Beispiel #1
def part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit):
    '''Returns the slopes and intercepts for all of the center of mass lines
    for each part.

    mp : dictionary
        Dictionary with the measured parameters.

    slopes : dictionary
        Contains a list of slopes for each part.
    intercepts : dictionary
        Contains a list of intercepts for each part.

    The slopes and intercepts lists are in order with respect to each other and
    the keyword is either 'B', 'H', 'G' or 'S' for Frame, Handlebar/Fork,
    Handlerbar, and Fork respectively.

    # find the slope and intercept for pendulum axis
    if forkIsSplit:
        l1, l2 = calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'], mp['d5'],
                                 mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        slopes = {'B':[], 'G':[], 'S':[]}
        intercepts = {'B':[], 'G':[], 'S':[]}
        betas = {'B':[], 'G':[], 'S':[]}
        l1, l2 = 0., 0.
        slopes = {'B':[], 'H':[]}
        intercepts = {'B':[], 'H':[]}
        betas = {'B':[], 'H':[]}

    # get the alpha keys and put them in order
    listOfAlphaKeys = [x for x in mp.keys() if x.startswith('alpha')]

    # caluclate m, b and beta for each orientation
    for key in listOfAlphaKeys:
        alpha = mp[key]
        a = mp['a' + key[5:]]
        part = key[5]
        m, b, beta = com_line(alpha, a, par, part, l1, l2)

    return slopes, intercepts, betas
Beispiel #2
def part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit):
    '''Returns the slopes and intercepts for all of the center of mass lines
    for each part.

    mp : dictionary
        Dictionary with the measured parameters.

    slopes : dictionary
        Contains a list of slopes for each part.
    intercepts : dictionary
        Contains a list of intercepts for each part.

    The slopes and intercepts lists are in order with respect to each other and
    the keyword is either 'B', 'H', 'G' or 'S' for Frame, Handlebar/Fork,
    Handlerbar, and Fork respectively.

    # find the slope and intercept for pendulum axis
    if forkIsSplit:
        l1, l2 = calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'], mp['d5'], mp['d6'],
        slopes = {'B': [], 'G': [], 'S': []}
        intercepts = {'B': [], 'G': [], 'S': []}
        betas = {'B': [], 'G': [], 'S': []}
        l1, l2 = 0., 0.
        slopes = {'B': [], 'H': []}
        intercepts = {'B': [], 'H': []}
        betas = {'B': [], 'H': []}

    # get the alpha keys and put them in order
    listOfAlphaKeys = [x for x in mp.keys() if x.startswith('alpha')]

    # caluclate m, b and beta for each orientation
    for key in listOfAlphaKeys:
        alpha = mp[key]
        a = mp['a' + key[5:]]
        part = key[5]
        m, b, beta = com_line(alpha, a, par, part, l1, l2)

    return slopes, intercepts, betas
Beispiel #3
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(
            slopes[part], intercepts[part])

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                                    mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mS'], mp['g'], lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'], mp['d5'],
                                          mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mG'], mp['g'], lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 + (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(
            mp['mH'], mp['g'], lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'], mp['dP'] / 2.,
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff,
                                                mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']], [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {
        'slopes': slopes,
        'intercepts': intercepts,
        'betas': betas,
        'pendulumInertias': pendulumInertias

    return par, extras
Beispiel #4
def calculate_benchmark_from_measured(mp):
    '''Returns the benchmark (Meijaard 2007) parameter set based on the
    measured data.

    mp : dictionary
        Complete set of measured data.

    par : dictionary
        Benchmark bicycle parameter set.


    forkIsSplit = is_fork_split(mp)

    par = {}

    # calculate the wheelbase, steer axis tilt and trail
    par = geometry.calculate_benchmark_geometry(mp, par)

    # masses
    par['mB'] = mp['mB']
    par['mF'] = mp['mF']
    par['mR'] = mp['mR']
        # we measured the mass of the flywheel plus the mass of the front
        # wheel, mp['mD'], so to get the actual mass of the flywheel, subtract
        # the mass of the front wheel
        par['mD'] = mp['mD'] - mp['mF']
    except KeyError:
    if forkIsSplit:
        par['mS'] = mp['mS']
        par['mG'] = mp['mG']
        par['mH'] = mp['mH']

    # get the slopes, intercepts and betas for each part
    slopes, intercepts, betas = com.part_com_lines(mp, par, forkIsSplit)

    # calculate the centers of mass
    for part in slopes.keys():
        par['x' + part], par['z' + part] = com.center_of_mass(slopes[part],

    # find the center of mass of the handlebar/fork assembly if the fork was
    # split
    if forkIsSplit:
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xS'], par['xG']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zS'], par['zG']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mS'], par['mG']])
        mH, cH = inertia.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['mH'] = mH
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]

    # local accelation due to gravity
    par['g'] = mp['g']

    # calculate the wheel y inertias
    par['IFyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mF'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lF'], mp['TcF1'])
    par['IRyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mR'], mp['g'],
                                            mp['lR'], mp['TcR1'])
        # we measured the inertia of the front wheel with the flywheel inside
        iFlywheelPlusFwheel = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mD'], mp['g'], mp['lF'], mp['TcD1'])
        par['IDyy'] = iFlywheelPlusFwheel - par['IFyy']
    except KeyError:

    # calculate the y inertias for the frame and fork
    lB = (par['xB']**2 + (par['zB'] + par['rR'])**2)**(0.5)
    par['IByy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mB'], mp['g'], lB,

    if forkIsSplit:
        # fork
        lS = ((par['xS'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zS'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['ISyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mS'], mp['g'],
                                                lS, mp['TcS1'])
        # handlebar
        l1, l2 = geometry.calculate_l1_l2(mp['h6'], mp['h7'],
                                 mp['d5'], mp['d6'], mp['l'])
        u1, u2 = geometry.fwheel_to_handlebar_ref(par['lam'], l1, l2)
        lG = ((par['xG'] - par['w'] + u1)**2 +
              (par['zG'] + par['rF'] + u2)**2)**(.5)
        par['IGyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mG'], mp['g'],
                                                lG, mp['TcG1'])
        lH = ((par['xH'] - par['w'])**2 +
              (par['zH'] + par['rF'])**2)**(0.5)
        par['IHyy'] = inertia.compound_pendulum_inertia(mp['mH'], mp['g'],
                                                lH, mp['TcH1'])

    # calculate the stiffness of the torsional pendulum
    IPxx, IPyy, IPzz = inertia.tube_inertia(mp['lP'], mp['mP'],
                                            mp['dP'] / 2., 0.)
    torStiff = inertia.torsional_pendulum_stiffness(IPyy, mp['TtP1'])
    #print "Torsional pendulum stiffness:", torStiff

    # calculate the wheel x/z inertias
    par['IFxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtF1'])
    par['IRxx'] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtR1'])
        par['IDxx'] =  inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['TtD1']) - par['IFxx']
    except KeyError:

    pendulumInertias = {}

    # calculate the in plane moments of inertia
    for part, slopeSet in slopes.items():
        # the number of orientations for this part
        numOrien = len(slopeSet)
        # intialize arrays to store the inertia values and orientation angles
        penInertia = np.zeros(numOrien, dtype=object)
        beta = np.array(betas[part])
        # fill arrays of the inertias
        for i in range(numOrien):
            penInertia[i] = inertia.tor_inertia(torStiff, mp['Tt' + part + str(i + 1)])
        # store these inertias
        pendulumInertias[part] = list(penInertia)
        inert = inertia.inertia_components(penInertia, beta)
        for i, axis in enumerate(['xx', 'xz', 'zz']):
            par['I' + part + axis] = inert[i]

    if forkIsSplit:
        # combine the moments of inertia to find the total handlebar/fork MoI
        IG = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'G')
        IS = inertia.part_inertia_tensor(par, 'S')
        # columns are parts, rows = x, y, z
        coordinates = np.array([[par['xG'], par['xS']],
                                [0., 0.],
                                [par['zG'], par['zS']]])
        masses = np.array([par['mG'], par['mS']])
        par['mH'], cH = com.total_com(coordinates, masses)
        par['xH'] = cH[0]
        par['zH'] = cH[2]
        dG = np.array([par['xG'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zG'] - par['zH']])
        dS = np.array([par['xS'] - par['xH'], 0., par['zS'] - par['zH']])
        IH = (inertia.parallel_axis(IG, par['mG'], dG) +
              inertia.parallel_axis(IS, par['mS'], dS))
        par['IHxx'] = IH[0, 0]
        par['IHxz'] = IH[0, 2]
        par['IHyy'] = IH[1, 1]
        par['IHzz'] = IH[2, 2]

    # package the extra information that is useful outside this function
    extras = {'slopes' : slopes,
              'intercepts' : intercepts,
              'betas' : betas,
              'pendulumInertias' : pendulumInertias}

    return par, extras