Beispiel #1
    def get_start_pos(self, seg_idx=0, landmark_pos=None):

        # If we are not in CV mode, then we have a path to follow and track reward for following it closely
        if not self.cv_mode:
            if self.instruction_set:
                start_pos = self.instruction_set[seg_idx]["start_pos"]
                start_angle = self.instruction_set[seg_idx]["start_yaw"]
                start_pos = [0, 0, 0]
                start_angle = 0

        # If we are in CV mode, there is no path to be followed. Instead we are collecting images of landmarks.
        # Initialize the drone to face the position provided. TODO: Generalize this to other CV uses
            drone_angle = random.uniform(0, 2 * math.pi)
            drone_dist_mult = random.uniform(0, 1)
            drone_dist = 60 + drone_dist_mult * 300
            drone_pos_dir = np.asarray(

            start_pos = landmark_pos + drone_pos_dir * drone_dist
            start_height = random.uniform(-1.5, -2.5)
            start_pos = [start_pos[0], start_pos[1], start_height]

            drone_dir = -drone_pos_dir
            start_yaw = vec_to_yaw(drone_dir)
            start_roll = 0
            start_pitch = 0
            start_angle = [start_roll, start_pitch, start_yaw]

        return start_pos, start_angle
Beispiel #2
    def get_affine_matrix(self, path, start_idx, origin, world_scaling_factor):
        if start_idx > len(path) - 2:
            return None, None

        start_pt = path[start_idx]
        next_pt = path[start_idx + 1]
        dir_vec = next_pt - start_pt
        dir_yaw = vec_to_yaw(dir_vec)

        if self.yaw_rand_range > 0:
            dir_yaw_offset = random.uniform(-self.yaw_rand_range, self.yaw_rand_range)
            dir_yaw += dir_yaw_offset

        if self.pos_rand_image > 0:
            pos_offset = random.uniform(0, self.pos_rand_range)
            angle = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
            offset_vec = pos_offset * np.array([np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle)])
            start_pt += offset_vec

        affine_s = get_affine_scale_2d([world_scaling_factor, world_scaling_factor])
        affine_t = get_affine_trans_2d(-start_pt)
        affine_rot = get_affine_rot_2d(-dir_yaw)
        affine_t2 = get_affine_trans_2d(origin)

        #return affine_t
        affine_total =,,, affine_t)))
        out_crop_size = tuple(np.asarray(origin) * 2)

        return affine_total, out_crop_size
def make_annotations(end_i):

    annotations = {"train": [], "test": [], "dev": []}

    train_range, dev_range, test_range = get_split_ranges(end_i)
    assert (
        train_range[1] - train_range[0]
    ) % NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N == 0, "training set size must be a multiple of NEW_CONFIG_EVERY_N"

    for config_id in range(end_i):
        config_path = paths.get_env_config_path(config_id)
        path_path = paths.get_curve_path(config_id)
        instruction_path = paths.get_instructions_path(config_id)

        with open(config_path) as fp:
            config = json.load(fp)

        with open(path_path) as fp:
            curve = json.load(fp)

        with open(instruction_path) as fp:
            instruction = fp.readline()
        token_list = clean_instruction(instruction)

        curve_np = np.asarray(list(zip(curve["x_array"], curve["z_array"])))

        split = "train" if train_range[0] <= config_id < train_range[1] else \
                "dev" if dev_range[0] <= config_id < dev_range[1] else \
                "test" if test_range[0] <= config_id < test_range[1] else None

        #start_dir = np.asarray(config["startHeading"]) - np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        start_dir = curve_np[1] - curve_np[0]
        start_yaw = vec_to_yaw(start_dir)
        start_yaw_cfg = np.rad2deg(-start_yaw + np.pi / 2)

        dataset = {
            "id": str(config_id),
            "start_z": [curve["z_array"][0]],
            "start_x": [curve["x_array"][0]],
            "end_z": [curve["z_array"][-1]],
            "end_x": [curve["x_array"][-1]],
            "start_rot": [start_yaw_cfg],
            "config_file": "configs/random_config_%d.json" % config_id,
            "instructions/instructions_%d.txt" % config_id,
            "path_file": "paths/random_curve_%d.json" % config_id,
            "moves": [],
            "valid": True,
            "num_tokens": [len(token_list)],
            "instructions": [instruction]
        print("Added annotations for env: " + str(config_id))

    with open(paths.get_instruction_annotations_path(), "w") as fp:
        json.dump(annotations, fp)
Beispiel #4
 def is_goal_visible(self, instr_seg):
     end = np.asarray(instr_seg["end_pos"])
     start = np.asarray(instr_seg["start_pos"])
     vec_start_to_end = end - start
     endp_yaw = vec_to_yaw(vec_start_to_end)
     start_yaw = instr_seg["start_yaw"]
     yaw_diff = endp_yaw - start_yaw
     yaw_diff_abs = math.fabs(clip_angle(yaw_diff))
     goal_visible = 2 * yaw_diff_abs < math.radians(self.hfov)
     return goal_visible
Beispiel #5
 def visualize_twist_as_pose(self, cmd_vel_twist):
     last_pos = np.asarray(self.last_drn_pos)
     vel_vec = np.asarray([cmd_vel_twist.linear.x, cmd_vel_twist.linear.y, 0])
     next_pos = last_pos + vel_vec
     yaw = vec_to_yaw(next_pos - last_pos)
     yaw_rot = yaw + 0.5* cmd_vel_twist.angular.z
     quat = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw)
     quat_rot = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw_rot)
     self.rviz.add_pose_and_publish_array("cmd_history_lin", last_pos, quat)
     self.rviz.add_pose_and_publish_array("cmd_history_ang", last_pos, quat_rot)
Beispiel #6
    def get_action_go_to_carrot(self, curr_pos, curr_yaw, carrot_pos):
        carrot_dir = carrot_pos - curr_pos
        carrot_yaw = vec_to_yaw(carrot_dir)
        delta_yaw = carrot_yaw - curr_yaw
        delta_yaw = clip_angle(delta_yaw)

        vel_x = self.params["vel_x"] / (1 + 2 * math.fabs(delta_yaw) / math.pi)
        #vel_x = self.params["VEL_X"]
        vel_yaw = self.params["k_yaw"] * delta_yaw

        action = np.asarray([vel_x, 0, vel_yaw])
        return action
Beispiel #7
def make_annotations(start_i, end_i):

    annotations = {
        "train": [],
        "test": [],
        "dev": []

    for config_id in range(start_i, end_i):
        config_path = paths.get_env_config_path(config_id)
        path_path = paths.get_curve_path(config_id)
        instruction_path = paths.get_instructions_path(config_id)

        with open(config_path) as fp:
            config = json.load(fp)

        with open(path_path) as fp:
            curve = json.load(fp)

        with open(instruction_path) as fp:
            instruction = fp.readline()
        token_list = clean_instruction(instruction)

        split = get_split((config_id % 100) / 100.0)

        start_dir = np.asarray(config["startHeading"]) - np.asarray(config["startPos"])
        start_yaw = vec_to_yaw(start_dir)
        start_yaw_cfg = np.rad2deg(-start_yaw + np.pi/2)

        dataset = {
            "id": str(config_id),
            "start_z": [curve["z_array"][0]],
            "start_x": [curve["x_array"][0]],
            "end_z": [curve["z_array"][-1]],
            "end_x": [curve["x_array"][-1]],
            "start_rot": [start_yaw_cfg],
            "config_file": "configs/random_config_%d.json" % config_id,
            "instructions_file": "instructions/instructions_%d.txt" % config_id,
            "path_file": "paths/random_curve_%d.json" % config_id,
            "moves": [],
            "valid": True,
            "num_tokens": [len(token_list)],
            "instructions": [instruction]
        print ("Added annotations for env: " + str(config_id))

    with open(paths.get_instruction_annotations_path(), "w") as fp:
        json.dump(annotations, fp)
Beispiel #8
    def get_action_go_to_carrot(self, curr_pos, curr_yaw, carrot_pos):
        #print(f"BCP: curr_pos: {curr_pos}  curr_yaw: {curr_yaw}  carrot_pos: {carrot_pos}")
        carrot_dir = carrot_pos - curr_pos
        carrot_yaw = vec_to_yaw(carrot_dir)
        delta_yaw = carrot_yaw - curr_yaw
        delta_yaw = clip_angle(delta_yaw)

        #print(f"BCP: Carrot pos: {carrot_pos}, current pos: {curr_pos}")
        #print(f"BCP: Carrot yaw: {carrot_yaw}, current yaw: {curr_yaw}")

        vel_x = self.params["vel_x"] / (1 + 2 * math.fabs(delta_yaw) / math.pi)
        #vel_x = self.params["VEL_X"]
        vel_yaw = self.params["k_yaw"] * delta_yaw

        action = np.asarray([vel_x, 0, vel_yaw])
        return action
Beispiel #9
    def get_action_go_to_position(self, target_pos, current_pos, current_yaw):

        target_pos_drone = pos_to_drone(current_pos, current_yaw, target_pos)
        target_heading = target_pos - current_pos
        target_yaw = vec_to_yaw(target_heading)

        diff_yaw_raw = target_yaw - current_yaw
        diff_yaw = clip_angle(diff_yaw_raw)
        diff_x = target_pos_drone[0]

        vel_x = self.params["vel_x"]
        vel_yaw = diff_yaw * self.params["k_yaw"]

        action = np.asarray([vel_x, 0, vel_yaw])
        action = self.clip_vel(action)

        return action
Beispiel #10
    def get_action_go_to_position(self, target_pos, current_pos, current_yaw):

        target_pos_drone = pos_to_drone(current_pos, current_yaw, target_pos)
        target_heading = target_pos - current_pos
        target_yaw = vec_to_yaw(target_heading)

        diff_yaw = clip_angle(target_yaw - current_yaw)
        diff_x = target_pos_drone[0]
        diff_y = target_pos_drone[1]

        vel_x = diff_x * self.params["K_X"]
        vel_y = diff_y * self.params["K_Y"]
        vel_yaw = diff_yaw * self.params["K_Yaw"]

        action = np.asarray([vel_x, vel_y, vel_yaw])
        action = self.clip_vel(action)

        return action
Beispiel #11
    def reduce_speed_for_bendy_paths(self, action, current_pos, current_yaw,

        lookahead_dir = lookahead_pos - current_pos
        lookahead_dir = lookahead_dir / np.linalg.norm(lookahead_dir)
        lookahead_yaw = vec_to_yaw(lookahead_dir)

        diff = math.fabs(current_yaw - lookahead_yaw)
        diff = clip_angle(diff)
        diff = math.fabs(diff)
        diff /= 3.14159
        diff *= self.params["K_X_Lookahead_Reduction"]

        multiplier = 1 - diff
        if multiplier < 0.3:
            multiplier = 0.3
        if multiplier > 1:
            multiplier = 1.0
        #print("diff:", diff, "m:", multiplier)
        action[0] *= multiplier
        return action
Beispiel #12
def get_start_pt_and_yaw(path, start_idx, map_w, map_h, yaw_rand_range):
    path_img = cf_to_img(path, np.array([map_w, map_h]))
    if start_idx > len(path) - 2:
        return None, None

    start_pt = path_img[start_idx]

    # Due to the way the data is collected, turns result in multiple subsequent points at the same location,
    # which messes up the start orientation. That's why we search for the next point that isn't the same as current pt
    next_idx = start_idx + 1
    next_pt = path_img[next_idx]
    while (next_pt == start_pt).all() and next_idx < len(path) - 1:
        next_idx += 1
        next_pt = path_img[next_idx]

    dir_vec = next_pt - start_pt
    dir_yaw = vec_to_yaw(dir_vec) - np.pi / 2

    if yaw_rand_range > 0:
        dir_yaw_offset = random.gauss(0, yaw_rand_range)
        #dir_yaw_offset = random.uniform(-yaw_rand_range, yaw_rand_range)
        dir_yaw = dir_yaw + dir_yaw_offset
    return start_pt, dir_yaw
Beispiel #13
 def reduce_speed_for_turns(self, action, curr_pos, curr_yaw, carrot_pos):
     carrot_yaw = vec_to_yaw(carrot_pos - curr_pos)
     yaw_diff = clip_angle(carrot_yaw - curr_yaw)
     scaling = math.exp(-math.fabs(yaw_diff))
     action[0] = action[0] * scaling
     return action