Beispiel #1
def cc(ip_addr, asn):
    Find the best potential geolocation for the ip address with the given asn number.
    :param ip_addr: address
    :param asn: its asn number
    if asn in ['9560']: return "NZ"
    if "Probe" in ip_addr: return "NZ"
    if "Private" in ip_addr or "Hop" in ip_addr: return unk_cc
    results = geoloc.country_code_all(ip_addr, filter_nones=True)
    if "known_networks" in results: return results["known_networks"]
    if "geoip" in results: return results["geoip"]
    if "ip2location" in results: return results["ip2location"]
    return mystery_cc  # could not geolocate
Beispiel #2
def cc(ip_addr, asn):
    Find the best potential geolocation for the ip address with the given asn number.
    :param ip_addr: address
    :param asn: its asn number
    if asn in ['9560']: return "NZ"
    if "Probe" in ip_addr: return "NZ"
    if "Private" in ip_addr or "Hop" in ip_addr: return unk_cc
    results = geoloc.country_code_all(ip_addr, filter_nones=True)
    if "known_networks" in results: return results["known_networks"]
    if "geoip" in results: return results["geoip"]
    if "ip2location" in results: return results["ip2location"]
    return mystery_cc # could not geolocate
Beispiel #3
def geolocation_anomalies():
    Look for potential ip addresses in the traces whose geolocations are in dispute.
    Saves results in potential-anomalies.json
    :param paths: paths to check.

    global PATHS
    potential_anomalies = {}
    for path in PATHS:
        for hop in path['path']:
            addr = hop["addr"]
            if undecidable(addr): continue
            georesult = geoloc.country_code_all(addr, filter_nones=True)
            if "known_networks" in georesult: continue  # authoritative answer
            unique_answers = list(set(georesult.values()))
            if len(unique_answers) == 1: continue  # definitive answer
            potential_anomalies[addr] = unique_answers

    global OUTPUT_DIR
    with open(OUTPUT_DIR + "/potential-anomalies.json", "wb") as f:
        json.dump(potential_anomalies, f, indent=2)
Beispiel #4
def geolocation_anomalies():
    Look for potential ip addresses in the traces whose geolocations are in dispute.
    Saves results in potential-anomalies.json
    :param paths: paths to check.

    global PATHS
    potential_anomalies = {}
    for path in PATHS:
        for hop in path['path']:
            addr = hop["addr"]
            if undecidable(addr): continue
            georesult = geoloc.country_code_all(addr, filter_nones=True)
            if "known_networks" in georesult: continue # authoritative answer
            unique_answers = list(set(georesult.values()))
            if len(unique_answers) == 1: continue # definitive answer
            potential_anomalies[addr] = unique_answers

    global OUTPUT_DIR
    with open(OUTPUT_DIR + "/potential-anomalies.json", "wb") as f:
        json.dump(potential_anomalies, f, indent=2)