def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
        # settings = sublime.load_settings("LaTeXTools.sublime-settings")
        # cwl_completion = settings.get('cwl_completion')

        if not CWL_COMPLETION:
            return []

        point = locations[0]
        if not view.score_selector(point, "text.tex.latex"):
            return []

        point_before = point - len(prefix)
        char_before = view.substr(get_Region(point_before - 1, point_before))
        if not _ST3:  # convert from unicode (might not be necessary)
            char_before = char_before.encode("utf-8")
        is_prefixed = char_before == "\\"

        completion_level = "prefixed"  # default completion level is "prefixed"
            settings = sublime.load_settings("LaTeXTools.sublime-settings")
            completion_level = settings.get("command_completion", completion_level)
        except:  # LaTeXTools settings are missing
        do_complete = {"never": False, "prefixed": is_prefixed, "always": True}.get(completion_level, is_prefixed)
        if not do_complete:
            return []

        line = view.substr(get_Region(view.line(point).a, point))
        line = line[::-1]

        # Do not do completions in actions
        for rex in ENV_DONOT_AUTO_COM:
            if match(rex, line) != None:
                return []

        completions = parse_cwl_file()
        # autocompleting with slash already on line
        # this is necessary to work around a short-coming in ST where having a keyed entry
        # appears to interfere with it recognising that there is a \ already on the line
        # NB this may not work if there are other punctuation marks in the completion
        if is_prefixed:
            completions = [(c[0], c[1][1:]) if _is_snippet(c) else c for c in completions]
        return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS | sublime.INHIBIT_EXPLICIT_COMPLETIONS)
    def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
        # settings = sublime.load_settings("LaTeXTools.sublime-settings")
        # cwl_completion = settings.get('cwl_completion')

        if not CWL_COMPLETION:
            return []

        point = locations[0]
        if not view.score_selector(point, "text.tex.latex"):
            return []

        point = locations[0]
        line = view.substr(get_Region(view.line(point).a, point))
        line = line[::-1]

        # Do not do completions in actions
        for rex in ENV_DONOT_AUTO_COM:
            if match(rex, line) != None:
                return []

        completions = parse_cwl_file()
        # autocompleting with slash already on line
        # this is necessary to work around a short-coming in ST where having a keyed entry
        # appears to interfere with it recognising that there is a \ already on the line
        # NB this may not work if there are other punctuation marks in the completion
        # since these are rare in TeX, this is probably ok
        if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == '\\':
            _completions = []
            for completion in completions:
                _completion = completion[1]
                if  _completion[0] == '\\' and '${1:' in _completion:
                    completion = (completion[0], _completion[1:])
            _completions = completions
        return (_completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS | sublime.INHIBIT_EXPLICIT_COMPLETIONS)
Beispiel #3
    def on_query_completions(self, view, prefix, locations):
        if not CWL_COMPLETION:
            return []

        point = locations[0]
        if not view.score_selector(point, "text.tex.latex"):
            return []

        point_before = point - len(prefix)
        char_before = view.substr(get_Region(point_before - 1, point_before))
        if not _ST3:  # convert from unicode (might not be necessary)
            char_before = char_before.encode("utf-8")
        is_prefixed = char_before == "\\"

        line = view.substr(get_Region(view.line(point).begin(), point))
        line = line[::-1]
        is_env = bool(BEGIN_END_BEFORE_REGEX.match(line))

        completion_level = "prefixed"  # default completion level is "prefixed"
        completion_level = get_setting("command_completion", completion_level)

        do_complete = {
            "never": False,
            "prefixed": is_prefixed or is_env,
            "always": True
        }.get(completion_level, is_prefixed or is_env)

        if not do_complete:
            return []

        # if it is inside the begin oder end of an env,
        # create and return the available environments
        if is_env:
            completions = parse_cwl_file(parse_line_as_environment)
            return completions

        # do not autocomplete if the leading backslash is escaped
        if ESCAPE_REGEX.match(line):
            # if there the autocompletion has been opened with the \ trigger
            # (no prefix) and the user has not enabled auto completion for the
            # scope, then hide the auto complete popup
            selector = view.settings().get("auto_complete_selector")
            if not prefix and not view.score_selector(point, selector):
            return []

        # Do not do completions in actions
        for rex in ENV_DONOT_AUTO_COM:
            if match(rex, line) != None:
                return []

        completions = parse_cwl_file(parse_line_as_command)
        # autocompleting with slash already on line
        # this is necessary to work around a short-coming in ST where having a keyed entry
        # appears to interfere with it recognising that there is a \ already on the line
        # NB this may not work if there are other punctuation marks in the completion
        if is_prefixed:
            completions = [(c[0], c[1][1:]) if _is_snippet(c) else c
                           for c in completions]
        return (completions, sublime.INHIBIT_WORD_COMPLETIONS | sublime.INHIBIT_EXPLICIT_COMPLETIONS)