Beispiel #1
def test_parallel():
    l1 = Line()  # X-axis
    l2 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([4, 0, 0]), point=Point(8, 0, 0))
    l3 = Line.from_points(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
    l4 = Line.from_points(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(-1, -1, -1))
    assert l1.is_parallel(l2)
    assert not l1.is_parallel(l3)
    assert l3.is_parallel(l4)
Beispiel #2
def test_contains_point():
    l1 = Line.from_points(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
    assert l1.contains_point(Point(3, 3, 3))
    assert l1.contains_point(Point(0, 0, 0))
    assert not l1.contains_point(Point(2, 3, 4))

    l2 = Line.from_points(Point(0, 0, 0), Point(2, 0, 0))
    assert l2.contains_point(Point(4, 0, 0))
    assert l2.contains_point(Point(-3, 0, 0))
    assert not l2.contains_point(Point(0, 1, 0))
Beispiel #3
def test_line_generation():

    Line(direction_vector=Vector([1, 1, 1]), point=Point(2, 2, 2))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Line(direction_vector=Point(1, 1, 1))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 0, 0]))

    Line.from_points(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
Beispiel #4
def full_lines(AH, lines, v):
    C0 = max(lines, key=lambda l: l.right() - l.left())

    v_lefts = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[0].left_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    v_rights = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[-1].right_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    C0_lefts = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_lefts]
    C0_rights = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_rights]

    mask = np.logical_and(C0_lefts <= C0.left() + AH,
                          C0_rights >= C0.right() - AH)
    return compress(lines, mask)
Beispiel #5
def estimate_directrix(lines, v, n_points_w):
    vx, vy = v

    domain, C0, C1 = widest_domain(lines, v, N_POINTS)

    C0_points = np.vstack([domain, C0(domain)])
    longitudes = [Line.from_points(v, p) for p in C0_points.T]
    C1_points = np.array([l.closest_poly_intersect(C1.model, p) \
                          for l, p in zip(longitudes, C0_points.T)]).T
    lambdas = (vy - C0_points[1]) / (C1_points[1] - C0_points[1])
    alphas = MU * lambdas / (MU + lambdas - 1)
    C_points = (1 - alphas) * C0_points + alphas * C1_points
    C = C_points.T.mean(axis=0)

    theta = acos(f / sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2 + f**2))
    print('theta:', theta)
    A = np.array([[1, C[0] / f * -sin(theta)],
                  [0, cos(theta) - C[1] / f * sin(theta)]])

    D_points = inv(A).dot(C_points)
    D_points_arc, _ = arc_length_points(D_points)
    C_points_arc =

    # plot_norm(np.vstack([domain, C0(domain)]).T, label='C0')
    # plot_norm(np.vstack([domain, C1(domain)]).T, label='C1')
    # plot_norm(C_points.T, label='C20')
    # plot_norm(D_points.T, label='D')
    # plot_norm(C_points_arc.T, label='C')
    # # plt.plot(C_points.T, label='C20')
    # # plt.plot(C_points_arc.T, label='C')
    # plt.axes().legend()

    return D_points_arc, C_points_arc
Beispiel #6
def generate_mesh(all_lines, lines, C_arc, v, n_points_h):
    vx, vy = v
    C_arc_T = C_arc.T

    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    # first, calculate necessary mu.
    global mu_debug
    mu_debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    mu_bottom = necessary_mu(C0, C1, v, all_lines, MuMode.BOTTOM)
    mu_top = necessary_mu(C0, C1, v, all_lines, MuMode.TOP)
    lib.debug_imwrite('mu.png', mu_debug)

    longitude_lines = [Line.from_points(v, p) for p in C_arc_T]
    longitudes = []
    mus = np.linspace(mu_top, mu_bottom, n_points_h)
    for l, C_i in zip(longitude_lines, C_arc_T):
        p0 = l.closest_poly_intersect(C0.model, C_i)
        p1 = l.closest_poly_intersect(C1.model, C_i)
        lam = (vy - p0[1]) / (p1[1] - p0[1])
        alphas = mus * lam / (mus + lam - 1)
        longitudes.append(np.outer(1 - alphas, p0) + np.outer(alphas, p1))

    result = np.array(longitudes)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for l in result[::50]:
        for p in l[::50]:
  , tuple(p.astype(int)), 6, BLUE, -1)
    trace_baseline(debug, C0, RED)
    trace_baseline(debug, C1, RED)
    lib.debug_imwrite('mesh.png', debug)

    return np.array(longitudes).transpose(1, 0, 2)
Beispiel #7
def widest_domain(lines, v, n_points):
    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    v_lefts = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[0].left_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    v_rights = [
        Line.from_points(v, l[-1].right_bot()) for l in lines if l is not C0
    C0_lefts = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_lefts]
    C0_rights = [l.text_line_intersect(C0)[0] for l in v_rights]

    x_min = min(C0.left(), min(C0_lefts))
    x_max = max(C0.left(), max(C0_rights))
    domain = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for l in lines:
        cv2.line(debug, tuple(l[0].left_bot().astype(int)),
                 tuple(l[-1].right_bot().astype(int)), GREEN, 2)
    Line.from_points(v, (x_min, C0(x_min))).draw(debug)
    Line.from_points(v, (x_max, C0(x_max))).draw(debug)
    lib.debug_imwrite('domain.png', debug)

    return domain, C0, C1
Beispiel #8
def vanishing_point(lines, v0, O):
    C0 = lines[-1] if v0[1] < 0 else lines[0]
    others = lines[:-1] if v0[1] < 0 else lines[1:]

    domain = np.linspace(C0.left(), C0.right(), N_LONGS + 2)[1:-1]
    C0_points = np.array([domain, C0.model(domain)]).T
    longitudes = [Line.from_points(v0, p) for p in C0_points]

    lefts = [longitudes[0].text_line_intersect(line)[0] for line in others]
    rights = [longitudes[-1].text_line_intersect(line)[0] for line in others]
    valid_mask = [line.left() <= L and R < line.right() \
                   for line, L, R in zip(others, lefts, rights)]

    valid_lines = [C0] + compress(others, valid_mask)
    derivs = [line.model.deriv() for line in valid_lines]
    print('valid lines:', len(others))

    convergences = []
    for longitude in longitudes:
        intersects = [
            longitude.text_line_intersect(line) for line in valid_lines
        tangents = [Line.from_point_slope(p, d(p[0])) \
                    for p, d in zip(intersects, derivs)]

    # x vx + y vy + f^2 = 0
    # m = -vx / vy
    # b = -f^2 / vy

    L =
    # shift into O-origin coords
    L_O = L.offset(-O)
    vy = -(f**2) / L_O.b
    vx = -vy * L_O.m
    v = np.array((vx, vy)) + O

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(bw, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    for t in tangents:
        t.draw(debug, color=RED)
    for longitude in longitudes:
    L.draw(debug, color=GREEN)
    lib.debug_imwrite('vanish.png', debug)

    return v, f, L
Beispiel #9
def necessary_mu(C0, C1, v, all_lines, mode):
    vx, vy = v

    line = all_lines[mode.index()]
    points = np.array([mode.point(l) for l in line])
    for p in points:
        global mu_debug, tuple(p.astype(int)), 6, GREEN, -1)

    longitudes = [Line.from_points(v, p) for p in points]
    C0_points = np.array([l.text_line_intersect(C0) for l in longitudes]).T
    C1_points = np.array([l.text_line_intersect(C1) for l in longitudes]).T
    lambdas = (vy - C0_points[1]) / (C1_points[1] - C0_points[1])
    alphas = (points[:, 1] - C0_points[1]) / (C1_points[1] - C0_points[1])
    mus = alphas * (1 - lambdas) / (alphas - lambdas)

    return mus.max() + 0.01 if np.median(mus) >= 0.5 else mus.min() - 0.01
Beispiel #10
def aspect_ratio(im, lines, D, v, O):
    vx, vy = v
    C0, C1 = C0_C1(lines, v)

    im_h, im_w = im.shape

    m = -(vx - O[0]) / (vy - O[1])
    L0 = Line.from_point_slope(C0.first_base(), m)
    L1 = Line.from_point_slope(C1.first_base(), m)
    perp = L0.altitude(v)
    p0, p1 = L0.intersect(perp), L1.intersect(perp)
    h_img = norm(p0 - p1)

    L = Line(m, -m * O[0] - (f**2) / (vy - O[1]))
    F = L.altitude(v).intersect(L)
    _, x0r, y0r, w0r, h0r = lines[-1][-1]
    p0r = np.array([x0r + w0r / 2.0, y0r + h0r])
    F_C0r = Line.from_points(F, p0r)
    q0 = F_C0r.intersect(L0)
    l_img = norm(q0 - p0)

    debug = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
    L.draw(debug, color=GREEN)
    F_C0r.draw(debug, color=RED)
    lib.debug_imwrite('aspect.png', debug)

    # Convergence line perp to V=(vx, vy, f)
    # y = -vx / vy * x + -f^2 / vy
    alpha = atan2(norm(p1 - O), f)
    theta = acos(f / sqrt((vx - O[0])**2 + (vy - O[1])**2 + f**2))
    beta = pi / 2 - theta

    lp_img = abs(D[0][-1] - D[0][0])
    wp_img = norm(np.diff(D.T, axis=0), axis=1).sum()
    print('h_img:', h_img, 'l\'_img:', lp_img, 'alpha:', alpha)
    print('l_img:', l_img, 'w\'_img:', wp_img, 'beta:', beta)
    r = h_img * lp_img * cos(alpha) / (l_img * wp_img * cos(alpha + beta))

    return r
Beispiel #11
 def approx_line(self):
     return Line.from_points(self.first_base(), self.last_base())