Beispiel #1
    def solve(self, orn , pos , bodytoFeet):
        bodytoFR4 = np.array([bodytoFeet[0,0],bodytoFeet[0,1],bodytoFeet[0,2]])
        bodytoFL4 = np.array([bodytoFeet[1,0],bodytoFeet[1,1],bodytoFeet[1,2]])
        bodytoBR4 = np.array([bodytoFeet[2,0],bodytoFeet[2,1],bodytoFeet[2,2]])
        bodytoBL4 = np.array([bodytoFeet[3,0],bodytoFeet[3,1],bodytoFeet[3,2]])

        "defines 4 vertices which rotates with the body"
        _bodytoFR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFR0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoFL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFL0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoBR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBR0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoBL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBL0 , orn, pos)
        "defines coxa_frame to foot_frame leg vector neccesary for IK"
        FRcoord = bodytoFR4 - _bodytoFR0
        FLcoord = bodytoFL4 - _bodytoFL0
        BRcoord = bodytoBR4 - _bodytoBR0
        BLcoord = bodytoBL4 - _bodytoBL0
        "undo transformation of leg vector to keep feet still"
        undoOrn = -orn
        undoPos = -pos
        _FRcoord = geo.transform(FRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _FLcoord = geo.transform(FLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BRcoord = geo.transform(BRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BLcoord = geo.transform(BLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        FR_angles = IK.solve_R(_FRcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        FL_angles = IK.solve_L(_FLcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        BR_angles = IK.solve_R(_BRcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        BL_angles = IK.solve_L(_BLcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        return FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles
    def solve(self, bodytoFeet, robParm):
        pos = np.array([robParm.robotX, robParm.robotY, robParm.robotZ])
        orn = np.array(
            [robParm.robotRoll, robParm.robotPitch, robParm.robotYaw])
        bodytoFR4 = np.asarray(
            [bodytoFeet[0, 0], bodytoFeet[0, 1], bodytoFeet[0, 2]])
        bodytoFL4 = np.asarray(
            [bodytoFeet[1, 0], bodytoFeet[1, 1], bodytoFeet[1, 2]])
        bodytoBR4 = np.asarray(
            [bodytoFeet[2, 0], bodytoFeet[2, 1], bodytoFeet[2, 2]])
        bodytoBL4 = np.asarray(
            [bodytoFeet[3, 0], bodytoFeet[3, 1], bodytoFeet[3, 2]])

        # print(bodytoFR4)
        """defines 4 vertices which rotates with the body"""
        _bodytoFR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFR0, orn, pos)
        _bodytoFL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFL0, orn, pos)
        _bodytoBR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBR0, orn, pos)
        _bodytoBL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBL0, orn, pos)
        """defines coxa_frame to foot_frame leg vector neccesary for IK"""
        # print(_bodytoFR0)
        # print(orn)
        # print(pos)

        FRcoord = bodytoFR4 - _bodytoFR0
        FLcoord = bodytoFL4 - _bodytoFL0
        BRcoord = bodytoBR4 - _bodytoBR0
        BLcoord = bodytoBL4 - _bodytoBL0
        """undo transformation of leg vector to keep feet still"""
        undoOrn = -orn
        undoPos = -pos
        _FRcoord = geo.transform(FRcoord, undoOrn, undoPos)
        _FLcoord = geo.transform(FLcoord, undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BRcoord = geo.transform(BRcoord, undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BLcoord = geo.transform(BLcoord, undoOrn, undoPos)

        # _FRcoord[0] = 0.32901515505988754
        # _FRcoord[1] = -0.0671
        # _FRcoord[2] = -0.21125820159444264

        FR_angles = IK.solve_R(_FRcoord, self.coxa, self.femur, self.tibia)
        FL_angles = IK.solve_L(_FLcoord, self.coxa, self.femur, self.tibia)
        BR_angles = IK.solve_R(_BRcoord, self.coxa, self.femur, self.tibia)
        BL_angles = IK.solve_L(_BLcoord, self.coxa, self.femur, self.tibia)

        _bodytofeetFR = _bodytoFR0 + _FRcoord
        _bodytofeetFL = _bodytoFL0 + _FLcoord
        _bodytofeetBR = _bodytoBR0 + _BRcoord
        _bodytofeetBL = _bodytoBL0 + _BLcoord
        _bodytofeet = np.matrix(
            [[_bodytofeetFR[0], _bodytofeetFR[1], _bodytofeetFR[2]],
             [_bodytofeetFL[0], _bodytofeetFL[1], _bodytofeetFL[2]],
             [_bodytofeetBR[0], _bodytofeetBR[1], _bodytofeetBR[2]],
             [_bodytofeetBL[0], _bodytofeetBL[1], _bodytofeetBL[2]]])

        # print(FRcoord, _FRcoord)

        return FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles, _bodytofeet
    orn_c[0] = orn_c[0]+err_att[0]*KP*0.005
    orn_c[1] = orn_c[1]+err_att[1]*KP*0.005
    orn_c[2] = orn[2]
    undoOrn_c = [-attitude_flt[0],-attitude_flt[1],-orn[2]*0]

    if cnt1>20:
        print("attitude:",attitude_flt," orn: ",orn)
    if USE_ATT:

    "defines the 4 vertices which rotates with the body"  #使用RT将机体跨关节转换到全局坐标
    _bodytoFR0 = geo.transform(bodytoFR0 ,  orn, pos)
    _bodytoFL0 = geo.transform(bodytoFL0 ,  orn, pos)
    _bodytoBR0 = geo.transform(bodytoBR0 ,  orn, pos)
    _bodytoBL0 = geo.transform(bodytoBL0 ,  orn, pos)
    "defines coxa_frame to foot_frame leg vector neccesary for IK"#跨关节全局向量减去足端向量=全局坐标系下足到跨的向量
    FRcoord = bodytoFR4 - _bodytoFR0
    FLcoord = bodytoFL4 - _bodytoFL0
    BRcoord = bodytoBR4 - _bodytoBR0
    BLcoord = bodytoBL4 - _bodytoBL0
    "undo transformation made on the body to keep foot still"#用RT将该向量转换到机体
    _FRcoord = geo.transform(FRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
    _FLcoord = geo.transform(FLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
    _BRcoord = geo.transform(BRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
    _BLcoord = geo.transform(BLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
    "solves the angles needed to reach the desire foot position(in the leg_frame)"#计算在各腿下对应关节角度
    FR_angles = IK.solve_R(_FRcoord)