Beispiel #1

# output the top 3 champs
champs = 3
for i in range(champs):
    ind = hof[i]
    symplified_model = gep.simplify(ind)

    print('\nSymplified best individual {}: '.format(i))
    print("raw indivudal:")

# we want to use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
rename_labels = {'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'protected_div': '/'}
gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels,

# As we can see from the above simplified expression, the *truth model* has been successfully found.
# Due to the existence of Gaussian noise, the minimum mean absolute error (MAE) is still not zero even the best individual represents the true model.

# ## Visualization
# If you are interested in the expression tree corresponding to the individual, i.e., the genotype/phenotype system, *geppy* supports tree visualization by the `graph` and the `export_expression_tree` functions:
# - `graph` only outputs the nodes and links information to describe the tree topology, with which you can render the tree with tools you like;
# - `export_expression_tree` implements tree visualization with data generated by `graph` internally using the `graphviz` package.
# **Note**: even if the linear scaling is applied, here only the raw individual in GP (i.e., the one without linear scaling) is visualized.

# show the above image here for convenience
from IPython.display import Image
Beispiel #2

# output the top 3 champs
champs = 3
for i in range(champs):
    ind = hof[i]
    symplified_model = gep.simplify(ind)

    print('\nSymplified best individual {}: '.format(i))
    print("raw indivudal:")

# we want to use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
rename_labels = {'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'protected_div': '/'}  
gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels, 'GEP_MT_ET.png')

# As we can see from the above simplified expression, the *truth model* has been successfully found. Due to the existence of Gaussian noise, the minimum mean absolute error (MAE) is still not zero even the best individual represents the true model.

# ## Visualization
# If you are interested in the expression tree corresponding to the individual, i.e., the genotype/phenotype system, *geppy* supports tree visualization by the `graph` and the `export_expression_tree` functions:
# - `graph` only outputs the nodes and links information to describe the tree topology, with which you can render the tree with tools you like;
# - `export_expression_tree` implements tree visualization with data generated by `graph` internally using the `graphviz` package. 
# **Note**: even if the linear scaling is applied, here only the raw individual in GP (i.e., the one without linear scaling) is visualized.

# show the above image here for convenience
#from IPython.display import Image
Beispiel #3

# In[68]:

# we want to use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
rename_labels = {
    'add': '+',
    'sub': '-',
    'mul': '*',
    'protected_div': '/',
    'sin': 'sin',
    'cos': 'cos',
    'tan': 'tan'
gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels, 'results/heat_tree.pdf')

# ### Let's eyeball predicted vs actual data:

# In[76]:

#from matplotlib import pyplot
#pyplot.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [20, 5]
#pyplot.plot(predPE.head(plotlen))       # predictions are in blue
#pyplot.plot(holdout.ut.head(plotlen)) # actual values are in orange
#best_ind = hof[0]
#for gene in best_ind:
#    print(gene.kexpression)
# In this problem, the final solution *best* seems more complicated than the true function $f$. Thus, it would be quite helpful if we can get a simplified version of the model we found by removing all the redundancies for better comparison and verification.*geppy* has provided a convenient function `simplify()` to perform symbolic simplification of the individual (solution) by leveraging the `sympy` package.

# In[14]:

symplified_best = gep.simplify(best)
print('Symplified best individual: ')

# Clearly, after simplification the best individual evolved by GEP is just the ideal function $f$. More importantly, GEP can perform implicit variable (feature) selection effectively: though we provide it with four inputs, GEP only picks the three useful inputs `a, c, d`.

# ## Visualization
# If you are interested in the expression tree corresponding to the individual, i.e., the genotype/phenotype system, *geppy* supports tree visualization by the `graph` and the `export_expression_tree` functions:
# - `graph` only outputs the nodes and links information to describe the tree topology, with which you can render the tree with tools you like;
# - `export_expression_tree` implements tree visualization with data generated by `graph` internally using the `graphviz` package.

# In[15]:

rename_labels = {
    'and_': '&',
    'or_': '|',
    'not_': '~'
}  # we want use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
gep.export_expression_tree(best, rename_labels, 'data/bool_tree.png')

# In[17]:

# show the above image here for convenience
from IPython.display import Image
Beispiel #5
#Symbolic simplification of the final solution
# print the best symbolic regression we found:
best_ind = hof[0]
symplified_best = gep.simplify(best_ind)
from sympy import init_printing
#use str(symplified_best) to get the string of the symplified model
#we want to use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
rename_labels = {'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'protected_div': '/'}
gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels,
#show the above image here for convenience
from IPython.display import Image
#Plot maximum fitness values
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
max_Fitness_values ="max")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(max_Fitness_values, '-bo')  # predictions are in red
#Calculate the final estimated probability
Beispiel #6
#Symbolic simplification of the final solution
#print the best symbolic regression we found:
best_ind = hof[0]
symplified_best = gep.simplify(best_ind)
from sympy import init_printing

#use str(symplified_best) to get the string of the symplified model
#use symbol labels instead of words in the tree graph
rename_labels = {'add': '+', 'sub': '-', 'mul': '*', 'protected_div': '/'}
gep.export_expression_tree(best_ind, rename_labels, 'F:/GEP-LR/MPM-tree.png')
#show the above image here for convenience
from IPython.display import Image

#Plot maximum fitness values
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

max_Fitness_values ="max")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))
plt.plot(max_Fitness_values, '-bo')  # predictions are in red
fig.savefig('F:/GEP-LR/MPM-maxFitness.eps', dpi=300, format='eps')
#Calculate the final estimated probability