Beispiel #1
    def drive_to_target(self, spd=None):
        """Drive forward self.drive_dist toward target,
        updating self.posn incrementally along the way."""
        if not spd:
            spd = CARSPEED
        # instantiate PID steering
        target = int(car.heading)
        pid = PID(target)

        print(f"Odometer offset = {car.ODOMETER_OFFSET}")
        print(f"First odo reading after reset = {car.odometer}")
        prev_dist = 0
        waypoints = []
        self.log.addline(f"Distance to target: {self.drive_dist:.1f} cm.")
        dist_to_go = self.drive_dist
        print(f"Distance to go: {dist_to_go}")
        wx, wy = self.posn
        while dist_to_go > self.COAST_DIST and self.y_min < wy < self.y_max:
            car.go(spd, FWD, spin=pid.trim())
            # Update self.posn incrementally
            curr_dist = car.odometer
            incr_dist = curr_dist - prev_dist
            prev_dist = curr_dist
            hdg = -car.heading
            dx, dy = geo.p2r(incr_dist, hdg)
            wx, wy = self.posn
            self.posn = (wx + dx, wy + dy)
            odo = car.odometer
            dist_to_go = self.drive_dist - odo
            print(f"Odometer: {odo}")
        curr_dist = car.odometer
        incr_dist = curr_dist - prev_dist
        dx, dy = geo.p2r(incr_dist, hdg)
        wx, wy = self.posn
        self.posn = (wx + dx, wy + dy)
        self.log.addline(f"Distance driven: {car.odometer} cm.")
        # Just plot every third waypoint
        waypoints = [
            waypoint for idx, waypoint in enumerate(waypoints) if not idx % 3
        self.log.addline(f"Heading after drive: {car.heading} deg.")
        self.log.addline(f"Ending Coords: {integerize(self.posn)}")
Beispiel #2
    def auto_detect_open_sector(self):
        """ Under development...
        First find average dist value (not == -3).
        Then look for sectors at radius = 1.5 * average.
        Put target at mid-anlge at radius/2.
        Convert to (x, y) coords and save as
        so that map can access it.
        # Find average (non-zero) dist value
        rvals = [
            point.get('dist') for point in self.points
            if point.get('dist') != 3
        avgdist = sum(rvals) / len(rvals)

        # make radius somewhat larger
        radius = avgdist * 1.5
        print(f"radius: {int(radius)}")
        sectors = self.open_sectors(radius)

        # Find first sector of reaonable width
        for sector in sectors:
            angle0, angle1 = sector
            if (angle0 - angle1) > 12:
                target_angle = (angle0 + angle1) / 2
                target_coords = geo.p2r(radius / 2, target_angle)
       = target_coords
Beispiel #3
 def next_target_point(self):
     """Find next target point by analyzing scan data for openings."""
     # Find average (non-zero) dist value
     rvals = [point.get('dist')
              for point in self.points
              if point.get('dist') != -VLEG]
     avgdist = int(sum(rvals)/len(rvals))
     dist = avgdist
     points = [point.get('xy') for point in self.points
               if point.get('dist') != -VLEG]
     mid_angles = pathfwd.best_paths(points, dist)
     # convert last angle in list to xy coords in car coord sys
     theta = mid_angles[-1] - 90
     target_pnt = geo.p2r(dist, theta)
     return target_pnt
Beispiel #4
    def go(self, speed, angle, spin=0):
        """Drive at speed (int) in relative direction angle (degrees)
        while simultaneoulsy spinning CCW at rate = spin (int).
        Return distances: [front_dist, left_dist, right_dist]"""

        # convert from polar coordinates to omni_car's 'natural' coords
        # where one coaxial pair of wheels drives u and the other drives v
        u, v = geo.p2r(speed, angle - 45)

        # motor numbers
        m1, m2, m3, m4 = (1, 2, 3, 4)

        # combine motor speed with spin
        m1spd = int(spin + u)
        m2spd = int(spin - u)
        m3spd = int(spin - v)
        m4spd = int(spin + v)

        # friction keeps motors from running smoothly at speeds below ~50
        if 0 < m1spd < 50:
            m1spd = 50
        if 0 < m2spd < 50:
            m2spd = 50
        if 0 < m3spd < 50:
            m3spd = 50
        if 0 < m4spd < 50:
            m4spd = 50

        if -50 < m1spd < 0:
            m1spd = -50
        if -50 < m2spd < 0:
            m2spd = -50
        if -50 < m3spd < 0:
            m3spd = -50
        if -50 < m4spd < 0:
            m4spd = -50

        distances = self._xfer_data((1, m1spd, m2spd, m3spd, m4spd, 0))
        return distances
Beispiel #5
def R_xform(pnt, angle):
    """Transform point by rotation angle (degrees) CW about the origin."""
    r, theta = geo.r2p(pnt)
    newpnt = geo.p2r(r, theta + angle)
    return newpnt