Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, x, y, data): = data

        if len(data) > 0:
            self.columns = len(data[0])
            self.rows = len(data)
            self.columns = 0
            self.rows = 0

        height_p = self.rows * 3 = Window.size[1] * y / 100 = Window.size[1] * (y - height_p) / 100
        self.height = -
        width_p = 5 * self.columns
        self.left = Window.size[0] * x / 100
        self.right = Window.size[0] * (x + width_p) / 100
        self.width = self.right - self.left

        self.lines = {
            "top": LineInfo(Vector(self.left,, self.right,,
            "bot": LineInfo(Vector(self.left,, self.right,,
            LineInfo(Vector(self.right,, self.right,,
            "left": LineInfo(Vector(self.left,, self.left,
Beispiel #2
class ZONE:
    dims = Vector(0.54 * M, 0.48 * M)
    outlines = (  # F1, F4, F2, F5, F3, F6
        *mirrors(Box(dims, Vector(-3.54 * M, 0.55 * M))),
        *mirrors(Box(dims, Vector(-2.14 * M, -0.59 * M))),
        *mirrors(Box(dims, Vector(0, 1.795 * M)))
	def get_obstacle_tangent_field(self, mytank, obj, r, s, b):
		d_edges, a_edges = self.__get_line_distances(mytank, obj)
		d_points = self.__get_point_distances(mytank, obj)
		d_close_edge = min(d_edges[0], d_edges[1], d_edges[2], d_edges[3])
		d_close_point = min(d_points[0], d_points[1], d_points[2], d_points[3])
		theta = a_edges[d_edges.index(d_close_edge)] #distance b/w line and point is perpendicular unless distance is to a corner
		if d_close_point == d_close_edge:
			corner = d_points.index(d_close_point)
			#theta = get_angle(mytank, Point(obj[corner]))
			#theta = theta  pi/2.0 #to make tangential
		dx = 0
		dy = 0
		if d_close_edge < r:
			dx = -sign(cos(theta))*float('inf')
			dy = -sign(sin(theta))*float('inf')
		elif d_close_edge >= r and d_close_edge <= s+r:
			dx = -b * (s + r - d_close_edge) * cos(theta)
			dy = -b * (s + r - d_close_edge) * sin(theta)
		vector = Vector()
		vector.set_x_and_y(dx, dy)
		return vector
Beispiel #4
    def update(self, delta, game):
        self.time += delta
        self.position = self.position.translate(self.velocity *
                                                (delta / 1000.0))
        self.velocity = self.velocity + self.up_direction(
        ) * constants.PLAYER_JUMP_ACCELERATION * (delta / 1000.0)
        if self.on_ground():
            self.position = self.meteor_model.position.translate(
                self.up_direction() *
                (self.meteor_model.radius + constants.PLAYER_HEIGHT / 2))
            self.velocity = Vector(0, 0)
            self.can_switch = True


        if self.can_switch:

            def meteor_model_key(meteor_model):
                return meteor_model.get_height(self.position)

            new_meteor_model = min(game.meteor_models, key=meteor_model_key)

            if new_meteor_model != self.meteor_model:
                self.meteor_model = new_meteor_model
                self.can_switch = False

        self.moved = ((self.last_position - self.position).length() > 0.01)
        self.last_position = self.position

Beispiel #5
    def get_obstacle_tangent_field(self, mytank, obj, r, s, b):

        d_edges, a_edges = self.__get_line_distances(mytank, obj)
        d_points = self.__get_point_distances(mytank, obj)

        d_close_edge = min(d_edges[0], d_edges[1], d_edges[2], d_edges[3])
        d_close_point = min(d_points[0], d_points[1], d_points[2], d_points[3])

        theta = a_edges[d_edges.index(
        )]  #distance b/w line and point is perpendicular unless distance is to a corner
        if d_close_point == d_close_edge:
            corner = d_points.index(d_close_point)
            #theta = get_angle(mytank, Point(obj[corner]))
            #theta = theta  pi/2.0 #to make tangential

        dx = 0
        dy = 0

        if d_close_edge < r:
            dx = -sign(cos(theta)) * float('inf')
            dy = -sign(sin(theta)) * float('inf')
        elif d_close_edge >= r and d_close_edge <= s + r:
            dx = -b * (s + r - d_close_edge) * cos(theta)
            dy = -b * (s + r - d_close_edge) * sin(theta)

        vector = Vector()
        vector.set_x_and_y(dx, dy)

        return vector
Beispiel #6
 def signed_distance_bound(self, p):
     v = self.value(p)
     if v == 0:
         return 0
     elif v < 0:
         # if inside the ellipse, create an inscribed quadrilateral
         # that contains the given point and use the minimum distance
         # from the point to the quadrilateral as a bound. Since
         # the quadrilateral lies entirely inside the ellipse, the
         # distance from the point to the ellipse must be smaller.
         v0, v2 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(1, 0))
         v1, v3 = self.intersections(p, p + Vector(0, 1))
         return abs(ConvexPoly([v0, v1, v2, v3]).signed_distance_bound(p))
         c =
         crossings = self.intersections(c, p)
         # the surface point we want is the one closest to p
         if (p - crossings[0]).length() < (p - crossings[1]).length():
             surface_pt = crossings[0]
             surface_pt = crossings[1]
         # n is the normal at surface_pt
         n = self.gradient * surface_pt
         n = n * (1.0 / n.length())
         # returns the length of the projection of p - surface_pt
         # along the normal
         return -abs( - surface_pt))
Beispiel #7
    def link(self, indexed_nodes):
        left = indexed_nodes[self.position + Vector(-1, 0)]
        right = indexed_nodes[self.position + Vector(1, 0)]
        up = indexed_nodes[self.position + Vector(0, -1)]
        down = indexed_nodes[self.position + Vector(0, 1)]

        self.neighborhood = {left, right, up, down} - {None}
Beispiel #8
    def handle_collision(self, collision): = collision.point

        if collision.kind == objects.wall:
            self.v.x = -self.v.x

        elif collision.kind == objects.floor:
            if[0] < window_width / 2:

            return (True, self.parent.stop())

        elif collision.kind == objects.plate:
            self.v.y = -self.v.y

        elif collision.kind == objects.node:
            half = self.parent.halves[collision.node_id]
            node_pos = half.node.pos

            speed = self.v.speed()
            self.v = Vector(begin=node_pos,
            self.v *= speed
            self.v += half.vector

        self.v *= spring_ability
        return (False, False)
Beispiel #9
	def on_tick(self):
		# Get the board vector
		board = self.board_vector().vect

		# Calculate the new direction
		player = self.player_vector().vect
		new_dir = board.transform(player)

		#You can not go backwards
		if new_dir.y < 0:
			new_dir.y = 0

		# You can only go a certain speed
		# and you are slowed down if above a certain speed
		vector = Vector(Point(0,0), new_dir)

		#scale = -1
		if vector.length() > self.break_speed:
			scale = float(vector.length()) - self.slowed
			new_dir = vector.scale_absolute(scale).vect

		if vector.length() > self.max_speed:
			# Jitter player
			change = random.uniform(-self.jitter, self.jitter) # * vector.length() / self.max_speed
			if abs(self.player + change) < self.max_lean:
				self.player += change

		new_pos = self.position.transform(new_dir)

		self.direction = new_dir
		self.position = new_pos
Beispiel #10
    def __init__(self,

        ObjectPath.__init__(self, t)
        self.universe = universe
        self.startPos = pos.copy()
        self.max_len = max_len
        self.max_err = max_err
        self.onOutOfRect = onOutOfRect
        self.onHit = onHit
        self.min_seg_len = Config.minPolySegmentLength
        self.max_seg_len = Config.maxPolySegmentLength

        # min_seg_len is the different to min_seg_calc:
        # one is the minimum segment length, we (eventually)
        # store in the array.
        # the other (min_seg_calc) is the the minimum segment, we use
        # to calculate the trajectory.
        self.min_seg_calc = self.min_seg_len / 10

        # Cumulative error
        self.cumError = 0

        # some little extra to take rounding errors into account
        arrSize = int(self.max_len / self.min_seg_len * 1.05)

        # The first array contains the time values,
        # the second one contains the the positions, veocities and path lengths
        # Why two arrays?
        # Because np.searchSorted() only works on 1-dimensional arrays.
        self.timeBuffer = np.zeros(arrSize, dtype=np.double)
        self.segBuffer = np.zeros((arrSize, 5), dtype=np.double)

        self.timeBuffer[0] = t
        # (xPos, yPos, xVel, yVel, path length)
        self.segBuffer[0] = (pos.x, pos.y, velocity.x, velocity.y, 0)

        # Time and segment arrays
        # Note that numpy slices are *views* for the underlying array,
        # no data is copied here.
        self.segments = self.segBuffer[:1]
        self.time = self.timeBuffer[:1]

        self.state = TrajectoryState(t, self.segments[0])
        self.state2 = TrajectoryState(t, self.segments[0])

        self.calculatedSegments = 0

        # Buffers to reduce amount of allocated Vector objects
        self.tmpVec1 = Vector(0, 0)
        self.tmpVec2 = Vector(0, 0)
        self.tmpVec3 = Vector(0, 0)
        self.tmpVec4 = Vector(0, 0)
Beispiel #11
def test_intersection_1():
    l1 = Line()  # X axis
    l2 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 1, 0]), point=Point(0, 1,
                                                              0))  # Y-axis
    l3 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([-1, 1, 0]), point=Point(3, 0, 0))
    assert l1.intersection(l2) == Point(0, 0, 0)
    assert l3.intersection(l2) == Point(0, 3, 0)
Beispiel #12
    def update(self, dt):
        bps = self.battle_preparing
   += 6 * dt

        completed_move = []
        for actor, (x, y, velocity) in self.moving_sprites.items():
            current_pos = Vector(actor.sprite.x, actor.sprite.y)
            destination = Vector(x, y)
            if (destination - current_pos).magnitude_squared < 0.1:
                actor.sprite.update(*self.coords_to_pixels(actor.x, actor.y))
                current_pos = ((current_pos * (5 - 1)) + destination) / 5
                actor.sprite.update(current_pos.x, current_pos.y)

        completed_rotation = []
        for actor, (angle, speed) in self.rotating_sprites.items():
            if abs(actor.sprite.rotation - angle) < 1:
                actor.sprite.update(rotation=((actor.sprite.rotation *
                                               (speed - 1)) + angle) / speed)

        for sprite in completed_move:
            del self.moving_sprites[sprite]
        for sprite in completed_rotation:
            del self.rotating_sprites[sprite]
Beispiel #13
    def refresh(self):

        for obj in self.parent.blocks:
            if obj.lives == 0:
            if self.intersect_with_react(obj):
                if self.parent.debug:
                        self.x + self.radius,
                        self.y + self.radius,
                        self.x + 25 * self.speed_x + self.radius,
                        self.y + 25 * self.speed_y + self.radius

        # panel
        if self.intersect_with_react(self.parent.panel):
            self.y += self.speed_y
            self.x += self.speed_x
            speed = self.parent.panel.speed_x
            if speed != 0:
                ball_speed_vec = Vector(self.speed_x, self.speed_y)
                rotate_angle = random.randint(1, 15)
                ball_speed_vec = ball_speed_vec.rotate(
                    speed / 3 * rotate_angle
                self.speed_x = ball_speed_vec.x
                self.speed_y = ball_speed_vec.y

        if self.y + self.speed_y + 2 * self.radius > self.parent.HEIGHT:

        # super refreshing
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, name):
        super(VectorSprite, self).__init__(name)

        self.vector = Vector(name, 0, 0)
        self.vector_origin = 0, 0
        self.draw_width = 5
        self.draw_color = 255, 255, 255
Beispiel #15
    def __init__(self, is_one: bool, team: Team):
        self.is_one = is_one = team = FIELD.spawn_center.mirror(team.is_blue,
                                                team.is_blue == is_one)
        self.rotation = 0. if team.is_blue else math.pi
        self.gimbal_yaw = 0.
        self.speed = Vector(0., 0.)
        self.rotation_speed = 0.
        self.gimbal_yaw_speed = 0.

        self.ammo = 50 if is_one else 0
        self.is_shooting = False
        self.shot_cooldown = 0
        self.heat = 0
        self.hp = 2000
        self.barrier_hits = 0
        self.robot_hits = 0
        self.can_move = True
        self.can_shoot = True
        self.debuff_timeout = 0

        self._corners = [
            c.transform(, self.rotation)
            for c in ROBOT.outline.corners
        self._armor_lines = [
            a.transform(, self.rotation) for a in ROBOT.armor_lines
Beispiel #16
def Rectangle(v1, v2, color=None):
    return Quad([
        Vector(min(v1.x, v2.x), min(v1.y, v2.y)),
        Vector(max(v1.x, v2.x), min(v1.y, v2.y)),
        Vector(max(v1.x, v2.x), max(v1.y, v2.y)),
        Vector(min(v1.x, v2.x), max(v1.y, v2.y))
Beispiel #17
 def __str__(self):
     if self.direction == Vector(1, 0):
         return '=' if self.broken else '>'
     elif self.direction == Vector(-1, 0):
         return '=' if self.broken else '<'
     elif self.direction == Vector(0, 1):
         return '¦' if self.broken else 'v'
     elif self.direction == Vector(0, -1):
         return '¦' if self.broken else '^'
Beispiel #18
def testGeometry():
    print 'testing geometry...',
    vec1 = Vector(1, 2, 3)
    vec2 = Vector(-2, 4, 5)
    assert vec1 + vec2 == Vector(-1, 6, 8)
    assert vec1**vec2 == -2 + 8 + 15
    assert vec1 * vec2 == -1 * (vec2 * vec1)
    assert vec1 * -1 == Vector(-1, -2, -3)
    print 'passed!'
Beispiel #19
def test_orthogonal():
    l1 = Line()  # X-axis
    l2 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 1, 0]), point=Point(0, 0,
                                                              0))  # Y-axis
    l3 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([1, 1, 0]), point=Point(0, 0, 0))
    l4 = Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 0, 1]), point=Point(0, 0, 0))
    assert l1.is_orthogonal(l2)
    assert l3.is_orthogonal(l4)
    assert not l1.is_orthogonal(l3)
Beispiel #20
 def _line(self, pieces, line):
     if len(pieces) != 7:
         raise PartError, "Invalid line data in %s at line %i" % (self.path, line)
     colour = int(pieces[0])
     p1 = map(float, pieces[1:4])
     p2 = map(float, pieces[4:7])
     return Line(Colour(colour), Vector(*p1), Vector(*p2))
def test_arithmetics(a):
    """add and mul"""
    assert a + a == 2.0 * a
    assert a - a == Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    """div and truediv"""
    assert a / 2.0 == Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    assert -a == Vector(-1.0, -1.0, -1.0)
Beispiel #22
	def pump(self):
		if not self.pump_blocked:
			self.pump_blocked = True

			dir_vect = Vector(Point(0,0), self.direction)
			velocity = dir_vect.length()

			pump = self.pump_efficiency() * self.max_pump

			self.direction = dir_vect.scale_absolute(velocity + pump).vect
Beispiel #23
def test_rotate():

    axis = Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
    angle = np.deg2rad(-90.0)
    quat = Quat.from_angle_and_axis(angle, axis)
    vector = Vector(0.0, 5.0, 0.0)

    rotated = Vector(5.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    assert(quat.rotate(vector) == rotated)
    assert(vector.rotate(quat) == rotated)
Beispiel #24
 def _triangle(self, pieces, line):
     if len(pieces) != 10:
         raise PartError, "Invalid triangle data in %s at line %i" % (self.path, line)
     colour = int(pieces[0])
     p1 = map(float, pieces[1:4])
     p2 = map(float, pieces[4:7])
     p3 = map(float, pieces[7:10])
     return Triangle(Colour(colour), Vector(*p1), Vector(*p2), Vector(*p3))
Beispiel #25
    def __init__(self, entity):
        self.entity = entity

        self.mass = 1
        self.elasticity = 1
        self.gravity = 0
        self.friction = .75

        self.velocity = Vector( + " velocity", 0, 0)
        self.forces = []
        self.last_position = 0, 0
Beispiel #26
def renew_crd(theta, id):
    # координаты
    axis1 = Vector(frame[id], frame[id + 1]) / Vector(frame[id],
                                                      frame[id + 1]).len()

    for i in range(index[id + 2], len(crd), 1):
        old = Vector(crd[index[id]])
        v = Vector(crd[index[id]], crd[i])
        new = v * theta.cos - vmul(
            axis1, v) * theta.sin + axis1 * (axis1 * v) * (1 - theta.cos)
        crd[i] = (new + old).to_point()
Beispiel #27
def constructNormalRec(start_pt_lst, length, width):
    start_pt = Point2D(start_pt_lst)
    vec_lst = []
    length_vec = Vector(length, 0.0)
    width_vec = Vector(0.0, width)
    vec_lst = [length_vec, width_vec, ReverseVector(length_vec), ReverseVector(width_vec)]
    rec = Rectangle(vec_lst, start_pt)
    #print("print(rec.vec_lst): ")
    #for vec in rec.vec_lst:
    #    print(vec)
    return rec
Beispiel #28
def test_vector_antiparallel():
    v1 = Vector([1, 1, 1])
    v2 = Vector([-1, -1, -1])
    v3 = Vector([0, 0, 1])

    assert v1.is_antiparallel(v2)
    assert not v2.is_antiparallel(v3)
    assert not v3.is_antiparallel(v1)
Beispiel #29
def test_vector_parallel():
    v1 = Vector([1, 1, 1])
    v2 = Vector([3, 3, 3])
    v3 = Vector([0, 1, 0])

    assert v1.is_parallel(v2)
    assert not v2.is_parallel(v3)
    assert not v3.is_parallel(v1)
Beispiel #30
def test_line_generation():

    Line(direction_vector=Vector([1, 1, 1]), point=Point(2, 2, 2))

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        Line(direction_vector=Point(1, 1, 1))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Line(direction_vector=Vector([0, 0, 0]))

    Line.from_points(Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2))
Beispiel #31
def renew_len():
    for i in range(len(crd) - 1):
        for bond in bond_length[i]:
            if i < bond[0]:
                v = Vector(crd[i], crd[bond[0]])
                k = bond[1] / v.len()
                tmp = crd[bond[0]]
                crd[bond[0]] = crd[i] + (v * k)
                for l in range(bond[0] + 1, len(crd)):
                    v = Vector(tmp, crd[l])
                    tmp = crd[l]
                    crd[l] = crd[l - 1] + v
Beispiel #32
 def _optional_line(self, pieces, line):
     if len(pieces) != 13:
         raise PartError, "Invalid line data in %s at line %i" % (self.path, line)
     colour = int(pieces[0])
     p1 = map(float, pieces[1:4])
     p2 = map(float, pieces[4:7])
     p3 = map(float, pieces[7:10])
     p4 = map(float, pieces[10:13])
     return OptionalLine(Colour(colour), Vector(*p1), Vector(*p2),
                                         Vector(*p3), Vector(*p4))
Beispiel #33
    def __init__(self, meteor_model, position):
        GameObjectModel.__init__(self, position)

        self.meteor_model = meteor_model

        self.rotation = self.target_angle()
        self.velocity = Vector(0, 0)
        self.can_switch = True

        self.last_position = self.position
        self.moved = False
        self.last_direction = "right"
        self.time = 0
Beispiel #34
 def _quadrilateral(self, pieces, line):
     if len(pieces) != 13:
         raise PartError, "Invalid quadrilateral data in %s at line %i" % (self.path, line)
     colour = int(pieces[0])
     p1 = map(float, pieces[1:4])
     p2 = map(float, pieces[4:7])
     p3 = map(float, pieces[7:10])
     p4 = map(float, pieces[10:13])
     return Quadrilateral(Colour(colour), Vector(*p1), Vector(*p2),
                                          Vector(*p3), Vector(*p4))
Beispiel #35
def test_angle():
    a = Vector(1,0,1)
    b = Vector(1,0,0)

    A = np.array(a)
    B = np.array(b)
    # Test for single vector pair
    assert(angle(A,B) == a.angle(b))
    AA = np.tile(A, (10,5,1))
    BB = np.tile(B, (10,5,1))
    # Test at higher-dimensions
    assert(np.all( angle(AA,BB) == a.angle(b) ))
Beispiel #36
 def __init__(self, ps, color=None):
     Shape.__init__(self, color)
     mn = min(enumerate(ps), key=lambda (i,v): (v.y, v.x))[0]
     self.vs = list(ps[mn:]) + list(ps[:mn])
     self.bound = Vector.union(*self.vs)
     self.half_planes = []
     for i in xrange(len(self.vs)):
         h = HalfPlane(self.vs[i], self.vs[(i+1) % len(self.vs)])
	def get_attract_field(self, mytank, obj, r, s, a):
		d = get_center_distance(mytank, obj)
		theta = get_angle(mytank, obj)
		dx = 0;
		dy = 0
		if d > (s+r):
			dx = a * s * cos(theta)
			dy = a * s * sin(theta)
		elif d >= r: #and d<=s+r
			dx = a * (d-r) * cos(theta)
			dy = a * (d-r) * sin(theta)
		#else dx = 0 dy = 0
		vector = Vector()
		vector.set_x_and_y(dx, dy)
		return vector
	def get_repulse_field(self, mytank, obj, r, s, b):
		d = get_center_distance(mytank, obj)
		theta = get_angle(mytank, obj)
		dx = 0
		dy = 0
		if d < r:
			dx = -sign(cos(theta))*float('inf')
			dy = -sign(sin(theta))*float('inf')
		elif d >= r and d <= s+r:
			dx = -b * (s + r - d) * cos(theta)
			dy = -b * (s + r - d) * sin(theta)
		#else dx, dy = 0
		vector = Vector()
		vector.set_x_and_y(dx, dy)
		return vector
Beispiel #39
 def signed_distance_bound(self, p):
     def sgn(x):
         return 0 if x == 0 else x / abs(x)
     v = -sgn(self.value(p))
     c =
     pc = p - c
     u2 = self.a*pc.x**2 + self.b*pc.y**2 + self.c*pc.x*pc.y
     u1 = 2*self.a*c.x*pc.x + 2*self.b*c.y*pc.y \
          + self.c*c.y*pc.x + self.c*c.x*pc.y + self.d*pc.x \
          + self.e*pc.y
     u0 = self.a*c.x**2 + self.b*c.y**2 + self.c*c.x*c.y \
          + self.d*c.x + self.e*c.y + self.f
     sols = quadratic(u2, u1, u0)
     crossings = c+pc*sols[0], c+pc*sols[1]
     if (p - crossings[0]).length() < (p - crossings[1]).length():
         surface_pt = crossings[0]
         surface_pt = crossings[1]
     d = Vector(2*self.a*surface_pt.x + self.c*surface_pt.y + self.d,
                2*self.b*surface_pt.y + self.c*surface_pt.x + self.e)
     return v * abs( - surface_pt) / d.length())
Beispiel #40
	def pump_efficiency(self):
		dir_vect = Vector(Point(0,0), self.direction)
		velocity = dir_vect.length()

		# Scale pumping (best pumping in curve at optimal pumping speed)

		# check how vertical board is & scale to 0-1
		verticality = 1 - ( abs(self.direction.x) / velocity )

		# Check how much the player is leaning outwards scaled 0-1
		leaning = abs(self.player) / self.max_lean

		# Check the speed (is scaled according to normal distributed 
		# around an optimal speed )
		# This is achieved using the probability density function of the normal distribution
		expo = (velocity - self.optimal_velocity)**2 / (2 * self.sigma**2)
		speed = 1 / (math.sqrt(2 * math.pi * self.sigma**2))
		speed *= math.exp(-expo)

		# Scale the speed (value = 1 @ optimal velocity):
		speed /= self.pump_scale

		return leaning * speed # * verticality
Beispiel #41
 def __init__(self, a=1.0, b=1.0, c=0.0, d=0.0, e=0.0, f=-1.0, color=None):
     Shape.__init__(self, color)
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     self.c = c
     self.d = d
     self.e = e
     self.f = f
     t = Transform(2 * a, c, 0, c, 2 * b, 0) = t.inverse() * Vector(-d, -e)
     l1, l0 = quadratic(1, 2 * (-a - b), 4 * a * b - c * c)
     v = t.eigv()
     axes = [v[0] * ((l0 / 2) ** -0.5), v[1] * ((l1 / 2) ** -0.5)]
     self.bound = Vector.union( - axes[0] - axes[1],
                      - axes[0] + axes[1],
                      + axes[0] - axes[1],
                      + axes[0] + axes[1])
Beispiel #42
	def check_collision(self):
		board = self.board_vector()

		# Check collision of board with wall
		found = False
		if board.p1.x < 0:
			self.board.position.x = 0
			found = True
		elif board.p1.x > self.size[0]:
			self.board.position.x = self.size[0]
			found = True

		if found:
			vector = Vector(Point(0,0), self.board.direction)
			self.board.direction = vector.scale_absolute(3).vect

		# Check collision of board with any obstacle
		found = False
		vector = Vector(Point(0,0), self.board.direction)
		cur = self.board.currently_on
		for ob in self.obstacles:
			if ob.check_collision(board.p1):
				if type(ob) == CircularObstacle:
					if cur == id(ob): break
					cur = self.board.speed()
					breaking = 1 - (ob.speed / 100)
					if cur * breaking > self.board.break_speed:
						self.board.direction = vector.scale_relative(breaking).vect

					self.board.currently_on = id(ob)

				elif type(ob) == Boost:
					if cur == id(ob): break
					speed =  1 + float(ob.speed)/100
					if self.board.speed() * speed <= self.board.max_speed * 1.03:
						self.board.direction = vector.scale_relative(speed).vect

					self.board.currently_on = id(ob)

				elif type(ob) == Rectangular:
					if cur == id(ob): break

					self.board.direction = vector.scale_absolute(1).vect

					self.board.currently_on = id(ob)
			self.board.currently_on = False
Beispiel #43
def largeArray(n=8, d=10, wid=.27, kinds=["LINEAR", "QBEZIER", "CBEZIER", "CIRCULAR", "MONOCIRCULAR"]):
    font = TTF("/Users/I/Desktop/diamondGDS/fonts/VeraMono.ttf")
#    font = TTF("/Users/I/Desktop/diamondGDS/fonts/courier-bold.ttf")

    toReturn = Shape([])
    v = Vector(0,0)
    dv = Vector(n*d*2)
    basedir = Vector(0,1)
    c0 = Connection(v.copy(), -basedir.copy(), wid)
    c1 = Connection(v.copy(), basedir.copy(), wid)
#    c0.dir = basedir
#    c0.wid = wid
#    c1.wid = wid
    for kind in kinds:
        for i in range(0,n+1):
            c1.v = basedir.rotate(i*math.pi/n)*(d)
            for j in range(0,2*n):
                print "\n0x" + ("%X" % i) + ("%X" % j)
                c1.dir = basedir.rotate(j*math.pi/n)
#                print c0, c1

#                (c0 + Vector(d*i*1.5, d*j*1.5) + v).plot()
#                (c1 + Vector(d*i*1.5, d*j*1.5) + v).plot()

                polyline = connectAndThicken(c0, c1, kind)

                if isinstance(polyline, Polyline):
                    toReturn.add(polyline + (Vector(d*i*1.5, d*j*1.5) + v))
                    toReturn.add(font.shapeFromStringBoundedCentered(("%X" % i) + ("%X" % j), w=0, h=2) + (Vector(d*i*1.5, d*j*1.5) + v + Vector(3,3)))
        toReturn.add(font.shapeFromStringBoundedCentered(kind, w=0, h=10) + (Vector(d*n*.75, -25) + v))
        v += dv

    return toReturn
Beispiel #44
                #pixel center in space
                p = self.c + px * self.u_x + py * self.u_y
                #direction vector
                if self._orth:
                    u = self.direction
                    u = (p - self.position) / norm(p - self.position)
                yield Ray(p, u)
            yield None #next row

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import pixmap
    s = objects.Sphere(Vector(0,0,0), 2)
    cpos = Vector(0, 0, 6)
    u = Vector.normalize(0, 0, -1)
    c = Camera(cpos, u, scale=0.25)
    image = []
    l, h = 2**20, 0
    for r in c.rays():
        if r is not None:
            if s.intersects(r):
                col = s.intersectionDistance(r)
                if col > h:
                    h = col
                if col < l:
                    l = col
                image += [col]
                image += [-1]
Beispiel #45
def dev2D(tip=2, tipwid=2, diskspacing=12, electspacing=5, gap=6, groundoffset=2.5, electwid=8, wirewid=6, wirespaceF=10, wirewidF=10, gespace=40, padsize=100, disks=[1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5], couplinggap=.08, couplingwid=.12, couplinglen=1, lrpad=0):
    toReturn = Shape([]);
    if diskspacing < electwid:
        return None
    numdisks = len(disks)

    electspacing = diskspacing/3.
    groundoffset = diskspacing/4.
    electwid = 2*diskspacing/3.
    wirewid = diskspacing/2.
    wirespace = diskspacing/2.
    gespace = 4.5*electwid
    if wirespace >= wirespaceF:
        wirespaceF = wirespace #+.001
    if wirewid >= wirewidF:
        wirewidF = wirewid #+.001
    v1 = Vector(math.cos(math.pi/2.+couplinglen/2.), math.sin(math.pi/2.+couplinglen/2.))
    v2 = Vector(math.cos(math.pi/2.-couplinglen/2.), math.sin(math.pi/2.-couplinglen/2.))

    prevConnection = 0
    tranlen = .75
    disky = wirewidF + wirespaceF/2. + groundoffset
    gapStuff = Shape([]);

    for i in range(0, numdisks):
        c = Vector((i+.5-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing, disky)
        gapStuff.add(circle(c, disks[i]/2.).setMaterial(1))

        irad = disks[i]/2. + couplinggap
        orad = disks[i]/2. + couplinggap + couplingwid
        iwid = couplingwid
        owid = .24
        mrad = (irad + orad)/2.
#        pline = arc(c, c+v1, c+v2)

        pline = arc(c, c+v1*irad, c+v2*irad) + arc(c, c+v2*orad, c+v1*orad)
        pline.closed = True

        left =  thickenPolyline(Polyline([c+v1*mrad, c+v1*mrad+v1.perp()*tranlen]), "CUBIC", [iwid, owid]).setMaterial(1)
        right = thickenPolyline(Polyline([c+v2*mrad, c+v2*mrad+v2.perp().perp().perp()*tranlen]), "CUBIC", [iwid, owid]).setMaterial(1)


#        print 'L: ', left.connections
#        print 'R: ', right.connections

        if not isinstance(prevConnection, Connection):
            firstConnection = Connection(c+v1*mrad+v1.perp()*tranlen, v1.perp(), owid)
            i = prevConnection
            f = Connection(c+v1*mrad+v1.perp()*tranlen, v1.perp(), owid)
        prevConnection = Connection(c+v2*mrad+v2.perp().perp().perp()*tranlen, v2.perp().perp().perp(), owid)
    gratingOne = Connection(Vector(-numdisks*diskspacing/2. - diskspacing/2., disky), Vector(1,0), owid)
    gratingTwo = Connection(Vector(-numdisks*diskspacing/2. - diskspacing/2. - 9.5 - 5,    disky - 9.5), Vector(0,-1), owid)
    gratingTwoA = Connection(Vector(-(numdisks+2)*diskspacing/2., wirewidF/6.), Vector(1,0), owid)
    gratingTwoC = Connection(Vector(numdisks*diskspacing/2., wirewidF/6.), Vector(1,0), owid)

#    gapStuff.plot();

#        arc(c, c+v1, c+v2).plot()

    y = gespace/4. # electspacing - groundoffset + electwid/2. -wirewid/2 + tipwid/2.

    for i in range(0, (numdisks+2)/2):
        v = Vector((i-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing, electspacing - groundoffset + electwid/2. + disky)
#        if i == 0:
#            rect1 = rect(v + Vector(0, -wirewid/2. + tipwid/2.), v + Vector(-10, wirewid/2. + tipwid/2.))
#            rect1 = rect(v + Vector(wirewid/2., -wirewid/2. + tipwid/2.), v + Vector(-electwid, wirewidF-wirewid/2. + tipwid/2.))
#        else:
        rect1 = -rect(v + Vector(-wirewid/2., -wirewid/2 + tipwid/2.), v + Vector(wirewid/2, y + wirewidF - (electspacing - groundoffset + electwid/2.)))

        if tip == 0:        # SQUARE
            tipobj = rect(v - Vector(electwid/2., electwid/2.), v + Vector(electwid/2., electwid/2.)).union(-rect1).setMaterial(3)
        elif tip == 1:      # POINTY
            x = electwid/2. - tipwid/2.
            if i == 0:
                pline = Polyline([v, v + Vector(x,-x)])
                tipobj = rect1.union(-thickenPolyline(pline, "CONSTANT", tipwid/2., "SHARP", "ROUND")).setMaterial(3)
                pline = Polyline([v + Vector(-x,-x), v, v + Vector(x,-x)])
                tipobj = thickenPolyline(pline, "CONSTANT", tipwid/2., "SHARP", "ROUND").union(-rect1).setMaterial(3)
        elif tip == 2:      # CIRCLE
            tipobj = circle(v, electwid/2.).union(rect1).setMaterial(3)
        if i != (numdisks+2)/2.:
    # Pads
#    v = Vector(-padsize-wirespaceF/2., y + 2*wirespaceF + wirewidF + padsize)   # Right
#    toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, padsize)))
#    toReturn.add(rect(v + Vector(padsize-wirewidF, -padsize + wirewidF + wirespaceF), v + Vector(padsize, 0)))
#    toReturn.add(rect(Vector((2-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing - wirewid/2., gespace/2. + wirewidF), Vector((2-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing + wirewid/2., gespace/2. + 2*wirewidF + 2*wirespaceF)))
#    toReturn.add(rect(Vector((2-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing + wirewid/2., gespace/2. + 2*wirewidF + 2*wirespaceF), v + Vector(padsize-wirewidF, -padsize + wirewidF + wirespaceF)))

    v = Vector(-padsize-wirespaceF-wirewidF/2., y + wirespaceF + wirewidF + disky)    # L/R (prev Middle)
    toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, padsize)))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector((1-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing - wirewid/2., y + disky + wirewidF), Vector((1-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing + wirewid/2., y + disky + wirewidF + wirespaceF)))
    toReturn.add(rect(v + Vector(padsize, 0), Vector((1-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing + wirewid/2., y + disky + 2*wirewidF + wirespaceF)))

    toReturn.add(rect(v - Vector(wirespaceF, wirewidF + wirespaceF), Vector((0-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing - wirewid/2., y + disky + wirewidF)))

#    v = Vector(-2*padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF, y)                          # Left
##    toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, padsize)))
#    toReturn.add(rect(v + Vector(padsize, 0), Vector((-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing - wirewid/2., y + wirewidF)))

#    v = Vector(-2*padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF, -groundoffset)                          # Ground Left
##    toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, -padsize)))
#    toReturn.add(rect(v + Vector(padsize, 0), Vector((-numdisks/2.)*diskspacing - wirewid/2., -groundoffset - wirewidF)))

    toReturn.add(toReturn*Matrix(-1,0,0,1)) # FLIP HORIZ

    #toReturn.add(rect(v - Vector(wirewidF + wirespaceF, wirewidF + wirespaceF), v - Vector(wirespaceF, - padsize - wirewidF - wirespaceF)))
    #toReturn.add(rect(Vector(v.x - (wirewidF + wirespaceF), 0), v - Vector(wirespaceF, - padsize - wirewidF - wirespaceF)))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(v.x - (2*wirewidF + wirespaceF), 0), Vector(v.x-wirespaceF, 200)))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(7*wirewidF/2. + 3*wirespaceF + padsize, 0), Vector(11*wirewidF/2. + 3*wirespaceF + padsize, 200)))   # Ground line

    toReturn.add(rect(v + Vector(-wirespaceF, padsize + wirespaceF), Vector(-v.x + wirespaceF, v.y + padsize + wirespaceF + wirewidF)))

    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(-wirewidF/2., y + disky + 3*wirespaceF + wirewidF), Vector(wirewidF/2., y + disky + 2*wirespaceF + wirewidF + padsize)))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(-wirewid/2., y + disky + wirewidF), Vector(wirewid/2., y + disky + 3*wirespaceF + wirewidF)))
#    if not (lrpad & 0x01):  # Make left pad
#        v = Vector(-2*padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF, y)                          # Left
#        toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, padsize)))
#        v = Vector(-2*padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF, -groundoffset)                          # Ground Left
#        toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, -padsize)))
#    if not (lrpad & 0x02):  # Make right pad
#        v = Vector(-(-padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF), y)                          # Left
#        toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, padsize)))
#        v = Vector(-(-padsize-5*wirespaceF/2.-wirewidF), -groundoffset)                          # Ground Left
#        toReturn.add(rect(v, v + Vector(padsize, -padsize)))

    # Ground
    gwid = diskspacing*numdisks/2. + electwid/2.
    gwid2 = diskspacing*numdisks/2. + wirewid/2.
#    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(-gwid, -gespace/2.), Vector(gwid, -groundoffset)).setMaterial(3))
#    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(-gwid2, -gespace/2.-wirewidF), Vector(gwid2, -gespace/2.)).setMaterial(3))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(-gwid2, wirespaceF/2.), Vector(gwid2 + wirespaceF, wirewidF + wirespaceF/2.)).setMaterial(3))

    toReturn.add((rect(v - Vector(wirewidF + wirespaceF, wirewidF + wirespaceF), v - Vector(wirespaceF, - padsize - wirewidF - wirespaceF))*Matrix(-1,0,0,1)).setMaterial(3))


    toReturn.add(toReturn*Matrix(1,0,0,-1)) # FLIP VERT

    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(gwid2 + wirespaceF, -wirewidF - wirespaceF/2.), Vector(gwid2 + wirespaceF + wirewidF, wirewidF + wirespaceF/2.)).setMaterial(3))
    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(gwid2 + wirespaceF + wirewidF, - wirewidF), Vector(7*wirewidF/2. + 3*wirespaceF + padsize, wirewidF)).setMaterial(3))
#    toReturn.add(rect(Vector(3*wirewidF/2. + 3*wirespaceF + padsize, -wirespaceF/2.), Vector(5*wirewidF/2. + 3*wirespaceF + 2*padsize, -wirespaceF/2. + padsize)).setMaterial(3))

#    toReturn.add((rect(v - Vector(wirewidF + wirespaceF, wirewidF + wirespaceF), v - Vector(wirespaceF, - padsize - wirewidF - wirespaceF))*Matrix(-1,0,0,1)).setMaterial(3))

#    toReturn.add((font.shapeFromStringBoundedCentered("42", -1, 7*5) +      Vector(-85, 0)).setMaterial(3))

#    return [toReturn.setMaterial(3), 2*padsize + 3*wirespaceF + groundoffset + gespace/2. + 3*wirewidF]

    return toReturn
Beispiel #46
    def intersect_with_polygon(self, pts):
        current_pos = Vector(self.x + self.radius, self.y + self.radius)
        speed = Vector(self.speed_x, self.speed_y)
        new_pos = current_pos + speed

        min_dist = 1e9
        result_speed = None
        result_position = None

        # Проверяем пересечения со сторонами
        for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
            # Делаем сдвиг стороны наружу на радиус шара
            # Шар сжимаем до точки
            line = Vector(*pts[i]) - Vector(*pts[i + 1])
            norm = line.rotate(90) / abs(line)
            # a и b - новые точки сдвинутой прямой
            a = Vector(*pts[i]) + norm * self.radius
            b = Vector(*pts[i + 1]) + norm * self.radius
            intersect, intersect_point = geometry.intersect_sector_sector(
                a, b,
            if intersect and abs(intersect_point - current_pos) < min_dist:
                min_dist = abs(intersect_point - current_pos)
                if self.parent.debug:
                        a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y
                        intersect_point.x, intersect_point.y
                line = Vector(*pts[i]) - Vector(*pts[i + 1])
                angle_cos = speed.scalar_mul(line) / \
                    (abs(speed) * abs(line))
                angle = math.acos(angle_cos)
                angle = angle / math.pi * 180
                result_speed = speed.rotate(2 * angle)
                result_position = intersect_point

        # Проверка пересечения с углами
        for x, y in pts:
            point = Vector(x, y)
            # Ищем точки пересечения вектора скорости мяча
            # с окружностью в точке прямоугольника и радиуса мяча
            intersect_points = geometry.intersect_line_circle(
                current_pos, speed,
                point, self.radius
            # Перебираем точки пересечения и выбираем нужную
            for intersect_point in intersect_points:
                if abs(intersect_point - current_pos) > abs(speed):
                if (intersect_point - current_pos).scalar_mul(speed) <= 0:
                if abs(intersect_point - current_pos) >= min_dist:
                min_dist = abs(intersect_point - current_pos)
                if self.parent.debug:
                        intersect_point.x, intersect_point.y
                # Получаем направляющий вектор касательной
                # к окружности в найенной точке
                tangent = (point - intersect_point).rotate(90)
                # Найдем косинус угла между вектором скорости и
                # касательной
                angle_cos = speed.scalar_mul(tangent) /\
                    (abs(speed) * abs(tangent))
                # Переведем угол в градусы
                angle = math.acos(angle_cos)
                angle = angle / math.pi * 180
                result_speed = speed.rotate(2 * angle)
                result_position = intersect_point

        if result_speed and result_position:
            self.speed_x = result_speed.x
            self.speed_y = result_speed.y
            self.x = result_position.x - self.radius - self.speed_x * 0.9
            self.y = result_position.y - self.radius - self.speed_y * 0.9
            return True
        return False
 def __init__(self, r, g=0, b=0):
     Vector.__init__(self, r, g, b)