Beispiel #1
    def update(self):

        enabled = self.metadata.find("enabled")
        datastores = self.metadata.find("dataStores")
        coveragestores = self.metadata.find("coverageStores")

        if enabled is not None and enabled.text == 'true':
            enabled = True
            enabled = False

        self.datastore_url = atom_link(datastores)
        self.coveragestore_url = atom_link(coveragestores)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, catalog, node, workspace=None):
        # = node.find("name").text
        self.catalog = catalog
        self.href = atom_link(node) = None
        A short identifier for this store, unique only within the workspace

        self.enabled = False
        """ Should resources from this datastore be served? """

        self.workspace = workspace
        """ What workspace is the datastore a part of? """

        self.connection_parameters = dict()
        The connection parameters for this store, used by GeoServer to
        connect to the underlying storage.

        self.featuretypelist_url = None
        The FeatureType resources provided by this datastore

Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, catalog, node):
        self.catalog = catalog
        self.href = atom_link(node)

        self.datastores = []

        self.coveragestores = []

Beispiel #4
    def update(self):
        enabled = self.metadata.find("enabled")
        ws = self.metadata.find("workspace")
        connection_parameters = self.metadata.findall("connectionParameters/entry")
        feature_types = self.metadata.find("featureTypes")

        if enabled is not None and enabled.text == "true":
            self.enabled = True

        self.workspace = workspace.Workspace(self.catalog, ws) if ws is not None else None
        self.connection_parameters = dict((entry.attrib['key'], entry.text) for entry in connection_parameters) 
        self.featuretypelist_url = atom_link(feature_types)
Beispiel #5
    def update(self):
        type = self.metadata.find('type')
        enabled = self.metadata.find('enabled')
        ws = self.metadata.find('workspace')
        data_url = self.metadata.find('url')
        coverages = self.metadata.find('coverages')

        if enabled is not None and enabled.text == 'true':
            self.enabled = True
            self.enabled = False

        self.type = type.text if type is not None else None
        self.workspace = workspace.Workspace(self.catalog, ws) if ws is not None else None
        self.data_url = data_url.text if data_url is not None else None
        self.coveragelist_url = atom_link(coverages)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, catalog, node, workspace=None):
        self.catalog = catalog 

        self.href = atom_link(node) = None

        self.type = None

        self.enabled = False

        self.workspace = workspace

        self.data_url = None

        self.coveragelist_url = None

Beispiel #7
  def __init__(self,catalog,node):
    self.href = atom_link(node) = None
    self.catalog = catalog
    """The name of this layer"""

    self.attribution = None
    """Natural-language identification of the provider of the data for this layer"""

    self.attribution_link = None
    A URL to follow for more information about the provider of this layer's

    self.attribution_logo = None
    The URL to a logo image or other associated graphic for the provider of
    this layer's data.

    self.attribution_logo_size = None
    The size (width, height) of the logo image for the attribution, if it exists.

    self.attribution_logo_type = None
    The MIME type of the logo image for the attribution, if it exists.

    self.enabled = True
    """Should GeoServer expose this layer?"""

    self.default_style = None
    """The default style to use when rendering this layer."""

    self.styles = []
    The styles (other than the default) which should be advertised as
    applicable to this layer

Beispiel #8
 def __init__(self,catalog,node):
     self.catalog = catalog
     self.href  = atom_link(node)  = None
Beispiel #9
 def __init__(self, catalog, node):
     self.catalog = catalog = node.find("name").text
     self.href = atom_link(node)
Beispiel #10
  def __init__(self, catalog, node, store=None):
    self.catalog = catalog

    self.href = atom_link(node) = store
    """The store containing this coverage"""

    self.title = None
    A short label for this coverage, suitable for use in legends and
    layer lists

    self.abstract = None
    """A natural-language description of the data in this coverage"""

    self.keywords = None
    """A list of keywords identifying topics related to this coverage"""

    self.native_bbox = None
    A tuple of numbers identifying the extent of data in this coverage, in
    the projection used to actually store the data.  The format is (minx, maxx,
    miny, maxy).

    self.latlon_bbox = None
    A tuple of number identifying the extent of data in this coverage, in
    latitude/longitude.  The format is (minx, maxx, miny, maxy).

    self.projection = None
    A string identifying the coordinate system used for the data in this

    self.enabled = True
    Should GeoServer expose layers using this data?

    self.extra_config = dict()
    Extra key/value pair storage, for use by GeoServer extensions.

    self.dimensions = []
    """A list of names of the channels in this coverage, as strings."""

    self.native_format = None
    """A string identifying the format used to store this coverage"""

    self.grid = None
    """Information about the resolution and range of the pixels in this raster"""

    self.supported_formats = []
    A list of strings identifying formats that may be used to respond to
    queries against this coverage

    self.default_interpolation_method = None
    A string identifying the interpolation method that will be used if none is
    specified in a query against this coverage

    self.interpolation_methods = []
    A list of strings identifying interpolation methods that may be used to
    respond to queries against this coverage

    self.metadata_links = []
    A list of the metadata links for this featuretype, as (mimetype,
    metadatatype, url) tuples

    self.request_srs = None
    """ ??? """

    self.response_srs = None
    """ ??? """

Beispiel #11
  def __init__(self, catalog, node, store=None):
    self.catalog = catalog
    self.href = atom_link(node) = store
    """The store containing this featuretype"""

    self.title = None
    A short label for this featuretype, suitable for use in legends and
    layer lists

    self.abstract = None
    """A natural-language description of the data in this featuretype"""

    self.keywords = None
    """A list of keywords identifying topics related to this featuretype"""

    self.native_bbox = None
    A tuple of numbers identifying the extent of data in this featuretype, in
    the projection used to actually store the data.  The format is (minx, maxx,
    miny, maxy).

    self.latlon_bbox = None
    A tuple of number identifying the extent of data in this featuretype, in
    latitude/longitude.  The format is (minx, maxx, miny, maxy).

    self.projection = None
    A string identifying the coordinate system used for the data in this

    self.projection_policy = None
    Identifies the way that GeoServer will interpret the projection setting for
    this featuretype.  Must be one of FORCE_DECLARED, FORCE_NATIVE, or
    REPROJECT (provided in the geoserver.catalog module.

    self.enabled = True
    Should GeoServer expose layers using this data?

    self.extra_config = dict()
    Extra key/value pair storage, for use by GeoServer extensions.

    self.attributes = []
    """A list of names of the fields in this featuretype, as strings."""

    self.metadata_links = []
    A list of the metadata links for this featuretype, as (mimetype,
    metadatatype, url) tuples
