction curves for iu in range(sb, dv - nb): pps = [] for iv in range(wb, du - eb): pps.append(pu[iu * du + iv]) tt = Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss = tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) # v direction curves for iv in range(wb, du - eb): pps = [] for iu in range(sb, dv - nb): pps.append(pu[iu * du + iv]) tt = Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss = tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) comp = Part.Compound(sss) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.LineColor = color App.ActiveDocument.grids.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) te = time.time() say(["create grid time ", round(te - ts, 5)]) return App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
def run(self): filename=self.root.ids['bl'].text() filename='/home/microelly2/FCB/b202_gmx_tracks/dgm1/' try: ts=time.time() self.pts=import_xyz( self.root.ids['pclMode'].isChecked(), filename, self.root.ids['pclLabel'].text(), int(self.root.ids['ku'].text()), int(self.root.ids['kv'].text()), int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()), int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()), ) te=time.time() say("load points time " + str(round(te-ts,2))) say(("points",len(self.pts))) self.update() self.root.ids['post'].show() self.root.ids['run'].hide() self.root.ids['main'].hide() self.root.ids['img1'].hide() self.root.ids['img2'].hide() except: sayexc()
def create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)): ''' create a grid of BSplineSurface bs with ct lines and rows ''' ts=time.time() sss=[] # say([ ("du dv",du,dv)]) # print "len pu ",len(pu) for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps=[] for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) tt=Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss=tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) # if iu > sb+3: break if 1: for iv in range(wb,du-eb): pps=[] for iu in range(sb,dv-nb): pps.append(pu[iu*du+iv]) tt=Part.BSplineCurve() tt.interpolate(pps) ss=tt.toShape() sss.append(ss) comp=Part.Compound(sss) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.LineColor=color App.ActiveDocument.grids.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) te=time.time() say(["create grid time ",round(te-ts,5) ]) return App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
def create_pcl(pu,color=(1.0,0.0,0.0)): say(len(pu)) p=Points.Points(pu) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=color App.ActiveDocument.points.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) Gui.updateGui()
def showMap(self): b = self.root.ids['b'].text() l = self.root.ids['l'].text() s = self.root.ids['s'].value() say([l, b, s]) import WebGui WebGui.openBrowser("" + str(b) + '/' + str(l))
def runbl(self): bl = self.root.ids['bl'].text() spli = bl.split(',') b = float(spli[0]) l = float(spli[1]) s = 15 say([l, b, s]) import_heights(float(b), float(l), float(s))
def create_pcl(pu, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''create_pcl(pu,color=(1.0,0.0,0.0))''' say(len(pu)) p = Points.Points(pu) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color App.ActiveDocument.points.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) Gui.updateGui()
def run(mx, my, dx, dy): ys = my - dy yn = my + dy xw = mx - dx xe = mx + dx dats = [] say(xw, ys, xe, yn) for ix in range(int(math.floor(xw)), int(math.floor(xe)) + 1): for iy in range(int(math.floor(ys)), int(math.floor(yn)) + 1): dat = "Lat" + str(iy) + "Lon" + str(ix) + "Lat" + str( iy + 1) + "Lon" + str(ix + 1) say(dat) dats.append(dat) directory = FreeCAD.ConfigGet("UserAppData") + "/geodat_SRTM/" if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) for dat in dats: getdata(directory, dat) fn = directory + "/" + dat + ".osm" pts = runfile(fn, xw, xe, ys, yn, mx, my) # Get or create "Point_Groups". try: PointGroups = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Point_Groups except: PointGroups = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject( "App::DocumentObjectGroup", 'Point_Groups') PointGroups.Label = "Point Groups" # Get or create "Points". try: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Points except: Points = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('Points::Feature', "Points") PointGroups.addObject(Points) PointGroup = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('Points::Feature', "Point_Group") PointGroup.Label = dat FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Point_Groups.addObject(PointGroup) PointObject = PointGroup.Points.copy() PointObject.addPoints(pts) PointGroup.Points = PointObject FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") return pts
def runValues(self): b = self.root.ids['b'].text() l = self.root.ids['l'].text() s = self.root.ids['s'].value() say([l, b, s]) import WebGui # WebGui.openBrowser( ""+str(b)+'/'+str(l)) import geodat.import_osm geodat.import_osm.import_osm(float(b), float(l), float(s) / 10, self.root.ids['progb'], self.root.ids['status'])
def createNurbs(self): '''create nurbs surface for selected frame''' u=self.root.ids['ud'].value() v=self.root.ids['vd'].value() d=self.root.ids['dd'].value() # lu,lv = getShape(self.pts) lu=int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()) lv=int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()) say(("create nurbs for subset",u,v,d,lu,lv)) suv(self,u,v,d+1,lu,lv)
def createNurbs(self): say("create nurbs") u=self.root.ids['ud'].value() v=self.root.ids['vd'].value() d=self.root.ids['dd'].value() # lu,lv = getShape(self.pts) lu=int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()) lv=int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()) say((u,v,d,lu,lv)) suv(self,u,v,d+1,lu,lv)
def createNurbs(self): '''create nurbs surface for selected frame''' u = self.root.ids['ud'].value() v = self.root.ids['vd'].value() d = self.root.ids['dd'].value() # lu,lv = getShape(self.pts) lu = int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()) lv = int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()) say(("create nurbs for subset", u, v, d, lu, lv)) suv(self, u, v, d + 1, lu, lv)
def create_pcl(pu, color=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)): '''create_pcl(pu,color=(1.0,0.0,0.0))''' say(len(pu)) p = Points.Points(pu) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.PointSize = 3 try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "points") App.ActiveDocument.points.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) Gui.updateGui()
def import_heights(b, le, size): size = int(size) size = 30 lines = [] for ld in range(-size, size): say("run", ld) res = run(b, le, b, le + ld * 0.001, size) lines.append(res) ll = FreeCAD.activeDocument().addObject('Part::Loft', 'Loft') ll.Sections = lines for li in lines: li.ViewObject.Visibility = False inventortools.setcolorlights(ll) FreeCAD.activeDocument().recompute()
def getdata(directory,dat): zipfilename=directory + "/{}".format(dat) source="{}".format(dat) fn=directory+"/"+dat+".osm" if not os.path.exists(fn): if not os.path.exists(zipfilename): tg=urllib.urlretrieve(source,zipfilename) targetfile=tg[0] say("targetfile:"+targetfile) else: print "schon osda" fh = open(zipfilename, 'rb') zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(fh) zfile.extractall(directory) fh.close()
def getdata(directory, dat): zipfilename = directory + "/{}".format(dat) source = "{}".format( dat) fn = directory + "/" + dat + ".osm" if not os.path.exists(fn): if not os.path.exists(zipfilename): say("get " + source) tg = urllib.urlretrieve(source, zipfilename) targetfile = tg[0] say("targetfile:" + targetfile) else: fh = open(zipfilename, 'rb') zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(fh) zfile.extractall(directory) fh.close()
def run(b0=50.35, l0=11.17, b=50.35, le=11.17, size=40): = b0 tm.lon = l0 baseheight = getheight(, tm.lon) center = tm.fromGeographic(, tm.lon) say("Base height ", baseheight) say("center point", center) source = "" for i in range(-size, size): bb = b + i * 0.001 ss = str(bb) + ',' + str(le) if i < size - 1: ss += '|' source += ss try: import urllib2 response = urllib2.urlopen(source) except: response = urllib.request.urlopen(source) #+# to do: error handling - wait and try again ans = # say(ans) # say("--------") s = json.loads(ans) say(s) if s['status'] == 'REQUEST_DENIED': say("Fehler-aBBruch") return else: print(ans) s = json.loads(ans) res = s['results'] points = [] for r in res: c = tm.fromGeographic(r['location']['lat'], r['location']['lng']) v = FreeCAD.Vector(round((c[0] - center[0]), 2), round((c[1] - center[1]), 2), round(r['elevation'] * 1000, 2) - baseheight) points.append(v) Draft.makeWire(points, closed=False, face=False, support=None) FreeCAD.activeDocument().recompute() FreeCADGui.updateGui() return FreeCAD.activeDocument().ActiveObject
def showFrame(pts,u=0,v=0,d=10,lu=None,lv=None): sayErr("show Frame") say(("lu,lv",lu,lv)) if lu == None or lv == None: lu,lv=getShape(pts) say((lu,lv,u,v,d)) assert(u+d<lu) assert(v+d<lv) # lu=lu+1 # lv=lv+1 try: ff=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.frame except: ff=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","frame") ViewProvider(ff.ViewObject) iix=[u+v*lu,u+v*lu+d,u+v*lu +d*lu +d,u+v*lu +d*lu] # iix=[u+v*lv,u+v*lv+d,u+v*lv +d*lv +d,u+v*lv +d*lv] say(iix) ## a,b,c,d = pts[u+v*lu], pts[u+v*lu+d], pts[u+v*lu +d*lu +d],pts[u+v*lu +d*lu], a,b,c,d = pts[iix[0]], pts[iix[1]], pts[iix[2]], pts[iix[3]], sha=Part.makePolygon([a,b,c,d,a]) ff.Shape=sha
def getShape(pts): '''given a point cloud of a rectangle area get the shape of a appropriate array''' dists = {} ls = [] for i, p in enumerate(pts): if i > 0: pa = pts[i - 1] p1 = FreeCAD.Vector(p.x, p.y, 0) p2 = FreeCAD.Vector(pa.x, pa.y, 0) dist = (p1 - p2).Length dist = round(dist) ls.append(dist) try: dists[dist] += 1 except: dists[dist] = 1 say(dists.keys()) mm = np.mean(dists.keys()) tts = [] ia = -1 for i, d in enumerate(ls): if d > mm: tts.append(i - ia) ia = i say(tts) try: dx = int(np.mean(tts)) dy = len(pts) / dx say(("getshape shape: ", dx, dy)) return dx, dy except: return (len(pts), 1)
def run(self): try: filename=self.root.ids['bl'].text() ts=time.time() filename, int(self.root.ids['border'].text()), int(self.root.ids['color'].text()), self.root.ids['inverse'].isChecked(), int(self.root.ids['kx'].text()), int(self.root.ids['ky'].text()), int(self.root.ids['kz'].text()), self.root.ids['gengrid'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genblock'].isChecked(), self.root.ids['genpoles'].isChecked(), ) te=time.time() say("load image time " + str(round(te-ts,2))) except: sayexc()
def suv(app, u=3, v=5, d=10, la=100, lb=100): '''generate a quadratic bspline surface on startposition u,v wit size d)''' st = time.time() tt = Part.BSplineSurface() wb, eb, sb, nb = 0, 0, 0, 0 if u >= 2: wb = 2 if u < la - 2 - d: eb = 2 if v >= 2: sb = 2 if v < la - 2 - d: nb = 2 uu = [] du = d + wb + eb dv = d + nb + sb u = u - wb v = v - sb pu = [] say(["(wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)", (wb, eb, sb, nb, du, dv)]) for k in range(dv): pu += app.pts[u + v * la + la * k:u + v * la + du + la * k] uu.append(app.pts[u + v * la + la * k:u + v * la + du + la * k]) color = (1 - 0.5 * random.random(), 1 - 0.5 * random.random(), 1 - 0.5 * random.random()) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() # create point cloud create_pcl(pu, color) Gui.updateGui() App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() #create bspline grid create_grid(pu, du, dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color) Gui.updateGui() tt.interpolate(uu) uk = tt.getUKnots() vk = tt.getVKnots() tt.segment(uk[sb], uk[-1 - nb], vk[wb], vk[-1 - eb]) sha = tt.toShape() se = time.time() say(["running time for one shape ", round(se - st, 5)]) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() a = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", "mynurbs") ViewProvider(a.ViewObject) a.Shape = sha se = time.time() say(["running time for show the shape ", round(se - st, 5)]) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = color App.ActiveDocument.nurbs.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) Gui.ActiveDocument.update() # return the BSpline geometry return tt
def run(b0=50.35, l0=11.17, b=50.35, le=11.17, size=40): = b0 tm.lon = l0 baseheight = getheight(, tm.lon) center = tm.fromGeographic(, tm.lon) say("Base height ", baseheight) say("center point", center) source = "" for i in range(-size, size): bb = b + i * 0.001 ss = str(bb) + ',' + str(le) source += ss import json from urllib import request response = request.urlopen(source) s = json.loads( res = s['results'] points = [] for r in res: c = tm.fromGeographic(r['location']['lat'], r['location']['lng']) v = FreeCAD.Vector(round((c[0] - center[0]), 2), round((c[1] - center[1]), 2), round(r['elevation'] * 1000, 2) - baseheight) points.append(v) Draft.makeWire(points, closed=False, face=False, support=None) FreeCAD.activeDocument().recompute() FreeCADGui.updateGui() return FreeCAD.activeDocument().ActiveObject
def suv(app,u=3,v=5,d=10,la=100,lb=100): '''generate a quadratic bspline surface on startposition u,v wit size d)''' st=time.time() tt=Part.BSplineSurface() wb, eb, sb, nb = 0, 0, 0, 0 if u>=2: wb=2 if u<la-2-d: eb=2 if v>=2: sb=2 if v<la-2-d: nb=2 uu=[] du=d+wb+eb dv=d+nb+sb u=u-wb v=v-sb pu=[] say([ "(wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)", (wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)]) for k in range(dv): pu += app.pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k] uu.append(app.pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k]) color=(1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random()) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() # create point cloud create_pcl(pu,color) Gui.updateGui() App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() #create bspline grid create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color) Gui.updateGui() tt.interpolate(uu) uk=tt.getUKnots() vk=tt.getVKnots() tt.segment(uk[sb],uk[-1-nb],vk[wb],vk[-1-eb]) sha=tt.toShape() se=time.time() say(["running time for one shape ", round(se-st,5)]) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() a=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","mynurbs") ViewProvider(a.ViewObject) a.Shape=sha se=time.time() say([ "running time for show the shape ", round(se-st,5)]) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=color App.ActiveDocument.nurbs.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) Gui.ActiveDocument.update() # return the BSpline geometry return tt
def update(self): '''update dialog values''' # lu,lv = getShape(self.pts) say("update") lu = int(self.root.ids['lu'].text()) lv = int(self.root.ids['lv'].text()) say("dd,ud,vd", self.root.ids['dd'].value(), self.root.ids['ud'].value(), self.root.ids['vd'].value()) dmax = min(lu - self.root.ids['ud'].value(), lv - self.root.ids['vd'].value(), 101) - 1 self.root.ids['dd'].setMaximum(dmax) if self.root.ids['dd'].value() > dmax: self.root.ids['dd'].setValue(dmax) say("dd,ud,vd", self.root.ids['dd'].value(), self.root.ids['ud'].value(), self.root.ids['vd'].value()) self.root.ids['vd'].setMaximum(lv - self.root.ids['dd'].value() - 1) self.root.ids['ud'].setMaximum(lu - self.root.ids['dd'].value() - 1)
def import_xyz(mode,filename="/tmp/",label='',ku=20, kv=10,lu=0,lv=0): '''import_xyz(mode,filename="/tmp/",label='',ku=20, kv=10,lu=0,lv=0) import the point cloud from the file ''' print "Import mode=",mode if mode: if lu>0 and lv>0: sayErr("read Points001") try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points=nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","points") objs=App.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel(label) if len(objs)<>1: sayexc("no point cloud with this label found: >"+label+"<") pts=objs[0].Points.Points say(("len pts, lu, lv, lu*lv",len(pts),lu,lv,lu*lv)) assert(len(pts)==lu*lv) return pts say("iport") try: App.ActiveDocument.Points say("use existing Points") return App.ActiveDocument.Points.Points.Points except: try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","points") f=open(filename) lines=f.readlines() print len(lines) ''' # utm coords 32356000.00 5638000.00 # height scale factor hfac=3 ''' pts=[] sayW(len(lines)) Gui.updateGui() for i,l in enumerate(lines): p=l.split() hfac=3 try: pts.append(FreeCAD.Vector(float(p[0])-32356000.00,float(p[1])-5638000.00,hfac*float(p[2]))) except: print ("error line ",i) print p print l print if i % 1000 == 0: print i Gui.updateGui() # if i >100: break if ku>1 and kv>1: pts=reduceGrid(pts,ku,kv) p=Points.Points(pts) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=(1.0,1.0,0.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.PointSize=1.0 Gui.updateGui() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() print(len(pts)) return pts
def suv2(label,pts,u=3,v=5,d=10,la=100,lb=100): '''generate quad on startposition u,v wit size d)''' try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points=nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","points") st=time.time() tt=Part.BSplineSurface() wb, eb, sb, nb = 0, 0, 0, 0 if u>=2: wb=2 if u<la-2-d: eb=2 if v>=2: sb=2 if v<la-2-d: nb=2 uu=[] du=d+wb+eb dv=d+nb+sb u=u-wb v=v-sb pu=[] say([ "(wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)", (wb,eb,sb,nb,du,dv)]) for k in range(dv): pu += pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k] uu.append(pts[u+v*la+la*k:u+v*la+du+la*k]) color=(1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random(),1-0.5*random.random()) try: App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() except: pass # create point cloud create_pcl(pu,color) Gui.updateGui() try: App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() except: pass #create bspline grid create_grid(pu,du,dv, wb, eb, sb, nb, color) Gui.updateGui() tt.interpolate(uu) uk=tt.getUKnots() vk=tt.getVKnots() tt.segment(uk[sb],uk[-1-nb],vk[wb],vk[-1-eb]) sha=tt.toShape() se=time.time() say(["running time for one shape ", round(se-st,5)]) # alternative # App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() a=FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","QuadNurbs") a.Label=label ViewProvider(a.ViewObject) a.Shape=sha se=time.time() say([ "running time for show the shape ", round(se-st,5)]) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=color App.ActiveDocument.nurbs.addObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject) # return tt return a
def import_image(filename=None, n=10, c=2, inverse=False, kx=10, ky=10, kz=60, gengrid=True, genblock=False, genpoles=False, pointsonly=False): '''import_image(filename=None,n=10,c=2,inverse=False,kx=10,ky=10,kz=60,gengrid=True,genblock=False,genpoles=False,pointsonly=False) ''' display_mathplot = False dataAsPoles = False if filename == None: filename = '/home/microelly2/Schreibtisch/test_nurbs3.png' img = mpimg.imread(filename) ojn = os.path.basename(filename) # grey scaled image and color channel select if len(img.shape) == 2: lum_img = img else: lum_img = img[:, :, c] lum_img = 0.33 * img[:, :, 0] + 0.33 * img[:, :, 1] + 0.34 * img[:, :, 2] (lu, lv) = lum_img.shape if display_mathplot: plt.imshow(lum_img) #create a n points border uu2 = np.zeros((lu + 2 * n) * (lv + 2 * n)) uu2 = uu2.reshape(lu + 2 * n, lv + 2 * n) uu2[n:lu + n, n:lv + n] = lum_img lum_img = uu2 (lu, lv) = lum_img.shape bz = kz + 100 if inverse: kz = -kz pts = [] uu = [] for u in range(lu): ul = [] for v in range(lv): # p=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*v,-kx*u,bz-kz*lum_img[u,v]) r = 0.001 p = FreeCAD.Vector(ky * v + r * random.random(), -kx * u + r * random.random(), bz - kz * lum_img[u, v] + r * random.random()) ul.append(p) pts.append(p) uu.append(ul) # show the points p = Points.Points(pts) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (1.0, .0, 1.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label = "Points " + str(lv) + " " + str( lu) + " _" say((("u, v, points"), u, v, len(pts))) Gui.updateGui() if pointsonly: return tt = Part.BSplineSurface() if dataAsPoles: pols = uu else: tt.interpolate(uu) # flatten the border pols = tt.getPoles() pols2 = np.array(pols) lup, lvp, la = pols2.shape zz = bz bord = n - 2 for u in range(lup): for v in range(bord): op = pols[u][v] nup = FreeCAD.Vector(op.x, op.y, zz) pols[u][v] = nup op = pols[u][-1 - v] nup = FreeCAD.Vector(op.x, op.y, zz) pols[u][-1 - v] = nup for u in range(bord): for v in range(lvp): op = pols[u][v] nup = FreeCAD.Vector(op.x, op.y, zz) pols[u][v] = nup op = pols[-1 - u][v] nup = FreeCAD.Vector(op.x, op.y, zz) pols[-1 - u][v] = nup bs = Part.BSplineSurface() knot_v2 = tt.getVKnots() knot_u2 = tt.getUKnots() mult_u = tt.getUMultiplicities() mult_v = tt.getVMultiplicities() ws = tt.getWeights() bs.buildFromPolesMultsKnots(pols, mult_u, mult_v, knot_u2, knot_v2, False, False, 3, 3, ws) if 1: sha = bs.toShape() # show the poles if genpoles: pols = bs.getPoles() ps = [] for l in pols: for po in l: ps.append(po) p = Points.Points(ps) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (1.0, 1.0, .0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label = 'Poles ' + str(lv) + " " + str( lu) + " _" Gui.updateGui() # the nurbs grid if gengrid: jj = [] rr = lv for i in range(rr + 1): v = bs.vIso((0.0 + i) / rr).toShape() jj.append(v.Edge1) rr = lu for i in range(rr + 1): v = bs.uIso((0.0 + i) / rr).toShape() jj.append(v.Edge1) com = Part.makeCompound(jj) ttt = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Feature', 'Nurbsgrid ' + str(n) + ' ' + ojn) ttt.ViewObject.DisplayMode = "Wireframe" # ttt.ViewObject.hide() ttt.Shape = com ttt.Placement.Base.z = 10 Gui.updateGui() return #create the solid a = FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, -bz) b = FreeCAD.Vector(0, -kx * (lu - 1), -bz) c = FreeCAD.Vector(ky * (lv - 1), -kx * (lu - 1), -bz) d = FreeCAD.Vector(ky * (lv - 1), 0, -bz) ad = FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, bz) bd = FreeCAD.Vector(0, -kx * (lu - 1), bz) cd = FreeCAD.Vector(ky * (lv - 1), -kx * (lu - 1), bz) dd = FreeCAD.Vector(ky * (lv - 1), 0, bz) # for nonlinear borders - experimental if 0: u0e = bs.uIso(0).toShape() p = Part.makePolygon([ad, a, d, dd], True) ll = p.Edges + [u0e.Edge1] f4 = Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) v0e = bs.vIso(0).toShape() p = Part.makePolygon([bd, b, a, ad], True) ll = p.Edges + [v0e.Edge1] f1 = Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) u1e = bs.uIso(1).toShape() p = Part.makePolygon([bd, b, c, cd], True) ll = p.Edges + [u1e.Edge1] f2 = Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) # f2=Part.Face(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) v1e = bs.vIso(1).toShape() p = Part.makePolygon([dd, d, c, cd], True) ll = p.Edges + [v1e.Edge1] f3 = Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) p = Part.makePolygon([a, b, c, d], True) f0 = Part.makeFilledFace(p.Edges) if 1: nb = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Spline', 'Nurbs ' + str(n) + ' ' + ojn) nb.Shape = sha.Face1 if genblock: fln = sha.Face1 f0 = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([a, b, c, d], True)) f1 = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([ad, bd, b, a], True)) f2 = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([b, bd, cd, c], True)) f3 = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([cd, dd, d, c], True)) f4 = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([ad, a, d, dd], True)) fls = [f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, fln] sh = Part.Shell(fls) sol = Part.Solid(sh) ttt = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Feature', 'Nurbsblock ' + str(n) + ' ' + ojn) ttt.Shape = sol # ttt.ViewObject.hide() print(lu, lv) return bs
QtGui.QLabel: setText:"Action " QtGui.QPushButton: setText: "Run Action" VerticalLayout: QtGui.QLineEdit: setText:"edit Axample" QtGui.QLineEdit: setText:"edit B" QtGui.QLineEdit: setText:"horizel " HorizontalLayout: QtGui.QLineEdit: setText:"AA" QtGui.QLineEdit: setText:"BB" ''' miki=Miki() #app.root=miki miki.parse2(layout) say("miki geodat ...") # testme()
def createNurbsblock(filename=None,n=10,c=2,inverse=False,kx=10,ky=10,kz=60,gengrid=True,genblock=False,genpoles=False): if filename==None: filename='/home/microelly2/Schreibtisch/test_nurbs3.png' img = mpimg.imread(filename) ojn=os.path.basename(filename) # grey scaled image and color channel select if len(img.shape) == 2: lum_img = img else: lum_img = img[:,:,c] lum_img = 0.33*img[:,:,0]+0.33*img[:,:,1]+0.34*img[:,:,2] (lu,lv)=lum_img.shape ##plt.imshow(lum_img) #create a n points border uu2=np.zeros((lu+2*n)*(lv+2*n)) uu2=uu2.reshape(lu+2*n,lv+2*n) uu2[n:lu+n,n:lv+n]=lum_img lum_img=uu2 (lu,lv)=lum_img.shape bz=kz+100 if inverse: kz= -kz pts=[] uu=[] for u in range(lu): ul=[] for v in range(lv): # p=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*v,-kx*u,bz-kz*lum_img[u,v]) r=0.001 p=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*v+r*random.random(),-kx*u+r*random.random(),bz-kz*lum_img[u,v] +r*random.random()) ul.append(p) pts.append(p) uu.append(ul) # show the points p=Points.Points(pts) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=(1.0,.0,1.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label="Points " + str(lv) +" " + str(lu) + " _" say ((("u, v, points"),u,v,len(pts))) Gui.updateGui() tt=Part.BSplineSurface() tt.interpolate(uu) # flatten the border pols=tt.getPoles() pols2=np.array(pols) lup,lvp,la=pols2.shape zz=bz bord=n-2 for u in range(lup): for v in range(bord): op=pols[u][v] nup=FreeCAD.Vector(op.x,op.y,zz) pols[u][v]=nup op=pols[u][-1-v] nup=FreeCAD.Vector(op.x,op.y,zz) pols[u][-1-v]=nup for u in range(bord): for v in range(lvp): op=pols[u][v] nup=FreeCAD.Vector(op.x,op.y,zz) pols[u][v]=nup op=pols[-1-u][v] nup=FreeCAD.Vector(op.x,op.y,zz) pols[-1-u][v]=nup bs=Part.BSplineSurface() knot_v2=tt.getVKnots() knot_u2=tt.getUKnots() mult_u=tt.getUMultiplicities() mult_v=tt.getVMultiplicities() ws=tt.getWeights() bs.buildFromPolesMultsKnots(pols, mult_u, mult_v, knot_u2, knot_v2, False,False,3,3, ws ) sha=bs.toShape() # show the poles if genpoles: pols=bs.getPoles() ps=[] for l in pols: for po in l: ps.append(po) p=Points.Points(ps) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=(1.0,1.0,.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label='Poles ' + str(lv) +" " + str(lu) +" _" Gui.updateGui() # the nurbs grid if gengrid: jj=[] rr=lv for i in range(rr+1): v=bs.vIso((0.0+i)/rr).toShape() jj.append(v.Edge1) rr=lu for i in range(rr+1): v=bs.uIso((0.0+i)/rr).toShape() jj.append(v.Edge1) com=Part.makeCompound(jj) ttt=App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Feature','Nurbsgrid ' + str(n) + ' ' + ojn) ttt.ViewObject.DisplayMode = "Wireframe" # ttt.ViewObject.hide() ttt.Shape=com ttt.Placement.Base.z=10 Gui.updateGui() #create the solid a=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,-bz) b=FreeCAD.Vector(0,-kx*(lu-1),-bz) c=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*(lv-1),-kx*(lu-1),-bz) d=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*(lv-1),0,-bz) ad=FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,bz) bd=FreeCAD.Vector(0,-kx*(lu-1),bz) cd=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*(lv-1),-kx*(lu-1),bz) dd=FreeCAD.Vector(ky*(lv-1),0,bz) # for nonlinear borders - experimental if 0: u0e=bs.uIso(0).toShape() p=Part.makePolygon([ad,a,d,dd],True) ll=p.Edges+[u0e.Edge1] f4=Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) v0e=bs.vIso(0).toShape() p=Part.makePolygon([bd,b,a,ad],True) ll=p.Edges+[v0e.Edge1] f1=Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) u1e=bs.uIso(1).toShape() p=Part.makePolygon([bd,b,c,cd],True) ll=p.Edges+[u1e.Edge1] f2=Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) # f2=Part.Face(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) v1e=bs.vIso(1).toShape() p=Part.makePolygon([dd,d,c,cd],True) ll=p.Edges+[v1e.Edge1] f3=Part.makeFilledFace(Part.__sortEdges__(ll)) p=Part.makePolygon([a,b,c,d], True) f0=Part.makeFilledFace(p.Edges) if 1: App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label="Nurbs" if genblock: fln=sha.Face1 f0=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([a,b,c,d], True)) f1=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([ad,bd,b,a], True)) f2=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([b,bd,cd,c], True)) f3=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([cd,dd,d,c], True)) f4=Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([ad,a,d,dd], True)) fls=[f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,fln] sh=Part.Shell(fls) sol=Part.Solid(sh) ttt=App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Part::Feature','Nurbsblock ' + str(n) + ' ' + ojn) ttt.Shape=sol # ttt.ViewObject.hide() print (lu,lv) return bs
def import_latlon(filename, orig, hi): global sd # content=trackstring # fn='/home/microelly2/FCB/b202_gmx_tracks/im_haus.gpx' # filename='/home/microelly2/FCB/b202_gmx_tracks/neufang.gpx' f = open(filename, "r") c1 = import re #content = re.sub('^\<\?[^\>]+\?\>', '', c1) tm = TransverseMercator() # outdoor inn ..., tm.lon = 50.3736049, 11.191643 if orig != 'auto': yy = orig.split(' ') say(yy) origin = (float(yy[0]), float(yy[1])) = origin[0] tm.lon = origin[1] center = tm.fromGeographic(, tm.lon) FreeCAD.c = c1 vals = np.array([float(c) for c in c1.split()]) #vals=vals.reshape(len(vals)/3,3) ''' points=[] points2=[] points0=[] px=[] py=[] pz=[] pt=[] startx=None starty=None starth=None seg=sd['gpx']['trk']['trkseg'] try: seg['trkpt'] ss=seg seg=[ss] except: pass ''' lats = [] lons = [] points = [] for v in vals: lats.append(float(v[0])) lons.append(float(v[1])) ll = tm.fromGeographic(float(v[0]), float(v[1])) points.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 1000 * (float(v[2])))) print(min(lats), max(lats)) print(min(lons), max(lons)) print((max(lats) + min(lats)) / 2, (max(lons) + min(lons)) / 2) print((max(lats) - min(lats)) / 2, (max(lons) - min(lons)) / 2) import Draft Draft.makeWire(points) return if orig == 'auto':, tm.lon = (max(lats) + min(lats)) / 2, (max(lons) + min(lons)) / 2 print("origin:") print(, tm.lon) print("----------") for s in seg: trkpts = s['trkpt'] n = trkpts[0] center = tm.fromGeographic(, tm.lon) # print(trkpts) # for p in trkpts: # print(p) # map all points to xy-plane for n in trkpts: # print(n['@lat'],n['@lon']) lats.append(float(n['@lat'])) lons.append(float(n['@lon'])) ll = tm.fromGeographic(float(n['@lat']), float(n['@lon'])) h = n['ele'] # print(h) tim = n['time'] t2 = re.sub('^.*T', '', tim) t3 = re.sub('Z', '', t2) t4 = t3.split(':') timx = int(t4[0]) * 3600 + int(t4[1]) * 60 + int(t4[2]) pt.append(timx) if starth == None: starth = float(h) starth = 0 points.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 1000 * (float(h) - starth))) points.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 0)) points.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 1000 * (float(h) - starth))) points2.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 1000 * (float(h) - starth) + 20000)) points0.append( FreeCAD.Vector(ll[0] - center[0], ll[1] - center[1], 0)) px.append(ll[0] - center[0]) py.append(ll[1] - center[1]) pz.append(1000 * (float(h) - starth)) # print(ll) if 1: import Draft if 0: #close path points.append(points[0]) Draft.makeWire(points0) Draft.makeWire(points) po = App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject po.ViewObject.LineColor = (1.0, .0, 0.0) po.MakeFace = False po.Placement.Base.z = float(hi) * 1000 po.Label = "My Track" Draft.makeWire(points2) po2 = App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject po2.ViewObject.LineColor = (.0, .0, 1.0) po2.ViewObject.PointSize = 5 po2.ViewObject.PointColor = (.0, 1.0, 1.0) po2.Placement.Base.z = float(hi) * 1000 po2.Label = "Track + 20m" App.activeDocument().recompute() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") # break #------------------------------------------------ # data for postprocessing try: import numpyNode import mathplotlibNode t = mathplotlibNode.createMPL() t.Label = "My Track raw Data" # hier werte bereitstellen t.countSources = 4 t.source1Values = px t.source2Values = py t.source3Values = pz t.source4Values = pt t.source1Data = "px" t.source2Data = "py" t.source3Data = "pz" t.source4Data = "pt" t.useOut1 = True t.useOut2 = True t.useOut3 = True t.useOut4 = True # werte umrechnen t2 = numpyNode.createNP() t2.Label = "My Track data processed" t2.sourceObject = t t2.expression1 = "in1/np.max(np.abs(in1))" t2.label1 = "x relative" t2.expression2 = "in2/np.max(np.abs(in2))" t2.label2 = "y relative" t2.expression3 = "in3/np.max(np.abs(in3))" t2.label3 = "z relative" t2.expression4 = "-1+2*(in4-np.min(in4))/(np.max(in4)-np.min(in4))" t2.label4 = "time relative" # werte grafisch darstellen t3 = mathplotlibNode.createMPL() t3.Label = "My Track Data visualization" t3.record = False t3.useNumpy = True t3.sourceNumpy = t2 t3.useOut1 = True t3.useOut2 = True t3.useOut3 = True t3.useOut4 = True t4 = numpyNode.createNP() t4.Label = "My Track Data xy" t4.sourceObject = t t4.expression2 = "in2" t4.label2 = "path xy" t4.expressionTime = "in1" t5 = mathplotlibNode.createMPL() t5.Label = "My Track Data xy Map" t5.record = False t5.useNumpy = True t5.sourceNumpy = t4 t5.useOut2 = True FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() except: sayexc() print("!", orig, "!") return (str( + ',' + str(tm.lon)) return px, py
def importHeights(): say("runit") mydialog() say("runit-done")
def import_xyz(mode, filename="/tmp/", label='', ku=20, kv=10, lu=0, lv=0): '''import_xyz(mode,filename="/tmp/",label='',ku=20, kv=10,lu=0,lv=0) import the point cloud from the file ''' print "Import mode=", mode if mode: if lu > 0 and lv > 0: sayErr("read Points001") try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points = nurbs = App.ActiveDocument.addObject( "App::DocumentObjectGroup", "points") objs = App.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel(label) if len(objs) <> 1: sayexc("no point cloud with this label found: >" + label + "<") pts = objs[0].Points.Points say(("len pts, lu, lv, lu*lv", len(pts), lu, lv, lu * lv)) assert (len(pts) == lu * lv) return pts say("iport") try: App.ActiveDocument.Points say("use existing Points") return App.ActiveDocument.Points.Points.Points except: try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "points") f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() print len(lines) ''' # utm coords 32356000.00 5638000.00 # height scale factor hfac=3 ''' pts = [] sayW(len(lines)) Gui.updateGui() for i, l in enumerate(lines): p = l.split() hfac = 3 try: pts.append( FreeCAD.Vector( float(p[0]) - 32356000.00, float(p[1]) - 5638000.00, hfac * float(p[2]))) except: print("error line ", i) print p print l print if i % 1000 == 0: print i Gui.updateGui() # if i >100: break if ku > 1 and kv > 1: pts = reduceGrid(pts, ku, kv) p = Points.Points(pts) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor = (1.0, 1.0, 0.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.PointSize = 1.0 Gui.updateGui() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() print(len(pts)) return pts
def showHelpBoxY(self): # self.run_sternwarte() say("showHelpBox called")
def import_xyz(mode,filename="/tmp/",label='',ku=20, kv=10,lu=0,lv=0): print "Import mode=",mode if mode: if lu>0 and lv>0: sayErr("read Points001") try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points=nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","points") objs=App.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel(label) say(objs) #pts=App.ActiveDocument.Points001.Points.Points pts=objs[0].Points.Points say(("len pts, lu, lv, lu*lv",len(pts),lu,lv,lu*lv)) assert(len(pts)==lu*lv) return pts say("iport") try: App.ActiveDocument.Points say("use Points") return App.ActiveDocument.Points.Points.Points except: try: App.ActiveDocument.nurbs except: nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","nurbs") try: App.ActiveDocument.grids except: grids=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","grids") try: App.ActiveDocument.points except: points=nurbs=App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup","points") # filename='/home/microelly2/FCB/b202_gmx_tracks/dgm1/' f=open(filename) lines=f.readlines() print len(lines) ''' # utm coords 32356000.00 5638000.00 # height scale factor hfac=3 ''' ''' if lu>0 and lv>0: sayErr("read Points001") pts=App.ActiveDocument.Points001.Points.Points say(len(pts)) assert(len(pts)==lu*lv) pts2=[] for i in range(lu): for j in range(lv): pts2.append(pts[i+j*lu]) assert(len(pts)==len(pts2)) # pts=pts2 ''' pts=[] sayW(len(lines)) for l in lines: p=l.split() hfac=3 pts.append(FreeCAD.Vector(float(p[0])-32356000.00,float(p[1])-5638000.00,hfac*float(p[2]))) if ku>1 and kv>1: pts=reduceGrid(pts,ku,kv) p=Points.Points(pts) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.ShapeColor=(1.0,1.0,0.0) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.PointSize=1.0 Gui.updateGui() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.ViewObject.hide() print(len(pts)) return pts