def cargar(self):, 'config', 'gestionacademia.conf'))
     for variable in self.lista_variables_general:
     for variable in self.lista_variables_tecnicos:
     for variable in self.lista_variables_financieros:
 def __init__(self):
     """Constructor for GestionacademiaView reads a graphical representation of
     the view from a glade file.
     # Look for the ui file that describes the ui.
     ui_filename = os.path.join(_config.get_data_path(), 'ui', 'GestionacademiaWindow.ui')
     if not os.path.exists(ui_filename):
         ui_filename = None
     # Initialise the view.
     View.__init__(self, builder=ui_filename, top='gestionacademia_window')
 def __init__(self, parent=None, stand_alone=True):
     """Constructor for CursoView reads a graphical representation of
     the view from a glade file.
     parent: The name of the window that spawned this one
     stand_alone: If true, this view is a window unto itself. If not,
         it is embedded in another window.
     # Look for the ui file that describes the ui.
     ui = os.path.join(_config.get_data_path(), 'ui', 'CursoDialog.ui')
     if not os.path.exists(ui):
         ui = None
     # Top window/widget check.
     if stand_alone: top_widget = 'curso_dialog'
     else: top_widget = 'sw_scroller'
     View.__init__(self, builder=ui, parent=parent, top=top_widget)
 def __init__(self, parent=None, stand_alone=True):
     """Constructor for PreferencesView reads a graphical representation of
     the view from a glade file.
     parent: The name of the window that spawned this one
     View.__init__(self, parent=parent)
     # Look for the ui file that describes the ui.
     ui = os.path.join(_config.get_data_path(), 
     # Top window/widget check.
     if stand_alone: top_widget = 'preferences_gestionacademia_dialog'
     else: top_widget = 'vbox_dialog'
     View.__init__(self, builder=ui, parent=parent, top=top_widget)
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
from reportlab.lib.styles import ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4,A5,landscape
from reportlab.lib import colors
from reportlab.lib.units import cm,mm
from reportlab.pdfbase import pdfmetrics
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import registerFontFamily
##from PIL import Image

capitulo = 'Cap %d' % 1
tema = 'Descripcion General del Edificio'
##logo ='./icons/logo.png')
logo = os.path.join(_config.get_data_path(), 'media', 'banner_eide.png')
##logo = 'el logo de 40x40pixels'
arquitecto = 'Nombre del arquitecto'
empresa = 'nombre de la empresa'
proyecto = 'Descripcion del proyecto'
situacion = 'poblacion, municipio'
referencia = 'referencia interna'

l1 = (1*cm, PAGE_HEIGHT-2.3*cm, PAGE_WIDTH-1.5*cm, PAGE_HEIGHT-2.3*cm)
l2 = (1*cm, 1.5*cm, PAGE_WIDTH-1.5*cm, 1.5*cm)
lineas = [l1,l2]

estiloencabezado = ParagraphStyle('',
                              fontName = 'DejaVuBd',
                              fontSize = 10,
                              alignment = 0,
Beispiel #6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file isls .. in the public domain
import os


from gestionacademia.utils import _config
mypath = _config.get_data_path()

import datetime
from sqlobject import *

from gestionacademia.models.database_model import *

def inicializar_cursos():
    print "Inicializamos la tabla de cursos con los datos buenos"
    Curso(nombre="Juniors 1", examen=None,nivel=None,precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Juniors 2", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Juniors 3", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Juniors 4", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Begginers 1", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Begginers 1", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Begginers 1", examen=None,nivel='A2',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Begginers 1", examen='KET',nivel='A2',precio=100)
    Curso(nombre="Elementary Jov.", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=140)
    Curso(nombre="Elementary Adu.", examen=None,nivel='A1',precio=140)
    Curso(nombre="Lower Intermediate Jov.", examen='KET',nivel='A2',precio=140)