Beispiel #1
	def delete(self, act_str, do_exec = True):
		if not self._session.has_key('userid'):
			from germ.error.no_valid_keys import no_valid_keys
			raise no_valid_keys()


		del self._session['userid']
Beispiel #2
	def submit(self, act_str, do_exec = True):
		if self._session.has_key('userid'):
			from germ.error.no_valid_keys import no_valid_keys
			raise no_valid_keys()




		self._session['userid'] = self._attr_map['username'].get()
Beispiel #3
	def generate_keylist(self, act_str):
		# generate table references

		table_ref_vec = []
		for rel in self.__joins:
			table_ref_vec.append(rel.get_table_spec() + \

		table_ref = "\n   JOIN ".join(table_ref_vec)

		if len(self.__joins) == 0:
			# This should only happen if there are only non-relational
			# PKs.

			rel0 = self.__outer_joins.pop(0)

			# make sure the relation is registerated in the rel_map

			table_ref = rel0.get_table_spec()

			# TODO: find out if this is possible and handle it appropriately
			#if len(self.__outer_joins) > 0:
			#	rel1 = self.__outer_joins.pop(0)

			#	table_ref += "\n   OUTER JOIN " + rel1.get_table_spec() + \
			#			self.__get_join_cond(rel1)

			for rel in self.__outer_joins:
				table_ref += "\n   " + rel.get_outer_join() + " JOIN " + \
						rel.get_table_spec() + self.__get_join_cond(rel)
			for rel in self.__outer_joins:
				table_ref += "\n   " + rel.get_outer_join() + " JOIN " + \
						rel.get_table_spec() + self.__get_join_cond(rel)

		# generate search condition

		missing_lock = False
		missing_pk_lock = False
		pk_set = self.__ent.get_pk_set()
		#non_rel_missing_lock = False
		lock_cond = []
		to_lock_cond = []
		to_lock_vec = []
		for key, rel in self.__rel_map.iteritems():
			#from germ.error.error import error
			#error(error.debug, 'getting lock condition', 'key: %s, rel: %s' \
			#		% (key, rel))

			attr = self.__ent.get_attr_nocheck(key)

			if attr.is_locked():
				# TODO: pk_submit_relation should probably do something
				# different
				self.__add_lock_cond_if(rel, key, attr, lock_cond)
			elif attr.is_to_be_locked():
				self.__add_lock_cond_if(rel, key, attr, to_lock_cond)

				if attr.dyn_perm(act_str):
					missing_lock = True

					if key in pk_set:
						missing_pk_lock = True

				if len(self.__joins) == 0:
					return (missing_lock, missing_pk_lock)

				#if rel.is_outer_join():
				#	non_rel_missing_lock = True

		search_cond = []
		to_lock_search_cond = []
		for rel in self.__joins + self.__outer_joins:
			cond_str = rel.get_cond(act_str)

			if cond_str is None:

			cond_str = '(%s)' % self.__substitute_vars(cond_str)

			# TODO: Think about this.
			# This makes sure a check for uniqueness does not collide with the
			# entry itself.
			if rel.get_table() == self.__ent.get_name():
				if self.__ent.pks_locked():
					cond_str = '(%s OR (%s))' % (cond_str,
#			if act_str == 'edit' and rel.is_outer_join() and \
#					rel.get_table() == self.__ent.get_name():
#				if not self.__ent.pks_locked():
#					continue
#				cond_str = '(%s OR (%s))' % (cond_str,
#						self.__ent.get_attr_sql_pk_alias(rel.get_alias()))

			if len(self.__joins) == 0:
				cond_str = 'NOT ' + cond_str

			if rel.is_to_be_locked():
				# If we fail, simply omit the to_lock_search_cond in the
				# second query. This is a nasty trick that will allow us to
				# get our reference keys even though the join condition is
				# wrong. This will only work if the user interface behaves
				# nicely. If both the non-relational and the relational
				# keys are wrong, we have a problem (because invalid
				# relational keys will be conceived as correct)
				# Or no? Maybe this is not such a nasty trick after all.
				# The outer joins are easily controlled by the search
				# condition. Omitting it will have the same effect as if we
				# had not supplied the outer join at all. An outer join
				# will never give additional results. There can only be
				# fewer if the IS NULL condition is used.

		# generate sort order specification

		# preserve order given by entity definition
		key_vec = []
		for attr in self.__ent.get_attr_ids():
			if self.has_fk(attr):

		sort_spec = ", ".join(key_vec)

		# generate column specification

		col_spec_vec = []
		for key in key_vec:
			rel = self.__rel_map[key]
			col_spec_vec.append("\n   %s AS %s" % \
				(rel.get_colref(key), key))
			#col_spec_vec.append("\n   %s.%s AS %s" % \
			#	(rel.get_alias(), rel.get_realkey(key), key))

		col_spec = ", ".join(col_spec_vec)

		#from germ.error.error import error
		#error(error.debug, 'constructing search condition', 'search_cond: %s, ' \
		#		'lock_cond: %s, to_lock_cond: %s' % \
		#		(search_cond, lock_cond, to_lock_cond))

		# execute query

		res_ok, rset = self.__query_if(len(self.__joins), col_spec,
				table_ref, search_cond + to_lock_search_cond + lock_cond + \
				to_lock_cond, sort_spec)

		if len(to_lock_vec) != 0:
			if res_ok:
				# Assert key locks
				for key in to_lock_vec:
				# Possible scenario: User locks a non-relational key and in
				# combination with the locked parameters this results in an
				# empty result set.
				# So we simply tell the user this key is not available and
				# prompt for the same values again.
				for key in to_lock_vec:

					if key in pk_set:
						missing_pk_lock = True

				missing_lock = True

				if len(self.__joins) == 0:
					return (missing_lock, missing_pk_lock)

				res_ok, rset = self.__query_if(len(self.__joins),
						col_spec, table_ref, search_cond + lock_cond,

		# It's also possible that there are simply no valid entries available.
		# In this case the user interface should not give the possibility to
		# execute this action in the first place.
		if not res_ok:
			if missing_lock:
				#self.__key_map = dict(zip(key_vec, len(key_vec)*[[]]))
				# This can happen if user tampers with locked parameters or if
				# the user interface is buggy and changes locked parameters.
				# Thus, a reason for this error can be pre-locking (which is
				# essentially tampering with locked parameters), rasing a
				# no_valid_keys exception is probably reasonable.
				#from germ.error.error import error
				#from germ.txt import errmsg
				#raise error(, errmsg.invalid_key, 'entity: %s, ' \
				#		'action: %s, res_ok: %s, missing_lock: %s' % \
				#		(self.__ent.get_name(), act_str,
				#		res_ok, missing_lock))

			from germ.error.no_valid_keys import no_valid_keys
			raise no_valid_keys()

		if len(self.__joins) > 0:
			self.__key_map = dict(zip(key_vec, zip(*rset)))

		return (missing_lock, missing_pk_lock)