Beispiel #1
def quaternion_product(q1, q2):

    q_prod = Quaternion()

    a1 = q1.w
    b1 = q1.x
    c1 = q1.y
    d1 = q1.z
    a2 = q2.w
    b2 = q2.x
    c2 = q2.y
    d2 = q2.z

    q_prod.w = a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 - c1 * c2 - d1 * d2
    q_prod.x = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2 + c1 * d2 - d1 * c2
    q_prod.y = a1 * c2 - b1 * d2 + c1 * a2 + d1 * b2
    q_prod.z = a1 * d2 + b1 * c2 - c1 * b2 + d1 * a2

    # This is exactly the same quaternion as before, but with positive
    # real part (seems to be the standard for ROS TF)
    if q_prod.w < 0.0:
        q_prod.x = -q_prod.x
        q_prod.y = -q_prod.y
        q_prod.z = -q_prod.z
        q_prod.w = -q_prod.w

    return q_prod
 def goal_orientation(self, theta):
  orientation = Quaternion() 
  if -numpy.pi < theta < -numpy.pi*2.0/3.0:
   print 'reverse orientation'
   orientation.z = -numpy.sin(theta/2.0)
   orientation.w = -numpy.cos(theta/2.0)
   orientation.z = numpy.sin(theta/2.0)
   orientation.w = numpy.cos(theta/2.0)
  return orientation
    def sense(self):
        """ collects sensor data from the Neato and publishes
            it to the neatoSensors topic
        # receive and publish sensor data
        self.fields = self.neato.state.keys() # update sensor fields
        sensor_data  = NeatoSensors() # see NOTE above
        for field in self.fields:
                sensor_data.__setattr__(field, self.neato.state[field])

        # receive and publish laser range data
        range_data = LaserRangeData()
        range_data.__setattr__("range_data", self.neato.range_data)

        # odomemtry in testing
        # transform position into tf frame
        quaternionOdom = Quaternion()
        quaternionOdom.x = 0.0
        quaternionOdom.y = 0.0
        quaternionOdom.z = sin(self.theta/2)
        quaternionOdom.w = -cos(self.theta/2)

        quaternionLL = Quaternion()
        quaternionLL.x = 0.0
        quaternionLL.y = 0.0
        quaternionLL.z = 0.0
        quaternionLL.w = 1.0

        # base_link -> base_laser transformation
            (0.0, -0.1, 0.0),
            (quaternionLL.x, quaternionLL.y, quaternionLL.z, quaternionLL.w),
        # odom -> base_link transformation
            (self.x/1000, self.y/1000, 0),
            (quaternionOdom.x, quaternionOdom.y, quaternionOdom.z, quaternionOdom.w),
 def GoalOrientation(self, theta):
  orientation = Quaternion() 
  if -numpy.pi < theta < -numpy.pi*2.0/3.0:
   orientation.z = -numpy.sin(theta/2.0)
   orientation.w = -numpy.cos(theta/2.0)
   orientation.z = numpy.sin(theta/2.0)
   orientation.w = numpy.cos(theta/2.0)
  return orientation
    def Publish(self, broadcaster, orientation, x_dist, y_dist, linear_speed, angular_speed, use_pose_ekf=False):
        ros_now =

        quat = Quaternion()

        # Orientation can be one of two things:
        #    Euler Angles or Quaternion
        # Orientation is a dictionary keyed by 'euler' and 'quaternion'

        if orientation.has_key('euler'):
            euler = orientation['euler']

            # Note: Euler values are in degrees
            roll = euler['roll']
            pitch = euler['pitch']
            yaw = euler['yaw']

            q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)

            quat.x = q[0]
            quat.y = q[1]
            quat.z = q[2]
            quat.w = q[3]

        elif orientation.has_key('quaternion'):
            quat.x = orientation['quaternion']['x']
            quat.y = orientation['quaternion']['y']
            quat.z = orientation['quaternion']['z']
            quat.w = orientation['quaternion']['w']

        # Publish the transform from frame odom to frame base_link over tf

        #    Note: pose ekf is how turtlebot does its thing.  If there is an imu and/or gyro, it might be best to take
        #    this approach
        if use_pose_ekf:
            # This transform conflicts with transforms built into the Turtle stack
            # This is done in/with the robot_pose_ekf because it can integrate IMU/gyro data
            # using an "extended Kalman filter"
            # REMOVE this "line" if you use robot_pose_ekf
                (x_dist, y_dist, 0),
                (quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w),

        self._publisher.publish(self._msg(quat, x_dist, y_dist, linear_speed, angular_speed, ros_now, use_pose_ekf))
Beispiel #6
    def interpOdom(self, o1, o2, frac):
        Interpolates two odometry objects, and returns a third one based
        on frac, the distance between the two.
        pos1 = o1.pose.pose.position
        pos2 = o2.pose.pose.position
        posOut = Point(x = pos1.x + (pos2.x - pos1.x) * frac,
                       y = pos1.y + (pos2.y - pos1.y) * frac,
                       z = pos1.z + (pos2.z - pos1.z) * frac)
        or1 = o1.pose.pose.orientation
        or2 = o2.pose.pose.orientation
        orOut = Quaternion()

        # Interpolating quaternions is complicated.  First,
        # compute the dot product of the quaternions.  "Theta" in what
        # follows is the angle between the two quaternions.
        cosHalfTheta = or1.z * or2.z + or1.w * or2.w

        if math.fabs(cosHalfTheta) >= 1.0:
            orOut.z = or1.z
            orOut.w = or1.w
            halfTheta = math.acos(cosHalfTheta)
            sinHalfTheta = (1.0 - cosHalfTheta**2)**0.5
            if math.fabs(sinHalfTheta) < 0.001:
                orOut.z = (or1.z + or2.z)/2.0
                orOut.w = (or1.w + or2.w)/2.0
                rA  = math.sin((1 - frac) * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta
                rB  = math.sin(frac * halfTheta) / sinHalfTheta

                orOut.w = (or1.w * rA + or2.w * rB);
                orOut.z = (or1.z * rA + or2.z * rB);

        poseOut = Pose(position = posOut, orientation = orOut)
        poseCVOut = PoseWithCovariance(pose = poseOut)

        lin1 = o1.twist.twist.linear
        lin2 = o2.twist.twist.linear
        linOut = Vector3(x = lin1.x + (lin2.x - lin1.x) * frac,
                         y = lin1.y + (lin2.y - lin1.y) * frac,
                         z = lin1.z + (lin2.z - lin1.z) * frac)
        ang1 = o1.twist.twist.angular
        ang2 = o2.twist.twist.angular
        angOut = Vector3(x = ang1.x + (ang2.x - ang1.x) * frac,
                         y = ang1.y + (ang2.y - ang1.y) * frac,
                         z = ang1.z + (ang2.z - ang1.z) * frac)
        twistOut = Twist(linear = linOut, angular = angOut)
        twistCVOut = TwistWithCovariance(twist = twistOut)

        return Odometry(pose = poseCVOut, twist = twistCVOut)
 def getOrientation(self):
     ort = Quaternion()
     ort.x = self._orientationX
     ort.y = self._orientationY
     ort.z = self._orientationZ
     ort.w = self._orientationW
     return ort
def update_kalman(ar_tags):
    print "started update"
    update = rospy.ServiceProxy('innovation', NuSrv)
    listener = tf.TransformListener()
    while True:
               (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform(ar_tags['arZ'], ar_tags['ar1'], rospy.Time(0))
	       print "Couldn't look up transform"
            lin = Vector3()
            quat = Quaternion()
            lin.x = trans[0]
            lin.y = trans[1]
            lin.z = trans[2]
            quat.x = rot[0]
            quat.y = rot[1]
            quat.z = rot[2]
            quat.w = rot[3]
            transform = Transform()
            transform.translation = lin
            transform.rotation = quat
            test = update(transform, ar_tags['ar1'])
            print "Service call succeeded"
        except rospy.ServiceException, e:
            print "Service call failed: %s"%e
def axis_angle_to_quaternion(axis, angle):
    q = Quaternion()
    q.x = axis.x * math.sin(angle / 2.0)
    q.y = axis.y * math.sin(angle / 2.0)
    q.z = axis.z * math.sin(angle / 2.0)
    q.w = math.cos(angle / 2.0)
    return q
Beispiel #10
def rotateQuaternion(q_orig, yaw):
    Converts a basic rotation about the z-axis (in radians) into the
    Quaternion notation required by ROS transform and pose messages.
       | q_orig (geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion): to be rotated
       | yaw (double): rotate by this amount in radians
       | (geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion) q_orig rotated yaw about the z axis
    # Create a temporary Quaternion to represent the change in heading
    q_headingChange = Quaternion()

    p = 0
    y = yaw / 2.0
    r = 0
    sinp = math.sin(p)
    siny = math.sin(y)
    sinr = math.sin(r)
    cosp = math.cos(p)
    cosy = math.cos(y)
    cosr = math.cos(r)
    q_headingChange.x = sinr * cosp * cosy - cosr * sinp * siny
    q_headingChange.y = cosr * sinp * cosy + sinr * cosp * siny
    q_headingChange.z = cosr * cosp * siny - sinr * sinp * cosy
    q_headingChange.w = cosr * cosp * cosy + sinr * sinp * siny

    # Multiply new (heading-only) quaternion by the existing (pitch and bank) 
    # quaternion. Order is important! Original orientation is the second 
    # argument rotation which will be applied to the quaternion is the first 
    # argument. 
    return multiply_quaternions(q_headingChange, q_orig)
def convert_planar_phi_to_quaternion(phi):
    quaternion = Quaternion()
    quaternion.x = 0
    quaternion.y = 0
    quaternion.z = math.sin(phi / 2)
    quaternion.w = math.cos(phi / 2)
    return quaternion
Beispiel #12
 def get_ros_quaternion(self, almath_quaternion):
     output = Quaternion()
     output.w = almath_quaternion.w
     output.x = almath_quaternion.x
     output.y = almath_quaternion.y
     output.z = almath_quaternion.z
     return output
	def Publish_Odom_Tf(self):
	#quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)
		quaternion = Quaternion()
		quaternion.x = 0 
		quaternion.y = 0
		quaternion.z = math.sin(self.Heading / 2.0)
		quaternion.w = math.cos(self.Heading / 2.0)
		rosNow =
				(self.X_Pos, self.Y_Pos, 0), 
					(quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),

		# next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS
		odometry = Odometry()
		odometry.header.frame_id = "odom"
		odometry.header.stamp = rosNow
		odometry.pose.pose.position.x = self.X_Pos
		odometry.pose.pose.position.y = self.Y_Pos
		odometry.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		odometry.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

		odometry.child_frame_id = "base_link"
		odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = self.Velocity
		odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
		odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = self.Omega
	def on_aseba_odometry_event(self,data): 
		now = data.stamp
		dt = (now-self.then).to_sec()
		self.then = now
		dsl = ([0]*dt)/SPEED_COEF # left wheel delta in mm
		dsr = ([1]*dt)/SPEED_COEF # right wheel delta in mm
		ds = ((dsl+dsr)/2.0)/1000.0      # robot traveled distance in meters
		dth = atan2(dsr-dsl,BASE_WIDTH)  # turn angle

		self.x += ds*cos(
		self.y += ds*sin( dth

		# prepare tf from base_link to odom 
		quaternion = Quaternion()
		quaternion.z = sin(
		quaternion.w = cos(

		# prepare odometry
		self.odom.header.stamp = # OR TO TAKE ONE FROM THE EVENT?
		self.odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
		self.odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
		self.odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
		self.odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
		self.odom.twist.twist.linear.x = ds/dt
		self.odom.twist.twist.angular.z = dth/dt

		# publish odometry
Beispiel #15
    def publish(self, data):
        q = data.getOrientation()
        roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion([q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z])

        # print "Before ", "Yaw: " + str(yaw * 180 / pi), "Roll: " + str(roll * 180 / pi), "pitch: " + str(pitch * 180 / pi), "\n\n"

        array = quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw + (self._angle * pi / 180))

        res = Quaternion()
        res.w = array[0]
        res.x = array[1]
        res.y = array[2]
        res.z = array[3]

        roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion([q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z])

        # print "after ", "Yaw: " + str(yaw * 180 / pi), "Roll: " + str(roll * 180 / pi), "pitch: " + str(pitch * 180 / pi), "\n\n"

        msg = Imu()
        msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId
        msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        msg.orientation = res
        msg.linear_acceleration = data.getAcceleration()
        msg.angular_velocity = data.getVelocity()

        magMsg = MagneticField()
        magMsg.header.frame_id = self._frameId
        magMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        magMsg.magnetic_field = data.getMagnetometer()

Beispiel #16
def compare_all(data):
    global k 
    last_row = csv_data[k-frequency_offset]

    diff = Quaternion()
    diff.x = round(float(last_row[1])-convert_ppm(data.channels[3]),4)
    diff.y = round(float(last_row[2])-convert_ppm(data.channels[1]),4)
    diff.z = round(float(last_row[4])-convert_ppm(data.channels[0]),4)
    diff.w = round(float(last_row[5])+convert_ppm(data.channels[2]),4)

    if (k < len(csv_data)):
        row = csv_data[k]
        #log for post processing
        #joystick log
        c = csv.writer(open("/home/jinahadam/catkin_ws/src/testing/gps_joy.csv", "ab"))
        #rc Inn log
        c = csv.writer(open("/home/jinahadam/catkin_ws/src/testing/rc_in.csv", "ab"))

        msg = Joy()
	msg.axes = (float(row[1]),float(row[2]),float(row[3]),float(row[4]),float(row[5]),float(row[6]),float(row[7]))
        msg.buttons = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
	k = k + 1
        #k = 0
        print("Joystick & RC In data logged with GPS Time")
def quaternion_to_msg(q):
    msg = Quaternion()
    msg.x = q[0]
    msg.y = q[1]
    msg.z = q[2]
    msg.w = q[3]
    return msg
Beispiel #18
    def publish(self, data):
        if not self._calib and data.getImuMsgId() == PUB_ID:
            q = data.getOrientation()
            roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion([q.w, q.x, q.y, q.z])
            array = quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw + (self._angle * pi / 180))

            res = Quaternion()
            res.w = array[0]
            res.x = array[1]
            res.y = array[2]
            res.z = array[3]

            msg = Imu()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._frameId
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            msg.orientation = res
            msg.linear_acceleration = data.getAcceleration()
            msg.angular_velocity = data.getVelocity()

            magMsg = MagneticField()
            magMsg.header.frame_id = self._frameId
            magMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
            magMsg.magnetic_field = data.getMagnetometer()


        elif data.getImuMsgId() == CALIB_ID:
            x, y, z = data.getValues()
            msg = imuCalib()

            if x > self._xMax:
                self._xMax = x
            if x < self._xMin:
                self._xMin = x

            if y > self._yMax:
                self._yMax = y
            if y < self._yMin:
                self._yMin = y

            if z > self._zMax:
                self._zMax = z
            if z < self._zMin:
                self._zMin = z

   = x
            msg.x.max = self._xMax
            msg.x.min = self._xMin

   = y
            msg.y.max = self._yMax
            msg.y.min = self._yMin

   = z
            msg.z.max = self._zMax
            msg.z.min = self._zMin

Beispiel #19
def array_to_quaternion(nparr):
    quat = Quaternion()
    quat.x = nparr[0]
    quat.y = nparr[1]
    quat.z = nparr[2]
    quat.w = nparr[3]
    return quat
    def poll(self):
        (x, y, theta) = self.arduino.arbot_read_odometry()

        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0.0 
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = sin(theta / 2.0)
        quaternion.w = cos(theta / 2.0)
        # Create the odometry transform frame broadcaster.
        now =
            (x, y, 0), 
            (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.frame_id = "odom"
        odom.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        odom.header.stamp = now
        odom.pose.pose.position.x = x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.forwardSpeed
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.angularSpeed

        self.arduino.arbot_set_velocity(self.forwardSpeed, self.angularSpeed)

Beispiel #21
 def __init__(self):
  rospy.init_node('tf_listener') = rospy.Publisher('robot_odom', robot_odom, queue_size=10)
  wantedframe = self.frame_checker(frame)

  while not rospy.is_shutdown():

   #print 'position: \n',position,'\n','rotation: \n',self.quat_to_angle(rotation),'time: ', self.robot_odom.header.stamp
   print self.robot_odom,'\nangular: ',self.quat_to_angle(self.robot_odom.rotation)#self.normalize_angle(self.quat_to_angle(self.robot_odom.rotation))
Beispiel #22
def list_to_dict(lst):

    Convert a list to a pose dictionary, assuming it is in the order
    x, y, z, orientation x, orientation y, orientation z[, orientation w].

    if len(lst) == 6:
        qtn = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(lst[3], lst[4], lst[5])
    elif len(lst) == 7:
        qtn = Quaternion()
        qtn.x = lst[3]
        qtn.y = lst[4]
        qtn.z = lst[5]
        qtn.w = lst[6]
        raise MoveItCommanderException("""Expected either 6 or 7 elements
                in list: (x,y,z,r,p,y) or (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw)""")

    pnt = Point()
    pnt.x = lst[0]
    pnt.y = lst[1]
    pnt.z = lst[2]

    pose_dict = {
        'position': pnt,
        'orientation': qtn
    return pose_dict
    def get_nearest_cloud(self, msg):
        points = list()
        points_xy = list()
        # Get all the points in the visible cloud (may be prefiltered by other nodes)
        for point in point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True):

        # Convert to a numpy array            
        points_arr = np.float32([p for p in points]).reshape(-1, 1, 3) 
        # Compute the COG 
        cog = np.mean(points_arr, 0)
        # Convert to a Point
        cog_point = Point()
        cog_point.x = cog[0][0]
        cog_point.y = cog[0][1]
        cog_point.z = cog[0][2]
        #cog_point.z = 0.35
        # Abort if we get an NaN in any component
        if np.isnan(np.sum(cog)):
        # If we have enough points, find the best fit ellipse around them
            if len(points_xy) > 6:
                points_xy_arr = np.float32([p for p in points_xy]).reshape(-1, 1, 2)  
                track_box = cv2.fitEllipse(points_xy_arr)
                # Otherwise, find the best fitting rectangle
                track_box = cv2.boundingRect(points_xy_arr)
            angle = pi - radians(track_box[2])
        #print angle
        # Convert the rotation angle to a quaternion
        q_angle = quaternion_from_euler(0, angle, 0, axes='sxyz')
        q = Quaternion(*q_angle)
        q.x = 0.707
        q.y = 0
        q.z = 0.707
        q.w = 0

        # Publish the COG and orientation
        target = PoseStamped()
        target.header.stamp =
        target.header.frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
        target.pose.position = cog_point
        target.pose.orientation = q
        # Publish the movement command
Beispiel #24
def quat_product (qa,qb):
  	qc.w = qa.w*qb.w - (qa.x*qb.x + qa.y*qb.y + qa.z*qb.z)
  	qc.x = (qa.w*qb.x + qa.x*qb.w + qa.y*qb.z - qa.z*qb.y)
  	qc.y = (qa.w*qb.y - qa.x*qb.z + qa.y*qb.w + qa.z*qb.x)
  	qc.z = (qa.w*qb.z + qa.x*qb.y - qa.y*qb.x + qa.z*qb.w)

	return qc
Beispiel #25
    def publish(self, data):
        q = Quaternion()
        q.x = 0
        q.y = 0
        q.z = data[6]
        q.w = data[7]
        odomMsg = Odometry()
        odomMsg.header.frame_id = self._odom
        odomMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        odomMsg.child_frame_id = self._baseLink
        odomMsg.pose.pose.position.x = data[0]
        odomMsg.pose.pose.position.y = data[1]
        odomMsg.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odomMsg.pose.pose.orientation = q
        if self._firstTimePub:
            self._prevOdom = odomMsg
            self._firstTimePub = False

        velocity = Twist()

        deltaTime = odomMsg.header.stamp.to_sec() - self._prevOdom.header.stamp.to_sec()
        yaw, pitch, roll = euler_from_quaternion(
            [odomMsg.pose.pose.orientation.w, odomMsg.pose.pose.orientation.x, odomMsg.pose.pose.orientation.y,
        prevYaw, prevPitch, prevRollprevYaw = euler_from_quaternion(
            [self._prevOdom.pose.pose.orientation.w, self._prevOdom.pose.pose.orientation.x,
             self._prevOdom.pose.pose.orientation.y, self._prevOdom.pose.pose.orientation.z])
        if deltaTime > 0:
            velocity.linear.x = (data[8] / deltaTime)

        deltaYaw = yaw - prevYaw

        # rospy.loginfo("yaw: %f\t\tpevYaw: %f\t\tdeltaYaw: %f" % (yaw,prevYaw,deltaYaw))

        if deltaYaw > math.pi: deltaYaw -= 2 * math.pi
        elif deltaYaw < -math.pi: deltaYaw += 2 * math.pi

        if deltaTime > 0:
            velocity.angular.z = -(deltaYaw / deltaTime)

        # rospy.loginfo("deltaYaw after check: %f\t\t angular: %f" % (deltaYaw, velocity.angular.z))

        odomMsg.twist.twist = velocity

        self._prevOdom = odomMsg

        traMsg = TransformStamped()
        traMsg.header.frame_id = self._odom
        traMsg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime()
        traMsg.child_frame_id = self._baseLink
        traMsg.transform.translation.x = data[0]
        traMsg.transform.translation.y = data[1]
        traMsg.transform.translation.z = 0
        traMsg.transform.rotation = q

Beispiel #26
def quat_inverse (q):
	norm = sqrt(q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z)
  	q_inv.w = +q.w / norm
  	q_inv.x = -q.x / norm
  	q_inv.y = -q.y / norm
  	q_inv.z = -q.z / norm

	return q_inv
Beispiel #27
def quat_normalize(q):
  	qnorm = sqrt(q.w*q.w + q.x*q.x + q.y*q.y + q.z*q.z)
  	q1.w = q.w/qnorm
 	q1.x = q.x/qnorm
  	q1.y = q.y/qnorm
  	q1.z = q.z/qnorm

	return q1
Beispiel #28
 def only_yaw(self, quat, mag=1, add=0):
     _, _, yaw = euler_from_quaternion(self.quat_to_list(quat))
     quat_yaw = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, mag * yaw + add)
     ret_quat = Quaternion()
     ret_quat.x = quat_yaw[0]
     ret_quat.y = quat_yaw[1]
     ret_quat.z = quat_yaw[2]
     ret_quat.w = quat_yaw[3]
     return ret_quat
Beispiel #29
    def advance(self, dt):
        now = self.then + dt
        elapsed = now - self.then
        self.then = now
        if self.debug:
            print "advancing to t=%5.3f" % (self.then)

        ldist = dt * self.lwSpeed
        rdist = dt * self.rwSpeed

        d = (ldist + rdist)/2.0
        th = (rdist - ldist)/self.distanceBetweenWheels

        dx = d / dt
        dth = th / dt

        if (d != 0):
            x = math.cos(th)*d
            y = math.sin(th)*d # Does this differ from the create driver?  Should it?
            self.x = self.x + (math.cos(*x - math.sin(*y)
            self.y = self.y + (math.sin(*x + math.cos(*y)

        if (th != 0):
   = + th
   = % (2 * math.pi)
   = - (2 * math.pi) if > math.pi else

        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0.0
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = math.sin(
        quaternion.w = math.cos(

        # Most of the applications I'm working on don't need this.
        # self.odomBroadcaster.sendTransform(
        #     (self.x, self.y, 0),
        #     (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
        #     "base_link",
        #     "odom"
        #     )

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp =
        odom.header.frame_id = "odom"
        odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

        odom.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = dx
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = dth

 def _x_y_yaw_to_pose(self, x, y, yaw):
     position = Point(x, y, 0)
     orientation = Quaternion()
     q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw)
     orientation.x = q[0]
     orientation.y = q[1]
     orientation.z = q[2]
     orientation.w = q[3]
     return Pose(position=position, orientation=orientation)
Beispiel #31
def euler2quat(euler):
    q = Quaternion()
    cpsi = cos(0.5 * euler.z)
    spsi = sin(0.5 * euler.z)
    ctheta = cos(0.5 * euler.y)
    stheta = sin(0.5 * euler.y)
    cphi = cos(0.5 * euler.x)
    sphi = sin(0.5 * euler.x)
    q.w = cphi * ctheta * cpsi + sphi * stheta * spsi
    q.x = sphi * ctheta * cpsi - cphi * stheta * spsi
    q.y = cphi * stheta * cpsi + sphi * ctheta * spsi
    q.z = cphi * ctheta * spsi - sphi * stheta * cpsi

    return q
Beispiel #32
    def _BroadcastOdometryInfo(self, lineParts):
        partsCount = len(lineParts)
        # rospy.logwarn(partsCount)
        if (partsCount < 6):

            x = float(lineParts[1])
            y = float(lineParts[2])
            theta = float(lineParts[3])

            vx = float(lineParts[4])
            omega = float(lineParts[5])

            # quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta)
            quaternion = Quaternion()
            quaternion.x = 0.0
            quaternion.y = 0.0
            quaternion.z = sin(theta / 2.0)
            quaternion.w = cos(theta / 2.0)

            rosNow =

            # First, we'll publish the transform from frame odom to frame base_footprint over tf
            # Note that sendTransform requires that 'to' is passed in before 'from' while
            # the TransformListener' lookupTransform function expects 'from' first followed by 'to'.
                (x, y, 0),
                (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
                rosNow, "base_footprint", "odom")

            # next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS
            odometry = Odometry()
            odometry.header.frame_id = "odom"
            odometry.header.stamp = rosNow
            odometry.pose.pose.position.x = x
            odometry.pose.pose.position.y = y
            odometry.pose.pose.position.z = 0
            odometry.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

            odometry.child_frame_id = "base_footprint"
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = vx
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
            odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = omega
            # rospy.loginfo(odometry)

            rospy.logwarn("Unexpected error odomfrom   :" +
def numpy_quaternion_to_ros_quaternion(numpy_quaternion):
    Convert a quaternion from transforms to a ROS msg quaternion
    :param numpy_quaternion: a numpy quaternion
    :type numpy_quaternion: numpy.array
    :return: a ROS quaternion
    :rtype: geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion
    ros_quaternion = Quaternion()
    ros_quaternion.x = numpy_quaternion[0]
    ros_quaternion.y = numpy_quaternion[1]
    ros_quaternion.z = numpy_quaternion[2]
    ros_quaternion.w = numpy_quaternion[3]
    return ros_quaternion
Beispiel #34
def poseFromFloats(floatList):
    myPose = Pose()
    myPoint = Point()
    myQuaternion = Quaternion()
    myPoint.x = floatList[0]
    myPoint.y = floatList[1]
    myPoint.z = floatList[2]
    myQuaternion.x = floatList[3]
    myQuaternion.y = floatList[4]
    myQuaternion.z = floatList[5]
    myQuaternion.w = floatList[6]
    myPose.position = myPoint
    myPose.orientation = myQuaternion
    return myPose
def euler2quaternion(euler):
    q = Quaternion()
    cy = np.cos(euler[2] * 0.5)
    sy = np.sin(euler[2] * 0.5)
    cp = np.cos(euler[1] * 0.5)
    sp = np.sin(euler[1] * 0.5)
    cr = np.cos(euler[0] * 0.5)
    sr = np.sin(euler[0] * 0.5)

    q.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr
    q.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr
    q.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr
    q.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr
    return q
Beispiel #36
def init():
    global g_limb, g_orientation_hand_down, g_position_neutral, pos, posp, gripper
    g_limb = intera_interface.Limb('right')
    gripper = intera_interface.Gripper()
    # This quaternion will have the hand face straight down (ideal for picking tasks)
    g_orientation_hand_down = Quaternion()
    g_orientation_hand_down.x = 0.704238785359
    g_orientation_hand_down.y = 0.709956638597
    g_orientation_hand_down.z = -0.00229009932359
    g_orientation_hand_down.w = 0.00201493272073

    # g_orientation_hand_down.x = 0.65759208006
    # g_orientation_hand_down.y = 0.00507142331692
    # g_orientation_hand_down.z = 0.753339706619
    # g_orientation_hand_down.w = -0.00512087278968

    # This is the default neutral position for the robot's hand (no guarantee this will move the joints to neutral though)
    g_position_neutral = Point()

    # g_position_neutral.x = 0.449559195663
    # g_position_neutral.y = 0.16070379419
    # g_position_neutral.z = 0.212938808947
    g_position_neutral.x = 0.45371551183
    g_position_neutral.y = 0.0663097073071
    g_position_neutral.z = 0.0271459370863

    pos = Quaternion()
    pos.x = 0.704238785359
    pos.y = 0.709956638597
    pos.z = -0.00229009932359
    pos.w = 0.00201493272073

    posp = Point()
    posp.x = 0.45371551183
    posp.y = 0.2663097073071
    posp.z = 0.0401459370863
Beispiel #37
    def _BroadcastOdometryInfo(self, lineParts):
        partsCount = len(lineParts)
        if (partsCount < 6):

            x = float(lineParts[1])
            y = float(lineParts[2])
            theta = float(lineParts[3])

            vx = float(lineParts[4])
            omega = float(lineParts[5])

            #quaternion = tf.transformations.quaternion_about_axis(theta, (0,0,1))
            quaternion = Quaternion()
            quaternion.x = 0.0
            quaternion.y = 0.0
            quaternion.z = sin(theta / 2.0)
            quaternion.w = cos(theta / 2.0)

            rosNow =

            # first, we'll publish the transform over tf
                (x, y, 0),
                (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
                rosNow, "base_link", "odom")

            # next, we'll publish the odometry message over ROS
            odometry = Odometry()
            odometry.header.frame_id = "odom"
            odometry.header.stamp = rosNow
            odometry.pose.pose.position.x = x
            odometry.pose.pose.position.y = y
            odometry.pose.pose.position.z = 0
            odometry.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

            odometry.child_frame_id = "base_link"
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.x = vx
            odometry.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
            odometry.twist.twist.angular.z = omega



            rospy.logwarn("Unexpected error:" + str(sys.exc_info()[0]))
Beispiel #38
    def spinOnce(self):
        now =
        dT = now - self.last
        dT = dT.to_sec()
        self.last = now

        d_left = float(self.lticks - self.lastticks_l) / self.ticks_meter
        d_right = float(self.rticks - self.lastticks_r) / self.ticks_meter
        self.lastticks_l = self.lticks
        self.lastticks_r = self.rticks

        d = (d_left + d_right) / 2
        th = (d_right - d_left) / self.base_width

        self.dx = d / dT
        self.dr = th / dT

        if (d != 0):
            # calculate distance traveled in x and y
            x = cos(th) * d
            y = -sin(th) * d
            # calculate the final position of the robot
            self.x = self.x + (cos( * x - sin( * y)
            self.y = self.y + (sin( * x + cos( * y)
        if (th != 0):
   = + th

        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0.0
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = sin( / 2)
        quaternion.w = cos( / 2)
            (self.x, self.y, 0),
            (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w), now,
            self.base_frame_id, self.odom_frame_id)

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp = now
        odom.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id
        odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
        odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.dx
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.dr
Beispiel #39
    def sense(self):
        now =
        elapsed = now - self.then
        self.then = now
        elapsed = float(elapsed.seconds) + elapsed.microseconds / 1000000.
        d = self.create.d_distance / 1000.
        th = self.create.d_angle * pi / 180
        dx = d / elapsed
        dth = th / elapsed

        if (d != 0):
            x = cos(th) * d
            y = -sin(th) * d
            self.x = self.x + (cos( * x - sin( * y)
            self.y = self.y + (sin( * x + cos( * y)

        if (th != 0):
   = + th

        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0.0
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = sin( / 2)
        quaternion.w = cos( / 2)

            (self.x, self.y, 0),
            (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
  , "base_link", "odom")

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp =
        odom.header.frame_id = "odom"
        odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

        odom.child_frame_id = "base_link"
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = dx
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = dth


        packet = SensorPacket()
        for field in self.fields:
            packet.__setattr__(field, self.create.__getattr__(field))
Beispiel #40
    def update(self):
        now =
        if self.d_left_update and self.d_right_update and self.v_left_update and self.v_right_update:
            # distance traveled is the average of the two wheels
            d = (self.d_left + self.d_right) / 2
            # this approximation works (in radians) for small angles
            th = (self.d_right - self.d_left) / self.base_width
            # calculate velocities
            self.dx = (self.v_left + self.v_right) / 2
            self.dr = (self.v_left - self.v_right) / self.base_width

            if (d != 0):
                # calculate distance traveled in x and y
                x = cos(th) * d
                y = -sin(th) * d
                # calculate the final position of the robot
                self.x = self.x + (cos( * x - sin( * y)
                self.y = self.y + (sin( * x + cos( * y)
            if (th != 0):
       = + th

            # publish the odom information
            quaternion = Quaternion()
            quaternion.x = 0.0
            quaternion.y = 0.0
            quaternion.z = sin( / 2)
            quaternion.w = cos( / 2)
                (self.x, self.y, 0),
                (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),
      , self.base_frame_id, self.odom_frame_id)

            odom = Odometry()
            odom.header.stamp = now
            odom.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id
            odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
            odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
            odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0
            odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion
            odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id
            odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.dx
            odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0
            odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.dr
            self.v_left_update = True
            self.v_right_update = True
            self.d_left_update = True
            self.d_right_update = True
Beispiel #41
def euler_to_quaternion(yaw, pitch, roll):
    #from euler angle to quaternions:
    cy = cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = sin(yaw * 0.5)
    cp = cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cr = cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = sin(roll * 0.5)

    q = Quaternion()
    q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy
    q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy
    q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy
    q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy
    return q
Beispiel #42
def get_quat(orientation):
    quat = Quaternion()
    if orientation is None:
        quat.x = 0.0
        quat.y = 0.0
        quat.z = 0.0
        quat.w = 1.0
    elif('x' in dir(orientation)):
        quat.w = orientation.w
        quat.x = orientation.x
        quat.y = orientation.y
        quat.z = orientation.z
    elif len(orientation)==4:
        quat.x = orientation[0]
        quat.y = orientation[1]
        quat.z = orientation[2]
        quat.w = orientation[3]
        q2 = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(orientation[0],orientation[1],orientation[2])
        quat.x = q2[0]
        quat.y = q2[1]
        quat.z = q2[2]
        quat.w = q2[3]
    return quat
    def _set_initial_pose_of_eef(self):
        # End effector orientation is fixed.
        q = Quaternion()
        q.x = 0.642161760993
        q.y = 0.766569045326
        q.z = 0.000271775440016
        q.w = 0.00031241683589

        point = Point()
        pose = Pose()

        pose.position = point
        pose.orientation = q

        return pose, point, q
Beispiel #44
def makeMsg(data):
    pointMsg = Point()
    quatMsg = Quaternion()
    poseMsg = Pose()
    pointMsg.x = data['position']['x']
    pointMsg.y = data['position']['y']
    pointMsg.z = data['position']['z']
    quatMsg.x = data['rotation']['x']
    quatMsg.y = data['rotation']['y']
    quatMsg.z = data['rotation']['z']
    quatMsg.w = data['rotation']['w']

    poseMsg.position = pointMsg
    poseMsg.orientation = quatMsg
    return poseMsg
Beispiel #45
def heading_to_quaternion(heading):
    Converts a Euler yaw/heading angle to equivalent quaternion
    input: euler heading in radians
    output: nav_msgs.msg.Quaternion

    quat = tft.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, heading)

    quaternion = Quaternion()
    quaternion.x = quat[0]
    quaternion.y = quat[1]
    quaternion.z = quat[2]
    quaternion.w = quat[3]
    return quaternion
Beispiel #46
def numpy_quaternion_to_icv_quaternion(numpy_quaternion):
    Convert a quaternion from transforms to a icv msg quaternion

    :param numpy_quaternion: a numpy quaternion
    :type numpy_quaternion: numpy.array
    :return: a icv quaternion
    :rtype: geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion
    icv_quaternion = Quaternion()
    icv_quaternion.x = numpy_quaternion[0]
    icv_quaternion.y = numpy_quaternion[1]
    icv_quaternion.z = numpy_quaternion[2]
    icv_quaternion.w = numpy_quaternion[3]
    return icv_quaternion
def generate_stamped_pose(x=0, y=0, quaternion=None):
    if quaternion is None:
        quaternion = Quaternion()
        quaternion.x = 0
        quaternion.y = 0
        quaternion.z = 0
        quaternion.w = 0

    pose = Pose()
    pose.position.x = x
    pose.position.y = y
    pose.position.z = 0
    pose.orientation = quaternion

    return stamp_pose(pose)
Beispiel #48
def rpy_to_quat(roll, pitch, yaw):
    cy = math.cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = math.sin(yaw * 0.5)
    cp = math.cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = math.sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cr = math.cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = math.sin(roll * 0.5)
    q = Quaternion()
    q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy
    q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy
    q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy
    q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy

    return q
Beispiel #49
def euler_to_quaternion(yaw, pitch, roll):  # yaw (Z), pitch (Y), roll (X)
    cy = math.cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = math.sin(yaw * 0.5)
    cp = math.cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = math.sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cr = math.cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = math.sin(roll * 0.5)

    q = Quaternion()

    q.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr
    q.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr
    q.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr
    q.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr
    return q
    def publishOdometry(self, now):

        # publish the odom information
        quaternion = Quaternion()

        quaternion.x = 0.0
        quaternion.y = 0.0
        quaternion.z = sin( / 2)
        quaternion.w = cos( / 2)

        # TF Broadcaster

        tfOdometry = TransformStamped()
        tfOdometry.header.stamp = now.to_msg()
        tfOdometry.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id
        tfOdometry.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id

        tfOdometry.transform.translation.x = self.x
        tfOdometry.transform.translation.y = self.y
        tfOdometry.transform.translation.z = 0.0

        tfOdometry.transform.rotation.x = quaternion.x
        tfOdometry.transform.rotation.y = quaternion.y
        tfOdometry.transform.rotation.z = quaternion.z
        tfOdometry.transform.rotation.w = quaternion.w


        # Odometry

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp = now.to_msg()

        odom.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id
        odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion

        odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.getRollingMean(
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = 0.0
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.getRollingMean(

    def publish_odom(self, cur_x, cur_y, cur_theta, vx,vy, vth):
        # quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, cur_theta)
        pitch =0
        yaw = cur_theta
        cy = cos(yaw * 0.5)
        sy = sin(yaw * 0.5)
        cp = cos(pitch * 0.5)
        sp = sin(pitch * 0.5)
        cr = cos(roll * 0.5)
        sr = sin(roll * 0.5)

        quat = Quaternion()
        quat.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr
        quat.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr
        quat.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr
        quat.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr
        current_time =
        # br = tf.TransformBroadcaster()
        # br.sendTransform((cur_x, cur_y, 0),
        #                  tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, -cur_theta),
        #                  current_time,
        #                  "summit_base_footprint",
        #                  "odom")

        odom = Odometry()
        odom.header.stamp = current_time
        odom.header.frame_id = 'odom'

        odom.pose.pose.position.x = cur_x
        odom.pose.pose.position.y = cur_y
        odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0.0
        odom.pose.pose.orientation = quat

        odom.pose.covariance[0] = 0.01
        odom.pose.covariance[7] = 0.01
        odom.pose.covariance[14] = 99999
        odom.pose.covariance[21] = 99999
        odom.pose.covariance[28] = 99999
        odom.pose.covariance[35] = 0.01

        # odom.child_frame_id = 'summit_base_footprint'
        odom.twist.twist.linear.x = vx
        odom.twist.twist.linear.y = vy
        odom.twist.twist.angular.z = vth
        odom.twist.covariance = odom.pose.covariance
Beispiel #52
def toQuaternion(yaw):
    pitch = 0.0
    roll = 0.0
    cy = np.cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = np.sin(yaw * 0.5)
    cp = np.cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = np.sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cr = np.cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = np.sin(roll * 0.5)

    q = Quaternion()
    q.w = cy * cp * cr + sy * sp * sr
    q.x = cy * cp * sr - sy * sp * cr
    q.y = sy * cp * sr + cy * sp * cr
    q.z = sy * cp * cr - cy * sp * sr
    return q
def ToQuat(roll, pitch, yaw):
    cr = cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = sin(roll * 0.5)
    cp = cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cy = cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = sin(yaw * 0.5)

    q = Quaternion()

    q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy
    q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy
    q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy
    q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy

    return q
Beispiel #54
    def angle_to_quaternion(self, angle):
        Method to translate angles in degrees over Y axis to quaternions
        :param angle (int) degrees wrt Y axis
        :return geometry_msgs/Quaternion
        pyq = pyquaternion.Quaternion(
            axis=[0.0, 0.0,
                  1.0], degrees=angle)  # Rotation in degrees over Z axis

        q = Quaternion()
        q.x = pyq.x
        q.y = pyq.y
        q.z = pyq.z
        q.w = pyq.w
        return q
Beispiel #55
    def QuaternionGenerater(self, end, start):
        theta = self.angle_generater(end, start)

        quat = Quaternion()
        ax = 0
        ay = 0
        az = 1  #绕z轴旋转
        quat.x = ax * numpy.sin(theta / 2)
        quat.y = ay * numpy.sin(theta / 2)
        quat.z = az * numpy.sin(theta / 2)
        quat.w = numpy.cos(theta / 2)

        #or try this:
        #import maplib
        #(quat.x, quat.y, quat.z, quat.w) = maplib.angle_to_quat(theta)
        return quat
Beispiel #56
def eul2quaternion(rpy):

    sr = math.sin(rpy.x/2)
    cr = math.cos(rpy.x/2)
    sp = math.sin(rpy.y/2)
    cp = math.cos(rpy.y/2)
    sy = math.sin(rpy.z/2)
    cy = math.cos(rpy.z/2)

    q = Quaternion()
    q.w = cr*cp*cy + sr*sp*sy
    q.x = sr*cp*cy - cr*sp*sy
    q.y = cr*sp*cy + sr*cp*sy
    q.z = cr*cp*sy - sr*sp*cy

    return q
Beispiel #57
def quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw):
    cy = np.cos(yaw * 0.5)
    sy = np.sin(yaw * 0.5)
    cp = np.cos(pitch * 0.5)
    sp = np.sin(pitch * 0.5)
    cr = np.cos(roll * 0.5)
    sr = np.sin(roll * 0.5)

    q = Quaternion()
    # print(q)
    q.w = cr * cp * cy + sr * sp * sy
    q.x = sr * cp * cy - cr * sp * sy
    q.y = cr * sp * cy + sr * cp * sy
    q.z = cr * cp * sy - sr * sp * cy

    return q
Beispiel #58
def QuaternionMsgFromEuler(roll, pitch, yaw):
    q = Quaternion()
    cosRoll = math.cos(roll)
    sinRoll = math.sin(roll)

    cosPit = math.cos(pitch)
    sinPit = math.sin(pitch)

    cosYaw = math.cos(yaw)
    sinYaw = math.sin(yaw)

    q.w = cosRoll * cosPit * cosYaw + sinRoll * sinPit * sinYaw
    q.x = sinRoll * cosPit * cosYaw - cosRoll * sinPit * sinYaw
    q.y = cosRoll * sinPit * cosPit + sinRoll * cosPit * sinYaw
    q.z = cosRoll * cosPit * sinYaw - sinRoll * sinPit * cosYaw
    return q
def computeQuaternion(x0, y0, x1, y1):
    #rospy.loginfo("x0:"+str(x0)+",y0"+str(y0)+"      ,x1:"+str(x1)+",y1"+str(y1))
    y = np.arctan2(float(y1 - y0), float(x1 - x0))
    y = y
    p = 0
    r = 0
    #print '[x0:'+str(x0)+',y0:'+str(y0)+'] ' + ' [x1:'+str(x1)+',y1:'+str(y1)+'] '
    #print 'angle: '+str(180*y/math.pi)
    quat = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(r, p, y)
    quaternion = Quaternion()
    quaternion.x = quat[0]
    quaternion.y = quat[1]
    quaternion.z = quat[2]
    quaternion.w = quat[3]
    return quaternion
Beispiel #60
def getEulerToQuat(roll=0., pitch=0., yaw=0.):
    Transform euler angels to quaternion
    :param roll:
    :param pitch:
    :param yaw:
    :return: quaternion
    # type(pose) = geometry_msgs.msg.Pose
    q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw)
    quat = Quaternion()
    quat.x = q[0]
    quat.y = q[1]
    quat.z = q[2]
    quat.w = q[3]
    return quat