Beispiel #1
def to_PoseStamped(klampt_se3, stamp='now'):
    """From Klamp't se3 element to ROS PoseStamped
    if stamp == 'now':
        stamp =
    elif isinstance(stamp, (int, float)):
        stamp = rospy.Time(stamp)
    ros_pose = PoseStamped()
    ros_pose.header.stamp = stamp
    ros_pose.orientation = to_Quaternion(klampt_se3[0])
    ros_pose.position = to_Point(klampt_se3[0])
    return ros_pose
Beispiel #2
    def find_frontier(self, msg):
        Returns a dictionary of frontiers given by {'key',(x,y,size)} in the occupancy grid.
        :return        {'key',(x,y,size)}   A dictionary of frontiers and their sizes.

        # Get a map from the map_expander node
        mapdata = FindFrontier.request_map()
        # Begins counting the number of centroids
        centroid_number = 0
        # Establishes the dictionary of frontiers and the list of visited points
        # frontiers = {}
        visited_points = []
        frontier = [-1515, -1515]
        priority = 0

         current_y] = FindFrontier.world_to_grid(mapdata,

        # Loop through all cells in the occupancy grid
        for h in range( - 1):
            for w in range( - 1):
                # Calculates index of the point in the grid
                this_index = FindFrontier.grid_to_index(mapdata, w, h)
                # If the point has not been checked
                if this_index not in visited_points:
                    # Add this point to the list of visited points
                    # If this point is unknown
                    if[this_index] == -1:
                        # Increase the total number of centroids by one
                        centroid_number += 1
                        # Set the initial size to one
                        size = 1
                        # Adds to the total x and y for averaging later
                        total_x = w
                        total_y = h
                        # Add any adjacent unknown points to the list of unknowns
                        list_of_unknown_points = FindFrontier.unknown_neighbors_of_8(
                            w, h, mapdata, [])
                        # While there are unknown neighbors
                        while not len(list_of_unknown_points) == 0:
                            # Get a point from the list
                            this = list_of_unknown_points.pop
                            this_x = this[0]
                            this_y = this[1]
                            # Increase the size by one
                            size += 1
                            # Add the current x and y to the totals
                            total_x += this_x
                            total_y += this_y
                            # Add any adjacent unknown points to the list of unknowns
                                    this_x, this_y, mapdata, visited_points))
                            # Get the index for this point
                            this_index = FindFrontier.grid_to_index(
                                mapdata, this_x, this_y)
                            # Add this point to the visited points list
                        # Calculate the centroid using the total xs and ys
                        centroid_x = total_x / size
                        centroid_y = total_y / size

                        centroid_distance = FindFrontier.euclidean_distance(
                            centroid_x, centroid_y, current_x, current_y)
                        centroid_priority = size / centroid_distance
                        if centroid_priority > priority:
                            priority = centroid_priority
                            frontier = (centroid_x, centroid_y)
                        # Add the frontier to the dictionary
                        # frontiers[centroid_number] = (centroid_x, centroid_y, size)
        # Return the dictionary
        best_point = PoseStamped()
        best_point.header.frame_id = "frontier"
        best_point.position = [frontier[0], frontier[1], 0]
        best_point.orientation = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        return best_point